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cPanel Articles [Questions 5]

Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel

Let's learn about cPanel, and how to navigate it"s many pages and functions. Making sure that your cPanel works at its best and set up just as you want it. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". One of the first things you should do is go to Preferences, and click on Update Contact Info. It is very important that you keep that information up-to-date so that you can receive any important email from your hosting company. You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works.

The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here. Stats. Scroll down, and on the left you can see important information about the account.

For example, it will show you how many email account you have, and how many you are allowed with your hosting account. It will give your bandwidth usage, show your home directory, and so much more. Scrolling down further, you will find information about the operating system, php version, the MySQL version and more.

The last stat is Server Status. Click on this link and it will take you to a page that will show you how the server you are on is performing. Green lights mean the server is performing properly.

Click the Go Back link to exit. Now let's look at the right side of the cPanel screen. The right side includes icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons allow you to do specific tasks within cPanel like checking your webmail, setting up databases, setting up email addresses and auto-responders. At the very bottom of the page is a link called Documentation. Documentation is the link to a comprehensive cPanel Manual where you can learn all there is to know about cPanel. This manual contains information about all the features of cPanel, and has sections on everything from common questions to something from every section in cPanel. It is always available from the home page of your cPanel. Something new in this version of cPanel is that you can rearrange the windows to suit your needs. For example, if you would like to have the window titled Mail on the top, you can move it by simply dragging and dropping the window where you want it. This ends the tutorial. You should now be more familiar with cPanel and some of its features.

To learn more, you can return to the cPanel Documentation link at the bottom of the cPanel main page. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Change Your cPanel Style

This tutorial will teach how to change your cPanel style. cPanel comes in a variety of styles and designs with different layouts and colors in all. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, go to the Preferences section. Click on the icon named Change Styles. NOTE: Changing the style of the cPanel does not change the way it works.

It only changes the way it looks. This takes you to a page of your choices of looks for your cPanel. Included are the current default version, and about 10 other choices. Select the one you like, and click the radio button. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the button marked Change Style.

That will take you to a verification screen, which will confirm your change. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to your newly styled cPanel home page.

You can change it at any time, and as many times as you wish. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to change the style of your cPanel to your own personal style. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Change Your cPanel Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your cPanel password. Please remember to make your password Strong and Secure. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your Client Area. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to The Client Area". Once logged in, at the top of the page you will find a link to "MY Services", Click it to go to the next page. On the next page you will find a listing of the hosting account(s) you have with us.

Find the account you want to change the cPanel password to. At the far right of that account listing you will find a small icon under "View Details". Click the icon and go to the next page. Scroll down the page and you will find your current username and password combination, and the fields where you can change your password to cPanel. Keep in mind you will also be changing your password for FTP access to your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Keep Your cPanel Contact Information Up To Date

This tutorial will teach you how to keep your contact information up to date in cPanel. It is important to keep your contact information up to date since our server uses this information to send critical email messages. Warnings about email accounts being "Close to Full" are sent here, giving you time to take action before the mail does bounce. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down the main page of your cPanel to the Preferences section. Click on the Update Contact Info. This will take you to a screen where you can enter your new contact email address. You may also set other preferences here. When you are done, click Save, and all your new information is on record. Click HOME and return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You should make sure to always keep your contact details up to date, and can do so by returning here at any time. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Login to cPanel

Before you can log into cPanel, you must open your Internet browser. This will work in whatever browser you are using. Click on your browser's address bar and enter the http address of your cPanel. The address of your cPanel would have been given to you in your welcome email from your hosting company.

There are two ways to login to cPanel: 1)Using an IP Address: The only way to access cPanel if your domain hasn't propagated yet It would look something like this- http://xx.xx.xx.123/cpanel 2) Using your Domain Name: Can only do this once your domain name is working This would be http://yourdomain.(com or net or whatever it is)/cpanel Enter either cPanel address in the address bar of your browser (either the IP Address, or the Domain Name).

The next pop-up screen will be a login, calling for your user name and password. They should have been given to you in your welcome email also. Fill in those two fields, and click ok.

That's all there is to it! You are now logged it to your cPanel and can begin to set up email accounts, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and many, many more feature! To exit cPanel, simply click on the Logout icon in the right hand corner, or simply close your browser window.

However, if you are using a public computer, always remember to logout instead of just closing the browser because of security concerns.

Databases Articles [Questions 15]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them.

A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely. There is a list of action links at the top of the window. You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure.

The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search. The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries.

The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer.

The Import link will import previously exported databases. The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases. If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties.

If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field. It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already.

We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts. The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it.

The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place. Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table. If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data. This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options. Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying.

So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go. A new screen will open in the right hand window.

It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time. Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table. There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go. Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column. In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button. The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place. Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it. That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box. Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name. Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side. There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field. You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table. If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen) Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel. This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database.

One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later. This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this. Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates. When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box.

Then click the Go button. You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer. If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side. That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file. Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK.

That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer. Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

How To Create A MySQL Database

Let's learn how to create a MySQL Database. MySQL Databases allow you to store lots of information in an easy to access manner.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Database section, and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

This will take you to the main MySQL Databases page. There is a box below the heading Create New Database. Type the name of your new database into this box. For example, something like myinfo, or mydata. Then click on Create Database button. This will take you to the verification screen, showing that the database has been created. Now you need to create and add a user to this database. Click the Go Back link. Under the heading of Add New User, enter a new user to be added to your database in the Username box. You then need to enter and re- enter a password for the user. Click on the Create User button. This takes you to a screen to confirm that the user has been successfully created. Now you need to link the user to the database. Click on the Go Back link. In the section where it says Add User to Database, check to make sure that the correct user and the correct database are selected here.

NOTE: You will see that the username of the hosting account has been added to the beginning of both the user and the database with an "_" underscore between them. If the user and database are both correct, click on Submit to add the user to the database. This will take you to a screen called Manage User Privileges. You can assign All Privileges to the user by checking the top box, then click Make Changes. This will take you to the final verification screen, that will confirm all the information. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to setup more databases,(as allowed by your hosting plan) add or remove users or delete databases at any time. Return to the main cPanel page by clicking HOME in the upper left corner. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create a Default Email Account

Now let's set our Default (or catchall) email address. The default email address will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel" Scroll to the section on Mail, and click on the Default Address link. This will take you to a screen where you set your default email address. All emails sent to an address you have not defined will go to the email address you enter here. Initally, your default POP address is set as your catch-all account. For example, would give you an initial default address of

In this tutorial we are going to change this, as most people don't use their default POP accounts.

In the line with the radio button marked "Forward to email address" enter into the box the email address you want to use as the default address. Then click the change button. Your default email address has now been set. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your default email account (catch-all) so that all unrouted email that is received by your domain is sent to a specific email address. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database.

You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it. It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it. let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt. The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted. Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table.

Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button. This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button. The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example. Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it.

This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side. Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it. At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table. You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button. This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field. When you are done, click on the Save button.

That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields. Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab. This will give you several new windows.

One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it, click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found. In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer, click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file. Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close. Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages. Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example. To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides. The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them.

The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried. Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify.

Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row. Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done. The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change. You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name.

The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place. To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected. Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options".

The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box. When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table).

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands. Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database. You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' .

Then when you are done, you click on Go. A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table. For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here.

Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place. Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database. You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search. The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

DNS Articles [Questions 17]

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed. When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue.

You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next.

You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided. Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered.

Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name.

The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted. Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button. The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes.

Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

You that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully.

Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue. Click OK.

You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Billing Articles [Questions 1]

How do I update the credit card associated with billing for my account?

You can add/edit the card associated with your account using the info below: Login at In the top left "Your Info" section, click Update. Verify that the address info in the "My Details" form matches your billing address and update as needed. In the My Account sidebar, click on the "Billing Information" link. From this screen, you can delete the existing card on record, or add a new card.

Client Area Articles [Questions 10]

Creating and Managing Support Tickets in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to create and manage support tickets in the client area. Support tickets are a great way of communicating with us when you are looking for support, such as having questions answered, reporting problems, or asking for assistance. The ticket system leaves a paper trail for both you and us to follow so that we both know that the issues were resolved. It also gives you a record of the answer, in case the problem arises again. Then all you need to do is look at the tickets, and you have your answer already! This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the Client Area page, in the client area menu, click on My Support Tickets. This takes you to the Support Ticket Page, where you will click on Submit Ticket. You are now in the Submit Ticket area, where you can create and send tickets to the department of your choice. Select the department you would like to send the ticket to. The ticket will open with your information filled in. Enter a subject in the subject line. Then enter your ticket details in the big box. When you are ready, click Submit. You have now successfully submitted a support ticket, and a copy of it has been emailed to you. To manage an already submitted ticket, click on the My Support Tickets link. You will see any tickets listed that you have submitted, along with their status.

If the ticket is open, and you wish to add more to it, click on the Subject to open it. You can scroll down and add more details. You may also mark the ticket closed from the client area. Click the Client Area in the You are here list. This returns you to the Client Area, and ends this tutorial. You now know how to submit and manage a support ticket in your client Area.

How to Change Your Client Area Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed. Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.

How to Login to The Client Area

We begin to login at the Portal Home. This is the Login Page for the Client Area of Hostveda. It contains a line for the email address and a password. They are different than the login details for your cPanel. Enter your email address. Then enter your Hostveda Password. Now click on Login. That's all. You are now logged in to Hostveda and can begin to manage your hosting services, invoices, billing information, and more. When you are done, click on the Logout Link in the upper right corner. You are now logged out of the account. There is a Click here to Continue link. Click that link. This will take you to the Portal Home. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to login to hostveda.

How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area

This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of WHMCS. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar. Your hosting company may have one or may have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item. This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company. When you are done, click Update Cart. The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button.

This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method.

Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button. You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in WHMCS.

How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in WHMCS. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services your hosting company charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice. For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. Note that some payment methods will require the invoice to be manually marked as paid. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in WHMCS.

How to Register a Domain Name in the Client Area

You will learn how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area in this tutorial. It is a simple process, with only a few steps. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". You are in the Client Area. At the "You are here" line at the top of the page, you need to click on the Portal Home link, which will take you to that page. About half-way down, on the right hand side is a link called Order. Click on this Link. This takes you to a page where you can Browse Products & Services. On the Menu Bar, click on the Register Domain link. You will be taken to a new page called Register a Domain Name. In the blank box, enter the domain name you would like to register. Choose the top level domain (TLD) you would like from the drop-down box at the end of the line, whether it is .com, .net, .org, or something else. Then click on the Check Availability button below the box. If the name is available, it will be listed in a box below, called Choose Domains. Sometimes, more than one (TLD) is available, and you may have a choice. Choose the one you want, and click on the Add To Cart button. The next screen will allow you to make any add-ons to your domain that you wish, such as adding a hosting package. Click Update Cart to move to the next screen.

You are now at your shopping cart. After you verify all the information is correct.

Click on the Checkout Button. On the next screen, you need to scroll down and choose your payment method. Add any notes, or additional information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button at the bottom of the page. WHMCS will now generate an Invoice with all the information for the domain you just registered. Click on the Back to The Client Area at the bottom of the page. Now click on the Client Area in the You are Here menu. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to register a domain name in WHMCS Client Area.

How to Update Your Billing Information in the Client Area

Your billing information is located in the Client Area, and this tutorial will teach you how to update all your necessary billing details. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the client area menu bar, click on the My Details link. In the My Details screen, you will see your details, including name, address and phone number. In order for payments to be properly processed, this information must be correct. Please confirm all the details. The next step is to click on the Change Credit Card Details link in the menu bar. You can update your card information, such as expiration date. You can also add a new card. After making any needed changes, click on the Save Changes button. Click the Client Area link. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to update your billing information in the Client Area of WHMCS.

How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area

This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current, so that your hosting company can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button. You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.

Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

CMS Articles [Questions 30]

An Overview of the Different User Types of Joomla

This tutorial will help you understand the four different user types of Joomla and what each can do. A Joomla site is just an empty shell without an active user base. The first user group is the Registered group. This group does not have any kind of access to write, edit, or publish articles on a Joomla site. Second, we have the Author group. Authors are allowed to submit content to a Joomla site. They can edit their own articles, but no one else's. They cannot publish content. Typically, when logged in as an author, you will see links appear, that say things such as Submit an article, Submit a Web Link, etc.The third group is called Editor. Editors can edit other people's content as well as their own. They still can't publish anything however. You will now see an edit icon (paper and pencil) next to each article. The last group is Publisher. There is now an option visible that indicates published, yes or no. Except for that, publisher is no different from an Editor. Every Joomla content item must be published before it is visile to everyone, so Publishers get the final say for content posted to a site. This completes this tutorial. You now know the four user groups of Joomla.

How to Add Custom HTML to Your Joomla Site

This tutorial is going to show you how to add custom HTML to your site in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. In the menu bar in the upper menu, click on Extensions, then on Module Manager. This will open a window that will show you all your modules. If some are missing, go to the bottom of the page, and make sure the Show ___to a page is set to show All. This will bring them all up for you to view. Manager page, scroll right and click on New. From the list of available new modules, select Custom HTML. Scroll right, and click on Next. On the Module edit form, start by entering a title for your new Module. The next option is Show Title. If this is set to Yes, the module name will be displayed on the front-end. Scroll down to the text box. In the icons for the editor, you will see a small HTML icon. Click on this icon. This gives you an HTML Source Editor box. Enter your HTML code here. When you are done, click update in the lower left corner. Scroll up, and in the right hand column you will see a section called Parameters. Where it says Module Class Suffix, enter the suffix for the CSS class of this module, such as -html. For example, the CSS class name of this module could be .example-html. Click the save button in the upper right corner, and the custom HTML module will now appear on the front-end. That is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to add custom HTML to your Joomla site.

How to Change Your Front Page Content in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to change your front page content in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The front page manager allows you to choose what content will show up on the home page of your Joomla site. On the upper menu bar, click on content. In the drop-down menu, select Front Page Manager. This will open a window that lists all your front page articles. To publish an article, simply click the red x next to the item. In the next column, use the up and down arrows to set the order in which the articles will appear. To add previously created articles to the front page, Click on Content in the upper menu bar, then select Article Manager. You will open a window that lists all your articles. Any article with a check in the Front Page column will show up in the front page manager. If you wish to add an article to the front page, simply click the red x in the Front Page column, and as always make sure you save your work. Return to the front page manager, where the new article will now be listed. You can now view your front page and see that the new article has been added. That is it. You now know how to change your front page content in Joomla.

How to Change Your Header in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to change your header in WordPress. You will need to be logged in to your WordPress, and on your Dashboard page. On the left hand side, about half way down, click on the Appearance Menu Item. This will bring out a drop down menu, which contains the items Themes, Widgets, Menus, Background, Header and Editor. Click on Header. This will open a page called Custom Header, with a preview of the current header. You can click on Browse to upload your own header, or select one from the list to use. Below the sample headers are buttons to remove the header, or restore the original header image. When you are satisfied, click the Save Changes button. The new header has now been saved. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to change the header in WordPress.

How to Change the Default Admin's Username in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to change the default Admin's Username in Joomla. You need to be logged in to your Joomla account, and at your admin panel. From the menu at the top left, select and click on Site. Now from the drop-down, click on User Manager. This will open the User Manager screen. Check the box next to the administrator. Scroll right, and click on Edit in the upper right corner. This will open a User Edit window. The left hand box is User Details. Simply enter a new name in the Username field. You can also change the password. When you are done, click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will now verify that the changes were successfully saved. On the User Manager screen, you will be able to see the changed name in the Username column. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to change the admin username in Joomla.

How to Configure Your Settings in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your settings in WordPress. You should log in, and go to your dashboard. On the left hand side, click on Settings on the menu. This will open the General Settings page. Here is where you can change the blog title, tagline, and URL. You can change membership, and allow anyone to register. Scroll down the page. There is a section for you to choose the format for the date and the time. Select the day to begin your week on. When you are done, click the save changes button. The screen will now show that your settings have been saved. Scroll down. In the menu column, on the left hand side, under the settings header you will find the following sub-headings: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Privacy and Permalinks. Select the Writing settings. On the Writing Settings page, you can edit the settings relateed to writing posts. You can select a size for the post box, and enter it on the first line. Scroll down, and you can set up email posting. When you are done, click the Save Settings, and the next page will verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down, on on the menu click on the Reading settings. When the Reading Settings opens, you can set things like how many blog pages to show. You can select whether to show the full text or a summary of each article in a feed. When you are satisfied, scroll down and click on Save Changes. The page will open to verify that your settings were saved.

Scroll down and click on Discussion in the main menu in the left hand column. This will open the Discussion Settings page, where you can change things that relate to comments and avatars. You can select a box to force users to log in to comment. This is where you would disallow unapproved comments, or make sure that an administrator must always approve comments. You can determine the rating you wish to give your blog, and set the default avatar. When you are done, click Save Changes, and the new page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and select Media from the menu on the left hand side. This is where you can change settings like the maximum allowed image dimensions and image alignment. Scroll down and go to Privacy Settings from the left hand menu. This is where you will decide whether or not to allow bots and search engines to access your blog. Click the save changes button. Finally, go to the Permalinks settings on the menu. Here, you can decide what type of URL structure is used for your blog. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to configure your settings in WordPress.

How to Edit Your Profile in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to edit your profile in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the left hand column, expand the Users option by clicking on it. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Your Profile. This will open the Profile screen. On the screen you can edit options relating to the visual editor and color scheme. Scroll down. Under the section called Name, enter your first and last name. You can scroll down, and will find a box called Biographical Info. Here you can enter some bio info about yourself if you wish. When you are done, Click the Update Profile button. The next page will verify that your profile has been updated. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to edit your profile in WordPress.

How to Install WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial it to teach you how to install WordPress directly from You will need to go there - to Scroll to the right. You will see a download button for the latest and most stable release of WordPress. Click this button. On the next page, choose your version, and save the file. Now go to where it was downloaded. Unzip the folder and extract the files.Now open the folder. You will now need to upload the entire WordPress folder to your server using an FTP manager of your choosing. Once the files have been uploaded, go to your site in your web browser. You will now see the message that you need to create a configuration file. This is simple to do, just click on the Create Configuration File Button. The next screen will give you a short list if information that you will need for your configuration file. You will need 1. Database name, 2. Database username, 3. Database password, 4. Database host, and 5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database.). If you have this information, click the Let's Go button and continue. Enter the information in the correct boxes on the following pages. You will need your MySQL username and password. When the boxes are filled in to your satisfaction, scroll down and click on Submit. On the next page, it will indicate you are ready to run the install now.

Click on the button, and Run Install.

You are now at the famous five minute WordPress Installation Process. Fill in the information asked for, and if you wish to change it later it is simple to do. Under Site Title, give your blog a title. Enter a password twice, or one will generated for you. Add and double check your email. Click the button at the bottom to install WordPress. The following screen will show Success! Click to Log in. Enter your username and the password you chose. You can check the Remember Me box to automatically log you in from now on. Click Log In. This is your admin panel where you can manage your blog and its settings. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to install WordPress directly from

How to Log in to Your New Joomla Account

This tutorial will teach you how to log into your new Joomla Account. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Once you have registered and activated your account if necessary, you will then be able to log in. Scroll down, and on the right hand side, enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes. Check the Remember Me box if you are not on a public computer, and you wish to be logged in automatically next time. Click the Login button. That's it. You are now logged in to your Joomla account. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to log in to your new Joomla account.

How to Manage Articles in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage articles in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to Joomla and on you admin panel. Joomla organizes articles into sections and categories. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. You will need to begin by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left side. From the drop-down menu select Article Manager. An this page, you can perform many operations. Here you can archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish, copy, move, edit or delete articles. You can also create new articles. To unarchive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article you wish to unarchive. Now click on the Unarchive Icon in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that the operation was successful. To Archive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article. Click on the Archive icon in the upper right corner. Again, you will get a message that the operation was successful. Archived articles are retained on the site as unpublished and cannot be published to other pages until they are unarchived. To publish an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Publish icon in the upper right corner. To unpublish, select the the article, and click the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Any articles that appear on the front page are marked with a green check mark.

To make an article show up on the front page, click the red X in the front page column. Articles can be moved or copied to different categories. To move an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a Move Articles page. In the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to move the article to, by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save button in the upper right corner. You will now see a message that the move was a success. To copy an article, select the article you wish to copy, and click the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open the Copy Articles page, and from the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to copy the article to by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save Icon in the upper right corner. To delete an article, click in the checkbox of the selected article, and scroll over. Click on the Trash icon, and the screen will verify that the article has been sent to the trash. Editing an article begins by selecting the article to edit by marking the checkbox in front of the article. Scroll over and click on the Edit icon. This opens the article in an edit screen format. Make any changes, and click the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new article, begin by scrolling right, and clicking on New in the upper right corner. This will open a new article screen. Begin by entering a Title. Next is an alias. This is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering this alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically covering the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. You may manually enter an alias, if you want. Next, choose the section this article should belong to. If there is more than one category under the section you chose, you will need to select that too. By default, Published is set to yes, so if you don't want to publish this article just yet you will need to change it to no. Select whether this article should appear on the front page. In the large box, type your article, using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. Click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that your article has been saved, and you will see it in the list of articles. Looking across, you can see if it is published, on the front page, what section, and other information. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to manage article in Joomla.

How to Manage Categories in WordPress

This tutorial will help you learn how to manage your categories in the WordPress program. You should begin by logging in to WordPress, and going to your Dashboard. In the left hand column you will find your menu items. Click to expand the Posts option. This will give you the options of Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Categories. This takes you to a Categories screen. To Add a New Category, type the name as you would like it to appear on your site in the name box. Below that box, is a box to type in the "slug", which is the URL-friendly version of the name. Scroll down, and if you wish you can choose to select a category parent. Enter a brief description in the box. When you are ready, click on the Add New Category button. On the Categories Page, you can quickly edit a category's information. Select the category you wish to edit, and in the right hand column click on the quick edit link below the appropriate category. Make any changes, or click cancel. Delete a category by clicking on the delete link in the same area. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the category. Click OK to confirm. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage categories in WordPress.

How to Manage Global Settings in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage the Global Setting in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. Make sure that your configuration.php file, which is located in your Joomla root directory is writable. Otherwise some changes will not be saved. Begin by clicking on Site, in the upper left corner of the main panel. From the drop-down menu, select Global Configuration. The first set of options you will see are your site options. These will allow you to set the site to offline mode, change the offline message, or change the site name. When you set the site to offline, it allows only administrators to access it. This is useful for editing the site when you don't want other people to see it. To change it to offline, change the radio button to yes, and scroll right. Click on the green check, or the Apply button. You may preview the site by clicking on the preview icon in the upper right corner. The SEO settings allow you to optimize URLs for search engines, rewrite URLs, or add suffixes to them. Scroll down and to the left and you will see Metadata Settings. Here you can edit your meta descriptions and keywords. The more descriptive your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site through the search engines. Scroll up. The next set of options is System. Here you can change settings related to the system, such as cache, session, andd debugging.

The User Settings here allow you to turn user registration off, set the group users are added to by default, and require new users to activate their account through email before they can log in. Scroll down and you will see Media Settings. This lets you choose what file extensions are able to be uploaded by users, set the maximum file size, change the folder paths, restrict uploads, etc. For a short description about what each option does, hover the mouse over the name. Scroll up. The last section is Server. This is where you can change your Server, Locale and FTP settings. Scroll right, and you will see where you can change your Database and Mail settings. This concludes this tutorial. You now know all about what to find in the Global Setting in Joomla and how to Manage it.

How to Manage Modules in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to manage modules in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The Module Manager is where you can add and edit modules, which are used to display content and media around the main content. Begin by clicking on Extensions in the upper main menu. In the drop-down, select module manager. This will open a new page, from which you can enable, disable, copy, delete, edit, or create modules. Disabled modules are indicated by a red X. To enable a module, select the checkbox next to the item, and then click on Enable in the upper right hand menu The red X will become a green check mark. To disable a module, select it by clicking on the checkbox in front of the chosen module. Then click on the Disable icon in the upper right corner, and the green check will turn into a red circle with a white X inside it. To copy an existing module, select the box. Now click on Copy in the upper right corner. The new copy will appear in your list as Copy of....... To edit the copy, or any module, select the module with a check in the box in front of the chosen module. Scroll right and click on edit in the upper right menu. This will open a window that will allow you to make any necessary changes to the module. When you are done, click on Save, and your module is up to date.

If this is a copied module you are editing, remember that copies are always disabled. You will need to enable them to make them work. To create a new module, click on new in the upper right corner. This will present a page that will allow you to choose the type of module you would like to create. There are many choices, ranging from navigation items, to articles, to photos, and everything in between. Select the module type you would like to create, and then scroll right and click on next. Each module has different options that you can set. Fill in the necessary information. Click Save. You can now see your new module in the module manager list. The last thing is to learn how to reorder the list. Scroll down, and click the green arrows to move items up and down the list. That completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage modules in Joomla, and can add, edit, copy, delete, create and much more.

How to Manage Pages in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to manage pages in WordPress. You will need to log in to WordPress, and open your Dashboard. In the left hand column, you will see the item Pages. Click on this Link. It will drop down and display two items, Pages and Add New. Click on Add New. On the new screen, you will see a block to enter the Title for the new page. Enter the title. In the big block below, enter the page content. In the right hand column is a section called Page Attributes. You can select the parent page there, using the drop down menu. When you are all done, click on the Publish button in the right hand column. To view all of your pages, go to pages in the menu in the left hand column. Click on pages in the drop down menu. That will open the Pages section. You will see link such as Edit, Quick Edit, Trash and View. If you click on View, you can see the page you just created. By clicking on Trash, you can Delete the page.This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage pages in WordPress.

How to Manage Users in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage users in your WordPress program. You will need to open WordPress, and go to your Dashboard. In the left hand menu column, click on the Users option. This will expand the list to include Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Add New. This opens the Add New User screen. On the first line, enter a username. The second line requires you to add an email address. Now add the users First and Last Names, Web site if they have one, and enter a password twice. Scroll down and click the Add User button. To delete a User, select Users under the users menu on the left hand side of the dashboard. Place a checkmark in the box in front of the name of the user you wish to delete, and click on the delete link below the appropriate name. This will take you to a confirmation page, where you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click the button to confirm. The user has now been deleted. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add and delete users in WordPress.

How to Manage Your Plugins in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage your plugins in WordPress. First you need to log in and go to your Dashboard. On the left hand side you will see a column of items. Near the bottom is Plugins. Click on this link and expand the menu. You will see Plugins, Add New and Editor. Click on Plugins. The page that comes up will show you a list of all your installed plugins. At the bottom of each individual plugin are three links - Activate, Edit and Delete. To Activate any plugin, click on its Activate link. At the top of the page, is a link to Add New plugins. Click on the Add New, and it will take you to a Install Plugins page. To find more plugins, you may browse the WordPress Plugin Directory simply by clicking on the link in the top paragraph. To Edit plugins, click on the Editor in the menu on the left hand side. This will allow you to select and edit your plugins. However, this is only for the advanced user, as editing can break the plugin rather easily. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage your plugins in WordPress.

How to Register a New User Account in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to register a new user account in Joomla. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Scroll down, and click on Create an account. In the registration section, type your name. Next type a username. Now put down your email address. Next select a password, and enter it twice to verify it. Scroll down, and click on Register. If the Joomla site you are visiting has email activation on, you will need to go to your email and click the link in the email that's sent automatically before you will be ale to login. That's it! You now know how to register a new user account in Joomla.

How to Specify What Media Can be Uploaded in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to specify what media can be uploaded in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and and at your admin panel. In order to specify wha types of media can be uploaded to your site, you will need to set the allowed file extensions. Begin by clicking on Site on the top menu. Select and click on Global Configuration from the drop-down menu. When the Global Configuration window opens, go to the System settings tab. Scroll down. You will see a box called Media Settings. The first item in the box is Legal Extensions (File Types). Next to Legal Extensions, enter the file types you want to allow and separate each with a comma. You can also change the maximum file size, and the paths to the media and image folders here. If you would like to allow any users to be able to upload files, click the No radio button next to Restrict Uploads. Scroll up and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. The window will show a verification that your changes have been updated and saved. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to set the specifications for what media file extensions can be uploaded in Joomla.

How to Use the Category Manager in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to use the Category Manager in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. Click on Content in the upper Menu Bar. Now select Category Manager. This will open a page that lists your categories. Here you can publish, unpublish, move, copy, or delete categories or even create new ones. To publish a category, select the checkbox in front of the category you wish to publish. Then click on Publish in the upper right menu. To unpublish, select a box, and click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right menu. That will make the green check mark turn into a red x. To move a category, simply mark the checkbox of the selected category. Click on the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen, where you can select a new section for this category. Scroll right, and click save in the upper right corner. To copy a category, select it, and click on the copy icon in the upper right corner. Then on the new screen, choose the section the category will be copied to. Click on the Save. < To delete a category, select the box. Click on Delete in the upper right corner and the section is deleted. To edit, select the category. Scroll right and select the icon in the upper right that is for Edit. This will open the Category edit window, where you can make any necessary changes. Click Save. To create a new category, click on New in the upper right menu. A new window will open, with blanks to fill in. The first is a title for your category. The next line is for the "alias", which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if you choose to enable the Search Engine Friendly selection in Global Configurations. Entering an alias is optional, and if you leave it blank, Joomla will create one based on the title. By default, Published is set to yes. If you are not ready to have the category published yet, you will need to change it to no. The next choice you will make is what Section this category will belong to. Select the section from the drop-down menu. The next part is the Access Level, where you will determine what users can access the content in this section. Again, make your choice from the drop-down menu. If you wish to select an image for this section, you do that in the next part. Choose an image, and then select its position. Use the text box to enter a description for this section. Scroll to the top, and click on save. Your new category is now listed in the category manager. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Mass Mail System in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your admin panel. The Mass Mail system allows you to email all registered users or those in a particular group. Click on Tools in the top menu. Select Mass Mail from the drop-down menu. This opens the Mass Mail window. In the box on the left hand side, it says Mail to Child Groups. Check that box if you would like to send the email to all groups under the selected group. Below that, Select the group this email should be sent to. On the right hand side, you will compose your email. Start with the subject line. Then type in your message. Now go to the upper right, and click on Send Mail. You will now see a message that your email was sent to ___number of Users. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla.

How to Use the Media Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Media Manager in Joomla. You will need to start by logging in to your Joomla admin panel. Now click on Site in the top menu. Select Media Manager from the drop-down menu. This opens the Media Manager window. It is just like a file manager except is shows only media files in your image directory. To create a new folder and upload an image, begin by finding the path for your media file.. Below the word files, you will see a box with the line /home/kj/public_html/joomla/images, or something similiar, depending on what your media file path is. At the end of this line you will find a / and a new box. In this empty box, type a new name for your folder. Now click the Create Folder button directly below the line. Now click on the folder you just created to open it. Scroll down. Click on the Browse button. Select your media file and click open. This will take you back to the media screen. Now click Start Upload button. You can now see the path for the uploaded file in the box below files. Note that larger files may take several minutes to finish uploading. To delete a file, find the red x under the file. Click on the x, and the file is deleted. To change the way items are viewed, go to the main directory, on the left, and click on Media. Now select Detail View. Scroll down. Instead of thumbnails, files are now shown with their dimensions and size. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to use the Media Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Menu Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Menu Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. The Menu Manager allows you to create custom menus for your Joomla site. Click on Menus on the menu in the upper left corner. Select Menu Manager from the drop-down menu. To create a new menu. Scroll right, and click on New in the upper right corner. This open a new menu screen. In the first box enter a Unique Name. This is what Joomla uses to identify this module within the code. Now enter a Title. In the next box, enter a description. The last box is the Module Title, and that is what will display on the front-end. If this field is left blank, the module will not be created. Scroll right and click on the Save icon in the right hand corner. This new menu will now be showing in the menu manager. To edit the menu, click on the icon in the menu row that looks like a piece of paper. This open a page called Menu Item Manager (content). Scroll right, and click on new. This will bring up a list for you to choose a Menu Item Type from. Highlight the correct selection, and it will open a Menu Item Detail page. Here in the box, you need to enter a title, and below that an Alias, which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an Alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen.

You can also manually enter an alias if you wish. Click the Save in the upper right corner,and the screen will verify that your item was saved. The last thing to do after creating a new menu is to enable it in the module list. Go to the menu at the top of the page, and click on Extensions. From the drop-down menu select Module Manager. Find your menu item, and click the red x next to the menu item. The new menu item can now be viewed on the front-end. This ends this tutorial. Now you know how to use the menu manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Section Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Section Manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your Joomla admin panel. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization. Start by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left. From the drop-down, select Section Manager. On this page, you can publish, unpublish, copy or delete sections or create new ones. To publish a section, select the checkbox in front of the section. Now click on Publish in the upper right corner. To unpublish a sectioon, select the box. Click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Copying a section will allow you to create a duplicate of the object to a different location. To copy, select the section by marking the checkbox. Now click on the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen for the new section. In the box, enter a name for the new(copied) section. Scroll right, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To edit a section, click the checkbox in front of the section you wish to edit. Scroll right, and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner. Make any necessary changes, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new section, scroll right, and click on the New icon in the upper right corner. This opens a new section screen. In the details box, you will see that the Scope is content.

This cannot be changed. Enter a title. The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. However, you may manually enter aan alias, if desired. By default, Published is set to yes, if you don't want to publish this section just yet you will need to change it to no. The Access Level lets you set what users can access content in this section. Public allows anyone who visits your site to view the content. Registered allows only registered users access, and Special allows only authors and higher. Scroll down, and you will find a box that will allow you to select an image that will be used for this section. You can upload your own images into the images/stories directory. Use the Image Position to place the image at the left or right of the page. Next you will find a section called Description. Here is where you will enter a description for this section. Scroll up and click Save in the upper right corner. That is how you create a new section. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to Use the Section Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Trash Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the trash manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel to begin. Deleted articles are sent to the trash manager where you can either delete them completely or restore them. To delete an article, go to Content in the top menu. Select Article Manager from the drop down menu. This will open the Article Manager screen. Click the checkboxes next to the article or articles you want to delete. Then go to the upper right hand corner, and click on the Trash Can icon. Now go to the Trash Manager. Click Content from the top menu. Then select Article Trash from the drop-down menu. This will display the articles that are in the Trash Manager, or the trash can. To restore an article, select the checkbox. Scroll right, and click on the Restore icon in the upper right hand corner. The restore screen will ask you to verify that you want to restore the item. Click Restore again, and OK, and the item will have been returned to is original place, but is unpublished. To republish a restored item, go to Content in the top menu. Click on Article Manager from the drop-down menu. Select the restored item, by marking the checkbox. Click Publish in the upper right corner. To permanently delete an item from the Trash Manager, click on the checkbox in front of the item and scroll right. Click Delete in the upper right corner. This brings up the Permanently Delete Items screen.

You will click on Delete again, and the item has now been permanently deleted from the database and cannot be recovered. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Trash Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the User Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the User Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in, and be at your Joomla admin panel. In the top left hand menu, click on Site. From the drop-down menu, select User Manager. The User Manager screen will have a list of all the users that have registered for your site. One thing you can do here is Add a new User. Scroll to the right. In the upper right corner, click on New. This will open a new screen. In the left hand box, called User Details, you will type in the name of the new user. Choose a username, and add the users email. Enter a password and verify it. In the Parameters box on the right hand side, set the back-end and front-end default languages. Now click Save in the upper right corner. Once a user has been created, you can edit it if needed. Click on the Users name. Make the change on the User page, and click Save. To delete a User, click the box in front of the users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Delete Icon. To force a User to Logout, click on the box in front of the Users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Logout icon. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the User Manager in Joomla.

How to Write a Comment in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to write a comment in WordPress. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. In the upper left corner, click on the My Blog link to go to your blog. Click on the leave a Comment link. This will open a new page, with a comment box. Enter your comment in the box. When you are done, click the Post Comment button. Your new comment will show up under the admin says: . This completes this tutorial. Now you know how to write a comment in WordPress.

How to Write a New Post in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to write a new post in WordPress. You need to begin by logging in, and going to your WordPress Dashboard. In the left hand column, the first menu item is Posts. Click on it to expand the menu. You will see Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Add New. This will open a Add New Post screen. In the first block, enter the title of your new post. In the large block below, enter the post content. After you have written your post, on the right hand side, you will find a section that will allow you to assign this post to one or more categories if you wish. When you are all finished, click on the Publish button. This will open the Edit Post screen. At the top is a link to View Post. Click on this link to see your new post. You can now see how your post will look on your site. Return to the admin area. Now, in the left hand column select the posts from the menu items. Your new post will now show up in the list here. You can now edit or delete it if you wish using the links below the title of the post. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write a new post in WordPress.

How to change your Password in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to change your password in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the menu in the left hand column, click on Users to expand the options. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Go to Your Profile. Scroll all the way down. Where it says New Password, enter your new password in the box. Re-enter the password in the box below. The strength indicator will tell you how strong your password is. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom left corner. Your profile page now says User updated. Your password has been changed. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to changer your password in WordPress.

How to login to Joomla as the Default Administrator

This tutorial will teach you how to login to Joomla as the default administrator. You should have your Joomla administration login page open in your browser. If this is your first time logging in as the root administrator, the default username is admin. Enter the password you created during installation. Click Login. You are now logged in to Joomla as admin, on the admin panel. You may wish to change your password after installation or on accasion to increase security. On the right hand side, in the list of logged in users, select admin from the list. This will open a new User detail screen where you can change you password and verify it if you choose. Click Save when finished. Once you are done in the admin control panel you will need to logout. Scroll right. Click on Logout in the very upper right hand corner. That's it. You now know how to login to Joomla as admin, change your password and logout.

WordPress won't save no parent assignment or null/blank custom field entries

If you are running WordPress on Apache and on a version of PHP later than 5.3.x, and experience any of the following issues: You cannot save the parent of a page from from an existing page .... to "no parent" You cannot save a custom field value, changing it from a populated value to a blank/null value In either of the case above, these are typically caused by the SUHOSIN module for PHP. The following should resolve this Edit you php.ini file, adding the following entries after the existing entries for SUHOSIN. suhosin.cookie.disallow_nul = Off suhosin.get.disallow_nul = Off = Off suhosin.request.disallow_nul = Off Then restart Apache Web Server Viola, you should now be able to save null values.

Advanced Articles [Questions 4]

How To Install and Uninstall FrontPage Extensions

This tutorial will show you how to install and uninstall FrontPage extensions. Please note that FrontPage Extensions should only be installed if you are using Microsoft's FrontPage to build you web site!! This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section named Advanced. Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This will take you to a screen that will list your domain or domains, (if there are parked or add-ons in your hosting account), and the status of FrontPage Extensions on that domain. It will say Installed or not Installed. Next to the domain in the list is a button that says Install Extensions. Click that button. That is all there is to it. You will be taken to a verification page, showing that the FrontPage Extensions are now installed, and ready for you to publish your web site to your hosting account. Click the Go Back button. The domain that has Front Page Extensions installed is now listed with the correct status of installed. Remember, extensions have to be installed separately for any Subdomain or add-on domain. To uninstall the Extensions, click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This takes you to the main screen, where you will find a list of domains, with FrontPage status listed. Find the one you wish to remove, and go across the list to Uninstall Extensions.

Click on the button. This will take you to a verification screen. You can now Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to the cPanel main page. This is the end of this tutorial. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Set Up A Cron Job

This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can set a command or script to run at a specific time every day, week, etc. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Advanced Section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the icon named Cron Jobs. This will take you to the main Cron Job page, where it lists two different experience levels to choose from: Standard and Advanced (Unix Style). This tutorial is going to teach the Standard approach. Click on the Standard Button. This will take you to a screen showing a Standard Cron Manager. Every time a cron job runs, the results are sent to an email address. The top line asks for the email address where you would like the cron job results sent. Enter that address into the box. Below is a box marked Entry 1. The first line is Command to Run: with a box after. In the box you need to enter the command of the script you want to run, including the path (all the way from root) For example, a command might look like this: "home/abc123/public_html/cgi-bin/clients.cgi" This command includes the entire path, all the way from the root directory. Next, we need to specify the timing of the cron. We need to determine when and how often we want the script to run.

There are boxes with different listings above them - Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), Month(s), Weekday(s). Using the information within each box, set the time, day, month, and day of the week you want your cron to run. When it is all set click the Save Crontab button. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that your cron job has been set. Click on the Go Back link. To return to the Standard Cron Manager at any time, click on the Standard button on the main Cron Job page. You can edit your cron, or delete it entirely by simply clicking on the delete button in the Entry box. You can also set up additional cron jobs. Return to your main cPanel page by clicking the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup Cron Jobs the easy way, and then edit them, delete them, or add additional ones. You can add as many as you wish, but REMEMBER, Cron Jobs have the potential to take up a lot of server resources. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create Custom Error Pages

This tutorial will teach how to create custom Error Pages. Create error pages for 404 Not Found errors and 500 Internal Server Errors, along with 28 other errors. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section, and Click on the Error Pages link. This will take you to the main error pages page. This page lists many kinds of error pages that you can customize. Let's select one, and click on the link. This will take you o an editing page. This is where you create your custom error page. You can include one or more of the listed tags to further customize the page. You can also use HTML tags in your page, making it easy to match the look of your error page to the rest of your web site. Create your page by entering your text into the big block. For example: The page (then click on the "Requested URL" button) is unavailable. Scroll down and click the Save button. You are now taken to a verification page, showing that your error page is created. Click on the Go Back button. You can customize any of the listed error pages, but you do not have to if you do not want to. All accounts come with preset standard error pages. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page.You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner.

Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using Index Manager

This tutorial will teach about using the Index Manager. The Index Manager allows you to customize the way a directory will be viewed on the web. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your web site are displayed. If there is not a file named "index.html" in a given directory, then the contents of that directory will be displayed in a browser. This is very undesirable, and can cause security issues. With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown. On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section. There you will click on the Index Manager icon. This will take you to the main Index Manager page. You will see your folders listed there. You can navigate through them by clicking on the icons. When you find the directory you want to address, click on the name. That will open another screen, where you will see the path for your chosen directory. There are four choices here. Default System Setting-allows the directory contents to be shown No Indexing-does not allow directory contents to be shown Standard Indexing (text only)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do not contain image files Fancy Indexing (graphics)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do contain image files Click on one radio button and click the Save button.

This will take you to the verification screen, where you can see that the settings have been updated. Click on Go Back. You can now exit by clicking on HOME and returning to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of this tutorial. You can return and change the settings at any time, for any of your directories. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Domains Articles [Questions 23]

How Do I Choose a Domain Name

This tutorial will look at some of the things you should look at when you are trying to choose your Domain Name. As you know, a domain name is a quick and easy way for someone to find your website on the Internet. Without a domain name, people would have to remember a series of numbers, or your IP address, and enter that to locate your site. One of the first things to think about when choosing a domain name is even though they can be hundred of characters in length, the shorter the better. Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. You should avoid using hyphens if possible, because sometimes they make it hard to communicate your address to other people, and an easy understanding is very important. One drawback to shorter is that a lot of the shorter names are already taken, so your first choice may already be in use. You may have to add to it, or make some small changes to find a short name that is available. You will also need to decide what top-level domain (TLD) or domain extension to use for your domain. There are many choices, such as .com, .net, .org, and so on. Recently, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) who oversees all of this added several new TLD's, like .biz, and .museum. The TLD doesn't matter much anymore, so you can use whichever sounds best and is available. If the .com of your choice is taken, maybe the .net version is available.

When selecting your domain, if you are operating a business website, you want it to reflect something about your products or type of business. For example, if your business is Joes Online Store, but your main product is blue widgets, your domain should be something to show that, like, or People shopping for blue widgets will find you that way when they do a search. (It does take a long time and some effort to make yourself visible in a search unless your product is very unique and/or one-of-a-kind. That is called "search engine optimization") If you just use as your domain, unless people know your name already you will be hard to find. So, the key points of domain name selection are to keep it short, keep it simple and make it mean something relating to the purpose of your business. You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website, in fact this may help improve your search engine rankings. This concludes the tutorial about how to choose a domain name.

How to Create a Subdomain

This tutorial will teach you how to create a Subdomain. Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your web site. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Domains. Find the Icon named Subdomains, and click on it. This will take you to the Subdomain main page. You will find a box titled Subdomains, with your domain name after it. If you have more than one domain name, such as parked domains, or add-ons, you will find them here in a pull down menu. Select the correct domain for which you wish to make a Subdomain and in the box enter the prefix name of the new Subdomain. The result should look like this: whatever your TLD is) For example, Below the Subdomain line is the Document Root line, and by clicking on the Icon, it will bring up the default directory for the Subdomain. Now click the Create Button. This will take you to a page showing that your Subdomain has been created successfully. Click on the Go Back link to return to the Subdomain page. Your new Subdomain is now listed here on the Subdomain page. You can make changes or remove it completely right here. A folder called 123abc (or whatever you named your Subdomain) has been created into which you will upload your files for this Subdomain.

This folder is located in the public_html directory, and can be accessed through file manager, or any FTP program. You can also access it by entering "" You can grant virtual FTP access to your new Subdomain from the FTP Manager in cPanel, although it is not necessary to make it work. It is already working. You can now return to your cPanel main page by clicking on the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to this section at any time to create additional subdomains, or delete existing ones. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create an Add-On Domain

This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to use and set up an Add-on domain. An Add-on domain is a separate domain from the main account using space available. Giving you multiple accounts in the same space. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Domains section and click on the Addon Domains link. This takes you to the Add-on screen. In the first box enter the new domain name. In the next box, the one named Subdomain/FTP Username enter the directory name in your main account where this new domain will be pointing. Enter a password, and then re-enter it. Click the Add Domain button. This takes you to the verifies screen which will confirm that your new add-on domain has been created. For example: your domain is, and you make an add-on called The web site files should be uploaded to the directory. An FTP Account has been created for this add-on domain. Click the Go Back link. Click the Home Icon in the upper left hand corner. Scroll down. Click the FTP Accounts Icon in the Files section. Scroll down the page, and in the Account Management section you will find your new add-on domain listed. To remove an add-on domain, in the modify Addon Domain section find the Remove button. Click the button, and it will take you to a confirmation screen.

Click Yes, and the domain has been removed, as well as the FTP account created for it. Click HOME and return to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup and remove add-on domains in your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Park a Domain

This tutorial will teach how to park a domain. A "Parked" domain shows the same content as the domain it is parked on, but uses the Parked domains name. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Domain parking is useful when you have additional domain names that you want people to be able to use to get into your web site. For example, let's say your domain name is "". But you also own the domain "". If you park one of the domains on the other, then both will result in visitors getting to your web site. NOTE: Domain parking will NOT work if you have not updated the new domain's name servers to point to your account's name be sure to do that with your registrar first. Begin by scrolling down your cPanel main page to the section called Domains and click on the icon called Parked Domains. This takes you to a parked domain screen with a box labeled Create a New Parked Domain. Enter the domain you want to park in the box, then click the Add Domain button. You will now go to a verification screen, which will confirm that the domain has been successfully parked. Click on the Go Back link. The domain will now be listed in the Parked Domain list. This is where you can remove parked domains. Simply click on the Remove link, and then click on the Yes to confirm that you wish to remove the parked domain.

This takes you to the verification screen, confirming that you have successfully removed the parked domain. Click the Go Back link. Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You may return and create as many parked domains as your hosting plan allows. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up URL Redirects

This tutorial will teach you how to set up URL redirects. Redirects allow you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page. This way you can make a page with a long URL accessible by a page which has a shorter and easier to remember URL. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Domains section, and click on the Redirects Icon. This will take you to the redirects screen. The first thing you need to do is decide whether this redirect will be temporary or permanent. Use the pull-down to select one or the other. Next, type in the URL that you want to redirect. For example, the "" is already listed. In the box you list the page for redirection, such as "anypage.html". In the next box, you need to enter the destination URL. This is the place you want your web site visitors sent to. Next click the Add button. That's all there is to it! It will now take you to the confirmation screen, showing which URL is being automatically redirected to what new URL. Click the Go Back Link. You can now see your new redirect listed in the Directory. You can also remove redirects from this same page. Simply click on the remove icon in the Directory list. It will take you to a screen that will verify that you have removed the redirect. You can now Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner, and return to the main cPanel page. This now ends the tutorial on URL redirects. You can set up as many URL redirects as you wish, including redirects to other pages within your own web site or redirects to pages within other web sites. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed.

When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue. You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided.

Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered. Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted.

Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button.

The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes. Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

Showing you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue.

Click OK. You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

What Are Domain Names and How Do They Work

This tutorial will look at what the concept of Domain Names, and how they work. Every website on the Internet can be located by its IP address. The IP address is a unique set of numbers, assigned to every computer that has access to the Internet. Our hosting servers all have IP addresses, which you will be included in your welcome email. Anyone looking for your website can enter those numbers in the address bar of their browser, and they will find your website. So, are you going to tell people to look for you on the Internet by just entering (Just an example.) Will anyone remember that? This is where the idea of Domain Names came about. Instead of having to enter a bunch of numbers, we can now assign a name to those numbers. Domain names can contain letters, numbers and hyphens. They can be hundreds of characters in length, but the shorter the domain name, the better. You can also have more than one domain name pointing at the same website. A domain name is an easy to remember address that can be translated by domain name servers into server IP addresses. In order for your computer to figure out what IP address to use for a domain name, it has to connect with a name server, which is also called a DNS server. That server connects with another, which connects with another, and so on, until a server is found that knows the correct IP address for the domain name.

When you purchase a domain name, you make sure the settings show that all requests for an IP address for that domain name are directed to our hosting name servers. The settings will be in the welcome email you receive when you purchase a hosting account with us. This concludes the tutorial on domain names, and how they work.

Email(Mail) Articles [Questions 14]

Configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system. Log in to your control panel Click on the "Forwarders" icon in your cPanel Click on the "Add Forwarder" button Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the "Address to Forward" field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list Next, make sure the "Forward to email address:" radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field Click on the "Add Forwarder" button to add this forwarder This will enable forwarding for the email address you entered. Note: If you setup a forwarder for an email address that is already added in your cPanel as an email account, the emails will still be delivered to that mailbox, plus any forwarder addresses you've added.

File Attachments Blocked by MailScanner

The following is a list of most file attachments that may be blocked by the MailScanner service (the attachments are removed from emails before delivery to you and placed in a quarantine area for 30 days should you wish to receive them): These are known to be dangerous in almost all cases. .reg Possible Windows registry attack .chm Possible compiled Help file-based virus .cnf Possible SpeedDial attack .hta Possible Microsoft HTML archive attack .ins Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings attack .jse_ Possible Microsoft JScript attack .lnk Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole attack .ma_ Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut attack .pif Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack .scf Possible Windows Explorer Command attack .sct Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component attack .shb Possible document shortcut attack .shs Possible Shell Scrap Object attack .vbe or .vbs Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script attack .wsc .wsf .wsh Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host attack .xnk Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut attack These are often used by viruses .com Windows/DOS Executable .exe Windows/DOS Executable These are very dangerous and have been used to hide viruses .scr Possible virus hidden in a screensaver .bat Possible malicious batch file script .cmd Possible malicious batch file script .cpl Possible malicious control panel item .mhtml Possible Eudora meta-refresh attack Filenames ending with CLSID's {[a-hA-H0-9-]{25,}\} Filename trying to hide its real extension Examples: A977FF0C-8757-4E76-8533-482F91946233 000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 Filenames with lots of contiguous white space in them. Filename contains lots of white space Deny all other double file extensions. This catches any hidden filenames. Examples: .txt.pif .doc.pif .txt.exe

How To Use Webmail From Within CPanel

There are two ways to access webmail. You can actually login to webmail without first logging into cPanel by simply typing the following into your browser: " " (replace your domain with your actual domain name.) This tutorial will teach you how to use webmail from within cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the section named Mail, and click on the Webmail icon. This will take you to the main Web Mail page. Click on the icon called Go To Webmail Login. You will find three webmail programs to choose from. You can select from Neomail, Horde or SquirrelMail. This tutorial will look at SquirrelMail. All three programs are very similar in how they process mail. Click the SquirrelMail icon. This will take you to the main screen of your account, and shows you the contents of the main Inbox. In the top menu, you will find a button called Options. Click on the button, and it will take you to a screen where you are given several options for configuring the way your webmail displays for you. Some of the options include Folder Preferences, Display Preferences, Personal Information, and others. Next to Options, you will find Folders. Clicking that tab takes you to a screen where you can create folders and subfolders to organize and store email messages. You can also rename and delete folders in this area.

You can create as many folders and subfolders as you wish, whatever meets your needs. They will display in the left hand column. The next item in the menu is Addresses. Click on the link, and it will take you to the SquirrelMail Personal Address Book which you can use to store commonly used email addresses. After filling in the blanks, click on the Add address button, and the contact will be added to your address book. Next up is Compose. This is the Link to select to send an email. After clicking the link, you will get a blank email form. To send it to someone whose address is in your Personal Address Book, click on the Addresses button, and select the person, or people you wish to send the email to. There are check boxes to indicate whether they should be put in the To line, or the Cc (Carbon copy) line, or Bcc (Blind carbon copy) field. Once you choose a name, and select a field, click the Use Addresses button. This takes you back to the email blank, where your recipient is automatically inserted into the field you selected. Now fill in the rest of the details, such as Subject and Enter the email message in the large box. Scroll down and click the send button. That completes the composing and sending of an email message. To view your messages, look at the left hand column. If the Inbox is highlighted, it will have a number after it. That is the number of messages you have in your box. Click on Inbox, and open it up. Your messages will be listed by who sent them, date sent, and subject. If the message is junk, and you wish to delete it, click in the small check box in front of the message. Then Click the Delete button. To move a message to a different folder, mark the check box in front of the message. Go up the pull-down menu and select the folder you wish to move the message into. Then click on the Move button. When you are finished with Webmail you should always exit by signing out. The link to Sign Out is in the upper right corner. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that you have signed out of Webmail. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use Webmail, specifically SquirrelMail. You can now return to your main cPanel page. Remember, you do not have to login to cPanel to access your webmail, you can access it by using "" (replace "your domain" with your actual domain name) in your browser. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Configure MailScanner in cPanel

This article describes how to configure MailScanner in cPanel. MailScanner is an anti-spam/anti-virus suite consisting of several open source utilities including: MailScanner, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, DCC and Vipuls Razor. Together, these utilities can dramatically reduce the amount of spam and viruses that make it to your email inbox. To configure Mailscanner for your domain(s), please follow the tutorial below. Login to cPanel for your hosting account In the "Mail" section, click on the MailScanner link/icon

How to Create A POP Email Account

This tutorial will teach you how to create POP email accounts. These accounts will be based off of your domain name(s). This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down your main cPanel page to the section called Mail, and click on the icon that says Email Accounts. This will open the main Email Accounts page. If you scroll down, you will see that there is already a POP email account, listed as the Default Email Account. This is the main account that every hosting account comes with, and is the "catch-all" for all un-routed email that comes to your domain. This default account has no quota, and cannot be deleted. We are now going to create a new account. Find the first box in the section Add a New Email Account. If you should have more than one domain in your account- (for example, a parked domain, or add-on domain) be sure to choose the correct domain from the pull-down menu for which you want to create your POP email account.

Once you have selected the correct domain, in the box that says email, you will write the name of the first account you wish to establish. This account can be whatever you choose. Your name, or an employee name can go here, such as Bob or Fred, or Nancy or you may put in a department name, such as sales, accounting, or customerservice. It should be written as one word, with no spaces. Give the account a password that you can remember, and enter it again to verify it.

If it is too weak, it will not be accepted, and you will be prompted to try again. A strong password is very important to protect your email from hackers. So now you have your email account - something@yourdomain.whatever (.com, .net, .org, etc). Now you need to decide how much space of your hosting package you are going to dedicate to your mail. You have the option to set a quota limit of space. If you give it a set limit of a certain number of MB, and the box is full, you will get warnings to clean it out. You may also leave it as unlimited, but if you don't remember to check and empty it off the server, you run the risk of using all your server space. After setting the quota, click on create account and you a have completed your first email account. Click on the Go Back button, and you will see your new address listed, along with a list of actions that you may perform on that account. You can change your password, change the mail quota, Delete the account entirely or even access webmail here. You can also configure an email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.). After creating your first account, repeat for as many accounts as your plan allows. Remember to record the passwords somewhere safe so that you will be able to access the email for reading later. When you are done, click on the home icon in the upper left corner to return to your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. As always, if using a public computer, remember to close your cPanel by clicking on Logout rather than just closing the browser window.

How to Create an Auto Responder

This tutorial will teach you how to create an auto responder. You can use auto responders to send a message back automatically to anyone who sends an email to a certain account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section named Mail. Click on the icon marked Auto Responders. This will take you to the main auto responder page. Click on the Add auto responder link. In the blank box marked email, enter the name of the account to which you are adding the AutoResponder. CAUTION: If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain, make sure you are setting up the auto responder in the correct domain. On the from line, enter the name you would like to have appear on the auto message email. The subject line is the subject of the auto response email. You may enter a subject, or just leave the default setting. The next option is character set, which should be left at default, or possibly choose ASCII for most normal purposes.

By default, the message will be in plain text. You have the option of sending it in HTML by checking the box marked "This message contains HTML". Enter the text of your auto response in the body box, and when you are done click on the create/modify button. This will take you to a screen that shows you that your auto responder has been successfully created. Click on the Go Back Link, and you will see your new auto responder listed.

Here you can edit it, or delete it completely. You can create additional auto responders. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to create an auto responder in cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up Email Forwarding

This tutorial will teach how to set up email forwarding, which is sometimes called an email redirect. Forwarders allow you to send a copy of all mail from one email address to another. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail Section, and click on the icon called Forwarders. This will take you to the Forwarders screen, where you will click the button called Add Forwarders. This will take you to a screen that begins with Address. Enter the prefix of the address you wish to forward. If you have more than one domain on this account, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you are creating the forward on the correct domain. In the next box enter the email address where you want these emails forwarded to. Click the Add Forwarder button, and that is all there is to it! It will take you to the confirmation screen where you can verify that the correct address is being forwarded to the place you wish it to go.

Now, email sent to the original email address will automatically be redirected (or forwarded) to the new address of your choice. Click the Go Back button. You will see your forwarder listed. If you need to delete the forwarder, just click on the Delete button under the Functions heading. If you wish to create new or additional forwarders, click on the Add Forwarders button.

In addition to setting up email forwarders, you can also set up domain forwarders. This means that all the email sent to any address within a domain would be forwarded to a specific email address. You would do it basically the same way, just start by clicking on the Add Domain Forwarder button. You may now click on the HOME link, and return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on email forwarders (redirects). You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Trace an Email Address

This tutorial will teach how to trace an email address. This feature allows you to view how the mail server will treat a message when sending to or delivering to a specific address. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail section, and click on the icon named Email Delivery Route. This will take you to a screen where you can test any email address by tracing it's route from this server. This tool is especially handy if you are having trouble sending an email to a specific address. You can check to see where the problem might be. Enter an email address in the box, and click on Show Route. That's it...the route of the address is now shown. From your cPanel, you can look for problems. You can see if a problem is with your server, or on the other end where the destination email address is located. Click the Go Back, and then the HOME in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to check an email address by performing a trace from within your cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

I can send email from my account when I'm at work, but not when I'm at home.

This issue is typically caused by your ISP blocking port "25" on their network for residential accounts. Our servers are configured to also accept SMTP (outgoing) mail connections on port "587". Try editing your email account settings for the SMTP (outgoing) mail connection to use port "587" first. If this does not work, you'll typically need to configure your ISP's mail server for your SMTP (outgoing) mail server in your email account settings.

I cannot send email. I am using Verizon as my internet service provider.

If you cannot send email and are using Verizon FIOS or High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses, please see the following details provided from the verizon website: If you want immediate step-by-step instructions, visit change my port settings to 587 now. What is outbound port 25 blocking? Outbound port 25 blocking is a network configuration change that will prevent computers on the Verizon network from connecting to servers outside of our network. Servers outside the Verizon network use a method commonly employed to send unauthenticated, unsolicited e-mail or “spam”. Why is Verizon blocking outbound port 25? The majority of spam (unsolicited email) on the Internet is caused by malicious software viruses that take control of infected computers. These viruses direct the infected machines to send email through port 25. Verizon takes spam very seriously. Verizon blocks outgoing connections on port 25 to prevent infected computers from being used by spammers to send unsolicited email. Outbound port 25 blocking is a standard industry method to control spam.

When will outbound port 25 blocking be implemented? We will begin implementing outbound port 25 blocking in the first quarter of 2009. Will outbound port 25 blocking apply to all Verizon broadband customers? Outbound port 25 blocking will be applied to FIOS and High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses.

If you subscribe to a static IP address service, you will not be affected.

Do I have a dynamic IP address? If you have standard residential or business FIOS / High Speed Internet service, you have a dynamic IP address. Static IP packages are sold as an upgraded service. Will I be impacted by port 25 blocking? If you have a dynamic IP address and you use a third party email account to send email from a desktop client such as Outlook®, Outlook Express® or similar programs, you may be affected and should continue to read this notice. If you are using email provided as part of your VErizon service or a web-based email account from another provider, you will not be affected. How do I determine if I am using a third party email account? If your email address is not part of your Verizon FiOS or High Speed Internet Service, and it does NOT end with, you are using a third party account. Do I have to change my email account settings? No. Subscribers using Verizon email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account that I access using my web browser. Will I be affected? No. Web-based email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account. I also use a desktop client to manage my email. What must I do to continue using my third party service? You have three options: Change your email client to send email using port 587. Click step-by-step instructions to change your port settings now. Use web based email services. Web based e-mail is unaffected by port 25 blocking. Check with your e-mail provider to see if web based access is available. Upgrade to a FIOS or High Speed Internet account with static IP addressing. Business customers may subscribe to static IP addressing.

MailScanner FAQs

MailScanner FAQs This list of Frequently Asked Questions is provided to help you understand our Mail Scanning Service. Will spam be deleted before I retrieve my email? No email is deleted from your mailbox, unless you configure it to do so through the cPanel control panel. Any email reported by the system as spam will have the subject line modified and header records added (tagged) to indicate them so that you can automatically filter them from your inbox and place them in a separate folder so that you can check them at a later time. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 You can configure MailScanner to delete email marked as Spam and/or Definitely Spam for you, but beware of the issues in the following answers to spam related questions. Should I tell you about incorrectly tagged spam? Not unless it is an email from someone you regularly receive email from. The simplest thing to do would be to add an extra inbox rule in your email client to keep email from them in your inbox (see the above links for details for your specific email client).

Alternatively, you can add them to your whitelist in the cPanel MailScanner configuration. Will all spam be detected? No.

All the email is scanned and assigned a score based on the likelihood that an email is spam. Thresholds (low scoring and high scoring spam) are used to determine whether an email should be tagged as spam: it is important that this is done to help avoid false-positives and false-negatives.

Is all email tagged as spam, spam? Not necessarily. The system is not foolproof and there will be instances where legitimate email is tagged as spam and where spam is not tagged as such. This is why all email is delivered by default, so you can filter them email in your email client and check through the spam to ensure there is no email that you actually need. I don't need (spam/virus) checking, can I only have email scanned for one? Yes, you can configure the service to either scan for viruses, spam or both. Will viruses be deleted before I retrieve my email? Yes. All emails and file attachments will be scanned for viruses. If one is found, the virus is removed from the email before it is delivered to your mailbox, a text file attachment will be added to the email notifying you of the virus infection. Removed viruses and dangerous file attachments removed from email may be stored in a quarantine area on the server for 30 days. You can request the file from quarantine as described in the text file attachments, or , preferably ask the sender to resend the file in a zip archive. Will all viruses be detected? No system can guarantee 100% detection, though nearly all infected files and dangerous file attachmentsshould be detected using this service. The service scans all email received and sent through the server to help ensure that you do not accidentally start spreading a virus yourself. Do I still need a virus scanner on my computer? Yes! Not only can the service not guarantee that all email viruses will be detected, there are many other ways that your computer can become infected. You should always install an anti-virus solution on every computer and ensure that it is constantly kept up to date. How do I know whether and email has a virus or is a spam? There are two methods used to identify these emails to you. Firstly, the subject line of the affected email will be prefixed with one of the following: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. Secondly, additional headers are added to the email: X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be clean - indicates that the email passed the virus scanning tests. X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be infected - indicates that email email contained a virus which has been removed. X-___________-SpamCheck: spam - indicates that the email is likely to be spam and contains information on how the score was reached. X-___________-SpamScore: ssssss - indicates the spam score for the email. Each s represents 1 point, so sssss indicates a score of 5. The service has a default threshold of 5 for {Spam?} and 20 for {Definitely Spam?} Can the system simply delete all email marked as spam? We advise against this as it is possible that legitimate email will be deleted and the sender will never know that you didn't receive it. We recommend filtering the email in your email client and placing it in a separate folder so that you can check through it in your own time. See the links at the top of this page for configuring email rules for the various email clients. If you're happy that email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} you can then configure MailScanner to delete that email. Another alternative is to have all email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} delivered to a specific email address. For example, How do I configure my email software to filter spam into a separate folder? You should create a separate folder in your email client called Spam. You should then create an inbox rule to place any email containing the strings {Spam?} or {Definitely Spam?} into that folder. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 What can I do to prevent receiving spam? Have a look at the self-help checklist here.

Top Tips for Preventing Spam

Here is a list of things you can do to help prevent receiving spam: Do not use a catchall email account on your domain(s). Only list aliases and POP accounts that you actually use. This stops the frequent spams that fire off emails to a list of names on a domain. Obfuscate or hide your email addresses on your website, i.e. replace them with JavaScript "trick" email addresses, or, switch to web forms for initial contact, rather than displaying an email address. Never, ever, click on any links in any spam - especially not to "unsubscribe". All this does is confirm to the spammer that they have a "live" address. Configure your client to read any incoming emails in plain-text, never html. Html spam emails contain links to graphics and scripts on spammers sites, confirming your email address. If you are using Outlook XP or 2003 you can disable viewing in html, instructions are given here:

Understanding the MailScanner codes in your email subject lines

When Mailscanner scans your email, if it finds a problem, it may (depending upon your MailScanner settings�in cPanel) automatically�prepend the subject line of�an affected email with one of the following strings: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Fraud?}�-�indicates that the email�contained HTML code that was identified as a phishing attack and was disabled by MailScanner. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client.

You have been blacklisted/blocked by an ISP

What to do if you get blacklisted or want to be whitelisting with a certain ISP. If you have been blacklisted, the next step is to contact the ISP in question, and request to be removed from their blacklist (delisted). Each ISP has a process for applying, most starting with an online form. Here are links to some of the more popular ISP’s whitelisting/delisting applications AOL Go to webpage below, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form AT&T Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Adelphia Contact Adelphia customer service desk at 800-683-1000 or 888-683-1000. BellSouth Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Comcast Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Helpful Link CompuServe Go to this webpage, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form Cox Send us a copy of the bounced email notification to unblock. EarthLink Please send an email with the complete header to Allow 12-24 hours, our server engineers will fix the issue once the email is received.

Excite Send email to Excite asking to be removed from email blacklist Gmail A Helpful Website Go here for messages being blocked or marked as spam Hotmail Hotmail is very strict with spam complaints and they DO NOT bounce emails. They only filter to trash or junk mail. If they get only a few they will filter all email from your account. They will also filter if they detect you are sending to many non-existent accounts, since this is a characteristic of spammers. If you use your own domain name as your FROM EMAIL ADDRESS, you can set up SPF records under your domain that will improve delivery to Hotmail. Hotmail uses senderID to accept mail and require that you set up spf records on the domain you use for your FROM email address. You will need to contact your host and ask them if they publish SPF records and are compatible with Microsoft's Sender ID initiative. Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure delivery to Hotmail due to Hotmail's policies. Once you have set up spf records, let Hotmail know by sending them an email at with your domain name in the body. We will then configure your StreamSend account accordingly. If you are not sending from your own domain, our only recommendation is that you wait 48 hours or more between sends. Hotmail may remove your account from their filtering if they do not receive complaints within a certain span of time. Useful articles: Juno Getting onto whitelist: Email being blocked: Netzero Get on whitelist Email being blocked: Roadrunner Follow instructions for removal. SBCGlogal Include your private IP address in the body of the email. USA.NET All blacklisting/IP block issues can be reported to Additionally, you may want to consider registering for our feedback loop at which exempts registered IP addresses from most spam controls and allows contact if we see any delivery issues. Verizon (whitelist application) Yahoo Or try - Commonly used blacklist used by Yahoo *** If you have received an error message regarding 88.blacklist.zap, they are quick to help with delisting issues-- you should send an email to the email address below and include the IP address:

Transferring Your Domain Articles [Questions 17]

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username or domain name and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link in the tabs at the top of the page. Scroll down to Step 1. Select the domain you would like to manage by checking the box in front of the name. In Step 2, in the drop-down list, select Unlock these Domains. Click on the Go button. You will now see a Domain Locking Results page. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Control Panel Login link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the pop-up boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. From the Pull-down menu in the middle of the page, select the domain you wish to transfer, then click on the Manage button. This will bring up the Control panel for this domain, and you need to scroll down. Click on the Manage Domain Locking. This will take you to the Manage Domain Locking page, and you will scroll down again. It will tell you if your domain is locked or unlocked. If it is locked, click on the Unlock domain link. You will now get a confirmation screen showing that the lock has been removed and it is ready to be transferred.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Auth Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to begin transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can initiate the transfer of your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Customer Login button at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domains on the left hand side. This takes you to the Domain Overview page. Go to Transfers from the menu in the middle of the page. On the next page,

Click Show next to "Lock/Unlock Domains". Select the domain you wish to manage from the list, and click Next. On the next page, Domain Locks, select the radio button in front of Unlock, and click OK. The next screen will let you know the action was successful.

The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the right hand corner. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, as that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Select button on the left hand side for Manage Registered Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Manage Domain Name screen. Click on the Unlock Domain link. The next screen will verify that the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, at the top of the left hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must be completed before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer process at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This opens a screen with all your domains, called Manage Domain Names. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the lock off by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Edit Domain Name screen. Scroll down, to the Transfer Lock section. In the drop-down box, select unlocked, and click on Submit. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Signout link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link in the left hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now click on the domain name you wish to manage. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the Manage link next to "Locked". A pop-up will open and give you the option to uncheck the Locked domains. Uncheck the box, and click OK. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are completed, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Transfer Shield link in the Services section. This take you to the Transfer Shield page, where you need to scroll down. Answer the security question you have setup for your account, and click on Continue. On the new screen, you will click the Edit Transfer Shield link. Scroll down, and select the domain name you wish to unlock by checking the box in front of the domain name. The next screen is to change the status of your Transfer Shield. Make sure this setting is "Not Armed" by clicking NO. Then click on Continue. You will now see a screen that will let you know the change has been a success. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. Click on continue again.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the lower right hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are some things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on My Account. Now click on Log In. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domain Names in the list on the left hand side. This opens a new screen, with your domain names listed.

Select the domain name for which you want to remove the registry lock, by clicking in the box in front of the domain name. Now Click on Lock/Unlock from the list above the domains. Now click Go. On the new screen, click the Unlock Domain button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, go up to My Account. Click Log Out. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in button in the left hand menu. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the link in the first statement that tells you how many domain names you have in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to turn the registry lock off by clicking on the domain name.

This opens the Domain Control Panel screen. Scroll down, and click on the "Registrar-Lock Options for Domain Names and Services" Link. Un-check the box that says "Do not allow this name to be transferred to another registrar", then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the word view after "Number of domains in your account" to see a list of domain names in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Click the domain name you want to remove the registry lock on. This takes you to a Modify page for this domain name. On the left hand side, click on the Registar Lock link.

The next page will show you if the domain is locked or not. If the name is locked, click in the radio button in front of the sentence "Release the registrar lock so that the domain can be transferred to some other registrar." Then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain name out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on Control Panel at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains, and then click on Domain Manager from the drop-down, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Manager page.

Expand the options for the domain you want to edit by clicking on the plus sign in front of the domain name. Now go to the Security tab.

Click Unlock. That's it. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the upper right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by clicking on the Account Manager link in the upper right corner. Now on the log-in page, enter your account username and password in the boxes. Click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the nsWebAddress link in the left hand menu list. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains and details. In the box for the domain you wish to transfer.

find the Domain Protected text. Across from that, click on the link on the right hand side that reads "Turn Off or Request Authorization Code". This opens a new screen called Edit Domain Protect. Select the radio button for Leave Domain Protect Off. You will also need to check the box requesting an Authorization Code. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the Authorization Code. This is a very important step.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. Click on the Save button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. When finished, click the log out button in the right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from OpenSRS

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from OpenSRS to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with OpenSRS, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Enter your domain name, OpenSRS account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Manage Domain button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account.

Click on the Domain Locking link in the menu at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Locking screen. Scroll down, and check the status of the locking. You are unable to change the locking status for a domain from here. You would need to contact your domain supplier for assistance it you need to change the status.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is OpenSRS, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the login link in the right hand corner. Scroll down, and enter your account username and password in the boxes.

Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock. This takes you to the domain page. Scroll down. Now click the Disable Domain Lock link. This takes you to a confirmation page, and you need to click on the Continue button to confirm the change.

You now see the confirm page, that the domain lock changes have been made. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can initiate the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Login link in the menu at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on List Last 10. This will open a page with your domain list. Select the domain you wish to manage. Click the "Domain Name - Click to Manage" link in the box with the domain name.

This will open a management console, and in the second section, click on the Lock/Unlock Button. Now you need to Un-check the box in front of the "Customer Lock". Then click Update.

The next screen will show you that the order has been modified successfully, and the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Sign out link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to begin on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which prevents it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account.

Click on the My Domains tab at the top of the page. This opens your Account Management Control Panel. Select the domain you wish to manage, by checking the box in front of the domain name. In the Step 2 box, there is a pull-down menu. Click on the arrow, and select Unlock These Domains from the list.

Then click Go. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered domains link in the right hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains.

By the text "Manage Domain" there is a pull-down list. Select General Settings from the menu. This opens an Edit General Settings screen. Click on Disable next to Registrar-Lock. Scroll down and click on Save. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name.

This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Files Articles [Questions 5]

How To Backup Your Web site

This tutorial will teach you how to backup your web site in cPanel. Regular backups of your web site are the best way to assure you are protected from loss. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the Backup icon. This will take you to the main backup screen, where you can backup and/or restore the files in your hosting account.

There is a header called Systems Backups, and it will show you how often your account is being backed up by the server it is on. These are automatic backups, and could be daily, weekly, or monthly, or any combination of these - check with us to see how often we do backups. By clicking on any of these buttons, you can download a copy of these backups to your local computer.

If you scroll down on the main page, you will find the manual backup section. There are several ways to backup your files, depending on which files you want to backup. You can perform a backup of the home directory, or the backup of a MySQL Database, or you can backup only files in specific subdomains or filters.

You can also perform a Download/Generate Full Backup in this section. Click the button with this command on it. This will take you to a Full Backup Screen, that lists available backups for download. From the drop down box, set your back up destination. You may choose from Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (Passive mode transfer) or Secure Copy. In the next box, enter the email address where you want a complete report of this backup to be sent.

Fill in the other boxes as requested, and click the Generate Backup button. This will send you to a verification screen, to confirm that the backup is in progress, and that you will receive an email upon completion.

To Backup a Home Directory to your computer, Click on Home Directory in the Manual Downloads section. A File Download box will appear. Click OK. That will successfully backup the home directory to your local computer.

To Restore the Home Directory Backup, Click on the Browse button next to the box marked Restore a Home Directory Backup in the Manual Download Section. This will open a File Upload box. Locate and select the backup file you wish to restore. Click the Open button. This will take you back to the backup main page. Click the Upload button. A screen will then open showing files are being restored.

This works the same for the other options in the manual section. You can now click the HOME link in the upper left corner and return to your cPanel main page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the Backup utility, and can manually backup your files as often as you desire.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Create Additional FTP Accounts

Let's learn how to create additional FTP accounts. FTP Accounts allow you to access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP. You will need a third party FTP program to access your files. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon named FTP Accounts. This will take you to the FTP Accounts main page, where you manage your FTP accounts.

If you scroll down on the page you will see a list of the FTP accounts you already have. Most were created when your hosting account was setup.

Scroll up to the section called Add FTP Account. In the first box enter a Login name. Then enter a password twice, in the next two boxes.

In the next box, marked Directory, click on the icon and it will give you the Directory you are creating the FTP account for. NOTE: If it should say "public_html/example" in this box.

The user of this account will only have access to the "/example" directory, and all folders under it. To give them full access, remove everything up to the slash... so that it reads "public_html/" This will allow them full access.

In the next box you can give a quota limit or not on this FTP account. If you choose not to limit the account, enter Unlimited in the box. Then click the Create button.

This will take you to the confirmation screen, with all the account information listed. Click the Go Back button.

Your new FTP Account will now be listed on the main page, under account management. Here you can edit the account properties, such as changing the quota, password, and deleting the account. You can also create new accounts at any time.

This ends this tutorial on FTP Accounts. You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Use Web Disk In CPanel

This tutorial is going to teach you how to Use Web Disk in cPanel. The Web Disk allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Web disk allows you to drag and drop files easily from your computer to your hosting account. It is just as if your account was part of your home computer. You can also navigate through the files in your hosting account, just as you do the files on your local computer.

Scroll down to the Files section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the Web Disk icon. This will take you to the Web Disk Accounts Main Page.

You will find a section called Create Web Disk Account. In the first box enter the username you want to use for login. If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you use the drop-down menu to select the correct domain to create the web disk account on.

Enter a password, then re-enter it to verify it is correct, then click the Create button. This will take you to the confirmation screen to verify that you have successfully setup a new Web Disk account. Click the Go Back link, and you will find your new account listed in the Web Disk Account Manager.

The Manager has a button called Access Web Disk. Click that button for your new account. The page that opens will give you the choice of three operating systems. You need to choose the one that you'll use to view Web Disk.

Main headings are Apple Operating Systems, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Linux/BSD Operating Systems. Each has a drop-down list of different systems. Find your system and follow the directions given in the display box.

There is a link to click to create a Desktop Shortcut, and a pop-up will open to start running the script. Click OK, and you are now able to launch Web Disk using the icon on your desktop.

Return to your main cPanel page by clicking on the HOME icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up Web Disk, for the purpose of dragging and dropping files directly to and from your hosting account to your home computer.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page.

This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload. Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task.

Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager. It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using the Disk Usage Viewer

This tutorial will teach you how to use the disk usage viewer. The disk usage viewer provides a quick way to see the amount of disk space being used by folders. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the icon called Disk Space Usage. This will take you to the main page of the disk space usage page. On this page

you can see how much storage space is being used for each directory and sub-directory in your account. Scroll down to see the entire list of directories.

In the upper right corner of the list is a pull-down box called Actions. It can do many things, to show you different types of information. Some of the items in the Action box include Show Parent Directories, Show Top Level, Hide Small Files, and Show Files Sizes as Bytes.

Above the Left hand side are two buttons, Decrease Depth and Increase Depth. Increasing Depth will take you one more level down the path, for example:
from "mail/" to "mail/". Decreasing the depth will do the opposite.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to view the amount of storage space being used by your directories. This is useful in determining which directories are using the most storage space.

Return HOME by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. Once you know where most of your storage needs are, and where the most space is being used, you can determine whether you need to delete some files, or upgrade to a larger hosting package.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

FTP Programs Articles [Questions 18]

Configuring your web site in CuteFTP

To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in CuteFTP. Open the CuteFTP program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

To configure your web site in CuteFTP, you begin by clicking on the Site Manager button. This can be found in the icon menu of the second row, and is the first icon. It looks like an open book. This will open the Site Manager window. In the left hand panel, right-click the General FTP Sites folder. This will present you with a drop-down menu. Click on New Folder. You will now see a new folder in the left panel of the Site Manager, and you will need to enter a name for the new folder.

Now we need to configure a new site inside this folder. Click on the New button at the bottom. Then from the drop-down, click on FTP Site.

In the right hand window, there will be a general form. In the first blank, enter a name or Label for this new site. (This is for your reference only). In the next blank, enter the Host address. NOTE: The host address can be in the form of (where "" is substituted with your actual domain) or it can be just the IP address. If your domain name has not yet propagated,

you will need to use the IP address method. In the next two boxes, enter the username and password for the hosting account. Then click Exit when finished. We have successfully configured a new site in CuteFTP.

To connect to the site that we just configured, click on the Site Manager icon(the one that looks like a book). This will open the Site Manager window. In the left panel, the site we just created should be listed with the name that you gave it. Select this site. Then click on Connect in the bottom right corner. A small prompt will open. Click OK. You have now successfully connected to your web site via CuteFTP.

To disconnect, in the icon list click on the Disconnect Icon. (The one that looks like a plug being pulled out) This will close the connection. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in CuteFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FTP Voyager

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager. To begin, we will assume that you have the program FTP Voyager already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. Open the FTP Voyager program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

To configure your web site in FTP Voyager, you begin by clicking on the File button, located in the menu at the top of the program. This will open a drop-down menu, where you will click on the Site Profile Manager link. This will open the FTP Site Profile Manager window. Click on New Folder at the bottom of the window. You will see a new folder appear in the window, and a highlighted name in the Name bar on the right side.

Enter a name for this new folder in the name box on the right. With the new folder highlighted, click New Site below the left hand window. Now enter a name for the new site in the name bar on the right hand side.

Now you need to configure the Properties of the new site you are setting up. On the right hand side, there are several blank boxes to fill in. The first one you need is FTP Site. Type the FTP address of your web site in this box. It will be, with being your actual domain. You may also use your IP address in this space for the address.

NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use the IP address instead of the domain name. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous Login box. Now, in the next two boxes enter your FTP Username and Password. Check the save Password box. Then click on Connect.

You have now successfully configured your web site in FTP Voyager. You have set it up in the Site Profile Manager, and can now establish a connection. To close the connection, click on the Disconnect icon, located in the second menu bar at the top of the program. To Reconnect, click on Connect, the icon located in the second menu bar. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to configure a web site in the FTP program, FileZilla. You should have FileZilla running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. Start by opening the program. In the menu bar, select File. In the drop-down menu, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window, and you need to click on the New Folder button.

This will show a new folder in the window on the left hand window, under My Sites. Enter a name for the new folder in the box. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Click on New Site, below the left hand window.

This will create a new site below the folder we just created. Enter a name for the new site in the box. On the right hand side, there is a box called Host:. In this box, enter the name of the Host. Scroll down a little, and select Normal for logon type. Enter the Username in the box below the Logon type. The next box is for your Password.

Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. That is it! You are now connected to the remote server. The login details have been saved for quicker connections in the future.

To disconnect from the server, click on Server in the top menu bar. Then click on Disconnect from the drop-down menu. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to configure a web site in the FTP program FileZilla, in order to establish an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in this program. We will assume that you already have the program FlashFXP on your computer. It should be running, but not connected at this time to any remote servers. The main screen is two large windows. The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right window is the remote server, or your web site, in this case. Currently, the right screen is blank since you are not connected to any remote servers.

Let's begin to configure your web site. To start, in the menu bar at the top of the FlashFXP window, click on the Sites link. From the drop-down, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window.

Click on the New Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button. Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the New Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new web site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is IP Address. Type the ftp address of your web site in this box. This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field.

Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box.

Next, enter the remote path where your web site files should be uploaded within your hosting account. (This is usually public_html) The next blank box is the Local Path, where you need to select the location on your computer that you want displayed in the left side window of FlashFXP.

Check to make sure everything has been entered properly and click on the Apply button at the bottom. Then click on Close. This will take you back to the main window of FlashFXP.

To connect, click the Connect icon, which is located over the remote server window, and looks like a lightning bolt. From the drop-down, select the group you created earlier. Then select the link to your web site. Click on it to start the connection.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program FlashFXP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in LeapFTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP. This is the first step to using LeapFTP to upload and download files/folders and then manage those files/folders. We will assume that you have LeapFTP running on your computer, but you are not currently connected to any remote servers. The main screen consists of two large windows.

Let's begin to configure our web site in LeapFTP. Start by clicking the Sites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window. Click on the Add Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button.

Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the Add Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is Address.

This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field. Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box. Click on Apply when finished, and then click on Connect. You have now successfully configured your web site in LeapFTP, and established a connection.

The left hand box is showing your local computer, and the right hand box is now showing the remote server (your web site). To disconnect, click on the Disconnect Icon, at the top of the page in the row of icons. It is the plugs being taken apart.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in SmartFTP

SmartFTP is a desktop program that allows you to make a connection between a local host (your computer) and a remote server (your web site). This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in SmartFTP. For the purposes of this tutorial, you should have the SmartFTP program running, but not connect to a remote server at this time. The main screen is a large blank window at this time, with a panel below it. The panel is your Transfer Queue, where you can see all the actions as they are taking place and what their status is.

Let's start by Clicking on the Favorites in the menu in the top of the window. From the drop-down, click on Edit Favorites. The Favorites window will open, and you will now click the New Folder icon. It is in the Icon menu bar at the top. This will create a new folder in the list on the right hand side, and you should now enter a name for the new folder. The folder will now show up in the list on the left hand side, and you should select it.

Now click the New Favorite Icon, from the Icon menu bar. It is located next to the new folder icon. This will show up in a list on the right hand side of the window. You now need to enter a new name for the new favorite, by clicking on it and typing in the name. Now we need to configure the properties of the new favorite we have just created.

With the new favorite selected, Click on the Properties Icon. It is located in the Icon menu bar, and looks like several pages stacked. After you click on this icon, it will open up the Properties window. You now need to fill in the details of your web site so that SmartFTP can connect to it via FTP. On the line marked HOST, type the FTP address of the web site. This could be, with the being your actual domain name, or your IP address.

However, if your domain name has not propagated yet, you will have to enter the web site IP address instead of the domain name. Now go to the Login section. Enter your FTP Username and Password in the correct boxes. Then click OK. You have now successfully configured your web site in SmartFTP by setting it up in Favorites. Close the Favorites box by clicking the x in the upper right corner

To connect to your web site, Click on Favorites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the Drop-down, click on the folder name it's located in, and then click on the web site name itself. You are now connected to your web site via FTP. To disconnect , find and click the disconnect icon. It is located above the scroll down for the folders, and it looks like a computer with a red x at the end of its power cord. This is the end of this tutorial.

You know how to configure your web site in SmartFTP, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in WS_FTP

You should have the program WS_FTP running on your computer, but you should not be connected to a remote server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in the program WS_FTP. The main screen of WS_FTP has two large windows. The one on the left is your local host, or your computer, and the window on the right is the remote server. The right window says Blank Connection Pane.

Let's Configure your web site. The first thing to do is to Click on the "Open a Remote Connection" link in the Remote server window. This opens the Site Manager window. Click on Create Folder. This opens a new window, New Site Folder. You need to enter a name for the new folder in the box, then click on OK. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Highlight the folder, and click on Create Site. This opens the Connection Wizard. On the first page, enter a name for the new site.

This should be a name to help you identify the site you are connecting with. When you are done, click Next. The usual connection type will be FTP, so click Next again. Now you need to enter the server address. The server address can be either in the form of "" where "" is your actual domain, or just the IP address.

Once you have entered the address, Click on the Next button. (If your domain hasn't propagated yet, you will have to use the IP Address method) The next screen asks for your User Name and Password for your hosting account. After you enter those, click on Next. Now comes the Finish screen.

If all the information is correct, click Finish to create the site. That takes us back to Site Manager, and the site is successfully configured to connect. To connect, just click on the Connect button. To disconnect, click the Disconnect icon at the top of the page to close the connection.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the ftp program, WS_FTP. You can establish a connection with a remote server, and disconnect when you are done.

Configuring your web site in WinSCP

Configuring your web site in WinSCP is the first step to using this FTP program to upload and manage your files and folders on the remote server. This tutorial will assume that you have WinSCP already on your computer and have it running, but not connected to another server.

When opened, you will see a login screen. In the Session section, where it says Host Name, enter the server address in the box. In the next box, enter the User name. In the box across for the User Name, enter your password. Now click on Save. In the next pop-up window, click on OK.

Now the next box will ask you to name this session, so that you can find the connection again easily. Enter a name in the box that will enable you to remember what this connection was. Then click OK. This takes us back to the Login screen.

In the right hand window, you will see your session, with its new name listed. Make sure it is highlighted, and click on the Login button at the bottom. That's have now successfully connected with your web site via FTP, using WinSCP. The session is also saved for later use, making it easy to Login again. To Disconnect, go to the menu bar at the top. Click on Session. From the drop-down, click on Disconnect. You are now disconnected from the remote server. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site to connect with a remote server in the FTP program WinSCP.

Setting your preferences in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to set your preferences in this program. You should have already configured your web site in this program, and if you have not, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFXP". FlashFXP should be running on your computer, and not connected to a remote server at this time for the purposes of this tutorial.

Let's learn how to set your preferences. To Start, click on the Options link at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, click on Preferences. This will open a window called Configure FlashFXP. This is the main preferences window, and there are several options there to choose from. However, most options are pre-set, and won't need to be changed. Only change the options that you know are safe to change.

One thing you can change if you wish is the Timeout Retry Delay and Retry Count settings on the General page. On the Connections Page, you should not make any changes unless you really know what you are doing.

The Options page has settings that are in place to help you avoid deleting files by accident, and they should be left in the default setting. The transfer page should be left as Auto. On the Advanced page, you will probably want to have "show hidden files" selected, so that you can see all files, including .htaccess files.

On the Sounds page, you can assign sounds to specific events. To do this, simply select the event you want to assign a sound to, then locate a sound file on your computer. On the Display page, there are several display options you can choose from that will customize the look of FlashFXP to your personal taste.

There is a whole list of options to select from, such as flat toolbar buttons, display site names in caption, use high color toolbar buttons, and much more. You can choose how to display your file sizes as well, either Auto, KB or Bytes. When you are finished with any changes in the preferences window, click OK. This will return you to the main screen.

Now click on View from the main toolbar at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, select Options. This opens a window called View Options. You can change the entire look of FlashFXP by changing the colors. Click OK, and return to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to set your preferences in FlashFXP and how to customize the look of the program to suit you.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using CuteFTP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload files and folders using the program CuteFTP. We will also teach you how to manage those files and folders once they are uploaded. To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. The main screen should be open. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to. There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

Now, let's start by learning how to upload files and folders, to a remote server from your computer. You need to find the Site Manager icon. It is in the menu bar of icons, the one that looks like an open book. Click on it. This will open the Site Manager window, and in the left hand window, you will see your site listed. If your site is not already configured, please see the tutorial "How to configure your web site in CuteFTP". Select this site by clicking on it. Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. This will open a small prompt window, you need to click OK again, and now you are connected and ready to upload.

You should now have both windows open. The left window should be displaying your local computer files, and the right hand window is displaying the remote server files.

To upload files, select the correct place for them to go in the remote server window. This is the first thing you need to do. Once you have determined where you are going to upload the files to, go to your local computer (left hand window) window, and select the files you want to upload.

To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. When you are ready to upload, go to the icon menu and locate the upload icon. It is the Green arrow. Click on this icon to start transferring files to the remote server. To download a file from the remote server to your local computer, first select the file or files. Then go to the icon menu, and click the Green Down arrow. The file(s) will now download to your local computer. To close the connection with the remote server, from the icon menu, click on the icon that looks like a plug being unplugged.

This ends this part of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders in CuteFTP.

The next part of the tutorial deals with managing those files and folders. You should have CuteFTP running, and be connected to a remote server at this time. let's begin by creating a new folder in the remote server. There are two ways to create a new folder.

In the icon menu at the top, click on the New Folder icon, that looks simply like a folder. This will give you a window called New Folder, with a box for you to type a name for the new folder. When you are done, click OK. The other way is to right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will bring up a menu, and you will select New Folder.

Again, it will bring up the window for you to name the folder. To rename the folder, Right Click the folder, then from the menu, click on Rename. Type the new name in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. Files can be renamed the same way as folders.

To delete a file or folder, first make sure it is highlighted. Then go to the icon menu and locate the big red X, over the remote server window. Click on this to delete. CuteFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete, so click on the Yes button.

That file or folder is now deleted. The next step is to learn how to change permissions. In the remote server window, you need to select the file for which you want to change permissions.

cPanel Articles [Questions 5]

Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel

Let's learn about cPanel, and how to navigate it"s many pages and functions. Making sure that your cPanel works at its best and set up just as you want it. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". One of the first things you should do is go to Preferences, and click on Update Contact Info. It is very important that you keep that information up-to-date so that you can receive any important email from your hosting company. You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works.

The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here. Stats. Scroll down, and on the left you can see important information about the account.

For example, it will show you how many email account you have, and how many you are allowed with your hosting account. It will give your bandwidth usage, show your home directory, and so much more. Scrolling down further, you will find information about the operating system, php version, the MySQL version and more.

The last stat is Server Status. Click on this link and it will take you to a page that will show you how the server you are on is performing. Green lights mean the server is performing properly.

Click the Go Back link to exit. Now let's look at the right side of the cPanel screen. The right side includes icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons allow you to do specific tasks within cPanel like checking your webmail, setting up databases, setting up email addresses and auto-responders. At the very bottom of the page is a link called Documentation. Documentation is the link to a comprehensive cPanel Manual where you can learn all there is to know about cPanel. This manual contains information about all the features of cPanel, and has sections on everything from common questions to something from every section in cPanel. It is always available from the home page of your cPanel. Something new in this version of cPanel is that you can rearrange the windows to suit your needs. For example, if you would like to have the window titled Mail on the top, you can move it by simply dragging and dropping the window where you want it. This ends the tutorial. You should now be more familiar with cPanel and some of its features.

To learn more, you can return to the cPanel Documentation link at the bottom of the cPanel main page. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Change Your cPanel Style

This tutorial will teach how to change your cPanel style. cPanel comes in a variety of styles and designs with different layouts and colors in all. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, go to the Preferences section. Click on the icon named Change Styles. NOTE: Changing the style of the cPanel does not change the way it works.

It only changes the way it looks. This takes you to a page of your choices of looks for your cPanel. Included are the current default version, and about 10 other choices. Select the one you like, and click the radio button. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the button marked Change Style.

That will take you to a verification screen, which will confirm your change. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to your newly styled cPanel home page.

You can change it at any time, and as many times as you wish. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to change the style of your cPanel to your own personal style. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Change Your cPanel Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your cPanel password. Please remember to make your password Strong and Secure. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your Client Area. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to The Client Area". Once logged in, at the top of the page you will find a link to "MY Services", Click it to go to the next page. On the next page you will find a listing of the hosting account(s) you have with us.

Find the account you want to change the cPanel password to. At the far right of that account listing you will find a small icon under "View Details". Click the icon and go to the next page. Scroll down the page and you will find your current username and password combination, and the fields where you can change your password to cPanel. Keep in mind you will also be changing your password for FTP access to your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Keep Your cPanel Contact Information Up To Date

This tutorial will teach you how to keep your contact information up to date in cPanel. It is important to keep your contact information up to date since our server uses this information to send critical email messages. Warnings about email accounts being "Close to Full" are sent here, giving you time to take action before the mail does bounce. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down the main page of your cPanel to the Preferences section. Click on the Update Contact Info. This will take you to a screen where you can enter your new contact email address. You may also set other preferences here. When you are done, click Save, and all your new information is on record. Click HOME and return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You should make sure to always keep your contact details up to date, and can do so by returning here at any time. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Login to cPanel

Before you can log into cPanel, you must open your Internet browser. This will work in whatever browser you are using. Click on your browser's address bar and enter the http address of your cPanel. The address of your cPanel would have been given to you in your welcome email from your hosting company.

There are two ways to login to cPanel: 1)Using an IP Address: The only way to access cPanel if your domain hasn't propagated yet It would look something like this- http://xx.xx.xx.123/cpanel 2) Using your Domain Name: Can only do this once your domain name is working This would be http://yourdomain.(com or net or whatever it is)/cpanel Enter either cPanel address in the address bar of your browser (either the IP Address, or the Domain Name).

The next pop-up screen will be a login, calling for your user name and password. They should have been given to you in your welcome email also. Fill in those two fields, and click ok.

That's all there is to it! You are now logged it to your cPanel and can begin to set up email accounts, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and many, many more feature! To exit cPanel, simply click on the Logout icon in the right hand corner, or simply close your browser window.

However, if you are using a public computer, always remember to logout instead of just closing the browser because of security concerns.

Databases Articles [Questions 15]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them.

A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely. There is a list of action links at the top of the window. You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure.

The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search. The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries.

The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer.

The Import link will import previously exported databases. The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases. If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties.

If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field. It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already.

We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts. The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it.

The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place. Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table. If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data. This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options. Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying.

So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go. A new screen will open in the right hand window.

It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time. Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table. There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go. Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column. In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button. The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place. Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it. That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box. Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name. Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side. There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field. You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table. If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen) Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel. This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database.

One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later. This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this. Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates. When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box.

Then click the Go button. You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer. If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side. That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file. Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK.

That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer. Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

How To Create A MySQL Database

Let's learn how to create a MySQL Database. MySQL Databases allow you to store lots of information in an easy to access manner.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Database section, and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

This will take you to the main MySQL Databases page. There is a box below the heading Create New Database. Type the name of your new database into this box. For example, something like myinfo, or mydata. Then click on Create Database button. This will take you to the verification screen, showing that the database has been created. Now you need to create and add a user to this database. Click the Go Back link. Under the heading of Add New User, enter a new user to be added to your database in the Username box. You then need to enter and re- enter a password for the user. Click on the Create User button. This takes you to a screen to confirm that the user has been successfully created. Now you need to link the user to the database. Click on the Go Back link. In the section where it says Add User to Database, check to make sure that the correct user and the correct database are selected here.

NOTE: You will see that the username of the hosting account has been added to the beginning of both the user and the database with an "_" underscore between them. If the user and database are both correct, click on Submit to add the user to the database. This will take you to a screen called Manage User Privileges. You can assign All Privileges to the user by checking the top box, then click Make Changes. This will take you to the final verification screen, that will confirm all the information. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to setup more databases,(as allowed by your hosting plan) add or remove users or delete databases at any time. Return to the main cPanel page by clicking HOME in the upper left corner. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create a Default Email Account

Now let's set our Default (or catchall) email address. The default email address will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel" Scroll to the section on Mail, and click on the Default Address link. This will take you to a screen where you set your default email address. All emails sent to an address you have not defined will go to the email address you enter here. Initally, your default POP address is set as your catch-all account. For example, would give you an initial default address of

In this tutorial we are going to change this, as most people don't use their default POP accounts.

In the line with the radio button marked "Forward to email address" enter into the box the email address you want to use as the default address. Then click the change button. Your default email address has now been set. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your default email account (catch-all) so that all unrouted email that is received by your domain is sent to a specific email address. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database.

You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it. It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it. let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt. The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted. Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table.

Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button. This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button. The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example. Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it.

This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side. Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it. At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table. You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button. This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field. When you are done, click on the Save button.

That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields. Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab. This will give you several new windows.

One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it, click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found. In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer, click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file. Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close. Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages. Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example. To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides. The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them.

The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried. Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify.

Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row. Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done. The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change. You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name.

The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place. To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected. Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options".

The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box. When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table).

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands. Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database. You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' .

Then when you are done, you click on Go. A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table. For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here.

Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place. Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database. You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search. The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

DNS Articles [Questions 17]

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed. When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue.

You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided. Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered.

Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted. Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button. The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes.

Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

You that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue. Click OK.

You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Billing Articles [Questions 1]

How do I update the credit card associated with billing for my account?

You can add/edit the card associated with your account using the info below: Login at In the top left "Your Info" section, click Update. Verify that the address info in the "My Details" form matches your billing address and update as needed. In the My Account sidebar, click on the "Billing Information" link. From this screen, you can delete the existing card on record, or add a new card.

Client Area Articles [Questions 10]

Creating and Managing Support Tickets in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to create and manage support tickets in the client area. Support tickets are a great way of communicating with us when you are looking for support, such as having questions answered, reporting problems, or asking for assistance. The ticket system leaves a paper trail for both you and us to follow so that we both know that the issues were resolved. It also gives you a record of the answer, in case the problem arises again. Then all you need to do is look at the tickets, and you have your answer already! This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the Client Area page, in the client area menu, click on My Support Tickets. This takes you to the Support Ticket Page, where you will click on Submit Ticket. You are now in the Submit Ticket area, where you can create and send tickets to the department of your choice. Select the department you would like to send the ticket to. The ticket will open with your information filled in. Enter a subject in the subject line. Then enter your ticket details in the big box. When you are ready, click Submit. You have now successfully submitted a support ticket, and a copy of it has been emailed to you. To manage an already submitted ticket, click on the My Support Tickets link. You will see any tickets listed that you have submitted, along with their status.

If the ticket is open, and you wish to add more to it, click on the Subject to open it. You can scroll down and add more details. You may also mark the ticket closed from the client area. Click the Client Area in the You are here list. This returns you to the Client Area, and ends this tutorial. You now know how to submit and manage a support ticket in your client Area.

How to Change Your Client Area Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed. Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.

How to Login to The Client Area

We begin to login at the Portal Home. This is the Login Page for the Client Area of Hostveda. It contains a line for the email address and a password. They are different than the login details for your cPanel. Enter your email address. Then enter your Hostveda Password. Now click on Login. That's all. You are now logged in to Hostveda and can begin to manage your hosting services, invoices, billing information, and more. When you are done, click on the Logout Link in the upper right corner. You are now logged out of the account. There is a Click here to Continue link. Click that link. This will take you to the Portal Home. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to login to hostveda.

How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area

This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of WHMCS. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar. Your hosting company may have one or may have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item. This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company. When you are done, click Update Cart. The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button.

This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method. Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button. You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in WHMCS.

How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in WHMCS. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services your hosting company charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice. For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. Note that some payment methods will require the invoice to be manually marked as paid. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in WHMCS.

How to Register a Domain Name in the Client Area

You will learn how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area in this tutorial. It is a simple process, with only a few steps. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". You are in the Client Area. At the "You are here" line at the top of the page, you need to click on the Portal Home link, which will take you to that page. About half-way down, on the right hand side is a link called Order. Click on this Link. This takes you to a page where you can Browse Products & Services. On the Menu Bar, click on the Register Domain link. You will be taken to a new page called Register a Domain Name. In the blank box, enter the domain name you would like to register. Choose the top level domain (TLD) you would like from the drop-down box at the end of the line, whether it is .com, .net, .org, or something else. Then click on the Check Availability button below the box. If the name is available, it will be listed in a box below, called Choose Domains. Sometimes, more than one (TLD) is available, and you may have a choice. Choose the one you want, and click on the Add To Cart button. The next screen will allow you to make any add-ons to your domain that you wish, such as adding a hosting package. Click Update Cart to move to the next screen.

You are now at your shopping cart. After you verify all the information is correct, click on the Checkout Button. On the next screen, you need to scroll down and choose your payment method. Add any notes, or additional information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button at the bottom of the page. WHMCS will now generate an Invoice with all the information for the domain you just registered. Click on the Back to The Client Area at the bottom of the page. Now click on the Client Area in the You are Here menu. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to register a domain name in WHMCS Client Area.

How to Update Your Billing Information in the Client Area

Your billing information is located in the Client Area, and this tutorial will teach you how to update all your necessary billing details. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the client area menu bar, click on the My Details link. In the My Details screen, you will see your details, including name, address and phone number. In order for payments to be properly processed, this information must be correct. Please confirm all the details. The next step is to click on the Change Credit Card Details link in the menu bar. You can update your card information, such as expiration date. You can also add a new card. After making any needed changes, click on the Save Changes button. Click the Client Area link. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to update your billing information in the Client Area of WHMCS.

How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area

This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current, so that your hosting company can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button. You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.

Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

CMS Articles [Questions 30]

An Overview of the Different User Types of Joomla

This tutorial will help you understand the four different user types of Joomla and what each can do. A Joomla site is just an empty shell without an active user base. The first user group is the Registered group. This group does not have any kind of access to write, edit, or publish articles on a Joomla site. Second, we have the Author group. Authors are allowed to submit content to a Joomla site. They can edit their own articles, but no one else's. They cannot publish content. Typically, when logged in as an author, you will see links appear, that say things such as Submit an article, Submit a Web Link, etc.The third group is called Editor. Editors can edit other people's content as well as their own. They still can't publish anything however. You will now see an edit icon (paper and pencil) next to each article. The last group is Publisher. There is now an option visible that indicates published, yes or no. Except for that, publisher is no different from an Editor. Every Joomla content item must be published before it is visile to everyone, so Publishers get the final say for content posted to a site. This completes this tutorial. You now know the four user groups of Joomla.

How to Add Custom HTML to Your Joomla Site

This tutorial is going to show you how to add custom HTML to your site in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. In the menu bar in the upper menu, click on Extensions, then on Module Manager. This will open a window that will show you all your modules. If some are missing, go to the bottom of the page, and make sure the Show ___to a page is set to show All. This will bring them all up for you to view. Manager page, scroll right and click on New. From the list of available new modules, select Custom HTML. Scroll right, and click on Next. On the Module edit form, start by entering a title for your new Module. The next option is Show Title. If this is set to Yes, the module name will be displayed on the front-end. Scroll down to the text box. In the icons for the editor, you will see a small HTML icon. Click on this icon. This gives you an HTML Source Editor box. Enter your HTML code here. When you are done, click update in the lower left corner. Scroll up, and in the right hand column you will see a section called Parameters. Where it says Module Class Suffix, enter the suffix for the CSS class of this module, such as -html. For example, the CSS class name of this module could be .example-html. Click the save button in the upper right corner, and the custom HTML module will now appear on the front-end. That is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to add custom HTML to your Joomla site.

How to Change Your Front Page Content in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to change your front page content in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The front page manager allows you to choose what content will show up on the home page of your Joomla site. On the upper menu bar, click on content. In the drop-down menu, select Front Page Manager. This will open a window that lists all your front page articles. To publish an article, simply click the red x next to the item. In the next column, use the up and down arrows to set the order in which the articles will appear. To add previously created articles to the front page, Click on Content in the upper menu bar, then select Article Manager. You will open a window that lists all your articles. Any article with a check in the Front Page column will show up in the front page manager. If you wish to add an article to the front page, simply click the red x in the Front Page column, and as always make sure you save your work. Return to the front page manager, where the new article will now be listed. You can now view your front page and see that the new article has been added. That is it. You now know how to change your front page content in Joomla.

How to Change Your Header in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to change your header in WordPress. You will need to be logged in to your WordPress, and on your Dashboard page. On the left hand side, about half way down, click on the Appearance Menu Item. This will bring out a drop down menu, which contains the items Themes, Widgets, Menus, Background, Header and Editor. Click on Header. This will open a page called Custom Header, with a preview of the current header. You can click on Browse to upload your own header, or select one from the list to use. Below the sample headers are buttons to remove the header, or restore the original header image. When you are satisfied, click the Save Changes button. The new header has now been saved. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to change the header in WordPress.

How to Change the Default Admin's Username in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to change the default Admin's Username in Joomla. You need to be logged in to your Joomla account, and at your admin panel. From the menu at the top left, select and click on Site. Now from the drop-down, click on User Manager. This will open the User Manager screen. Check the box next to the administrator. Scroll right, and click on Edit in the upper right corner. This will open a User Edit window. The left hand box is User Details. Simply enter a new name in the Username field. You can also change the password. When you are done, click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will now verify that the changes were successfully saved. On the User Manager screen, you will be able to see the changed name in the Username column. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to change the admin username in Joomla.

How to Configure Your Settings in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your settings in WordPress. You should log in, and go to your dashboard. On the left hand side, click on Settings on the menu. This will open the General Settings page. Here is where you can change the blog title, tagline, and URL. You can change membership, and allow anyone to register. Scroll down the page. There is a section for you to choose the format for the date and the time. Select the day to begin your week on. When you are done, click the save changes button. The screen will now show that your settings have been saved. Scroll down. In the menu column, on the left hand side, under the settings header you will find the following sub-headings: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Privacy and Permalinks. Select the Writing settings. On the Writing Settings page, you can edit the settings relateed to writing posts. You can select a size for the post box, and enter it on the first line. Scroll down, and you can set up email posting. When you are done, click the Save Settings, and the next page will verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down, on on the menu click on the Reading settings. When the Reading Settings opens, you can set things like how many blog pages to show. You can select whether to show the full text or a summary of each article in a feed. When you are satisfied, scroll down and click on Save Changes. The page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and click on Discussion in the main menu in the left hand column. This will open the Discussion Settings page, where you can change things that relate to comments and avatars. You can select a box to force users to log in to comment. This is where you would disallow unapproved comments, or make sure that an administrator must always approve comments. You can determine the rating you wish to give your blog, and set the default avatar. When you are done, click Save Changes, and the new page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and select Media from the menu on the left hand side. This is where you can change settings like the maximum allowed image dimensions and image alignment. Scroll down and go to Privacy Settings from the left hand menu. This is where you will decide whether or not to allow bots and search engines to access your blog. Click the save changes button. Finally, go to the Permalinks settings on the menu. Here, you can decide what type of URL structure is used for your blog. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to configure your settings in WordPress.

How to Edit Your Profile in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to edit your profile in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the left hand column, expand the Users option by clicking on it. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Your Profile. This will open the Profile screen. On the screen you can edit options relating to the visual editor and color scheme. Scroll down. Under the section called Name, enter your first and last name. You can scroll down, and will find a box called Biographical Info. Here you can enter some bio info about yourself if you wish. When you are done, Click the Update Profile button. The next page will verify that your profile has been updated. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to edit your profile in WordPress.

How to Install WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial it to teach you how to install WordPress directly from You will need to go there - to Scroll to the right. You will see a download button for the latest and most stable release of WordPress. Click this button. On the next page, choose your version, and save the file. Now go to where it was downloaded. Unzip the folder and extract the files.Now open the folder. You will now need to upload the entire WordPress folder to your server using an FTP manager of your choosing. Once the files have been uploaded, go to your site in your web browser. You will now see the message that you need to create a configuration file. This is simple to do, just click on the Create Configuration File Button. The next screen will give you a short list if information that you will need for your configuration file. You will need 1. Database name, 2. Database username, 3. Database password, 4. Database host, and 5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database.). If you have this information, click the Let's Go button and continue. Enter the information in the correct boxes on the following pages. You will need your MySQL username and password. When the boxes are filled in to your satisfaction, scroll down and click on Submit. On the next page, it will indicate you are ready to run the install now.

Click on the button, and Run Install. You are now at the famous five minute WordPress Installation Process. Fill in the information asked for, and if you wish to change it later it is simple to do. Under Site Title, give your blog a title. Enter a password twice, or one will generated for you. Add and double check your email. Click the button at the bottom to install WordPress. The following screen will show Success! Click to Log in. Enter your username and the password you chose. You can check the Remember Me box to automatically log you in from now on. Click Log In. This is your admin panel where you can manage your blog and its settings. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to install WordPress directly from

How to Log in to Your New Joomla Account

This tutorial will teach you how to log into your new Joomla Account. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Once you have registered and activated your account if necessary, you will then be able to log in. Scroll down, and on the right hand side, enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes. Check the Remember Me box if you are not on a public computer, and you wish to be logged in automatically next time. Click the Login button. That's it. You are now logged in to your Joomla account. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to log in to your new Joomla account.

How to Manage Articles in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage articles in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to Joomla and on you admin panel. Joomla organizes articles into sections and categories. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. You will need to begin by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left side. From the drop-down menu select Article Manager. An this page, you can perform many operations. Here you can archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish, copy, move, edit or delete articles. You can also create new articles. To unarchive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article you wish to unarchive. Now click on the Unarchive Icon in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that the operation was successful. To Archive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article. Click on the Archive icon in the upper right corner. Again, you will get a message that the operation was successful. Archived articles are retained on the site as unpublished and cannot be published to other pages until they are unarchived. To publish an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Publish icon in the upper right corner. To unpublish, select the the article, and click the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Any articles that appear on the front page are marked with a green check mark.

To make an article show up on the front page, click the red X in the front page column. Articles can be moved or copied to different categories. To move an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a Move Articles page. In the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to move the article to, by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save button in the upper right corner. You will now see a message that the move was a success. To copy an article, select the article you wish to copy, and click the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open the Copy Articles page, and from the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to copy the article to by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save Icon in the upper right corner. To delete an article, click in the checkbox of the selected article, and scroll over. Click on the Trash icon, and the screen will verify that the article has been sent to the trash. Editing an article begins by selecting the article to edit by marking the checkbox in front of the article. Scroll over and click on the Edit icon. This opens the article in an edit screen format. Make any changes, and click the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new article, begin by scrolling right, and clicking on New in the upper right corner. This will open a new article screen. Begin by entering a Title. Next is an alias. This is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering this alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically covering the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. You may manually enter an alias, if you want. Next, choose the section this article should belong to. If there is more than one category under the section you chose, you will need to select that too. By default, Published is set to yes, so if you don't want to publish this article just yet you will need to change it to no. Select whether this article should appear on the front page. In the large box, type your article, using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. Click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that your article has been saved, and you will see it in the list of articles. Looking across, you can see if it is published, on the front page, what section, and other information. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to manage article in Joomla.

How to Manage Categories in WordPress

This tutorial will help you learn how to manage your categories in the WordPress program. You should begin by logging in to WordPress, and going to your Dashboard. In the left hand column you will find your menu items. Click to expand the Posts option. This will give you the options of Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Categories. This takes you to a Categories screen. To Add a New Category, type the name as you would like it to appear on your site in the name box. Below that box, is a box to type in the "slug", which is the URL-friendly version of the name. Scroll down, and if you wish you can choose to select a category parent. Enter a brief description in the box. When you are ready, click on the Add New Category button. On the Categories Page, you can quickly edit a category's information. Select the category you wish to edit, and in the right hand column click on the quick edit link below the appropriate category. Make any changes, or click cancel. Delete a category by clicking on the delete link in the same area. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the category. Click OK to confirm. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage categories in WordPress.

How to Manage Global Settings in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage the Global Setting in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. Make sure that your configuration.php file, which is located in your Joomla root directory is writable. Otherwise some changes will not be saved. Begin by clicking on Site, in the upper left corner of the main panel. From the drop-down menu, select Global Configuration. The first set of options you will see are your site options. These will allow you to set the site to offline mode, change the offline message, or change the site name. When you set the site to offline, it allows only administrators to access it. This is useful for editing the site when you don't want other people to see it. To change it to offline, change the radio button to yes, and scroll right. Click on the green check, or the Apply button. You may preview the site by clicking on the preview icon in the upper right corner. The SEO settings allow you to optimize URLs for search engines, rewrite URLs, or add suffixes to them. Scroll down and to the left and you will see Metadata Settings. Here you can edit your meta descriptions and keywords. The more descriptive your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site through the search engines. Scroll up. The next set of options is System. Here you can change settings related to the system, such as cache, session, andd debugging.

The User Settings here allow you to turn user registration off, set the group users are added to by default, and require new users to activate their account through email before they can log in. Scroll down and you will see Media Settings. This lets you choose what file extensions are able to be uploaded by users, set the maximum file size, change the folder paths, restrict uploads, etc. For a short description about what each option does, hover the mouse over the name. Scroll up. The last section is Server. This is where you can change your Server, Locale and FTP settings. Scroll right, and you will see where you can change your Database and Mail settings. This concludes this tutorial. You now know all about what to find in the Global Setting in Joomla and how to Manage it.

How to Manage Modules in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to manage modules in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The Module Manager is where you can add and edit modules, which are used to display content and media around the main content. Begin by clicking on Extensions in the upper main menu. In the drop-down, select module manager. This will open a new page, from which you can enable, disable, copy, delete, edit, or create modules. Disabled modules are indicated by a red X. To enable a module, select the checkbox next to the item, and then click on Enable in the upper right hand menu The red X will become a green check mark. To disable a module, select it by clicking on the checkbox in front of the chosen module. Then click on the Disable icon in the upper right corner, and the green check will turn into a red circle with a white X inside it. To copy an existing module, select the box. Now click on Copy in the upper right corner. The new copy will appear in your list as Copy of....... To edit the copy, or any module, select the module with a check in the box in front of the chosen module. Scroll right and click on edit in the upper right menu. This will open a window that will allow you to make any necessary changes to the module. When you are done, click on Save, and your module is up to date.

If this is a copied module you are editing, remember that copies are always disabled. You will need to enable them to make them work. To create a new module, click on new in the upper right corner. This will present a page that will allow you to choose the type of module you would like to create. There are many choices, ranging from navigation items, to articles, to photos, and everything in between. Select the module type you would like to create, and then scroll right and click on next. Each module has different options that you can set. Fill in the necessary information. Click Save. You can now see your new module in the module manager list. The last thing is to learn how to reorder the list. Scroll down, and click the green arrows to move items up and down the list. That completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage modules in Joomla, and can add, edit, copy, delete, create and much more.

How to Manage Pages in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to manage pages in WordPress. You will need to log in to WordPress, and open your Dashboard. In the left hand column, you will see the item Pages. Click on this Link. It will drop down and display two items, Pages and Add New. Click on Add New. On the new screen, you will see a block to enter the Title for the new page. Enter the title. In the big block below, enter the page content. In the right hand column is a section called Page Attributes. You can select the parent page there, using the drop down menu. When you are all done, click on the Publish button in the right hand column. To view all of your pages, go to pages in the menu in the left hand column. Click on pages in the drop down menu. That will open the Pages section. You will see link such as Edit, Quick Edit, Trash and View. If you click on View, you can see the page you just created. By clicking on Trash, you can Delete the page.This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage pages in WordPress.

How to Manage Users in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage users in your WordPress program. You will need to open WordPress, and go to your Dashboard. In the left hand menu column, click on the Users option. This will expand the list to include Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Add New. This opens the Add New User screen. On the first line, enter a username. The second line requires you to add an email address. Now add the users First and Last Names, Web site if they have one, and enter a password twice. Scroll down and click the Add User button. To delete a User, select Users under the users menu on the left hand side of the dashboard. Place a checkmark in the box in front of the name of the user you wish to delete, and click on the delete link below the appropriate name. This will take you to a confirmation page, where you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click the button to confirm. The user has now been deleted. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add and delete users in WordPress.

How to Manage Your Plugins in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage your plugins in WordPress. First you need to log in and go to your Dashboard. On the left hand side you will see a column of items. Near the bottom is Plugins. Click on this link and expand the menu. You will see Plugins, Add New and Editor. Click on Plugins. The page that comes up will show you a list of all your installed plugins. At the bottom of each individual plugin are three links - Activate, Edit and Delete. To Activate any plugin, click on its Activate link. At the top of the page, is a link to Add New plugins. Click on the Add New, and it will take you to a Install Plugins page. To find more plugins, you may browse the WordPress Plugin Directory simply by clicking on the link in the top paragraph. To Edit plugins, click on the Editor in the menu on the left hand side. This will allow you to select and edit your plugins. However, this is only for the advanced user, as editing can break the plugin rather easily. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage your plugins in WordPress.

How to Register a New User Account in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to register a new user account in Joomla. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Scroll down, and click on Create an account. In the registration section, type your name. Next type a username. Now put down your email address. Next select a password, and enter it twice to verify it. Scroll down, and click on Register. If the Joomla site you are visiting has email activation on, you will need to go to your email and click the link in the email that's sent automatically before you will be ale to login. That's it! You now know how to register a new user account in Joomla.

How to Specify What Media Can be Uploaded in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to specify what media can be uploaded in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and and at your admin panel. In order to specify wha types of media can be uploaded to your site, you will need to set the allowed file extensions. Begin by clicking on Site on the top menu. Select and click on Global Configuration from the drop-down menu. When the Global Configuration window opens, go to the System settings tab. Scroll down. You will see a box called Media Settings. The first item in the box is Legal Extensions (File Types). Next to Legal Extensions, enter the file types you want to allow and separate each with a comma. You can also change the maximum file size, and the paths to the media and image folders here. If you would like to allow any users to be able to upload files, click the No radio button next to Restrict Uploads. Scroll up and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. The window will show a verification that your changes have been updated and saved. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to set the specifications for what media file extensions can be uploaded in Joomla.

How to Use the Category Manager in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to use the Category Manager in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. Click on Content in the upper Menu Bar. Now select Category Manager. This will open a page that lists your categories. Here you can publish, unpublish, move, copy, or delete categories or even create new ones. To publish a category, select the checkbox in front of the category you wish to publish. Then click on Publish in the upper right menu. To unpublish, select a box, and click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right menu. That will make the green check mark turn into a red x. To move a category, simply mark the checkbox of the selected category. Click on the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen, where you can select a new section for this category. Scroll right, and click save in the upper right corner. To copy a category, select it, and click on the copy icon in the upper right corner. Then on the new screen, choose the section the category will be copied to. Click on the Save. < To delete a category, select the box. Click on Delete in the upper right corner and the section is deleted. To edit, select the category. Scroll right and select the icon in the upper right that is for Edit. This will open the Category edit window, where you can make any necessary changes. Click Save. To create a new category, click on New in the upper right menu. A new window will open, with blanks to fill in. The first is a title for your category. The next line is for the "alias", which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if you choose to enable the Search Engine Friendly selection in Global Configurations. Entering an alias is optional, and if you leave it blank, Joomla will create one based on the title. By default, Published is set to yes. If you are not ready to have the category published yet, you will need to change it to no. The next choice you will make is what Section this category will belong to. Select the section from the drop-down menu. The next part is the Access Level, where you will determine what users can access the content in this section. Again, make your choice from the drop-down menu. If you wish to select an image for this section, you do that in the next part. Choose an image, and then select its position. Use the text box to enter a description for this section. Scroll to the top, and click on save. Your new category is now listed in the category manager. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Mass Mail System in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your admin panel. The Mass Mail system allows you to email all registered users or those in a particular group. Click on Tools in the top menu. Select Mass Mail from the drop-down menu. This opens the Mass Mail window. In the box on the left hand side, it says Mail to Child Groups. Check that box if you would like to send the email to all groups under the selected group. Below that, Select the group this email should be sent to. On the right hand side, you will compose your email. Start with the subject line. Then type in your message. Now go to the upper right, and click on Send Mail. You will now see a message that your email was sent to ___number of Users. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla.

How to Use the Media Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Media Manager in Joomla. You will need to start by logging in to your Joomla admin panel. Now click on Site in the top menu. Select Media Manager from the drop-down menu. This opens the Media Manager window. It is just like a file manager except is shows only media files in your image directory. To create a new folder and upload an image, begin by finding the path for your media file.. Below the word files, you will see a box with the line /home/kj/public_html/joomla/images, or something similiar, depending on what your media file path is. At the end of this line you will find a / and a new box. In this empty box, type a new name for your folder. Now click the Create Folder button directly below the line. Now click on the folder you just created to open it. Scroll down. Click on the Browse button. Select your media file and click open. This will take you back to the media screen. Now click Start Upload button. You can now see the path for the uploaded file in the box below files. Note that larger files may take several minutes to finish uploading. To delete a file, find the red x under the file. Click on the x, and the file is deleted. To change the way items are viewed, go to the main directory, on the left, and click on Media. Now select Detail View. Scroll down. Instead of thumbnails, files are now shown with their dimensions and size. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to use the Media Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Menu Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Menu Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. The Menu Manager allows you to create custom menus for your Joomla site. Click on Menus on the menu in the upper left corner. Select Menu Manager from the drop-down menu. To create a new menu. Scroll right, and click on New in the upper right corner. This open a new menu screen. In the first box enter a Unique Name. This is what Joomla uses to identify this module within the code. Now enter a Title. In the next box, enter a description. The last box is the Module Title, and that is what will display on the front-end. If this field is left blank, the module will not be created. Scroll right and click on the Save icon in the right hand corner. This new menu will now be showing in the menu manager. To edit the menu, click on the icon in the menu row that looks like a piece of paper. This open a page called Menu Item Manager (content). Scroll right, and click on new. This will bring up a list for you to choose a Menu Item Type from. Highlight the correct selection, and it will open a Menu Item Detail page. Here in the box, you need to enter a title, and below that an Alias, which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an Alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen.

You can also manually enter an alias if you wish. Click the Save in the upper right corner,and the screen will verify that your item was saved. The last thing to do after creating a new menu is to enable it in the module list. Go to the menu at the top of the page, and click on Extensions. From the drop-down menu select Module Manager. Find your menu item, and click the red x next to the menu item. The new menu item can now be viewed on the front-end. This ends this tutorial. Now you know how to use the menu manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Section Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Section Manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your Joomla admin panel. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization. Start by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left. From the drop-down, select Section Manager. On this page, you can publish, unpublish, copy or delete sections or create new ones. To publish a section, select the checkbox in front of the section. Now click on Publish in the upper right corner. To unpublish a sectioon, select the box. Click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Copying a section will allow you to create a duplicate of the object to a different location. To copy, select the section by marking the checkbox. Now click on the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen for the new section. In the box, enter a name for the new(copied) section. Scroll right, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To edit a section, click the checkbox in front of the section you wish to edit. Scroll right, and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner. Make any necessary changes, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new section, scroll right, and click on the New icon in the upper right corner. This opens a new section screen. In the details box, you will see that the Scope is content.

This cannot be changed. Enter a title. The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. However, you may manually enter aan alias, if desired. By default, Published is set to yes, if you don't want to publish this section just yet you will need to change it to no. The Access Level lets you set what users can access content in this section. Public allows anyone who visits your site to view the content. Registered allows only registered users access, and Special allows only authors and higher. Scroll down, and you will find a box that will allow you to select an image that will be used for this section. You can upload your own images into the images/stories directory. Use the Image Position to place the image at the left or right of the page. Next you will find a section called Description. Here is where you will enter a description for this section. Scroll up and click Save in the upper right corner. That is how you create a new section. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to Use the Section Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Trash Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the trash manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel to begin. Deleted articles are sent to the trash manager where you can either delete them completely or restore them. To delete an article, go to Content in the top menu. Select Article Manager from the drop down menu. This will open the Article Manager screen. Click the checkboxes next to the article or articles you want to delete. Then go to the upper right hand corner, and click on the Trash Can icon. Now go to the Trash Manager. Click Content from the top menu. Then select Article Trash from the drop-down menu. This will display the articles that are in the Trash Manager, or the trash can. To restore an article, select the checkbox. Scroll right, and click on the Restore icon in the upper right hand corner. The restore screen will ask you to verify that you want to restore the item. Click Restore again, and OK, and the item will have been returned to is original place, but is unpublished. To republish a restored item, go to Content in the top menu. Click on Article Manager from the drop-down menu. Select the restored item, by marking the checkbox. Click Publish in the upper right corner. To permanently delete an item from the Trash Manager, click on the checkbox in front of the item and scroll right. Click Delete in the upper right corner. This brings up the Permanently Delete Items screen.

You will click on Delete again, and the item has now been permanently deleted from the database and cannot be recovered. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Trash Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the User Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the User Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in, and be at your Joomla admin panel. In the top left hand menu, click on Site. From the drop-down menu, select User Manager. The User Manager screen will have a list of all the users that have registered for your site. One thing you can do here is Add a new User. Scroll to the right. In the upper right corner, click on New. This will open a new screen. In the left hand box, called User Details, you will type in the name of the new user. Choose a username, and add the users email. Enter a password and verify it. In the Parameters box on the right hand side, set the back-end and front-end default languages. Now click Save in the upper right corner. Once a user has been created, you can edit it if needed. Click on the Users name. Make the change on the User page, and click Save. To delete a User, click the box in front of the users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Delete Icon. To force a User to Logout, click on the box in front of the Users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Logout icon. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the User Manager in Joomla.

How to Write a Comment in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to write a comment in WordPress. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. In the upper left corner, click on the My Blog link to go to your blog. Click on the leave a Comment link. This will open a new page, with a comment box. Enter your comment in the box. When you are done, click the Post Comment button. Your new comment will show up under the admin says: . This completes this tutorial. Now you know how to write a comment in WordPress.

How to Write a New Post in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to write a new post in WordPress. You need to begin by logging in, and going to your WordPress Dashboard. In the left hand column, the first menu item is Posts. Click on it to expand the menu. You will see Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Add New. This will open a Add New Post screen. In the first block, enter the title of your new post. In the large block below, enter the post content. After you have written your post, on the right hand side, you will find a section that will allow you to assign this post to one or more categories if you wish. When you are all finished, click on the Publish button. This will open the Edit Post screen. At the top is a link to View Post. Click on this link to see your new post. You can now see how your post will look on your site. Return to the admin area. Now, in the left hand column select the posts from the menu items. Your new post will now show up in the list here. You can now edit or delete it if you wish using the links below the title of the post. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write a new post in WordPress.

How to change your Password in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to change your password in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the menu in the left hand column, click on Users to expand the options. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Go to Your Profile. Scroll all the way down. Where it says New Password, enter your new password in the box. Re-enter the password in the box below. The strength indicator will tell you how strong your password is. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom left corner. Your profile page now says User updated. Your password has been changed. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to changer your password in WordPress.

How to login to Joomla as the Default Administrator

This tutorial will teach you how to login to Joomla as the default administrator. You should have your Joomla administration login page open in your browser. If this is your first time logging in as the root administrator, the default username is admin. Enter the password you created during installation. Click Login. You are now logged in to Joomla as admin, on the admin panel. You may wish to change your password after installation or on accasion to increase security. On the right hand side, in the list of logged in users, select admin from the list. This will open a new User detail screen where you can change you password and verify it if you choose. Click Save when finished. Once you are done in the admin control panel you will need to logout. Scroll right. Click on Logout in the very upper right hand corner. That's it. You now know how to login to Joomla as admin, change your password and logout.

WordPress won't save no parent assignment or null/blank custom field entries

If you are running WordPress on Apache and on a version of PHP later than 5.3.x, and experience any of the following issues: You cannot save the parent of a page from from an existing page .... to "no parent" You cannot save a custom field value, changing it from a populated value to a blank/null value In either of the case above, these are typically caused by the SUHOSIN module for PHP. The following should resolve this Edit you php.ini file, adding the following entries after the existing entries for SUHOSIN. suhosin.cookie.disallow_nul = Off suhosin.get.disallow_nul = Off = Off suhosin.request.disallow_nul = Off Then restart Apache Web Server Viola, you should now be able to save null values.

Advanced Articles [Questions 4]

How To Install and Uninstall FrontPage Extensions

This tutorial will show you how to install and uninstall FrontPage extensions. Please note that FrontPage Extensions should only be installed if you are using Microsoft's FrontPage to build you web site!! This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section named Advanced. Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This will take you to a screen that will list your domain or domains, (if there are parked or add-ons in your hosting account), and the status of FrontPage Extensions on that domain. It will say Installed or not Installed. Next to the domain in the list is a button that says Install Extensions. Click that button. That is all there is to it. You will be taken to a verification page, showing that the FrontPage Extensions are now installed, and ready for you to publish your web site to your hosting account. Click the Go Back button. The domain that has Front Page Extensions installed is now listed with the correct status of installed. Remember, extensions have to be installed separately for any Subdomain or add-on domain. To uninstall the Extensions, click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This takes you to the main screen, where you will find a list of domains, with FrontPage status listed. Find the one you wish to remove, and go across the list to Uninstall Extensions.

Click on the button. This will take you to a verification screen. You can now Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to the cPanel main page. This is the end of this tutorial. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Set Up A Cron Job

This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can set a command or script to run at a specific time every day, week, etc. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Advanced Section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the icon named Cron Jobs. This will take you to the main Cron Job page, where it lists two different experience levels to choose from: Standard and Advanced (Unix Style). This tutorial is going to teach the Standard approach. Click on the Standard Button. This will take you to a screen showing a Standard Cron Manager. Every time a cron job runs, the results are sent to an email address. The top line asks for the email address where you would like the cron job results sent. Enter that address into the box. Below is a box marked Entry 1. The first line is Command to Run: with a box after. In the box you need to enter the command of the script you want to run, including the path (all the way from root) For example, a command might look like this: "home/abc123/public_html/cgi-bin/clients.cgi" This command includes the entire path, all the way from the root directory. Next, we need to specify the timing of the cron. We need to determine when and how often we want the script to run.

There are boxes with different listings above them - Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), Month(s), Weekday(s). Using the information within each box, set the time, day, month, and day of the week you want your cron to run. When it is all set click the Save Crontab button. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that your cron job has been set. Click on the Go Back link. To return to the Standard Cron Manager at any time, click on the Standard button on the main Cron Job page. You can edit your cron, or delete it entirely by simply clicking on the delete button in the Entry box. You can also set up additional cron jobs. Return to your main cPanel page by clicking the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup Cron Jobs the easy way, and then edit them, delete them, or add additional ones. You can add as many as you wish, but REMEMBER, Cron Jobs have the potential to take up a lot of server resources. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create Custom Error Pages

This tutorial will teach how to create custom Error Pages. Create error pages for 404 Not Found errors and 500 Internal Server Errors, along with 28 other errors. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section, and Click on the Error Pages link. This will take you to the main error pages page. This page lists many kinds of error pages that you can customize. Let's select one, and click on the link. This will take you o an editing page. This is where you create your custom error page. You can include one or more of the listed tags to further customize the page. You can also use HTML tags in your page, making it easy to match the look of your error page to the rest of your web site. Create your page by entering your text into the big block. For example: The page (then click on the "Requested URL" button) is unavailable. Scroll down and click the Save button. You are now taken to a verification page, showing that your error page is created. Click on the Go Back button. You can customize any of the listed error pages, but you do not have to if you do not want to. All accounts come with preset standard error pages. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page.You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner.

Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using Index Manager

This tutorial will teach about using the Index Manager. The Index Manager allows you to customize the way a directory will be viewed on the web. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your web site are displayed. If there is not a file named "index.html" in a given directory, then the contents of that directory will be displayed in a browser. This is very undesirable, and can cause security issues. With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown. On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section. There you will click on the Index Manager icon. This will take you to the main Index Manager page. You will see your folders listed there. You can navigate through them by clicking on the icons. When you find the directory you want to address, click on the name. That will open another screen, where you will see the path for your chosen directory. There are four choices here. Default System Setting-allows the directory contents to be shown No Indexing-does not allow directory contents to be shown Standard Indexing (text only)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do not contain image files Fancy Indexing (graphics)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do contain image files Click on one radio button and click the Save button.

This will take you to the verification screen, where you can see that the settings have been updated. Click on Go Back. You can now exit by clicking on HOME and returning to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of this tutorial. You can return and change the settings at any time, for any of your directories. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Domains Articles [Questions 23]

How Do I Choose a Domain Name

This tutorial will look at some of the things you should look at when you are trying to choose your Domain Name. As you know, a domain name is a quick and easy way for someone to find your website on the Internet. Without a domain name, people would have to remember a series of numbers, or your IP address, and enter that to locate your site. One of the first things to think about when choosing a domain name is even though they can be hundred of characters in length, the shorter the better. Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. You should avoid using hyphens if possible, because sometimes they make it hard to communicate your address to other people, and an easy understanding is very important. One drawback to shorter is that a lot of the shorter names are already taken, so your first choice may already be in use. You may have to add to it, or make some small changes to find a short name that is available. You will also need to decide what top-level domain (TLD) or domain extension to use for your domain. There are many choices, such as .com, .net, .org, and so on. Recently, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) who oversees all of this added several new TLD's, like .biz, and .museum. The TLD doesn't matter much anymore, so you can use whichever sounds best and is available. If the .com of your choice is taken, maybe the .net version is available.

When selecting your domain, if you are operating a business website, you want it to reflect something about your products or type of business. For example, if your business is Joes Online Store, but your main product is blue widgets, your domain should be something to show that, like, or People shopping for blue widgets will find you that way when they do a search. (It does take a long time and some effort to make yourself visible in a search unless your product is very unique and/or one-of-a-kind. That is called "search engine optimization") If you just use as your domain, unless people know your name already you will be hard to find. So, the key points of domain name selection are to keep it short, keep it simple and make it mean something relating to the purpose of your business. You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website, in fact this may help improve your search engine rankings. This concludes the tutorial about how to choose a domain name.

How to Create a Subdomain

This tutorial will teach you how to create a Subdomain. Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your web site. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Domains. Find the Icon named Subdomains, and click on it. This will take you to the Subdomain main page. You will find a box titled Subdomains, with your domain name after it. If you have more than one domain name, such as parked domains, or add-ons, you will find them here in a pull down menu. Select the correct domain for which you wish to make a Subdomain and in the box enter the prefix name of the new Subdomain. The result should look like this: whatever your TLD is) For example, Below the Subdomain line is the Document Root line, and by clicking on the Icon, it will bring up the default directory for the Subdomain. Now click the Create Button. This will take you to a page showing that your Subdomain has been created successfully. Click on the Go Back link to return to the Subdomain page. Your new Subdomain is now listed here on the Subdomain page. You can make changes or remove it completely right here. A folder called 123abc (or whatever you named your Subdomain) has been created into which you will upload your files for this Subdomain.

This folder is located in the public_html directory, and can be accessed through file manager, or any FTP program. You can also access it by entering "" You can grant virtual FTP access to your new Subdomain from the FTP Manager in cPanel, although it is not necessary to make it work. It is already working. You can now return to your cPanel main page by clicking on the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to this section at any time to create additional subdomains, or delete existing ones. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create an Add-On Domain

This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to use and set up an Add-on domain. An Add-on domain is a separate domain from the main account using space available. Giving you multiple accounts in the same space. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Domains section and click on the Addon Domains link. This takes you to the Add-on screen. In the first box enter the new domain name. In the next box, the one named Subdomain/FTP Username enter the directory name in your main account where this new domain will be pointing. Enter a password, and then re-enter it. Click the Add Domain button. This takes you to the verifies screen which will confirm that your new add-on domain has been created. For example: your domain is, and you make an add-on called The web site files should be uploaded to the directory. An FTP Account has been created for this add-on domain. Click the Go Back link. Click the Home Icon in the upper left hand corner. Scroll down. Click the FTP Accounts Icon in the Files section. Scroll down the page, and in the Account Management section you will find your new add-on domain listed. To remove an add-on domain, in the modify Addon Domain section find the Remove button. Click the button, and it will take you to a confirmation screen.

Click Yes, and the domain has been removed, as well as the FTP account created for it. Click HOME and return to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup and remove add-on domains in your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Park a Domain

This tutorial will teach how to park a domain. A "Parked" domain shows the same content as the domain it is parked on, but uses the Parked domains name. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Domain parking is useful when you have additional domain names that you want people to be able to use to get into your web site. For example, let's say your domain name is "". But you also own the domain "". If you park one of the domains on the other, then both will result in visitors getting to your web site. NOTE: Domain parking will NOT work if you have not updated the new domain's name servers to point to your account's name be sure to do that with your registrar first. Begin by scrolling down your cPanel main page to the section called Domains and click on the icon called Parked Domains. This takes you to a parked domain screen with a box labeled Create a New Parked Domain. Enter the domain you want to park in the box, then click the Add Domain button. You will now go to a verification screen, which will confirm that the domain has been successfully parked. Click on the Go Back link. The domain will now be listed in the Parked Domain list. This is where you can remove parked domains. Simply click on the Remove link, and then click on the Yes to confirm that you wish to remove the parked domain.

This takes you to the verification screen, confirming that you have successfully removed the parked domain. Click the Go Back link. Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You may return and create as many parked domains as your hosting plan allows. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up URL Redirects

This tutorial will teach you how to set up URL redirects. Redirects allow you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page. This way you can make a page with a long URL accessible by a page which has a shorter and easier to remember URL. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Domains section, and click on the Redirects Icon. This will take you to the redirects screen. The first thing you need to do is decide whether this redirect will be temporary or permanent. Use the pull-down to select one or the other. Next, type in the URL that you want to redirect. For example, the "" is already listed. In the box you list the page for redirection, such as "anypage.html". In the next box, you need to enter the destination URL. This is the place you want your web site visitors sent to. Next click the Add button. That's all there is to it! It will now take you to the confirmation screen, showing which URL is being automatically redirected to what new URL. Click the Go Back Link. You can now see your new redirect listed in the Directory. You can also remove redirects from this same page. Simply click on the remove icon in the Directory list. It will take you to a screen that will verify that you have removed the redirect. You can now Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner, and return to the main cPanel page. This now ends the tutorial on URL redirects. You can set up as many URL redirects as you wish, including redirects to other pages within your own web site or redirects to pages within other web sites. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed.

When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue. You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided.

Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered. Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted.

Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button.

The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes. Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

Showing you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue.

Click OK. You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

What Are Domain Names and How Do They Work

This tutorial will look at what the concept of Domain Names, and how they work. Every website on the Internet can be located by its IP address. The IP address is a unique set of numbers, assigned to every computer that has access to the Internet. Our hosting servers all have IP addresses, which you will be included in your welcome email. Anyone looking for your website can enter those numbers in the address bar of their browser, and they will find your website. So, are you going to tell people to look for you on the Internet by just entering (Just an example.) Will anyone remember that? This is where the idea of Domain Names came about. Instead of having to enter a bunch of numbers, we can now assign a name to those numbers. Domain names can contain letters, numbers and hyphens. They can be hundreds of characters in length, but the shorter the domain name, the better. You can also have more than one domain name pointing at the same website. A domain name is an easy to remember address that can be translated by domain name servers into server IP addresses. In order for your computer to figure out what IP address to use for a domain name, it has to connect with a name server, which is also called a DNS server. That server connects with another, which connects with another, and so on, until a server is found that knows the correct IP address for the domain name.

When you purchase a domain name, you make sure the settings show that all requests for an IP address for that domain name are directed to our hosting name servers. The settings will be in the welcome email you receive when you purchase a hosting account with us. This concludes the tutorial on domain names, and how they work.

Email(Mail) Articles [Questions 14]

Configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system. Log in to your control panel Click on the "Forwarders" icon in your cPanel Click on the "Add Forwarder" button Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the "Address to Forward" field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list Next, make sure the "Forward to email address:" radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field Click on the "Add Forwarder" button to add this forwarder This will enable forwarding for the email address you entered. Note: If you setup a forwarder for an email address that is already added in your cPanel as an email account, the emails will still be delivered to that mailbox, plus any forwarder addresses you've added.

File Attachments Blocked by MailScanner

The following is a list of most file attachments that may be blocked by the MailScanner service (the attachments are removed from emails before delivery to you and placed in a quarantine area for 30 days should you wish to receive them): These are known to be dangerous in almost all cases. .reg Possible Windows registry attack .chm Possible compiled Help file-based virus .cnf Possible SpeedDial attack .hta Possible Microsoft HTML archive attack .ins Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings attack .jse_ Possible Microsoft JScript attack .lnk Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole attack .ma_ Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut attack .pif Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack .scf Possible Windows Explorer Command attack .sct Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component attack .shb Possible document shortcut attack .shs Possible Shell Scrap Object attack .vbe or .vbs Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script attack .wsc .wsf .wsh Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host attack .xnk Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut attack These are often used by viruses .com Windows/DOS Executable .exe Windows/DOS Executable These are very dangerous and have been used to hide viruses .scr Possible virus hidden in a screensaver .bat Possible malicious batch file script .cmd Possible malicious batch file script .cpl Possible malicious control panel item .mhtml Possible Eudora meta-refresh attack Filenames ending with CLSID's {[a-hA-H0-9-]{25,}\} Filename trying to hide its real extension Examples: A977FF0C-8757-4E76-8533-482F91946233 000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 Filenames with lots of contiguous white space in them. Filename contains lots of white space Deny all other double file extensions. This catches any hidden filenames. Examples: .txt.pif .doc.pif .txt.exe

How To Use Webmail From Within CPanel

There are two ways to access webmail. You can actually login to webmail without first logging into cPanel by simply typing the following into your browser: " " (replace your domain with your actual domain name.) This tutorial will teach you how to use webmail from within cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the section named Mail, and click on the Webmail icon. This will take you to the main Web Mail page. Click on the icon called Go To Webmail Login. You will find three webmail programs to choose from. You can select from Neomail, Horde or SquirrelMail. This tutorial will look at SquirrelMail. All three programs are very similar in how they process mail. Click the SquirrelMail icon. This will take you to the main screen of your account, and shows you the contents of the main Inbox. In the top menu, you will find a button called Options. Click on the button, and it will take you to a screen where you are given several options for configuring the way your webmail displays for you. Some of the options include Folder Preferences, Display Preferences, Personal Information, and others. Next to Options, you will find Folders. Clicking that tab takes you to a screen where you can create folders and subfolders to organize and store email messages. You can also rename and delete folders in this area.

You can create as many folders and subfolders as you wish, whatever meets your needs. They will display in the left hand column. The next item in the menu is Addresses. Click on the link, and it will take you to the SquirrelMail Personal Address Book which you can use to store commonly used email addresses. After filling in the blanks, click on the Add address button, and the contact will be added to your address book. Next up is Compose. This is the Link to select to send an email. After clicking the link, you will get a blank email form. To send it to someone whose address is in your Personal Address Book, click on the Addresses button, and select the person, or people you wish to send the email to. There are check boxes to indicate whether they should be put in the To line, or the Cc (Carbon copy) line, or Bcc (Blind carbon copy) field. Once you choose a name, and select a field, click the Use Addresses button. This takes you back to the email blank, where your recipient is automatically inserted into the field you selected. Now fill in the rest of the details, such as Subject and Enter the email message in the large box. Scroll down and click the send button. That completes the composing and sending of an email message. To view your messages, look at the left hand column. If the Inbox is highlighted, it will have a number after it. That is the number of messages you have in your box. Click on Inbox, and open it up. Your messages will be listed by who sent them, date sent, and subject. If the message is junk, and you wish to delete it, click in the small check box in front of the message. Then Click the Delete button. To move a message to a different folder, mark the check box in front of the message. Go up the pull-down menu and select the folder you wish to move the message into. Then click on the Move button. When you are finished with Webmail you should always exit by signing out. The link to Sign Out is in the upper right corner. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that you have signed out of Webmail. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use Webmail, specifically SquirrelMail. You can now return to your main cPanel page. Remember, you do not have to login to cPanel to access your webmail, you can access it by using "" (replace "your domain" with your actual domain name) in your browser. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Configure MailScanner in cPanel

This article describes how to configure MailScanner in cPanel. MailScanner is an anti-spam/anti-virus suite consisting of several open source utilities including: MailScanner, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, DCC and Vipuls Razor. Together, these utilities can dramatically reduce the amount of spam and viruses that make it to your email inbox. To configure Mailscanner for your domain(s), please follow the tutorial below. Login to cPanel for your hosting account In the "Mail" section, click on the MailScanner link/icon

How to Create A POP Email Account

This tutorial will teach you how to create POP email accounts. These accounts will be based off of your domain name(s). This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down your main cPanel page to the section called Mail, and click on the icon that says Email Accounts. This will open the main Email Accounts page. If you scroll down, you will see that there is already a POP email account, listed as the Default Email Account. This is the main account that every hosting account comes with, and is the "catch-all" for all un-routed email that comes to your domain. This default account has no quota, and cannot be deleted. We are now going to create a new account. Find the first box in the section Add a New Email Account. If you should have more than one domain in your account- (for example, a parked domain, or add-on domain) be sure to choose the correct domain from the pull-down menu for which you want to create your POP email account.

Once you have selected the correct domain, in the box that says email, you will write the name of the first account you wish to establish. This account can be whatever you choose. Your name, or an employee name can go here, such as Bob or Fred, or Nancy or you may put in a department name, such as sales, accounting, or customerservice. It should be written as one word, with no spaces. Give the account a password that you can remember, and enter it again to verify it.

If it is too weak, it will not be accepted, and you will be prompted to try again. A strong password is very important to protect your email from hackers. So now you have your email account - something@yourdomain.whatever (.com, .net, .org, etc). Now you need to decide how much space of your hosting package you are going to dedicate to your mail. You have the option to set a quota limit of space. If you give it a set limit of a certain number of MB, and the box is full, you will get warnings to clean it out. You may also leave it as unlimited, but if you don't remember to check and empty it off the server, you run the risk of using all your server space. After setting the quota, click on create account and you a have completed your first email account. Click on the Go Back button, and you will see your new address listed, along with a list of actions that you may perform on that account. You can change your password, change the mail quota, Delete the account entirely or even access webmail here. You can also configure an email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.). After creating your first account, repeat for as many accounts as your plan allows. Remember to record the passwords somewhere safe so that you will be able to access the email for reading later. When you are done, click on the home icon in the upper left corner to return to your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. As always, if using a public computer, remember to close your cPanel by clicking on Logout rather than just closing the browser window.

How to Create an Auto Responder

This tutorial will teach you how to create an auto responder. You can use auto responders to send a message back automatically to anyone who sends an email to a certain account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section named Mail. Click on the icon marked Auto Responders. This will take you to the main auto responder page. Click on the Add auto responder link. In the blank box marked email, enter the name of the account to which you are adding the AutoResponder. CAUTION: If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain, make sure you are setting up the auto responder in the correct domain. On the from line, enter the name you would like to have appear on the auto message email. The subject line is the subject of the auto response email. You may enter a subject, or just leave the default setting. The next option is character set, which should be left at default, or possibly choose ASCII for most normal purposes.

By default, the message will be in plain text. You have the option of sending it in HTML by checking the box marked "This message contains HTML". Enter the text of your auto response in the body box, and when you are done click on the create/modify button. This will take you to a screen that shows you that your auto responder has been successfully created. Click on the Go Back Link, and you will see your new auto responder listed.

Here you can edit it, or delete it completely. You can create additional auto responders. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to create an auto responder in cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up Email Forwarding

This tutorial will teach how to set up email forwarding, which is sometimes called an email redirect. Forwarders allow you to send a copy of all mail from one email address to another. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail Section, and click on the icon called Forwarders. This will take you to the Forwarders screen, where you will click the button called Add Forwarders. This will take you to a screen that begins with Address. Enter the prefix of the address you wish to forward. If you have more than one domain on this account, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you are creating the forward on the correct domain. In the next box enter the email address where you want these emails forwarded to. Click the Add Forwarder button, and that is all there is to it! It will take you to the confirmation screen where you can verify that the correct address is being forwarded to the place you wish it to go.

Now, email sent to the original email address will automatically be redirected (or forwarded) to the new address of your choice. Click the Go Back button. You will see your forwarder listed. If you need to delete the forwarder, just click on the Delete button under the Functions heading. If you wish to create new or additional forwarders, click on the Add Forwarders button.

In addition to setting up email forwarders, you can also set up domain forwarders. This means that all the email sent to any address within a domain would be forwarded to a specific email address. You would do it basically the same way, just start by clicking on the Add Domain Forwarder button. You may now click on the HOME link, and return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on email forwarders (redirects). You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Trace an Email Address

This tutorial will teach how to trace an email address. This feature allows you to view how the mail server will treat a message when sending to or delivering to a specific address. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail section, and click on the icon named Email Delivery Route. This will take you to a screen where you can test any email address by tracing it's route from this server. This tool is especially handy if you are having trouble sending an email to a specific address. You can check to see where the problem might be. Enter an email address in the box, and click on Show Route. That's it...the route of the address is now shown. From your cPanel, you can look for problems. You can see if a problem is with your server, or on the other end where the destination email address is located. Click the Go Back, and then the HOME in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to check an email address by performing a trace from within your cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

I can send email from my account when I'm at work, but not when I'm at home.

This issue is typically caused by your ISP blocking port "25" on their network for residential accounts. Our servers are configured to also accept SMTP (outgoing) mail connections on port "587". Try editing your email account settings for the SMTP (outgoing) mail connection to use port "587" first. If this does not work, you'll typically need to configure your ISP's mail server for your SMTP (outgoing) mail server in your email account settings.

I cannot send email. I am using Verizon as my internet service provider.

If you cannot send email and are using Verizon FIOS or High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses, please see the following details provided from the verizon website: If you want immediate step-by-step instructions, visit change my port settings to 587 now. What is outbound port 25 blocking? Outbound port 25 blocking is a network configuration change that will prevent computers on the Verizon network from connecting to servers outside of our network. Servers outside the Verizon network use a method commonly employed to send unauthenticated, unsolicited e-mail or “spam”. Why is Verizon blocking outbound port 25? The majority of spam (unsolicited email) on the Internet is caused by malicious software viruses that take control of infected computers. These viruses direct the infected machines to send email through port 25. Verizon takes spam very seriously. Verizon blocks outgoing connections on port 25 to prevent infected computers from being used by spammers to send unsolicited email. Outbound port 25 blocking is a standard industry method to control spam.

When will outbound port 25 blocking be implemented? We will begin implementing outbound port 25 blocking in the first quarter of 2009. Will outbound port 25 blocking apply to all Verizon broadband customers? Outbound port 25 blocking will be applied to FIOS and High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses.

If you subscribe to a static IP address service, you will not be affected.

Do I have a dynamic IP address? If you have standard residential or business FIOS / High Speed Internet service, you have a dynamic IP address. Static IP packages are sold as an upgraded service. Will I be impacted by port 25 blocking? If you have a dynamic IP address and you use a third party email account to send email from a desktop client such as Outlook®, Outlook Express® or similar programs, you may be affected and should continue to read this notice. If you are using email provided as part of your VErizon service or a web-based email account from another provider, you will not be affected. How do I determine if I am using a third party email account? If your email address is not part of your Verizon FiOS or High Speed Internet Service, and it does NOT end with, you are using a third party account. Do I have to change my email account settings? No. Subscribers using Verizon email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account that I access using my web browser. Will I be affected? No. Web-based email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account. I also use a desktop client to manage my email. What must I do to continue using my third party service? You have three options: Change your email client to send email using port 587. Click step-by-step instructions to change your port settings now. Use web based email services. Web based e-mail is unaffected by port 25 blocking. Check with your e-mail provider to see if web based access is available. Upgrade to a FIOS or High Speed Internet account with static IP addressing. Business customers may subscribe to static IP addressing.

MailScanner FAQs

MailScanner FAQs This list of Frequently Asked Questions is provided to help you understand our Mail Scanning Service. Will spam be deleted before I retrieve my email? No email is deleted from your mailbox, unless you configure it to do so through the cPanel control panel. Any email reported by the system as spam will have the subject line modified and header records added (tagged) to indicate them so that you can automatically filter them from your inbox and place them in a separate folder so that you can check them at a later time. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 You can configure MailScanner to delete email marked as Spam and/or Definitely Spam for you, but beware of the issues in the following answers to spam related questions. Should I tell you about incorrectly tagged spam? Not unless it is an email from someone you regularly receive email from. The simplest thing to do would be to add an extra inbox rule in your email client to keep email from them in your inbox (see the above links for details for your specific email client).

Alternatively, you can add them to your whitelist in the cPanel MailScanner configuration. Will all spam be detected? No.

All the email is scanned and assigned a score based on the likelihood that an email is spam. Thresholds (low scoring and high scoring spam) are used to determine whether an email should be tagged as spam: it is important that this is done to help avoid false-positives and false-negatives.

Is all email tagged as spam, spam? Not necessarily. The system is not foolproof and there will be instances where legitimate email is tagged as spam and where spam is not tagged as such. This is why all email is delivered by default, so you can filter them email in your email client and check through the spam to ensure there is no email that you actually need. I don't need (spam/virus) checking, can I only have email scanned for one? Yes, you can configure the service to either scan for viruses, spam or both. Will viruses be deleted before I retrieve my email? Yes. All emails and file attachments will be scanned for viruses. If one is found, the virus is removed from the email before it is delivered to your mailbox, a text file attachment will be added to the email notifying you of the virus infection. Removed viruses and dangerous file attachments removed from email may be stored in a quarantine area on the server for 30 days. You can request the file from quarantine as described in the text file attachments, or , preferably ask the sender to resend the file in a zip archive. Will all viruses be detected? No system can guarantee 100% detection, though nearly all infected files and dangerous file attachmentsshould be detected using this service. The service scans all email received and sent through the server to help ensure that you do not accidentally start spreading a virus yourself. Do I still need a virus scanner on my computer? Yes! Not only can the service not guarantee that all email viruses will be detected, there are many other ways that your computer can become infected. You should always install an anti-virus solution on every computer and ensure that it is constantly kept up to date. How do I know whether and email has a virus or is a spam? There are two methods used to identify these emails to you. Firstly, the subject line of the affected email will be prefixed with one of the following: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. Secondly, additional headers are added to the email: X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be clean - indicates that the email passed the virus scanning tests. X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be infected - indicates that email email contained a virus which has been removed. X-___________-SpamCheck: spam - indicates that the email is likely to be spam and contains information on how the score was reached. X-___________-SpamScore: ssssss - indicates the spam score for the email. Each s represents 1 point, so sssss indicates a score of 5. The service has a default threshold of 5 for {Spam?} and 20 for {Definitely Spam?} Can the system simply delete all email marked as spam? We advise against this as it is possible that legitimate email will be deleted and the sender will never know that you didn't receive it. We recommend filtering the email in your email client and placing it in a separate folder so that you can check through it in your own time. See the links at the top of this page for configuring email rules for the various email clients. If you're happy that email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} you can then configure MailScanner to delete that email. Another alternative is to have all email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} delivered to a specific email address. For example, How do I configure my email software to filter spam into a separate folder? You should create a separate folder in your email client called Spam. You should then create an inbox rule to place any email containing the strings {Spam?} or {Definitely Spam?} into that folder. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 What can I do to prevent receiving spam? Have a look at the self-help checklist here.

Top Tips for Preventing Spam

Here is a list of things you can do to help prevent receiving spam: Do not use a catchall email account on your domain(s). Only list aliases and POP accounts that you actually use. This stops the frequent spams that fire off emails to a list of names on a domain. Obfuscate or hide your email addresses on your website, i.e. replace them with JavaScript "trick" email addresses, or, switch to web forms for initial contact, rather than displaying an email address. Never, ever, click on any links in any spam - especially not to "unsubscribe". All this does is confirm to the spammer that they have a "live" address. Configure your client to read any incoming emails in plain-text, never html. Html spam emails contain links to graphics and scripts on spammers sites, confirming your email address. If you are using Outlook XP or 2003 you can disable viewing in html, instructions are given here:

Understanding the MailScanner codes in your email subject lines

When Mailscanner scans your email, if it finds a problem, it may (depending upon your MailScanner settings�in cPanel) automatically�prepend the subject line of�an affected email with one of the following strings: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Fraud?}�-�indicates that the email�contained HTML code that was identified as a phishing attack and was disabled by MailScanner. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client.

You have been blacklisted/blocked by an ISP

What to do if you get blacklisted or want to be whitelisting with a certain ISP. If you have been blacklisted, the next step is to contact the ISP in question, and request to be removed from their blacklist (delisted). Each ISP has a process for applying, most starting with an online form. Here are links to some of the more popular ISP’s whitelisting/delisting applications AOL Go to webpage below, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form AT&T Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Adelphia Contact Adelphia customer service desk at 800-683-1000 or 888-683-1000. BellSouth Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Comcast Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Helpful Link CompuServe Go to this webpage, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form Cox Send us a copy of the bounced email notification to unblock. EarthLink Please send an email with the complete header to Allow 12-24 hours, our server engineers will fix the issue once the email is received.

Excite Send email to Excite asking to be removed from email blacklist Gmail A Helpful Website Go here for messages being blocked or marked as spam Hotmail Hotmail is very strict with spam complaints and they DO NOT bounce emails. They only filter to trash or junk mail. If they get only a few they will filter all email from your account. They will also filter if they detect you are sending to many non-existent accounts, since this is a characteristic of spammers. If you use your own domain name as your FROM EMAIL ADDRESS, you can set up SPF records under your domain that will improve delivery to Hotmail. Hotmail uses senderID to accept mail and require that you set up spf records on the domain you use for your FROM email address. You will need to contact your host and ask them if they publish SPF records and are compatible with Microsoft's Sender ID initiative. Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure delivery to Hotmail due to Hotmail's policies. Once you have set up spf records, let Hotmail know by sending them an email at with your domain name in the body. We will then configure your StreamSend account accordingly. If you are not sending from your own domain, our only recommendation is that you wait 48 hours or more between sends. Hotmail may remove your account from their filtering if they do not receive complaints within a certain span of time. Useful articles: Juno Getting onto whitelist: Email being blocked: Netzero Get on whitelist Email being blocked: Roadrunner Follow instructions for removal. SBCGlogal Include your private IP address in the body of the email. USA.NET All blacklisting/IP block issues can be reported to Additionally, you may want to consider registering for our feedback loop at which exempts registered IP addresses from most spam controls and allows contact if we see any delivery issues. Verizon (whitelist application) Yahoo Or try - Commonly used blacklist used by Yahoo *** If you have received an error message regarding 88.blacklist.zap, they are quick to help with delisting issues-- you should send an email to the email address below and include the IP address:

Transferring Your Domain Articles [Questions 17]

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username or domain name and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link in the tabs at the top of the page. Scroll down to Step 1. Select the domain you would like to manage by checking the box in front of the name. In Step 2, in the drop-down list, select Unlock these Domains. Click on the Go button. You will now see a Domain Locking Results page. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Control Panel Login link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the pop-up boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. From the Pull-down menu in the middle of the page, select the domain you wish to transfer, then click on the Manage button. This will bring up the Control panel for this domain, and you need to scroll down. Click on the Manage Domain Locking. This will take you to the Manage Domain Locking page, and you will scroll down again. It will tell you if your domain is locked or unlocked. If it is locked, click on the Unlock domain link. You will now get a confirmation screen showing that the lock has been removed and it is ready to be transferred.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Auth Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to begin transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can initiate the transfer of your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Customer Login button at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domains on the left hand side. This takes you to the Domain Overview page. Go to Transfers from the menu in the middle of the page. On the next page,

Click Show next to "Lock/Unlock Domains". Select the domain you wish to manage from the list, and click Next. On the next page, Domain Locks, select the radio button in front of Unlock, and click OK. The next screen will let you know the action was successful.

The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the right hand corner. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, as that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Select button on the left hand side for Manage Registered Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Manage Domain Name screen. Click on the Unlock Domain link. The next screen will verify that the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, at the top of the left hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must be completed before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer process at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This opens a screen with all your domains, called Manage Domain Names. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the lock off by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Edit Domain Name screen. Scroll down, to the Transfer Lock section. In the drop-down box, select unlocked, and click on Submit. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Signout link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link in the left hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now click on the domain name you wish to manage. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the Manage link next to "Locked". A pop-up will open and give you the option to uncheck the Locked domains. Uncheck the box, and click OK. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are completed, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Transfer Shield link in the Services section. This take you to the Transfer Shield page, where you need to scroll down. Answer the security question you have setup for your account, and click on Continue. On the new screen, you will click the Edit Transfer Shield link. Scroll down, and select the domain name you wish to unlock by checking the box in front of the domain name. The next screen is to change the status of your Transfer Shield. Make sure this setting is "Not Armed" by clicking NO. Then click on Continue. You will now see a screen that will let you know the change has been a success. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. Click on continue again.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the lower right hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are some things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on My Account. Now click on Log In. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domain Names in the list on the left hand side. This opens a new screen, with your domain names listed.

Select the domain name for which you want to remove the registry lock, by clicking in the box in front of the domain name. Now Click on Lock/Unlock from the list above the domains. Now click Go. On the new screen, click the Unlock Domain button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, go up to My Account. Click Log Out. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in button in the left hand menu. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the link in the first statement that tells you how many domain names you have in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to turn the registry lock off by clicking on the domain name.

This opens the Domain Control Panel screen. Scroll down, and click on the "Registrar-Lock Options for Domain Names and Services" Link. Un-check the box that says "Do not allow this name to be transferred to another registrar", then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the word view after "Number of domains in your account" to see a list of domain names in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Click the domain name you want to remove the registry lock on. This takes you to a Modify page for this domain name. On the left hand side, click on the Registar Lock link.

The next page will show you if the domain is locked or not. If the name is locked, click in the radio button in front of the sentence "Release the registrar lock so that the domain can be transferred to some other registrar." Then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain name out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on Control Panel at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains, and then click on Domain Manager from the drop-down, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Manager page.

Expand the options for the domain you want to edit by clicking on the plus sign in front of the domain name. Now go to the Security tab.

Click Unlock. That's it. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the upper right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by clicking on the Account Manager link in the upper right corner. Now on the log-in page, enter your account username and password in the boxes. Click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the nsWebAddress link in the left hand menu list. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains and details. In the box for the domain you wish to transfer.

find the Domain Protected text. Across from that, click on the link on the right hand side that reads "Turn Off or Request Authorization Code". This opens a new screen called Edit Domain Protect. Select the radio button for Leave Domain Protect Off. You will also need to check the box requesting an Authorization Code. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the Authorization Code. This is a very important step.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. Click on the Save button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. When finished, click the log out button in the right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from OpenSRS

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from OpenSRS to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with OpenSRS, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Enter your domain name, OpenSRS account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Manage Domain button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account.

Click on the Domain Locking link in the menu at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Locking screen. Scroll down, and check the status of the locking. You are unable to change the locking status for a domain from here. You would need to contact your domain supplier for assistance it you need to change the status.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is OpenSRS, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the login link in the right hand corner. Scroll down, and enter your account username and password in the boxes.

Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock. This takes you to the domain page. Scroll down. Now click the Disable Domain Lock link. This takes you to a confirmation page, and you need to click on the Continue button to confirm the change.

You now see the confirm page, that the domain lock changes have been made. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can initiate the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Login link in the menu at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on List Last 10. This will open a page with your domain list. Select the domain you wish to manage. Click the "Domain Name - Click to Manage" link in the box with the domain name.

This will open a management console, and in the second section, click on the Lock/Unlock Button. Now you need to Un-check the box in front of the "Customer Lock". Then click Update.

The next screen will show you that the order has been modified successfully, and the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Sign out link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to begin on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which prevents it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account.

Click on the My Domains tab at the top of the page. This opens your Account Management Control Panel. Select the domain you wish to manage, by checking the box in front of the domain name. In the Step 2 box, there is a pull-down menu. Click on the arrow, and select Unlock These Domains from the list.

Then click Go. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered domains link in the right hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains.

By the text "Manage Domain" there is a pull-down list. Select General Settings from the menu. This opens an Edit General Settings screen. Click on Disable next to Registrar-Lock. Scroll down and click on Save. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name.

This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Files Articles [Questions 5]

How To Backup Your Web site

This tutorial will teach you how to backup your web site in cPanel. Regular backups of your web site are the best way to assure you are protected from loss. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the Backup icon. This will take you to the main backup screen, where you can backup and/or restore the files in your hosting account.

There is a header called Systems Backups, and it will show you how often your account is being backed up by the server it is on. These are automatic backups, and could be daily, weekly, or monthly, or any combination of these - check with us to see how often we do backups. By clicking on any of these buttons, you can download a copy of these backups to your local computer.

If you scroll down on the main page, you will find the manual backup section. There are several ways to backup your files, depending on which files you want to backup. You can perform a backup of the home directory, or the backup of a MySQL Database, or you can backup only files in specific subdomains or filters.

You can also perform a Download/Generate Full Backup in this section. Click the button with this command on it. This will take you to a Full Backup Screen, that lists available backups for download. From the drop down box, set your back up destination. You may choose from Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (Passive mode transfer) or Secure Copy. In the next box, enter the email address where you want a complete report of this backup to be sent.

Fill in the other boxes as requested, and click the Generate Backup button. This will send you to a verification screen, to confirm that the backup is in progress, and that you will receive an email upon completion.

To Backup a Home Directory to your computer, Click on Home Directory in the Manual Downloads section. A File Download box will appear. Click OK. That will successfully backup the home directory to your local computer.

To Restore the Home Directory Backup, Click on the Browse button next to the box marked Restore a Home Directory Backup in the Manual Download Section. This will open a File Upload box. Locate and select the backup file you wish to restore. Click the Open button. This will take you back to the backup main page. Click the Upload button. A screen will then open showing files are being restored.

This works the same for the other options in the manual section. You can now click the HOME link in the upper left corner and return to your cPanel main page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the Backup utility, and can manually backup your files as often as you desire.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Create Additional FTP Accounts

Let's learn how to create additional FTP accounts. FTP Accounts allow you to access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP. You will need a third party FTP program to access your files. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon named FTP Accounts. This will take you to the FTP Accounts main page, where you manage your FTP accounts.

If you scroll down on the page you will see a list of the FTP accounts you already have. Most were created when your hosting account was setup.

Scroll up to the section called Add FTP Account. In the first box enter a Login name. Then enter a password twice, in the next two boxes.

In the next box, marked Directory, click on the icon and it will give you the Directory you are creating the FTP account for. NOTE: If it should say "public_html/example" in this box.

The user of this account will only have access to the "/example" directory, and all folders under it. To give them full access, remove everything up to the slash... so that it reads "public_html/" This will allow them full access.

In the next box you can give a quota limit or not on this FTP account. If you choose not to limit the account, enter Unlimited in the box. Then click the Create button.

This will take you to the confirmation screen, with all the account information listed. Click the Go Back button.

Your new FTP Account will now be listed on the main page, under account management. Here you can edit the account properties, such as changing the quota, password, and deleting the account. You can also create new accounts at any time.

This ends this tutorial on FTP Accounts. You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Use Web Disk In CPanel

This tutorial is going to teach you how to Use Web Disk in cPanel. The Web Disk allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Web disk allows you to drag and drop files easily from your computer to your hosting account. It is just as if your account was part of your home computer. You can also navigate through the files in your hosting account, just as you do the files on your local computer.

Scroll down to the Files section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the Web Disk icon. This will take you to the Web Disk Accounts Main Page.

You will find a section called Create Web Disk Account. In the first box enter the username you want to use for login. If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you use the drop-down menu to select the correct domain to create the web disk account on.

Enter a password, then re-enter it to verify it is correct, then click the Create button. This will take you to the confirmation screen to verify that you have successfully setup a new Web Disk account. Click the Go Back link, and you will find your new account listed in the Web Disk Account Manager.

The Manager has a button called Access Web Disk. Click that button for your new account. The page that opens will give you the choice of three operating systems. You need to choose the one that you'll use to view Web Disk.

Main headings are Apple Operating Systems, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Linux/BSD Operating Systems. Each has a drop-down list of different systems. Find your system and follow the directions given in the display box.

There is a link to click to create a Desktop Shortcut, and a pop-up will open to start running the script. Click OK, and you are now able to launch Web Disk using the icon on your desktop.

Return to your main cPanel page by clicking on the HOME icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up Web Disk, for the purpose of dragging and dropping files directly to and from your hosting account to your home computer.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page.

This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload. Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task.

Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager. It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using the Disk Usage Viewer

This tutorial will teach you how to use the disk usage viewer. The disk usage viewer provides a quick way to see the amount of disk space being used by folders. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the icon called Disk Space Usage. This will take you to the main page of the disk space usage page. On this page

you can see how much storage space is being used for each directory and sub-directory in your account. Scroll down to see the entire list of directories.

In the upper right corner of the list is a pull-down box called Actions. It can do many things, to show you different types of information. Some of the items in the Action box include Show Parent Directories, Show Top Level, Hide Small Files, and Show Files Sizes as Bytes.

Above the Left hand side are two buttons, Decrease Depth and Increase Depth. Increasing Depth will take you one more level down the path, for example:
from "mail/" to "mail/". Decreasing the depth will do the opposite.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to view the amount of storage space being used by your directories. This is useful in determining which directories are using the most storage space.

Return HOME by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. Once you know where most of your storage needs are, and where the most space is being used, you can determine whether you need to delete some files, or upgrade to a larger hosting package.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

FTP Programs Articles [Questions 18]

Configuring your web site in CuteFTP

To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in CuteFTP. Open the CuteFTP program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

To configure your web site in CuteFTP, you begin by clicking on the Site Manager button. This can be found in the icon menu of the second row, and is the first icon. It looks like an open book. This will open the Site Manager window. In the left hand panel, right-click the General FTP Sites folder. This will present you with a drop-down menu. Click on New Folder. You will now see a new folder in the left panel of the Site Manager, and you will need to enter a name for the new folder.

Now we need to configure a new site inside this folder. Click on the New button at the bottom. Then from the drop-down, click on FTP Site.

In the right hand window, there will be a general form. In the first blank, enter a name or Label for this new site. (This is for your reference only). In the next blank, enter the Host address. NOTE: The host address can be in the form of (where "" is substituted with your actual domain) or it can be just the IP address. If your domain name has not yet propagated,

you will need to use the IP address method. In the next two boxes, enter the username and password for the hosting account. Then click Exit when finished. We have successfully configured a new site in CuteFTP.

To connect to the site that we just configured, click on the Site Manager icon(the one that looks like a book). This will open the Site Manager window. In the left panel, the site we just created should be listed with the name that you gave it. Select this site. Then click on Connect in the bottom right corner. A small prompt will open. Click OK. You have now successfully connected to your web site via CuteFTP.

To disconnect, in the icon list click on the Disconnect Icon. (The one that looks like a plug being pulled out) This will close the connection. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in CuteFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FTP Voyager

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager. To begin, we will assume that you have the program FTP Voyager already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. Open the FTP Voyager program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

To configure your web site in FTP Voyager, you begin by clicking on the File button, located in the menu at the top of the program. This will open a drop-down menu, where you will click on the Site Profile Manager link. This will open the FTP Site Profile Manager window. Click on New Folder at the bottom of the window. You will see a new folder appear in the window, and a highlighted name in the Name bar on the right side.

Enter a name for this new folder in the name box on the right. With the new folder highlighted, click New Site below the left hand window. Now enter a name for the new site in the name bar on the right hand side.

Now you need to configure the Properties of the new site you are setting up. On the right hand side, there are several blank boxes to fill in. The first one you need is FTP Site. Type the FTP address of your web site in this box. It will be, with being your actual domain. You may also use your IP address in this space for the address.

NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use the IP address instead of the domain name. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous Login box. Now, in the next two boxes enter your FTP Username and Password. Check the save Password box. Then click on Connect.

You have now successfully configured your web site in FTP Voyager. You have set it up in the Site Profile Manager, and can now establish a connection. To close the connection, click on the Disconnect icon, located in the second menu bar at the top of the program. To Reconnect, click on Connect, the icon located in the second menu bar. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to configure a web site in the FTP program, FileZilla. You should have FileZilla running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. Start by opening the program. In the menu bar, select File. In the drop-down menu, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window, and you need to click on the New Folder button.

This will show a new folder in the window on the left hand window, under My Sites. Enter a name for the new folder in the box. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Click on New Site, below the left hand window.

This will create a new site below the folder we just created. Enter a name for the new site in the box. On the right hand side, there is a box called Host:. In this box, enter the name of the Host. Scroll down a little, and select Normal for logon type. Enter the Username in the box below the Logon type. The next box is for your Password.

Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. That is it! You are now connected to the remote server. The login details have been saved for quicker connections in the future.

To disconnect from the server, click on Server in the top menu bar. Then click on Disconnect from the drop-down menu. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to configure a web site in the FTP program FileZilla, in order to establish an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in this program. We will assume that you already have the program FlashFXP on your computer. It should be running, but not connected at this time to any remote servers. The main screen is two large windows. The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right window is the remote server, or your web site, in this case. Currently, the right screen is blank since you are not connected to any remote servers.

Let's begin to configure your web site. To start, in the menu bar at the top of the FlashFXP window, click on the Sites link. From the drop-down, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window.

Click on the New Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button. Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the New Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new web site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is IP Address. Type the ftp address of your web site in this box. This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field.

Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box.

Next, enter the remote path where your web site files should be uploaded within your hosting account. (This is usually public_html) The next blank box is the Local Path, where you need to select the location on your computer that you want displayed in the left side window of FlashFXP.

Check to make sure everything has been entered properly and click on the Apply button at the bottom. Then click on Close. This will take you back to the main window of FlashFXP.

To connect, click the Connect icon, which is located over the remote server window, and looks like a lightning bolt. From the drop-down, select the group you created earlier. Then select the link to your web site. Click on it to start the connection.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program FlashFXP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in LeapFTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP. This is the first step to using LeapFTP to upload and download files/folders and then manage those files/folders. We will assume that you have LeapFTP running on your computer, but you are not currently connected to any remote servers. The main screen consists of two large windows.

Let's begin to configure our web site in LeapFTP. Start by clicking the Sites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window. Click on the Add Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button.

Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the Add Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is Address.

This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field. Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box. Click on Apply when finished, and then click on Connect. You have now successfully configured your web site in LeapFTP, and established a connection.

The left hand box is showing your local computer, and the right hand box is now showing the remote server (your web site). To disconnect, click on the Disconnect Icon, at the top of the page in the row of icons. It is the plugs being taken apart.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in SmartFTP

SmartFTP is a desktop program that allows you to make a connection between a local host (your computer) and a remote server (your web site). This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in SmartFTP. For the purposes of this tutorial, you should have the SmartFTP program running, but not connect to a remote server at this time. The main screen is a large blank window at this time, with a panel below it. The panel is your Transfer Queue, where you can see all the actions as they are taking place and what their status is.

Let's start by Clicking on the Favorites in the menu in the top of the window. From the drop-down, click on Edit Favorites. The Favorites window will open, and you will now click the New Folder icon. It is in the Icon menu bar at the top. This will create a new folder in the list on the right hand side, and you should now enter a name for the new folder. The folder will now show up in the list on the left hand side, and you should select it.

Now click the New Favorite Icon, from the Icon menu bar. It is located next to the new folder icon. This will show up in a list on the right hand side of the window. You now need to enter a new name for the new favorite, by clicking on it and typing in the name. Now we need to configure the properties of the new favorite we have just created.

With the new favorite selected, Click on the Properties Icon. It is located in the Icon menu bar, and looks like several pages stacked. After you click on this icon, it will open up the Properties window. You now need to fill in the details of your web site so that SmartFTP can connect to it via FTP. On the line marked HOST, type the FTP address of the web site. This could be, with the being your actual domain name, or your IP address.

However, if your domain name has not propagated yet, you will have to enter the web site IP address instead of the domain name. Now go to the Login section. Enter your FTP Username and Password in the correct boxes. Then click OK. You have now successfully configured your web site in SmartFTP by setting it up in Favorites. Close the Favorites box by clicking the x in the upper right corner

To connect to your web site, Click on Favorites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the Drop-down, click on the folder name it's located in, and then click on the web site name itself. You are now connected to your web site via FTP. To disconnect , find and click the disconnect icon. It is located above the scroll down for the folders, and it looks like a computer with a red x at the end of its power cord. This is the end of this tutorial.

You know how to configure your web site in SmartFTP, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in WS_FTP

You should have the program WS_FTP running on your computer, but you should not be connected to a remote server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in the program WS_FTP. The main screen of WS_FTP has two large windows. The one on the left is your local host, or your computer, and the window on the right is the remote server. The right window says Blank Connection Pane.

Let's Configure your web site. The first thing to do is to Click on the "Open a Remote Connection" link in the Remote server window. This opens the Site Manager window. Click on Create Folder. This opens a new window, New Site Folder. You need to enter a name for the new folder in the box, then click on OK. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Highlight the folder, and click on Create Site. This opens the Connection Wizard. On the first page, enter a name for the new site.

This should be a name to help you identify the site you are connecting with. When you are done, click Next. The usual connection type will be FTP, so click Next again. Now you need to enter the server address. The server address can be either in the form of "" where "" is your actual domain, or just the IP address.

Once you have entered the address, Click on the Next button. (If your domain hasn't propagated yet, you will have to use the IP Address method) The next screen asks for your User Name and Password for your hosting account. After you enter those, click on Next. Now comes the Finish screen.

If all the information is correct, click Finish to create the site. That takes us back to Site Manager, and the site is successfully configured to connect. To connect, just click on the Connect button. To disconnect, click the Disconnect icon at the top of the page to close the connection.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the ftp program, WS_FTP. You can establish a connection with a remote server, and disconnect when you are done.

Configuring your web site in WinSCP

Configuring your web site in WinSCP is the first step to using this FTP program to upload and manage your files and folders on the remote server. This tutorial will assume that you have WinSCP already on your computer and have it running, but not connected to another server.

When opened, you will see a login screen. In the Session section, where it says Host Name, enter the server address in the box. In the next box, enter the User name. In the box across for the User Name, enter your password. Now click on Save. In the next pop-up window, click on OK.

Now the next box will ask you to name this session, so that you can find the connection again easily. Enter a name in the box that will enable you to remember what this connection was. Then click OK. This takes us back to the Login screen.

In the right hand window, you will see your session, with its new name listed. Make sure it is highlighted, and click on the Login button at the bottom. That's have now successfully connected with your web site via FTP, using WinSCP. The session is also saved for later use, making it easy to Login again. To Disconnect, go to the menu bar at the top. Click on Session. From the drop-down, click on Disconnect. You are now disconnected from the remote server. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site to connect with a remote server in the FTP program WinSCP.

Setting your preferences in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to set your preferences in this program. You should have already configured your web site in this program, and if you have not, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFXP". FlashFXP should be running on your computer, and not connected to a remote server at this time for the purposes of this tutorial.

Let's learn how to set your preferences. To Start, click on the Options link at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, click on Preferences. This will open a window called Configure FlashFXP. This is the main preferences window, and there are several options there to choose from. However, most options are pre-set, and won't need to be changed. Only change the options that you know are safe to change.

One thing you can change if you wish is the Timeout Retry Delay and Retry Count settings on the General page. On the Connections Page, you should not make any changes unless you really know what you are doing.

The Options page has settings that are in place to help you avoid deleting files by accident, and they should be left in the default setting. The transfer page should be left as Auto. On the Advanced page, you will probably want to have "show hidden files" selected, so that you can see all files, including .htaccess files.

On the Sounds page, you can assign sounds to specific events. To do this, simply select the event you want to assign a sound to, then locate a sound file on your computer. On the Display page, there are several display options you can choose from that will customize the look of FlashFXP to your personal taste.

There is a whole list of options to select from, such as flat toolbar buttons, display site names in caption, use high color toolbar buttons, and much more. You can choose how to display your file sizes as well, either Auto, KB or Bytes. When you are finished with any changes in the preferences window, click OK. This will return you to the main screen.

Now click on View from the main toolbar at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, select Options. This opens a window called View Options. You can change the entire look of FlashFXP by changing the colors. Click OK, and return to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to set your preferences in FlashFXP and how to customize the look of the program to suit you.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using CuteFTP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload files and folders using the program CuteFTP. We will also teach you how to manage those files and folders once they are uploaded. To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. The main screen should be open. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to. There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

Now, let's start by learning how to upload files and folders, to a remote server from your computer. You need to find the Site Manager icon. It is in the menu bar of icons, the one that looks like an open book. Click on it. This will open the Site Manager window, and in the left hand window, you will see your site listed. If your site is not already configured, please see the tutorial "How to configure your web site in CuteFTP". Select this site by clicking on it. Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. This will open a small prompt window, you need to click OK again, and now you are connected and ready to upload.

You should now have both windows open. The left window should be displaying your local computer files, and the right hand window is displaying the remote server files.

To upload files, select the correct place for them to go in the remote server window. This is the first thing you need to do. Once you have determined where you are going to upload the files to, go to your local computer (left hand window) window, and select the files you want to upload.

To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. When you are ready to upload, go to the icon menu and locate the upload icon. It is the Green arrow. Click on this icon to start transferring files to the remote server. To download a file from the remote server to your local computer, first select the file or files. Then go to the icon menu, and click the Green Down arrow. The file(s) will now download to your local computer. To close the connection with the remote server, from the icon menu, click on the icon that looks like a plug being unplugged.

This ends this part of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders in CuteFTP.

The next part of the tutorial deals with managing those files and folders. You should have CuteFTP running, and be connected to a remote server at this time. let's begin by creating a new folder in the remote server. There are two ways to create a new folder.

In the icon menu at the top, click on the New Folder icon, that looks simply like a folder. This will give you a window called New Folder, with a box for you to type a name for the new folder. When you are done, click OK. The other way is to right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will bring up a menu, and you will select New Folder.

Again, it will bring up the window for you to name the folder. To rename the folder, Right Click the folder, then from the menu, click on Rename. Type the new name in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. Files can be renamed the same way as folders.

To delete a file or folder, first make sure it is highlighted. Then go to the icon menu and locate the big red X, over the remote server window. Click on this to delete. CuteFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete, so click on the Yes button.

That file or folder is now deleted. The next step is to learn how to change permissions. In the remote server window, you need to select the file for which you want to change permissions. Then from the Icon menu, find the Properties icon, which is a sheet of paper with a red check mark. Click on the Properties Icon. This opens the Properties window for the file you selected.

To change permissions, simply enter the new permissions value in the box provided, or check off the appropriate permission boxes. When you are done, click Apply, then click OK. Your permission have now been changed.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to manage files and folders. You can create folders (directories), delete files and folders, change permissions and rename files and folders in CuteFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FTP Voyager

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using FTP Voyager, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have FTP Voyager on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site. If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in FTP Voyager".

The main screen of FTP Voyager is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's begin by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Connect icon, located in the upper left corner. This opens the Site Profile Manager, where you will select your web site from the window on the left by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection,

you are ready to upload. Click the Upload icon, which is above the local computer window, to start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Download Icon, which is located above the remote server window. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on New Folder. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, right click on the name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete. Click Yes. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select Properties/CHMOD.

This will open a window called File Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission. (Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box. When you are finished, click Apply.

You will get a pop-up saying you have changed permissions, and asking if you would like them applied. Click the Yes button. Then click OK. Permissions have now been changed. That will take you back to the main screen.

To close the connection to the remote server, Click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the FTP Voyager screen. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders. You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in FTP Voyager.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to upload files using the FTP program FileZilla, and then how to manage those files and folders. You should have already configured your web site in FileZilla, if you are having problems doing this, please view the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FileZilla".

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume you already have FileZilla running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server. The FileZilla main screen is divided into three panels. The top panel is a running record of every command and the response of the server. It allows you to verify that any action you are performing has been completed successfully. Below that are two screens. The left screen is your local site. The right screen is your remote host, or your web site.

Let's look at how to upload, or transfer, a file to a remote server. In the left hand window ( which is your local site), under the list called Filename, select a file you would like to upload. To select multiple files, press the CTRL (Control) key on your keyboard while making your selections. Right click the selected file(s).

This will open a menu. Click on Upload. That is all there is to it. If you look in the right hand window (the remote server) you can see the files have successfully been uploaded.

To download a file(s) from the remote server to your local site, right click on the file you wish to download. When the menu opens, select Download. The file has now been downloaded, and can be seen in the list of files on the left hand side, in your local site. You now know how to transfer, or upload and download files from a remote server using the FTP program FileZilla.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Create Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name where it is highlighted. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. To delete a folder, right click on the folder name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select File Attributes. This will open a window called Change the attributes. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen.

This ends the tutorial. You can now also manage files and folders in FileZilla, including creating and renaming new folders, deleting folders, and changing file permissions.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FlashFXP

This tutorial will teach you how to upload (or transfer) files and folders to your web site using the program FlashFXP. We will assume that you have the program loaded on your computer, and configured to connect with your web site. If you don't have it configured yet, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFPX" to learn how. For the purpose of this tutorial, you should have FlashFXP running, but not connected with to a remote server at this time.

Let's begin by learning how to transfer files and folders from your local computer to the remoter server. The first thing you will need to do is make a connection with your web site. Click the Sites link in the tool bar at the top of the FlashFXP window. Click on Site Manager in the drop-down. This will open the Site Manager window. Before you connect to a remote server, you should double check the settings to make sure they are correct. If everything in the Site Manager is correct, click on the Close button. Now you can establish your connection by clicking on the Reconnect Icon, which looks like a lightening bolt.

From the drop-down, click on the folder your web site is located in, and then click on your web site name. This will connect you with the remote server. You are now connected and ready to upload and download folders and files.

The right window lists the files and folders on the remote server, or your web site. The left window shows the files and folders on your computer. To upload a file to your web site, find the file you are going to transfer in your computer window. Right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Transfer.

Your file has now been uploaded, and is visible in the remote server window. You can select several files to upload at once by clicking the first file, holding down the SHIFT key, and then selecting the last file to be uploaded. This will highlight all the files in between the two selected files.

You will transfer these using a different method, by clicking on the Transfer Icon. This icon is located above the local computer window, with a brown arrow pointing down. All the files are now showing on the remote server.

You can also download files to your computer from the remote server. Select a file by highlighting it. Then click the Transfer Icon above the remote server window, and the download is complete. If the file already exists on your computer, a window will open to confirm that you do really want to transfer the file and overwrite the existing file. If you do, click on the Overwrite button. If you are downloading several pages, and wish to overwrite all of them, there is a button for that, called Overwrite All. The file has been successfully transferred back to your computer.

To create a new folder on the remote server, right click anywhere in the right window. When the menu opens, click on Make Folder. This will open a pop-up box, where you will be asked to name the new folder. When you have typed the name, click OK. Your new folder is now showing in the remote server window.

To rename a folder or file, right click on it. From the drop-down menu, click on Rename. Enter the new name in the highlighted box by after the folder or file. It has now been renamed.

Now let's learn how to change permissions of a file on the remote server. Start by selecting the file you want to change the permissions of, and right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Attributes (CHMOD). This will open a window called Change Attributes. You may change the permissions by clicking on the individual boxes by the new permissions, or by simply changing the numeric value in the permissions box. When you are done, click OK. The changed file permissions will be displayed in the remote server window, in the information about the file.

To disconnect from the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon. It is located above the remote server window, and looks like two blue plugs being pulled apart. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download file and folders using FlashFXP. You also know how to manage those files and folders. You have learned how to create folders, rename them, delete them, change permissions of files, and disconnect from your remote server.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using LeapFTP

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using LeapFTP, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have LeapFTP on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site.

If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in LeapFTP". The main screen of LeapFTP is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's start by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Sites link, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Site Manager, which opens the Site Manager window. In the left window, select your web site by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection, you are ready to upload. Click the Commands link, which is in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down list.

click on Upload. This will start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Command link from the menu bar, and from the drop-down list click on Download. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Make Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder(Directory). Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. A pop-up will open, asking you to enter the new name of the folder. Enter the new name, and click OK. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, make sure that it is highlighted. Then click on the Delete icon, which is located in the icon menu at the top of the page. It is a page, with a big red x across it. You will now get a confirmation pop-up. Click on the Yes button. At the second confirm message, click Yes. The folder/file is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and highlight the file name. From the Icon menu, select the Properties Icon, that looks like a page with a hand pointing at it. This will open a window called Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box.

When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen. Permissions have now been changed.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the LeapFTP screen. It looks like two plugs being pulled apart. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders.

You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in LeapFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using SmartFTP

This tutorial is presented to teach you to upload and then manage your files and folders to your web site using the desktop program, SmartFTP. We will assume that you already have SmartFTP on your computer, and that you have it running, but not connected yet to any remote server. If you don't have your web site configured in SmartFTP yet, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in SmartFTP". The program opens with a large blank window.

Let's learn how to upload your files and folders from your local host, or your computer to the remote server. First you need to open a browser window. Click on File, in the upper left corner. From the drop-down menu, click on New Local Browser. This will open a browser window, and you will see folders and files located on your computer.

The next step is to establish a connection with the remote server. There are two methods. The first method: Under the menu bar at the top of the window, you will see a series of boxes. The first box is called Address. The second box is Login, and the third box is Password. Into the first box, you would enter the remote server name, into the second box enter your FTP username and into the third you enter your FTP password. You then click the Green Arrow button at the end of the Address box.

This will connect you with the remote server. The second method is to select Favorites from the menu bar at the top of the window. Select the folder you created for your web site, and click on it. Then click on the address of the web site. You are now connected using this method.

You now have two open windows. The one the right is the local host, or your local computer. The window on the left is the remote server. The first step to uploading is to establish where on the remote server you are going to upload the files to. You should start by finding public/html, and begin navigating from there, until you find the location for the upload. Now you need to select the files in your local computer (the right window) screen for upload. To select the file, simply highlight name.

To upload multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files you want to upload. When you are done, click the Upload Icon between the screens to begin the upload. It is a Blue arrow. When the upload is complete, you will see the files listed in the remote server window.

To download a file(s), simply select the file(s) by highlighting them, the same as you did to upload files. Then when you are ready, click on the Download Icon, which is the Blue circle with an arrow between the windows, pointing at the right window. When the download is complete, you will see the files in the right hand window, where they have been successfully downloaded.

You will now learn how to manage files and folders in SmartFTP. The first thing you are going to do is create a new folder on the remote server. Begin by clicking on the New Folder icon, which is located above the left hand window, and looks like an open folder. This will create a new folder in the remote server screen, and you will now need to give it a name. Type a name in the box. To rename a folder, highlight the name. Click on the Rename Icon, which is above the remote server window, to the left of the big red x.

Type the new name in the box by the folder, and it is now renamed. Files can also be renamed this way.

To delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Now click on the Delete Icon. This is above the remote server window, and is a big red x. SmartFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the item, so click on the Yes. The folder or file is now deleted.

Now you are going to learn how to change the permissions of a file. First, select the file you wish to change the permissions on in the remote server window by highlighting it. Then click the Properties Icon, above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a pencil in front of it. This will open the Properties window for the file you selected. To change the permissions, you can simply enter the new permissions value in the box, or you can check off the appropriate permission boxes from the list. When you are done changing permissions, click on OK. The permissions for the selected file have now been changed.

You can also view the contents of a file on the remote server without having to first download it to your computer. Select a file by highlighting it. Now click the View Icon, which is located above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a green arrow pointing down. This will open your file for viewing, in a separate window. Close by clicking the x in the upper right corner.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is above the remote server window. It looks like a computer with a red x on the cord. The SmartFTP program will ask you to confirm you want to close the Remote Browser. Click on the Yes. You are now disconnected.

This completes this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files in the program SmartFTP. You also know how to manage files and folders, by creating new folders, deleting folders, renaming files and folders, changing permissions, viewing files without downloading them, and closing your connection.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WS_FTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to upload your files and folders using the program WS_FTP in the first part. The second part of the tutorial will address how to manage those files once you have them uploaded. For our purposes, you should have your web site configured in WS_FTP. If you do not, please view the tutorial, "Configuring your web site in WS_FTP". You should now have the WS_FTP program running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server at this time.

The main screen consists of two window. The left side window is the local host, or your computer. The right side window is the remote server.

Let's start by uploading, or transferring, files to the remote server from your local computer. In the remote server window, which is blank at this time, click on the Open a Remote Connection link. This will open the Site Manager window, and you will see the connection for your web site that we created listed in the left-side window. Select this, and click on Connect. You now have an open FTP connection between your remote server and your local computer. You now have two windows open.

The left window still displays your local computer files, and the right window displays the remote server files of your web site.

The first step to uploading is to select where in the remote server the files are going to go. By clicking through the folders and files, you should find where you wish to upload to. Usually, you can start at /public/html and work your way out from there until you reach the upload destination. Next, you need to select the file(s) you want to upload from your local computer window. To select, click on the file name. To select more than one file, hold the CTRL (Control) key while selecting files.

When you are ready to upload, Click on the Arrow key between the windows, pointing in the direction of the remote server window. The files are now uploaded, and displayed in the remote server window.To download a file, select the file or files. When ready, click on the Green arrow between the windows pointing toward your local computer window, and the file(s) are now downloaded. They are now listed in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files in WS_FTP. First we are going to create a new folder (Directory) on the remote server. In the Remote server window, locate the New Folder icon. Click on it. This will open a window called Make Directory. There is a box for you to enter a name for this new folder. Once you have done that, Click OK. The new folder is now visible in the Remote server window. To rename the folder, click on the name. Then Click File in the upper left corner of the main page.

From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. That opens another menu, where you will click on Rename. This opens a window, with a box for the new name. Enter the name and click OK. The Folder has now been renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

To Delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Click File in the upper left corner of the main page. From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. From the next drop-down click on Delete. WS_FTP will ask you to confirm the delete. Click Yes. The file or folder has now been deleted. To change permissions of a file, right click the file you wish to change. From the menu, click on Properties. This brings up the properties window for that file.

To change permissions, either enter the new permissions value in the box, or check the appropriate boxes for Owner, Group and World. When you are finished, click OK.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the disconnect icon at the top of the page. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using WS_FTP. You can manage those files, by creating new folders, renaming files and folders, deleting them, and changing permissions of files.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WinSCP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload and download files, and manage those files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP. We will assume that you have WinSCP running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server at this time. The main screen consists of two windows.

The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right hand window is the remote server, which is your web site, or wherever you connect to.

First let's upload or transfer files from our computer to a remote server. In the left hand window, the local host, select the file(s) you want to upload to the remote server. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL (Control) key, while selecting your files. Below the windows, locate a list of actions, one of which is F5 Copy. Click Copy.

The Copy window will open, and you will click on Copy again. The files have now been uploaded to the remote server, as you can see in the window.

To download a file from the remote server to the local host, or your local computer, select the file in the right hand window. Then click F5 Copy, which will open the Copy window. Click Copy again. That's all there is to it...the file is now downloaded to the local host, and is able to be viewed in the left hand window. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP.

The next step to using WinSCP is to learn how to manage files with the program. To Delete a file, first click on the file name and highlight it. In the list of actions at the bottom, Click on F8 Delete. The file is now deleted.

Now let's create a new folder (or directory) on the remote server. In the list of actions below the windows, click on F7 Create Directory. This opens a small Create folder window. In the box, type the name of the new folder, and then click OK. Your folder is now created, and you can see it in the list of folders in the remote server window on the right hand side. To rename a folder, select the folder to be renamed and highlight it. In the menu at the bottom of the windows, click on F2 Rename. Type the new name in place of the old name. The folder is now renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

The next thing to manage is permissions. To change permissions, select a file, and make sure it is highlighted. From the menu at the bottom, find and click on F9 Properties. This opens a window that shows the current permissions assigned to that file.

To change permissions, simply enter a check mark in the appropriate box. The Groups are Owner, Group, and Others(World), and the permissions allowed are read, write and execute. You need to decide how much freedom others should have to act upon your file.

After you have checked the boxes you wish to mark, click on OK, and the permissions have been successfully changed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the WinSCP program. You also know how to manage those files and folders, including creating new folders, renaming them, deleting them, and changing permissions.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page. This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload.

Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully.

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task. Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager.

It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

GSuite Articles [Questions 1]

How do I generate a transfer token?

If you have access to the G Suite Admin Console, you can generate the transfer token yourself. Follow the steps below to generate the transfer token:

Go to
Sign in with your G Suite Administrator username and password.
The page automatically generates a token.
Copy the token’s alphanumeric code.
Note: The transfer token is valid for a period of 14 days. After expiry, a new transfer token can be generated from G Suite Admin Console.

Introduction To Web Hosting [Questions 5]

How to do a TELNET on a PC (Windows) OS

From time to time you may need to perform an operation called "TELNET".
You can use TELNET to check connections to certain ports on a server.

To begin you press the "START" button on your browser taskbar, (found in the lower left corner of your browsers screen).
This should bring up your Start Menu.
Find "Run" and enter the letters "CMD" (without the quotes).
Press the button marked "OK".

This will open a black command prompt screen.
on it you will find a small flashing cursor. Leave it where it is.
To run a TELNET on your email to check for connection to sending (SMTP),
Type the following (without the quotes):
(you can change the port to which ever port you need to check, commonly 25 or 26), then press "ENTER"

You should receive in return a screen something to the effect of: ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:38:20 -0400
220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

A return with 220 codes for an smtp TELNET means you have connected to the server.
The exact verbiage you get back will be determined by your host.
Being able to connect to the server means the server is not an issue if you are having a problem sending, areas to look at would be your ISP, your Mail Program, and your Program Settings

You can TELNET to any port you choose, some ports may be blocked your host will direct you.

Installing TELNET Client in Windows Vista

By default, Vista doesn�t install the Telnet client.
The client is for text-based communication with remote systems.
You can install it by following these steps:

1. Click Start then select Control Panel.
2. Select Programs and Features.
3. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Select the Telnet Client option.
5. Click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available

What do you mean when you say gigabyte, megabyte, or GB and MB

This tutorial will explain the different units of measurement that you might find on a computer.

The bit is the smallest unit of measurement on a computer. There is almost always eight bits in one byte. Very often these two terms are confused with each other. To make it even more confusing, the abbreviation for bit is a lowercase b, while byte is abbreviated with an uppercase B.

Most of the time, a kilobyte refers to 1024 bytes. A megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, and a gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. The next level would be terabytes, or 1024 gigabytes, but hard drives really haven't gotten past that at this point in time.

However, when you are talking about the speed of an internet connection, it is almost always going to be referred to in bits, whether it is kilobits (Kb), megabits (Mb), or gigabits (Gb). So, if the speed of a connection is referred to in megabits, for example, it would be megabits per second, or Mbps.

That means a 100 Mbps connection can transfer 100 megabits every second, which equals about 12.5 megabytes per second.

What is Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting? It is a very important part of the way the Internet works today. To most people, the Internet seems to just work all by itself, but many website owners have come to learn that is not the case at all.

A web hosting service is a type of service provided by thousands of companies that allows individuals and organizations to make their own websites accessible on the World Wide Web, by way of computer servers that are connected to the Internet 24/7.

Web hosts are companies that provide space on a computer system called a server they own or lease for use by their clients, and which are maintained in entire buildings called datacenters.

These datacenters are climate controlled, as well quality and security controlled.

Web hosting give you access to the servers, via the Internet. With that access, you can upload your website to the server. Once it is configured properly, computers around the world will quickly know exactly where to find your website.

There are many different types of web hosting providers, but you have chosen our hosting company based on your own particular needs. Most clients are just starting out, and are enjoying our popular shared hosting plan.

This means you are sharing a server with many other clients� websites, but you are still getting the quality and reliability for the cheapest cost.

This ends this tutorial. We have touched briefly on the subject of what is web hosting.

What is an IP Address...Do I need a Dedicated IP

This tutorial will look at the definition of IP addresses and help you decide if you need a Dedicated IP. An IP Address is an Internet Protocol Address.

It is a unique number address that every server that has access to the Internet is required to have in order for other computers on the WWW to identify the server. To a computer, it is like a phone number.

When you signed up for services from our hosting company, you were given an IP address to use until your domain name propagated.

That IP address is how computers from all around the world will find your website, identifying it by the numbers. Every server is running a domain name server (DNS) at all times, which works like a switchboard for all the incoming requests for websites.

The server can identify your site based on the IP numbers, and will then fetch it for the browser requesting it. The DNS server is responsible for informing all the other computers on the Internet about your website address and domain name. It keeps track of which domain names correspond to which IP addresses.

The IP address you were given is probably a shared one. You will usually share one with many other domain names.

The important thing is that you have an IP address assigned to your domain, and that all the right nameservers know what it is. You can also purchase a dedicated IP Address from us, and that will be your address alone. But do you need a dedicated IP? Most websites don't.

The most common reason that a website would need a dedicated IP is if it requires an SSL certificate for operating secure connections. Usually these are necessary if you are operating a business that processes transactions over the Internet. Any eCommerce site should have an SSL Certificate, and therefore would require a dedicated IP.

This concludes the tutorial about IP's. You now know a little more about IP's and dedicated IP's and who should have one.

Logs Articles [Questions 1]

How To Manage The Raw Access Logs

This tutorial is going to teach how to manage the raw access logs. Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has accessed your site without the use of graphs, charts or other graphics. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Logs, and click on the icon named Raw Access Logs.
This takes you to the Raw Access Logs Main page, which is where you tell the system how to manage the raw access log files that are generated daily for your account.

The first check box will tell your system to archive the logs every month, and the second asks to have the previous months logs deleted at the end of each month. If you mark either check box, click on the Save button. This will take you to a confirmation screen.

If you check both boxes, now the raw access logs will be archived at the end of every month in the home directory, and the previous months will be deleted. Click on Go Back.

Scroll Down on the page. You will find a list of all available Raw Access Logs that you can download and use in a statistics program for analysis. Click on the log you wish to download, and a pop- up will open. Click OK to download these logs. That downloads the logs, and you can now open them in a statistical program for analysis.

You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to archive, delete and download your raw access logs.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

phpMyAdmin Articles [Questions 13]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them. A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely.

There is a list of action links at the top of the window.

You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure. The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search.

The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries. The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer. The Import link will import previously exported databases.

The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases.

If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties. If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field.

It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already. We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts.

The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it. The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place.

Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table.

If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data.

This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options.

Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying. So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go.

A new screen will open in the right hand window. It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial. You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time.

Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table.

There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go.

Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column.

In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button.

The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place.

Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it.

That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box.

Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name.

Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side.

There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field.

You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table.

If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen)

Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel.

This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database. One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later.

This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this.

Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates.

When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box. Then click the Go button.

You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer.

If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side.

That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file.

Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer.

Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections.

The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database. You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it.

It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it.

let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt.

The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted.

Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table. Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button.

This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button.

The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example.

Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it. This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side.

Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it.

At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table.

You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button.

This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field.

When you are done, click on the Save button. That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields.

Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab.

This will give you several new windows. One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it,

click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found.

In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer,

click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file.

Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close.

Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages.

Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example.

To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides.

The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them. The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried.

Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify. Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row.

Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done.

The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change.

You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example.

Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name. The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place.

To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected.

Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options". The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box.

When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections.

The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table). In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands.

Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database.

You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' . Then when you are done, you click on Go.

A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table.

For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here. Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example.

Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place.

Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database.

You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search.

The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

SSL Certificates Articles [Questions 1]

How to install an SSL Certificate in cPanel

Installing an SSL Certificate in cPanel requires that the domain be assigned a dedicated IP to begin with, so check your cPanel or with your hosting company as to your IP status. Secondly in order to use the "SSL Manager" Feature in cPanel a Dedicated IP is required, So check with your hosting company to provide you with a Dedicated IP, the cost of the IP and the activation of the "SSL Manager" in cPanel if it is not already in place.

Taking the next step now that everything is place we will click on the "SSL/TLS Manager" icon located on the cPanel "Security" panel. This first step needs to be completed BEFORE you can purchase the SSL certificate from your Hosting Company or SSL Provider.

Click on the link below "Private Keys (KEY)", on the next page go down the page until you find "Generate a New Key". In the empty "Host" field enter your domain as you would like it for the SSL Certificate. NOTE: You have a choice of selecting your SSL with or without the "WWW" preceding the domain name. This selection is important as an SSL will ONLY work correctly under the format that you select here.

If you choose to use, your ssl will error if you use it as (without the "www") or the other way around. Most web owners and users select to use the SSL with the "WWW" in the cert name. Change the KEY SIZE to 2048 and Click The Generate Button. You will then go to a page displaying your Private Keys, While this will be passed on to the next step "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" it is a good idea to copy the generated key in the top box and paste in notepad until you have completed the ssl set-up.

Copy EVERYTHING in the box including the "Begin and End Comment Lines". Click "Home" at the top of page.

Now Re-Click the "SSL/TLS Manager" icon. On the Manager Page Click on the link below "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", you must generate a CSR to take to the SSL provider that will issue the certificate. To Generate a new CSR make sure your domain name as you created it in the Private Key is visible in the HOST field dropdown. Continue by filling out the information requested.

NOTE: You have a choice of selecting your SSL with or without the "WWW" preceding the domain name. This selection is important as an SSL will ONLY work correctly under the format that you select here. If you choose to use, your ssl will error if you use it as (without the "www") or the other way around.

Most web owners and users select to use the SSL with the "WWW" in the cert name. Continue to fill in the information as requested and Click the "Generate Button". On the next page you will be presented with your "SSL Certificate Signing Request". COPY ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE TOP BOX and paste it into that Notepad you saved the KEY in before.

You will need to take this CSR to the issuing Authority of your SSL or to your hosting company for their assistance.

Once you receive your approved and completed SSL certificate from your SSL provider login or return to the SSL Manager and Click on the manager icon and on the next page find the link below the "Certificate (CRT)" heading . Paste the new SSL certificate you just received form your SSL provider in the space provided and upload. Click the return to SSL Manager at the bottom of the page.

Next we come to the last link on the Manager Page. Activate SSL on Your Web Site (HTTPS). Click and follow to the next page. Find your domain in the dropdown box and cPanel will (or should) fetch your SSL certificate and all other supporting documents and fill in the large boxes. once it has completed, go down the page to the "Install Certificate" button and install.

Your SSL Certificate should now be set up and functional in a short period of time (some propagation maybe required). If you had any issues during set -up or have any questions please contact us for assistance.

Where do I go ? Articles [Questions 1]

cPanel or Client Area?

Where do I go to do ?
Do I need to go to my Client Area or my cPanel?
Sometimes it is hard to figure out where you really need to go to do things. Most people get confused at one time or another, so here is a little refresher that may help you remember the right direction to take when you are trying to pay your hosting bill, or edit your web site, or read your email, or well, to do just about anything associated with your web site.

THE CLIENT AREA - The Client Area is for the most part INFORMATIONAL.

It requires a username (email address) and password to login.

This is where you update your contact information, credit card information, and any additional contact information.

Your Order(s) information is listed here, and you place new order(s) from here. You can order domain names, services, and products. You can View details of invoices past and present.

This is the area you come to View, Print and Pay invoices as well.

Your SHOULD send your support Tickets from here rather than from outside of the login so they will all be saved in your client area email account for you.

You can also see all emails that have been sent to you from your hosting company back for a period of time by the hosting company, along with all orders, invoices and receipts.

THE cPanel - The Hosting cPanel is FUNCTIONAL. This area deals with everything that controls with your web site.

The address of your cPanel is "" with "" being the actual domain name of your web site. The cPanel requires a username and password (a mixed string of letters and numbers - upper and lower case suggested).

This is where you set up your email accounts, read your webmail, turn on spam-assassin, and create a forward, auto responders, and mx records.

You can edit, backup, change and upload files. You can also edit pages and control FTP. You can create additional FTP accounts.

View your Web site Stats, visitor logs, error logs, and create custom error pages.

cPanel is the place to go to set your site security, such as password protected directories, HotLink Protection and the IP Deny Manger.

Here is where you will find the place to create parked domains, sub-domains and URL redirects.

Your cPanel is the place to set up databases.

This is the place to find the pre-installed software, Fantastico, etc. Find blogs, e-commerce, photo galleries, and much, much more.

This ends this tutorial. Hopefully, it will help you see a little more clearly the difference between the functions of the client area and the cPanel. The client area is INFORMATIONAL, and the cPanel gives your web site its FUNCTIONALITY.

cPanel Articles [Questions 5]

Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel

Let's learn about cPanel, and how to navigate it"s many pages and functions. Making sure that your cPanel works at its best and set up just as you want it. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". One of the first things you should do is go to Preferences, and click on Update Contact Info. It is very important that you keep that information up-to-date so that you can receive any important email from your hosting company. You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works.

The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here. Stats. Scroll down, and on the left you can see important information about the account.

For example, it will show you how many email account you have, and how many you are allowed with your hosting account. It will give your bandwidth usage, show your home directory, and so much more. Scrolling down further, you will find information about the operating system, php version, the MySQL version and more.

The last stat is Server Status. Click on this link and it will take you to a page that will show you how the server you are on is performing. Green lights mean the server is performing properly.

Click the Go Back link to exit. Now let's look at the right side of the cPanel screen. The right side includes icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons allow you to do specific tasks within cPanel like checking your webmail, setting up databases, setting up email addresses and auto-responders. At the very bottom of the page is a link called Documentation. Documentation is the link to a comprehensive cPanel Manual where you can learn all there is to know about cPanel. This manual contains information about all the features of cPanel, and has sections on everything from common questions to something from every section in cPanel. It is always available from the home page of your cPanel. Something new in this version of cPanel is that you can rearrange the windows to suit your needs. For example, if you would like to have the window titled Mail on the top, you can move it by simply dragging and dropping the window where you want it. This ends the tutorial. You should now be more familiar with cPanel and some of its features.

To learn more, you can return to the cPanel Documentation link at the bottom of the cPanel main page. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Change Your cPanel Style

This tutorial will teach how to change your cPanel style. cPanel comes in a variety of styles and designs with different layouts and colors in all. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, go to the Preferences section. Click on the icon named Change Styles. NOTE: Changing the style of the cPanel does not change the way it works.

It only changes the way it looks. This takes you to a page of your choices of looks for your cPanel. Included are the current default version, and about 10 other choices. Select the one you like, and click the radio button. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the button marked Change Style.

That will take you to a verification screen, which will confirm your change. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to your newly styled cPanel home page.

You can change it at any time, and as many times as you wish. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to change the style of your cPanel to your own personal style. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Change Your cPanel Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your cPanel password. Please remember to make your password Strong and Secure. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your Client Area. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to The Client Area". Once logged in, at the top of the page you will find a link to "MY Services", Click it to go to the next page. On the next page you will find a listing of the hosting account(s) you have with us.

Find the account you want to change the cPanel password to. At the far right of that account listing you will find a small icon under "View Details". Click the icon and go to the next page. Scroll down the page and you will find your current username and password combination, and the fields where you can change your password to cPanel. Keep in mind you will also be changing your password for FTP access to your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Keep Your cPanel Contact Information Up To Date

This tutorial will teach you how to keep your contact information up to date in cPanel. It is important to keep your contact information up to date since our server uses this information to send critical email messages. Warnings about email accounts being "Close to Full" are sent here, giving you time to take action before the mail does bounce. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down the main page of your cPanel to the Preferences section. Click on the Update Contact Info. This will take you to a screen where you can enter your new contact email address. You may also set other preferences here. When you are done, click Save, and all your new information is on record. Click HOME and return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You should make sure to always keep your contact details up to date, and can do so by returning here at any time. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Login to cPanel

Before you can log into cPanel, you must open your Internet browser. This will work in whatever browser you are using. Click on your browser's address bar and enter the http address of your cPanel. The address of your cPanel would have been given to you in your welcome email from your hosting company.

There are two ways to login to cPanel: 1)Using an IP Address: The only way to access cPanel if your domain hasn't propagated yet It would look something like this- http://xx.xx.xx.123/cpanel 2) Using your Domain Name: Can only do this once your domain name is working This would be http://yourdomain.(com or net or whatever it is)/cpanel Enter either cPanel address in the address bar of your browser (either the IP Address, or the Domain Name).

The next pop-up screen will be a login, calling for your user name and password. They should have been given to you in your welcome email also. Fill in those two fields, and click ok.

That's all there is to it! You are now logged it to your cPanel and can begin to set up email accounts, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and many, many more feature! To exit cPanel, simply click on the Logout icon in the right hand corner, or simply close your browser window.

However, if you are using a public computer, always remember to logout instead of just closing the browser because of security concerns.

Databases Articles [Questions 15]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them.

A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely. There is a list of action links at the top of the window. You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure.

The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search. The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries.

The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer.

The Import link will import previously exported databases. The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases. If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties.

If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field. It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already.

We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts. The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it.

The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place. Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table. If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data. This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options. Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying.

So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go. A new screen will open in the right hand window.

It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time. Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table. There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go. Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column. In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button. The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place. Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it. That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box. Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name. Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side. There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field. You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table. If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen) Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel. This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database.

One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later. This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this. Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates. When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box.

Then click the Go button. You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer. If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side. That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file. Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK.

That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer. Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

How To Create A MySQL Database

Let's learn how to create a MySQL Database. MySQL Databases allow you to store lots of information in an easy to access manner.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Database section, and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

This will take you to the main MySQL Databases page. There is a box below the heading Create New Database. Type the name of your new database into this box. For example, something like myinfo, or mydata. Then click on Create Database button. This will take you to the verification screen, showing that the database has been created. Now you need to create and add a user to this database. Click the Go Back link. Under the heading of Add New User, enter a new user to be added to your database in the Username box. You then need to enter and re- enter a password for the user. Click on the Create User button. This takes you to a screen to confirm that the user has been successfully created. Now you need to link the user to the database. Click on the Go Back link. In the section where it says Add User to Database, check to make sure that the correct user and the correct database are selected here.

NOTE: You will see that the username of the hosting account has been added to the beginning of both the user and the database with an "_" underscore between them. If the user and database are both correct, click on Submit to add the user to the database. This will take you to a screen called Manage User Privileges. You can assign All Privileges to the user by checking the top box, then click Make Changes. This will take you to the final verification screen, that will confirm all the information. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to setup more databases,(as allowed by your hosting plan) add or remove users or delete databases at any time. Return to the main cPanel page by clicking HOME in the upper left corner. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create a Default Email Account

Now let's set our Default (or catchall) email address. The default email address will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel" Scroll to the section on Mail, and click on the Default Address link. This will take you to a screen where you set your default email address. All emails sent to an address you have not defined will go to the email address you enter here. Initally, your default POP address is set as your catch-all account. For example, would give you an initial default address of

In this tutorial we are going to change this, as most people don't use their default POP accounts.

In the line with the radio button marked "Forward to email address" enter into the box the email address you want to use as the default address. Then click the change button. Your default email address has now been set. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your default email account (catch-all) so that all unrouted email that is received by your domain is sent to a specific email address. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database.

You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it. It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it. let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt. The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted. Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table.

Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button. This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button. The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example. Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it.

This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side. Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it. At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table. You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button. This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field. When you are done, click on the Save button.

That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields. Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab. This will give you several new windows.

One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it, click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found. In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer, click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file. Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close. Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages. Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example. To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides. The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them.

The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried. Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify.

Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row. Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done. The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change. You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name.

The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place. To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected. Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options".

The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box. When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table).

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands. Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database. You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' .

Then when you are done, you click on Go. A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table. For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here.

Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place. Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database. You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search. The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

DNS Articles [Questions 17]

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed. When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue.

You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided. Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered.

Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted. Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button. The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes.

Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

You that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue. Click OK.

You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Billing Articles [Questions 1]

How do I update the credit card associated with billing for my account?

You can add/edit the card associated with your account using the info below: Login at In the top left "Your Info" section, click Update. Verify that the address info in the "My Details" form matches your billing address and update as needed. In the My Account sidebar, click on the "Billing Information" link. From this screen, you can delete the existing card on record, or add a new card.

Client Area Articles [Questions 10]

Creating and Managing Support Tickets in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to create and manage support tickets in the client area. Support tickets are a great way of communicating with us when you are looking for support, such as having questions answered, reporting problems, or asking for assistance. The ticket system leaves a paper trail for both you and us to follow so that we both know that the issues were resolved. It also gives you a record of the answer, in case the problem arises again. Then all you need to do is look at the tickets, and you have your answer already! This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the Client Area page, in the client area menu, click on My Support Tickets. This takes you to the Support Ticket Page, where you will click on Submit Ticket. You are now in the Submit Ticket area, where you can create and send tickets to the department of your choice. Select the department you would like to send the ticket to. The ticket will open with your information filled in. Enter a subject in the subject line. Then enter your ticket details in the big box. When you are ready, click Submit. You have now successfully submitted a support ticket, and a copy of it has been emailed to you. To manage an already submitted ticket, click on the My Support Tickets link. You will see any tickets listed that you have submitted, along with their status.

If the ticket is open, and you wish to add more to it, click on the Subject to open it. You can scroll down and add more details. You may also mark the ticket closed from the client area. Click the Client Area in the You are here list. This returns you to the Client Area, and ends this tutorial. You now know how to submit and manage a support ticket in your client Area.

How to Change Your Client Area Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed. Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.

How to Login to The Client Area

We begin to login at the Portal Home. This is the Login Page for the Client Area of Hostveda. It contains a line for the email address and a password. They are different than the login details for your cPanel. Enter your email address. Then enter your Hostveda Password. Now click on Login. That's all. You are now logged in to Hostveda and can begin to manage your hosting services, invoices, billing information, and more. When you are done, click on the Logout Link in the upper right corner. You are now logged out of the account. There is a Click here to Continue link. Click that link. This will take you to the Portal Home. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to login to hostveda.

How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area

This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of WHMCS. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar. Your hosting company may have one or may have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item. This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company. When you are done, click Update Cart. The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button.

This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method. Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button. You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in WHMCS.

How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in WHMCS. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services your hosting company charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice. For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. Note that some payment methods will require the invoice to be manually marked as paid. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in WHMCS.

How to Register a Domain Name in the Client Area

You will learn how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area in this tutorial. It is a simple process, with only a few steps. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". You are in the Client Area. At the "You are here" line at the top of the page, you need to click on the Portal Home link, which will take you to that page. About half-way down, on the right hand side is a link called Order. Click on this Link. This takes you to a page where you can Browse Products & Services. On the Menu Bar, click on the Register Domain link. You will be taken to a new page called Register a Domain Name. In the blank box, enter the domain name you would like to register. Choose the top level domain (TLD) you would like from the drop-down box at the end of the line, whether it is .com, .net, .org, or something else. Then click on the Check Availability button below the box. If the name is available, it will be listed in a box below, called Choose Domains. Sometimes, more than one (TLD) is available, and you may have a choice. Choose the one you want, and click on the Add To Cart button. The next screen will allow you to make any add-ons to your domain that you wish, such as adding a hosting package. Click Update Cart to move to the next screen.

You are now at your shopping cart. After you verify all the information is correct, click on the Checkout Button. On the next screen, you need to scroll down and choose your payment method. Add any notes, or additional information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button at the bottom of the page. WHMCS will now generate an Invoice with all the information for the domain you just registered. Click on the Back to The Client Area at the bottom of the page. Now click on the Client Area in the You are Here menu. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to register a domain name in WHMCS Client Area.

How to Update Your Billing Information in the Client Area

Your billing information is located in the Client Area, and this tutorial will teach you how to update all your necessary billing details. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the client area menu bar, click on the My Details link. In the My Details screen, you will see your details, including name, address and phone number. In order for payments to be properly processed, this information must be correct. Please confirm all the details. The next step is to click on the Change Credit Card Details link in the menu bar. You can update your card information, such as expiration date. You can also add a new card. After making any needed changes, click on the Save Changes button. Click the Client Area link. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to update your billing information in the Client Area of WHMCS.

How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area

This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current, so that your hosting company can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button. You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.

Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

CMS Articles [Questions 30]

An Overview of the Different User Types of Joomla

This tutorial will help you understand the four different user types of Joomla and what each can do. A Joomla site is just an empty shell without an active user base. The first user group is the Registered group. This group does not have any kind of access to write, edit, or publish articles on a Joomla site. Second, we have the Author group. Authors are allowed to submit content to a Joomla site. They can edit their own articles, but no one else's. They cannot publish content. Typically, when logged in as an author, you will see links appear, that say things such as Submit an article, Submit a Web Link, etc.The third group is called Editor. Editors can edit other people's content as well as their own. They still can't publish anything however. You will now see an edit icon (paper and pencil) next to each article. The last group is Publisher. There is now an option visible that indicates published, yes or no. Except for that, publisher is no different from an Editor. Every Joomla content item must be published before it is visile to everyone, so Publishers get the final say for content posted to a site. This completes this tutorial. You now know the four user groups of Joomla.

How to Add Custom HTML to Your Joomla Site

This tutorial is going to show you how to add custom HTML to your site in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. In the menu bar in the upper menu, click on Extensions, then on Module Manager. This will open a window that will show you all your modules. If some are missing, go to the bottom of the page, and make sure the Show ___to a page is set to show All. This will bring them all up for you to view. Manager page, scroll right and click on New. From the list of available new modules, select Custom HTML. Scroll right, and click on Next. On the Module edit form, start by entering a title for your new Module. The next option is Show Title. If this is set to Yes, the module name will be displayed on the front-end. Scroll down to the text box. In the icons for the editor, you will see a small HTML icon. Click on this icon. This gives you an HTML Source Editor box. Enter your HTML code here. When you are done, click update in the lower left corner. Scroll up, and in the right hand column you will see a section called Parameters. Where it says Module Class Suffix, enter the suffix for the CSS class of this module, such as -html. For example, the CSS class name of this module could be .example-html. Click the save button in the upper right corner, and the custom HTML module will now appear on the front-end. That is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to add custom HTML to your Joomla site.

How to Change Your Front Page Content in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to change your front page content in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The front page manager allows you to choose what content will show up on the home page of your Joomla site. On the upper menu bar, click on content. In the drop-down menu, select Front Page Manager. This will open a window that lists all your front page articles. To publish an article, simply click the red x next to the item. In the next column, use the up and down arrows to set the order in which the articles will appear. To add previously created articles to the front page, Click on Content in the upper menu bar, then select Article Manager. You will open a window that lists all your articles. Any article with a check in the Front Page column will show up in the front page manager. If you wish to add an article to the front page, simply click the red x in the Front Page column, and as always make sure you save your work. Return to the front page manager, where the new article will now be listed. You can now view your front page and see that the new article has been added. That is it. You now know how to change your front page content in Joomla.

How to Change Your Header in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to change your header in WordPress. You will need to be logged in to your WordPress, and on your Dashboard page. On the left hand side, about half way down, click on the Appearance Menu Item. This will bring out a drop down menu, which contains the items Themes, Widgets, Menus, Background, Header and Editor. Click on Header. This will open a page called Custom Header, with a preview of the current header. You can click on Browse to upload your own header, or select one from the list to use. Below the sample headers are buttons to remove the header, or restore the original header image. When you are satisfied, click the Save Changes button. The new header has now been saved. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to change the header in WordPress.

How to Change the Default Admin's Username in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to change the default Admin's Username in Joomla. You need to be logged in to your Joomla account, and at your admin panel. From the menu at the top left, select and click on Site. Now from the drop-down, click on User Manager. This will open the User Manager screen. Check the box next to the administrator. Scroll right, and click on Edit in the upper right corner. This will open a User Edit window. The left hand box is User Details. Simply enter a new name in the Username field. You can also change the password. When you are done, click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will now verify that the changes were successfully saved. On the User Manager screen, you will be able to see the changed name in the Username column. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to change the admin username in Joomla.

How to Configure Your Settings in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your settings in WordPress. You should log in, and go to your dashboard. On the left hand side, click on Settings on the menu. This will open the General Settings page. Here is where you can change the blog title, tagline, and URL. You can change membership, and allow anyone to register. Scroll down the page. There is a section for you to choose the format for the date and the time. Select the day to begin your week on. When you are done, click the save changes button. The screen will now show that your settings have been saved. Scroll down. In the menu column, on the left hand side, under the settings header you will find the following sub-headings: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Privacy and Permalinks. Select the Writing settings. On the Writing Settings page, you can edit the settings relateed to writing posts. You can select a size for the post box, and enter it on the first line. Scroll down, and you can set up email posting. When you are done, click the Save Settings, and the next page will verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down, on on the menu click on the Reading settings. When the Reading Settings opens, you can set things like how many blog pages to show. You can select whether to show the full text or a summary of each article in a feed. When you are satisfied, scroll down and click on Save Changes. The page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and click on Discussion in the main menu in the left hand column. This will open the Discussion Settings page, where you can change things that relate to comments and avatars. You can select a box to force users to log in to comment. This is where you would disallow unapproved comments, or make sure that an administrator must always approve comments. You can determine the rating you wish to give your blog, and set the default avatar. When you are done, click Save Changes, and the new page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and select Media from the menu on the left hand side. This is where you can change settings like the maximum allowed image dimensions and image alignment. Scroll down and go to Privacy Settings from the left hand menu. This is where you will decide whether or not to allow bots and search engines to access your blog. Click the save changes button. Finally, go to the Permalinks settings on the menu. Here, you can decide what type of URL structure is used for your blog. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to configure your settings in WordPress.

How to Edit Your Profile in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to edit your profile in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the left hand column, expand the Users option by clicking on it. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Your Profile. This will open the Profile screen. On the screen you can edit options relating to the visual editor and color scheme. Scroll down. Under the section called Name, enter your first and last name. You can scroll down, and will find a box called Biographical Info. Here you can enter some bio info about yourself if you wish. When you are done, Click the Update Profile button. The next page will verify that your profile has been updated. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to edit your profile in WordPress.

How to Install WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial it to teach you how to install WordPress directly from You will need to go there - to Scroll to the right. You will see a download button for the latest and most stable release of WordPress. Click this button. On the next page, choose your version, and save the file. Now go to where it was downloaded. Unzip the folder and extract the files.Now open the folder. You will now need to upload the entire WordPress folder to your server using an FTP manager of your choosing. Once the files have been uploaded, go to your site in your web browser. You will now see the message that you need to create a configuration file. This is simple to do, just click on the Create Configuration File Button. The next screen will give you a short list if information that you will need for your configuration file. You will need 1. Database name, 2. Database username, 3. Database password, 4. Database host, and 5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database.). If you have this information, click the Let's Go button and continue. Enter the information in the correct boxes on the following pages. You will need your MySQL username and password. When the boxes are filled in to your satisfaction, scroll down and click on Submit. On the next page, it will indicate you are ready to run the install now.

Click on the button, and Run Install. You are now at the famous five minute WordPress Installation Process. Fill in the information asked for, and if you wish to change it later it is simple to do. Under Site Title, give your blog a title. Enter a password twice, or one will generated for you. Add and double check your email. Click the button at the bottom to install WordPress. The following screen will show Success! Click to Log in. Enter your username and the password you chose. You can check the Remember Me box to automatically log you in from now on. Click Log In. This is your admin panel where you can manage your blog and its settings. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to install WordPress directly from

How to Log in to Your New Joomla Account

This tutorial will teach you how to log into your new Joomla Account. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Once you have registered and activated your account if necessary, you will then be able to log in. Scroll down, and on the right hand side, enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes. Check the Remember Me box if you are not on a public computer, and you wish to be logged in automatically next time. Click the Login button. That's it. You are now logged in to your Joomla account. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to log in to your new Joomla account.

How to Manage Articles in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage articles in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to Joomla and on you admin panel. Joomla organizes articles into sections and categories. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. You will need to begin by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left side. From the drop-down menu select Article Manager. An this page, you can perform many operations. Here you can archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish, copy, move, edit or delete articles. You can also create new articles. To unarchive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article you wish to unarchive. Now click on the Unarchive Icon in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that the operation was successful. To Archive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article. Click on the Archive icon in the upper right corner. Again, you will get a message that the operation was successful. Archived articles are retained on the site as unpublished and cannot be published to other pages until they are unarchived. To publish an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Publish icon in the upper right corner. To unpublish, select the the article, and click the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Any articles that appear on the front page are marked with a green check mark.

To make an article show up on the front page, click the red X in the front page column. Articles can be moved or copied to different categories. To move an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a Move Articles page. In the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to move the article to, by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save button in the upper right corner. You will now see a message that the move was a success. To copy an article, select the article you wish to copy, and click the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open the Copy Articles page, and from the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to copy the article to by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save Icon in the upper right corner. To delete an article, click in the checkbox of the selected article, and scroll over. Click on the Trash icon, and the screen will verify that the article has been sent to the trash. Editing an article begins by selecting the article to edit by marking the checkbox in front of the article. Scroll over and click on the Edit icon. This opens the article in an edit screen format. Make any changes, and click the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new article, begin by scrolling right, and clicking on New in the upper right corner. This will open a new article screen. Begin by entering a Title. Next is an alias. This is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering this alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically covering the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. You may manually enter an alias, if you want. Next, choose the section this article should belong to. If there is more than one category under the section you chose, you will need to select that too. By default, Published is set to yes, so if you don't want to publish this article just yet you will need to change it to no. Select whether this article should appear on the front page. In the large box, type your article, using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. Click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that your article has been saved, and you will see it in the list of articles. Looking across, you can see if it is published, on the front page, what section, and other information. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to manage article in Joomla.

How to Manage Categories in WordPress

This tutorial will help you learn how to manage your categories in the WordPress program. You should begin by logging in to WordPress, and going to your Dashboard. In the left hand column you will find your menu items. Click to expand the Posts option. This will give you the options of Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Categories. This takes you to a Categories screen. To Add a New Category, type the name as you would like it to appear on your site in the name box. Below that box, is a box to type in the "slug", which is the URL-friendly version of the name. Scroll down, and if you wish you can choose to select a category parent. Enter a brief description in the box. When you are ready, click on the Add New Category button. On the Categories Page, you can quickly edit a category's information. Select the category you wish to edit, and in the right hand column click on the quick edit link below the appropriate category. Make any changes, or click cancel. Delete a category by clicking on the delete link in the same area. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the category. Click OK to confirm. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage categories in WordPress.

How to Manage Global Settings in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage the Global Setting in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. Make sure that your configuration.php file, which is located in your Joomla root directory is writable. Otherwise some changes will not be saved. Begin by clicking on Site, in the upper left corner of the main panel. From the drop-down menu, select Global Configuration. The first set of options you will see are your site options. These will allow you to set the site to offline mode, change the offline message, or change the site name. When you set the site to offline, it allows only administrators to access it. This is useful for editing the site when you don't want other people to see it. To change it to offline, change the radio button to yes, and scroll right. Click on the green check, or the Apply button. You may preview the site by clicking on the preview icon in the upper right corner. The SEO settings allow you to optimize URLs for search engines, rewrite URLs, or add suffixes to them. Scroll down and to the left and you will see Metadata Settings. Here you can edit your meta descriptions and keywords. The more descriptive your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site through the search engines. Scroll up. The next set of options is System. Here you can change settings related to the system, such as cache, session, andd debugging.

The User Settings here allow you to turn user registration off, set the group users are added to by default, and require new users to activate their account through email before they can log in. Scroll down and you will see Media Settings. This lets you choose what file extensions are able to be uploaded by users, set the maximum file size, change the folder paths, restrict uploads, etc. For a short description about what each option does, hover the mouse over the name. Scroll up. The last section is Server. This is where you can change your Server, Locale and FTP settings. Scroll right, and you will see where you can change your Database and Mail settings. This concludes this tutorial. You now know all about what to find in the Global Setting in Joomla and how to Manage it.

How to Manage Modules in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to manage modules in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The Module Manager is where you can add and edit modules, which are used to display content and media around the main content. Begin by clicking on Extensions in the upper main menu. In the drop-down, select module manager. This will open a new page, from which you can enable, disable, copy, delete, edit, or create modules. Disabled modules are indicated by a red X. To enable a module, select the checkbox next to the item, and then click on Enable in the upper right hand menu The red X will become a green check mark. To disable a module, select it by clicking on the checkbox in front of the chosen module. Then click on the Disable icon in the upper right corner, and the green check will turn into a red circle with a white X inside it. To copy an existing module, select the box. Now click on Copy in the upper right corner. The new copy will appear in your list as Copy of....... To edit the copy, or any module, select the module with a check in the box in front of the chosen module. Scroll right and click on edit in the upper right menu. This will open a window that will allow you to make any necessary changes to the module. When you are done, click on Save, and your module is up to date.

If this is a copied module you are editing, remember that copies are always disabled. You will need to enable them to make them work. To create a new module, click on new in the upper right corner. This will present a page that will allow you to choose the type of module you would like to create. There are many choices, ranging from navigation items, to articles, to photos, and everything in between. Select the module type you would like to create, and then scroll right and click on next. Each module has different options that you can set. Fill in the necessary information. Click Save. You can now see your new module in the module manager list. The last thing is to learn how to reorder the list. Scroll down, and click the green arrows to move items up and down the list. That completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage modules in Joomla, and can add, edit, copy, delete, create and much more.

How to Manage Pages in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to manage pages in WordPress. You will need to log in to WordPress, and open your Dashboard. In the left hand column, you will see the item Pages. Click on this Link. It will drop down and display two items, Pages and Add New. Click on Add New. On the new screen, you will see a block to enter the Title for the new page. Enter the title. In the big block below, enter the page content. In the right hand column is a section called Page Attributes. You can select the parent page there, using the drop down menu. When you are all done, click on the Publish button in the right hand column. To view all of your pages, go to pages in the menu in the left hand column. Click on pages in the drop down menu. That will open the Pages section. You will see link such as Edit, Quick Edit, Trash and View. If you click on View, you can see the page you just created. By clicking on Trash, you can Delete the page.This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage pages in WordPress.

How to Manage Users in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage users in your WordPress program. You will need to open WordPress, and go to your Dashboard. In the left hand menu column, click on the Users option. This will expand the list to include Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Add New. This opens the Add New User screen. On the first line, enter a username. The second line requires you to add an email address. Now add the users First and Last Names, Web site if they have one, and enter a password twice. Scroll down and click the Add User button. To delete a User, select Users under the users menu on the left hand side of the dashboard. Place a checkmark in the box in front of the name of the user you wish to delete, and click on the delete link below the appropriate name. This will take you to a confirmation page, where you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click the button to confirm. The user has now been deleted. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add and delete users in WordPress.

How to Manage Your Plugins in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage your plugins in WordPress. First you need to log in and go to your Dashboard. On the left hand side you will see a column of items. Near the bottom is Plugins. Click on this link and expand the menu. You will see Plugins, Add New and Editor. Click on Plugins. The page that comes up will show you a list of all your installed plugins. At the bottom of each individual plugin are three links - Activate, Edit and Delete. To Activate any plugin, click on its Activate link. At the top of the page, is a link to Add New plugins. Click on the Add New, and it will take you to a Install Plugins page. To find more plugins, you may browse the WordPress Plugin Directory simply by clicking on the link in the top paragraph. To Edit plugins, click on the Editor in the menu on the left hand side. This will allow you to select and edit your plugins. However, this is only for the advanced user, as editing can break the plugin rather easily. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage your plugins in WordPress.

How to Register a New User Account in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to register a new user account in Joomla. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Scroll down, and click on Create an account. In the registration section, type your name. Next type a username. Now put down your email address. Next select a password, and enter it twice to verify it. Scroll down, and click on Register. If the Joomla site you are visiting has email activation on, you will need to go to your email and click the link in the email that's sent automatically before you will be ale to login. That's it! You now know how to register a new user account in Joomla.

How to Specify What Media Can be Uploaded in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to specify what media can be uploaded in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and and at your admin panel. In order to specify wha types of media can be uploaded to your site, you will need to set the allowed file extensions. Begin by clicking on Site on the top menu. Select and click on Global Configuration from the drop-down menu. When the Global Configuration window opens, go to the System settings tab. Scroll down. You will see a box called Media Settings. The first item in the box is Legal Extensions (File Types). Next to Legal Extensions, enter the file types you want to allow and separate each with a comma. You can also change the maximum file size, and the paths to the media and image folders here. If you would like to allow any users to be able to upload files, click the No radio button next to Restrict Uploads. Scroll up and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. The window will show a verification that your changes have been updated and saved. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to set the specifications for what media file extensions can be uploaded in Joomla.

How to Use the Category Manager in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to use the Category Manager in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. Click on Content in the upper Menu Bar. Now select Category Manager. This will open a page that lists your categories. Here you can publish, unpublish, move, copy, or delete categories or even create new ones. To publish a category, select the checkbox in front of the category you wish to publish. Then click on Publish in the upper right menu. To unpublish, select a box, and click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right menu. That will make the green check mark turn into a red x. To move a category, simply mark the checkbox of the selected category. Click on the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen, where you can select a new section for this category. Scroll right, and click save in the upper right corner. To copy a category, select it, and click on the copy icon in the upper right corner. Then on the new screen, choose the section the category will be copied to. Click on the Save. < To delete a category, select the box. Click on Delete in the upper right corner and the section is deleted. To edit, select the category. Scroll right and select the icon in the upper right that is for Edit. This will open the Category edit window, where you can make any necessary changes. Click Save. To create a new category, click on New in the upper right menu. A new window will open, with blanks to fill in. The first is a title for your category. The next line is for the "alias", which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if you choose to enable the Search Engine Friendly selection in Global Configurations. Entering an alias is optional, and if you leave it blank, Joomla will create one based on the title. By default, Published is set to yes. If you are not ready to have the category published yet, you will need to change it to no. The next choice you will make is what Section this category will belong to. Select the section from the drop-down menu. The next part is the Access Level, where you will determine what users can access the content in this section. Again, make your choice from the drop-down menu. If you wish to select an image for this section, you do that in the next part. Choose an image, and then select its position. Use the text box to enter a description for this section. Scroll to the top, and click on save. Your new category is now listed in the category manager. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Mass Mail System in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your admin panel. The Mass Mail system allows you to email all registered users or those in a particular group. Click on Tools in the top menu. Select Mass Mail from the drop-down menu. This opens the Mass Mail window. In the box on the left hand side, it says Mail to Child Groups. Check that box if you would like to send the email to all groups under the selected group. Below that, Select the group this email should be sent to. On the right hand side, you will compose your email. Start with the subject line. Then type in your message. Now go to the upper right, and click on Send Mail. You will now see a message that your email was sent to ___number of Users. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla.

How to Use the Media Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Media Manager in Joomla. You will need to start by logging in to your Joomla admin panel. Now click on Site in the top menu. Select Media Manager from the drop-down menu. This opens the Media Manager window. It is just like a file manager except is shows only media files in your image directory. To create a new folder and upload an image, begin by finding the path for your media file.. Below the word files, you will see a box with the line /home/kj/public_html/joomla/images, or something similiar, depending on what your media file path is. At the end of this line you will find a / and a new box. In this empty box, type a new name for your folder. Now click the Create Folder button directly below the line. Now click on the folder you just created to open it. Scroll down. Click on the Browse button. Select your media file and click open. This will take you back to the media screen. Now click Start Upload button. You can now see the path for the uploaded file in the box below files. Note that larger files may take several minutes to finish uploading. To delete a file, find the red x under the file. Click on the x, and the file is deleted. To change the way items are viewed, go to the main directory, on the left, and click on Media. Now select Detail View. Scroll down. Instead of thumbnails, files are now shown with their dimensions and size. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to use the Media Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Menu Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Menu Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. The Menu Manager allows you to create custom menus for your Joomla site. Click on Menus on the menu in the upper left corner. Select Menu Manager from the drop-down menu. To create a new menu. Scroll right, and click on New in the upper right corner. This open a new menu screen. In the first box enter a Unique Name. This is what Joomla uses to identify this module within the code. Now enter a Title. In the next box, enter a description. The last box is the Module Title, and that is what will display on the front-end. If this field is left blank, the module will not be created. Scroll right and click on the Save icon in the right hand corner. This new menu will now be showing in the menu manager. To edit the menu, click on the icon in the menu row that looks like a piece of paper. This open a page called Menu Item Manager (content). Scroll right, and click on new. This will bring up a list for you to choose a Menu Item Type from. Highlight the correct selection, and it will open a Menu Item Detail page. Here in the box, you need to enter a title, and below that an Alias, which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an Alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen.

You can also manually enter an alias if you wish. Click the Save in the upper right corner,and the screen will verify that your item was saved. The last thing to do after creating a new menu is to enable it in the module list. Go to the menu at the top of the page, and click on Extensions. From the drop-down menu select Module Manager. Find your menu item, and click the red x next to the menu item. The new menu item can now be viewed on the front-end. This ends this tutorial. Now you know how to use the menu manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Section Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Section Manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your Joomla admin panel. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization. Start by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left. From the drop-down, select Section Manager. On this page, you can publish, unpublish, copy or delete sections or create new ones. To publish a section, select the checkbox in front of the section. Now click on Publish in the upper right corner. To unpublish a sectioon, select the box. Click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Copying a section will allow you to create a duplicate of the object to a different location. To copy, select the section by marking the checkbox. Now click on the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen for the new section. In the box, enter a name for the new(copied) section. Scroll right, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To edit a section, click the checkbox in front of the section you wish to edit. Scroll right, and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner. Make any necessary changes, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new section, scroll right, and click on the New icon in the upper right corner. This opens a new section screen. In the details box, you will see that the Scope is content.

This cannot be changed. Enter a title. The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. However, you may manually enter aan alias, if desired. By default, Published is set to yes, if you don't want to publish this section just yet you will need to change it to no. The Access Level lets you set what users can access content in this section. Public allows anyone who visits your site to view the content. Registered allows only registered users access, and Special allows only authors and higher. Scroll down, and you will find a box that will allow you to select an image that will be used for this section. You can upload your own images into the images/stories directory. Use the Image Position to place the image at the left or right of the page. Next you will find a section called Description. Here is where you will enter a description for this section. Scroll up and click Save in the upper right corner. That is how you create a new section. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to Use the Section Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Trash Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the trash manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel to begin. Deleted articles are sent to the trash manager where you can either delete them completely or restore them. To delete an article, go to Content in the top menu. Select Article Manager from the drop down menu. This will open the Article Manager screen. Click the checkboxes next to the article or articles you want to delete. Then go to the upper right hand corner, and click on the Trash Can icon. Now go to the Trash Manager. Click Content from the top menu. Then select Article Trash from the drop-down menu. This will display the articles that are in the Trash Manager, or the trash can. To restore an article, select the checkbox. Scroll right, and click on the Restore icon in the upper right hand corner. The restore screen will ask you to verify that you want to restore the item. Click Restore again, and OK, and the item will have been returned to is original place, but is unpublished. To republish a restored item, go to Content in the top menu. Click on Article Manager from the drop-down menu. Select the restored item, by marking the checkbox. Click Publish in the upper right corner. To permanently delete an item from the Trash Manager, click on the checkbox in front of the item and scroll right. Click Delete in the upper right corner. This brings up the Permanently Delete Items screen.

You will click on Delete again, and the item has now been permanently deleted from the database and cannot be recovered. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Trash Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the User Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the User Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in, and be at your Joomla admin panel. In the top left hand menu, click on Site. From the drop-down menu, select User Manager. The User Manager screen will have a list of all the users that have registered for your site. One thing you can do here is Add a new User. Scroll to the right. In the upper right corner, click on New. This will open a new screen. In the left hand box, called User Details, you will type in the name of the new user. Choose a username, and add the users email. Enter a password and verify it. In the Parameters box on the right hand side, set the back-end and front-end default languages. Now click Save in the upper right corner. Once a user has been created, you can edit it if needed. Click on the Users name. Make the change on the User page, and click Save. To delete a User, click the box in front of the users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Delete Icon. To force a User to Logout, click on the box in front of the Users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Logout icon. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the User Manager in Joomla.

How to Write a Comment in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to write a comment in WordPress. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. In the upper left corner, click on the My Blog link to go to your blog. Click on the leave a Comment link. This will open a new page, with a comment box. Enter your comment in the box. When you are done, click the Post Comment button. Your new comment will show up under the admin says: . This completes this tutorial. Now you know how to write a comment in WordPress.

How to Write a New Post in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to write a new post in WordPress. You need to begin by logging in, and going to your WordPress Dashboard. In the left hand column, the first menu item is Posts. Click on it to expand the menu. You will see Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Add New. This will open a Add New Post screen. In the first block, enter the title of your new post. In the large block below, enter the post content. After you have written your post, on the right hand side, you will find a section that will allow you to assign this post to one or more categories if you wish. When you are all finished, click on the Publish button. This will open the Edit Post screen. At the top is a link to View Post. Click on this link to see your new post. You can now see how your post will look on your site. Return to the admin area. Now, in the left hand column select the posts from the menu items. Your new post will now show up in the list here. You can now edit or delete it if you wish using the links below the title of the post. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write a new post in WordPress.

How to change your Password in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to change your password in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the menu in the left hand column, click on Users to expand the options. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Go to Your Profile. Scroll all the way down. Where it says New Password, enter your new password in the box. Re-enter the password in the box below. The strength indicator will tell you how strong your password is. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom left corner. Your profile page now says User updated. Your password has been changed. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to changer your password in WordPress.

How to login to Joomla as the Default Administrator

This tutorial will teach you how to login to Joomla as the default administrator. You should have your Joomla administration login page open in your browser. If this is your first time logging in as the root administrator, the default username is admin. Enter the password you created during installation. Click Login. You are now logged in to Joomla as admin, on the admin panel. You may wish to change your password after installation or on accasion to increase security. On the right hand side, in the list of logged in users, select admin from the list. This will open a new User detail screen where you can change you password and verify it if you choose. Click Save when finished. Once you are done in the admin control panel you will need to logout. Scroll right. Click on Logout in the very upper right hand corner. That's it. You now know how to login to Joomla as admin, change your password and logout.

WordPress won't save no parent assignment or null/blank custom field entries

If you are running WordPress on Apache and on a version of PHP later than 5.3.x, and experience any of the following issues: You cannot save the parent of a page from from an existing page .... to "no parent" You cannot save a custom field value, changing it from a populated value to a blank/null value In either of the case above, these are typically caused by the SUHOSIN module for PHP. The following should resolve this Edit you php.ini file, adding the following entries after the existing entries for SUHOSIN. suhosin.cookie.disallow_nul = Off suhosin.get.disallow_nul = Off = Off suhosin.request.disallow_nul = Off Then restart Apache Web Server Viola, you should now be able to save null values.

Advanced Articles [Questions 4]

How To Install and Uninstall FrontPage Extensions

This tutorial will show you how to install and uninstall FrontPage extensions. Please note that FrontPage Extensions should only be installed if you are using Microsoft's FrontPage to build you web site!! This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section named Advanced. Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This will take you to a screen that will list your domain or domains, (if there are parked or add-ons in your hosting account), and the status of FrontPage Extensions on that domain. It will say Installed or not Installed. Next to the domain in the list is a button that says Install Extensions. Click that button. That is all there is to it. You will be taken to a verification page, showing that the FrontPage Extensions are now installed, and ready for you to publish your web site to your hosting account. Click the Go Back button. The domain that has Front Page Extensions installed is now listed with the correct status of installed. Remember, extensions have to be installed separately for any Subdomain or add-on domain. To uninstall the Extensions, click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This takes you to the main screen, where you will find a list of domains, with FrontPage status listed. Find the one you wish to remove, and go across the list to Uninstall Extensions.

Click on the button. This will take you to a verification screen. You can now Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to the cPanel main page. This is the end of this tutorial. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Set Up A Cron Job

This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can set a command or script to run at a specific time every day, week, etc. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Advanced Section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the icon named Cron Jobs. This will take you to the main Cron Job page, where it lists two different experience levels to choose from: Standard and Advanced (Unix Style). This tutorial is going to teach the Standard approach. Click on the Standard Button. This will take you to a screen showing a Standard Cron Manager. Every time a cron job runs, the results are sent to an email address. The top line asks for the email address where you would like the cron job results sent. Enter that address into the box. Below is a box marked Entry 1. The first line is Command to Run: with a box after. In the box you need to enter the command of the script you want to run, including the path (all the way from root) For example, a command might look like this: "home/abc123/public_html/cgi-bin/clients.cgi" This command includes the entire path, all the way from the root directory. Next, we need to specify the timing of the cron. We need to determine when and how often we want the script to run.

There are boxes with different listings above them - Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), Month(s), Weekday(s). Using the information within each box, set the time, day, month, and day of the week you want your cron to run. When it is all set click the Save Crontab button. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that your cron job has been set. Click on the Go Back link. To return to the Standard Cron Manager at any time, click on the Standard button on the main Cron Job page. You can edit your cron, or delete it entirely by simply clicking on the delete button in the Entry box. You can also set up additional cron jobs. Return to your main cPanel page by clicking the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup Cron Jobs the easy way, and then edit them, delete them, or add additional ones. You can add as many as you wish, but REMEMBER, Cron Jobs have the potential to take up a lot of server resources. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create Custom Error Pages

This tutorial will teach how to create custom Error Pages. Create error pages for 404 Not Found errors and 500 Internal Server Errors, along with 28 other errors. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section, and Click on the Error Pages link. This will take you to the main error pages page. This page lists many kinds of error pages that you can customize. Let's select one, and click on the link. This will take you o an editing page. This is where you create your custom error page. You can include one or more of the listed tags to further customize the page. You can also use HTML tags in your page, making it easy to match the look of your error page to the rest of your web site. Create your page by entering your text into the big block. For example: The page (then click on the "Requested URL" button) is unavailable. Scroll down and click the Save button. You are now taken to a verification page, showing that your error page is created. Click on the Go Back button. You can customize any of the listed error pages, but you do not have to if you do not want to. All accounts come with preset standard error pages. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page.You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner.

Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using Index Manager

This tutorial will teach about using the Index Manager. The Index Manager allows you to customize the way a directory will be viewed on the web. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your web site are displayed. If there is not a file named "index.html" in a given directory, then the contents of that directory will be displayed in a browser. This is very undesirable, and can cause security issues. With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown. On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section. There you will click on the Index Manager icon. This will take you to the main Index Manager page. You will see your folders listed there. You can navigate through them by clicking on the icons. When you find the directory you want to address, click on the name. That will open another screen, where you will see the path for your chosen directory. There are four choices here. Default System Setting-allows the directory contents to be shown No Indexing-does not allow directory contents to be shown Standard Indexing (text only)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do not contain image files Fancy Indexing (graphics)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do contain image files Click on one radio button and click the Save button.

This will take you to the verification screen, where you can see that the settings have been updated. Click on Go Back. You can now exit by clicking on HOME and returning to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of this tutorial. You can return and change the settings at any time, for any of your directories. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Domains Articles [Questions 23]

How Do I Choose a Domain Name

This tutorial will look at some of the things you should look at when you are trying to choose your Domain Name. As you know, a domain name is a quick and easy way for someone to find your website on the Internet. Without a domain name, people would have to remember a series of numbers, or your IP address, and enter that to locate your site. One of the first things to think about when choosing a domain name is even though they can be hundred of characters in length, the shorter the better. Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. You should avoid using hyphens if possible, because sometimes they make it hard to communicate your address to other people, and an easy understanding is very important. One drawback to shorter is that a lot of the shorter names are already taken, so your first choice may already be in use. You may have to add to it, or make some small changes to find a short name that is available. You will also need to decide what top-level domain (TLD) or domain extension to use for your domain. There are many choices, such as .com, .net, .org, and so on. Recently, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) who oversees all of this added several new TLD's, like .biz, and .museum. The TLD doesn't matter much anymore, so you can use whichever sounds best and is available. If the .com of your choice is taken, maybe the .net version is available.

When selecting your domain, if you are operating a business website, you want it to reflect something about your products or type of business. For example, if your business is Joes Online Store, but your main product is blue widgets, your domain should be something to show that, like, or People shopping for blue widgets will find you that way when they do a search. (It does take a long time and some effort to make yourself visible in a search unless your product is very unique and/or one-of-a-kind. That is called "search engine optimization") If you just use as your domain, unless people know your name already you will be hard to find. So, the key points of domain name selection are to keep it short, keep it simple and make it mean something relating to the purpose of your business. You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website, in fact this may help improve your search engine rankings. This concludes the tutorial about how to choose a domain name.

How to Create a Subdomain

This tutorial will teach you how to create a Subdomain. Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your web site. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Domains. Find the Icon named Subdomains, and click on it. This will take you to the Subdomain main page. You will find a box titled Subdomains, with your domain name after it. If you have more than one domain name, such as parked domains, or add-ons, you will find them here in a pull down menu. Select the correct domain for which you wish to make a Subdomain and in the box enter the prefix name of the new Subdomain. The result should look like this: whatever your TLD is) For example, Below the Subdomain line is the Document Root line, and by clicking on the Icon, it will bring up the default directory for the Subdomain. Now click the Create Button. This will take you to a page showing that your Subdomain has been created successfully. Click on the Go Back link to return to the Subdomain page. Your new Subdomain is now listed here on the Subdomain page. You can make changes or remove it completely right here. A folder called 123abc (or whatever you named your Subdomain) has been created into which you will upload your files for this Subdomain.

This folder is located in the public_html directory, and can be accessed through file manager, or any FTP program. You can also access it by entering "" You can grant virtual FTP access to your new Subdomain from the FTP Manager in cPanel, although it is not necessary to make it work. It is already working. You can now return to your cPanel main page by clicking on the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to this section at any time to create additional subdomains, or delete existing ones. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create an Add-On Domain

This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to use and set up an Add-on domain. An Add-on domain is a separate domain from the main account using space available. Giving you multiple accounts in the same space. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Domains section and click on the Addon Domains link. This takes you to the Add-on screen. In the first box enter the new domain name. In the next box, the one named Subdomain/FTP Username enter the directory name in your main account where this new domain will be pointing. Enter a password, and then re-enter it. Click the Add Domain button. This takes you to the verifies screen which will confirm that your new add-on domain has been created. For example: your domain is, and you make an add-on called The web site files should be uploaded to the directory. An FTP Account has been created for this add-on domain. Click the Go Back link. Click the Home Icon in the upper left hand corner. Scroll down. Click the FTP Accounts Icon in the Files section. Scroll down the page, and in the Account Management section you will find your new add-on domain listed. To remove an add-on domain, in the modify Addon Domain section find the Remove button. Click the button, and it will take you to a confirmation screen.

Click Yes, and the domain has been removed, as well as the FTP account created for it. Click HOME and return to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup and remove add-on domains in your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Park a Domain

This tutorial will teach how to park a domain. A "Parked" domain shows the same content as the domain it is parked on, but uses the Parked domains name. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Domain parking is useful when you have additional domain names that you want people to be able to use to get into your web site. For example, let's say your domain name is "". But you also own the domain "". If you park one of the domains on the other, then both will result in visitors getting to your web site. NOTE: Domain parking will NOT work if you have not updated the new domain's name servers to point to your account's name be sure to do that with your registrar first. Begin by scrolling down your cPanel main page to the section called Domains and click on the icon called Parked Domains. This takes you to a parked domain screen with a box labeled Create a New Parked Domain. Enter the domain you want to park in the box, then click the Add Domain button. You will now go to a verification screen, which will confirm that the domain has been successfully parked. Click on the Go Back link. The domain will now be listed in the Parked Domain list. This is where you can remove parked domains. Simply click on the Remove link, and then click on the Yes to confirm that you wish to remove the parked domain.

This takes you to the verification screen, confirming that you have successfully removed the parked domain. Click the Go Back link. Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You may return and create as many parked domains as your hosting plan allows. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up URL Redirects

This tutorial will teach you how to set up URL redirects. Redirects allow you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page. This way you can make a page with a long URL accessible by a page which has a shorter and easier to remember URL. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Domains section, and click on the Redirects Icon. This will take you to the redirects screen. The first thing you need to do is decide whether this redirect will be temporary or permanent. Use the pull-down to select one or the other. Next, type in the URL that you want to redirect. For example, the "" is already listed. In the box you list the page for redirection, such as "anypage.html". In the next box, you need to enter the destination URL. This is the place you want your web site visitors sent to. Next click the Add button. That's all there is to it! It will now take you to the confirmation screen, showing which URL is being automatically redirected to what new URL. Click the Go Back Link. You can now see your new redirect listed in the Directory. You can also remove redirects from this same page. Simply click on the remove icon in the Directory list. It will take you to a screen that will verify that you have removed the redirect. You can now Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner, and return to the main cPanel page. This now ends the tutorial on URL redirects. You can set up as many URL redirects as you wish, including redirects to other pages within your own web site or redirects to pages within other web sites. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed.

When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue. You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided.

Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered. Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted.

Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button.

The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes. Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

Showing you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue.

Click OK. You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

What Are Domain Names and How Do They Work

This tutorial will look at what the concept of Domain Names, and how they work. Every website on the Internet can be located by its IP address. The IP address is a unique set of numbers, assigned to every computer that has access to the Internet. Our hosting servers all have IP addresses, which you will be included in your welcome email. Anyone looking for your website can enter those numbers in the address bar of their browser, and they will find your website. So, are you going to tell people to look for you on the Internet by just entering (Just an example.) Will anyone remember that? This is where the idea of Domain Names came about. Instead of having to enter a bunch of numbers, we can now assign a name to those numbers. Domain names can contain letters, numbers and hyphens. They can be hundreds of characters in length, but the shorter the domain name, the better. You can also have more than one domain name pointing at the same website. A domain name is an easy to remember address that can be translated by domain name servers into server IP addresses. In order for your computer to figure out what IP address to use for a domain name, it has to connect with a name server, which is also called a DNS server. That server connects with another, which connects with another, and so on, until a server is found that knows the correct IP address for the domain name.

When you purchase a domain name, you make sure the settings show that all requests for an IP address for that domain name are directed to our hosting name servers. The settings will be in the welcome email you receive when you purchase a hosting account with us. This concludes the tutorial on domain names, and how they work.

Email(Mail) Articles [Questions 14]

Configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system. Log in to your control panel Click on the "Forwarders" icon in your cPanel Click on the "Add Forwarder" button Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the "Address to Forward" field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list Next, make sure the "Forward to email address:" radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field Click on the "Add Forwarder" button to add this forwarder This will enable forwarding for the email address you entered. Note: If you setup a forwarder for an email address that is already added in your cPanel as an email account, the emails will still be delivered to that mailbox, plus any forwarder addresses you've added.

File Attachments Blocked by MailScanner

The following is a list of most file attachments that may be blocked by the MailScanner service (the attachments are removed from emails before delivery to you and placed in a quarantine area for 30 days should you wish to receive them): These are known to be dangerous in almost all cases. .reg Possible Windows registry attack .chm Possible compiled Help file-based virus .cnf Possible SpeedDial attack .hta Possible Microsoft HTML archive attack .ins Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings attack .jse_ Possible Microsoft JScript attack .lnk Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole attack .ma_ Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut attack .pif Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack .scf Possible Windows Explorer Command attack .sct Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component attack .shb Possible document shortcut attack .shs Possible Shell Scrap Object attack .vbe or .vbs Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script attack .wsc .wsf .wsh Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host attack .xnk Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut attack These are often used by viruses .com Windows/DOS Executable .exe Windows/DOS Executable These are very dangerous and have been used to hide viruses .scr Possible virus hidden in a screensaver .bat Possible malicious batch file script .cmd Possible malicious batch file script .cpl Possible malicious control panel item .mhtml Possible Eudora meta-refresh attack Filenames ending with CLSID's {[a-hA-H0-9-]{25,}\} Filename trying to hide its real extension Examples: A977FF0C-8757-4E76-8533-482F91946233 000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 Filenames with lots of contiguous white space in them. Filename contains lots of white space Deny all other double file extensions. This catches any hidden filenames. Examples: .txt.pif .doc.pif .txt.exe

How To Use Webmail From Within CPanel

There are two ways to access webmail. You can actually login to webmail without first logging into cPanel by simply typing the following into your browser: " " (replace your domain with your actual domain name.) This tutorial will teach you how to use webmail from within cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the section named Mail, and click on the Webmail icon. This will take you to the main Web Mail page. Click on the icon called Go To Webmail Login. You will find three webmail programs to choose from. You can select from Neomail, Horde or SquirrelMail. This tutorial will look at SquirrelMail. All three programs are very similar in how they process mail. Click the SquirrelMail icon. This will take you to the main screen of your account, and shows you the contents of the main Inbox. In the top menu, you will find a button called Options. Click on the button, and it will take you to a screen where you are given several options for configuring the way your webmail displays for you. Some of the options include Folder Preferences, Display Preferences, Personal Information, and others. Next to Options, you will find Folders. Clicking that tab takes you to a screen where you can create folders and subfolders to organize and store email messages. You can also rename and delete folders in this area.

You can create as many folders and subfolders as you wish, whatever meets your needs. They will display in the left hand column. The next item in the menu is Addresses. Click on the link, and it will take you to the SquirrelMail Personal Address Book which you can use to store commonly used email addresses. After filling in the blanks, click on the Add address button, and the contact will be added to your address book. Next up is Compose. This is the Link to select to send an email. After clicking the link, you will get a blank email form. To send it to someone whose address is in your Personal Address Book, click on the Addresses button, and select the person, or people you wish to send the email to. There are check boxes to indicate whether they should be put in the To line, or the Cc (Carbon copy) line, or Bcc (Blind carbon copy) field. Once you choose a name, and select a field, click the Use Addresses button. This takes you back to the email blank, where your recipient is automatically inserted into the field you selected. Now fill in the rest of the details, such as Subject and Enter the email message in the large box. Scroll down and click the send button. That completes the composing and sending of an email message. To view your messages, look at the left hand column. If the Inbox is highlighted, it will have a number after it. That is the number of messages you have in your box. Click on Inbox, and open it up. Your messages will be listed by who sent them, date sent, and subject. If the message is junk, and you wish to delete it, click in the small check box in front of the message. Then Click the Delete button. To move a message to a different folder, mark the check box in front of the message. Go up the pull-down menu and select the folder you wish to move the message into. Then click on the Move button. When you are finished with Webmail you should always exit by signing out. The link to Sign Out is in the upper right corner. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that you have signed out of Webmail. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use Webmail, specifically SquirrelMail. You can now return to your main cPanel page. Remember, you do not have to login to cPanel to access your webmail, you can access it by using "" (replace "your domain" with your actual domain name) in your browser. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Configure MailScanner in cPanel

This article describes how to configure MailScanner in cPanel. MailScanner is an anti-spam/anti-virus suite consisting of several open source utilities including: MailScanner, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, DCC and Vipuls Razor. Together, these utilities can dramatically reduce the amount of spam and viruses that make it to your email inbox. To configure Mailscanner for your domain(s), please follow the tutorial below. Login to cPanel for your hosting account In the "Mail" section, click on the MailScanner link/icon

How to Create A POP Email Account

This tutorial will teach you how to create POP email accounts. These accounts will be based off of your domain name(s). This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down your main cPanel page to the section called Mail, and click on the icon that says Email Accounts. This will open the main Email Accounts page. If you scroll down, you will see that there is already a POP email account, listed as the Default Email Account. This is the main account that every hosting account comes with, and is the "catch-all" for all un-routed email that comes to your domain. This default account has no quota, and cannot be deleted. We are now going to create a new account. Find the first box in the section Add a New Email Account. If you should have more than one domain in your account- (for example, a parked domain, or add-on domain) be sure to choose the correct domain from the pull-down menu for which you want to create your POP email account.

Once you have selected the correct domain, in the box that says email, you will write the name of the first account you wish to establish. This account can be whatever you choose. Your name, or an employee name can go here, such as Bob or Fred, or Nancy or you may put in a department name, such as sales, accounting, or customerservice. It should be written as one word, with no spaces. Give the account a password that you can remember, and enter it again to verify it.

If it is too weak, it will not be accepted, and you will be prompted to try again. A strong password is very important to protect your email from hackers. So now you have your email account - something@yourdomain.whatever (.com, .net, .org, etc). Now you need to decide how much space of your hosting package you are going to dedicate to your mail. You have the option to set a quota limit of space. If you give it a set limit of a certain number of MB, and the box is full, you will get warnings to clean it out. You may also leave it as unlimited, but if you don't remember to check and empty it off the server, you run the risk of using all your server space. After setting the quota, click on create account and you a have completed your first email account. Click on the Go Back button, and you will see your new address listed, along with a list of actions that you may perform on that account. You can change your password, change the mail quota, Delete the account entirely or even access webmail here. You can also configure an email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.). After creating your first account, repeat for as many accounts as your plan allows. Remember to record the passwords somewhere safe so that you will be able to access the email for reading later. When you are done, click on the home icon in the upper left corner to return to your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. As always, if using a public computer, remember to close your cPanel by clicking on Logout rather than just closing the browser window.

How to Create an Auto Responder

This tutorial will teach you how to create an auto responder. You can use auto responders to send a message back automatically to anyone who sends an email to a certain account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section named Mail. Click on the icon marked Auto Responders. This will take you to the main auto responder page. Click on the Add auto responder link. In the blank box marked email, enter the name of the account to which you are adding the AutoResponder. CAUTION: If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain, make sure you are setting up the auto responder in the correct domain. On the from line, enter the name you would like to have appear on the auto message email. The subject line is the subject of the auto response email. You may enter a subject, or just leave the default setting. The next option is character set, which should be left at default, or possibly choose ASCII for most normal purposes.

By default, the message will be in plain text. You have the option of sending it in HTML by checking the box marked "This message contains HTML". Enter the text of your auto response in the body box, and when you are done click on the create/modify button. This will take you to a screen that shows you that your auto responder has been successfully created. Click on the Go Back Link, and you will see your new auto responder listed.

Here you can edit it, or delete it completely. You can create additional auto responders. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to create an auto responder in cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up Email Forwarding

This tutorial will teach how to set up email forwarding, which is sometimes called an email redirect. Forwarders allow you to send a copy of all mail from one email address to another. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail Section, and click on the icon called Forwarders. This will take you to the Forwarders screen, where you will click the button called Add Forwarders. This will take you to a screen that begins with Address. Enter the prefix of the address you wish to forward. If you have more than one domain on this account, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you are creating the forward on the correct domain. In the next box enter the email address where you want these emails forwarded to. Click the Add Forwarder button, and that is all there is to it! It will take you to the confirmation screen where you can verify that the correct address is being forwarded to the place you wish it to go.

Now, email sent to the original email address will automatically be redirected (or forwarded) to the new address of your choice. Click the Go Back button. You will see your forwarder listed. If you need to delete the forwarder, just click on the Delete button under the Functions heading. If you wish to create new or additional forwarders, click on the Add Forwarders button.

In addition to setting up email forwarders, you can also set up domain forwarders. This means that all the email sent to any address within a domain would be forwarded to a specific email address. You would do it basically the same way, just start by clicking on the Add Domain Forwarder button. You may now click on the HOME link, and return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on email forwarders (redirects). You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Trace an Email Address

This tutorial will teach how to trace an email address. This feature allows you to view how the mail server will treat a message when sending to or delivering to a specific address. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail section, and click on the icon named Email Delivery Route. This will take you to a screen where you can test any email address by tracing it's route from this server. This tool is especially handy if you are having trouble sending an email to a specific address. You can check to see where the problem might be. Enter an email address in the box, and click on Show Route. That's it...the route of the address is now shown. From your cPanel, you can look for problems. You can see if a problem is with your server, or on the other end where the destination email address is located. Click the Go Back, and then the HOME in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to check an email address by performing a trace from within your cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

I can send email from my account when I'm at work, but not when I'm at home.

This issue is typically caused by your ISP blocking port "25" on their network for residential accounts. Our servers are configured to also accept SMTP (outgoing) mail connections on port "587". Try editing your email account settings for the SMTP (outgoing) mail connection to use port "587" first. If this does not work, you'll typically need to configure your ISP's mail server for your SMTP (outgoing) mail server in your email account settings.

I cannot send email. I am using Verizon as my internet service provider.

If you cannot send email and are using Verizon FIOS or High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses, please see the following details provided from the verizon website: If you want immediate step-by-step instructions, visit change my port settings to 587 now. What is outbound port 25 blocking? Outbound port 25 blocking is a network configuration change that will prevent computers on the Verizon network from connecting to servers outside of our network. Servers outside the Verizon network use a method commonly employed to send unauthenticated, unsolicited e-mail or “spam”. Why is Verizon blocking outbound port 25? The majority of spam (unsolicited email) on the Internet is caused by malicious software viruses that take control of infected computers. These viruses direct the infected machines to send email through port 25. Verizon takes spam very seriously. Verizon blocks outgoing connections on port 25 to prevent infected computers from being used by spammers to send unsolicited email. Outbound port 25 blocking is a standard industry method to control spam.

When will outbound port 25 blocking be implemented? We will begin implementing outbound port 25 blocking in the first quarter of 2009. Will outbound port 25 blocking apply to all Verizon broadband customers? Outbound port 25 blocking will be applied to FIOS and High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses.

If you subscribe to a static IP address service, you will not be affected.

Do I have a dynamic IP address? If you have standard residential or business FIOS / High Speed Internet service, you have a dynamic IP address. Static IP packages are sold as an upgraded service. Will I be impacted by port 25 blocking? If you have a dynamic IP address and you use a third party email account to send email from a desktop client such as Outlook®, Outlook Express® or similar programs, you may be affected and should continue to read this notice. If you are using email provided as part of your VErizon service or a web-based email account from another provider, you will not be affected. How do I determine if I am using a third party email account? If your email address is not part of your Verizon FiOS or High Speed Internet Service, and it does NOT end with, you are using a third party account. Do I have to change my email account settings? No. Subscribers using Verizon email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account that I access using my web browser. Will I be affected? No. Web-based email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account. I also use a desktop client to manage my email. What must I do to continue using my third party service? You have three options: Change your email client to send email using port 587. Click step-by-step instructions to change your port settings now. Use web based email services. Web based e-mail is unaffected by port 25 blocking. Check with your e-mail provider to see if web based access is available. Upgrade to a FIOS or High Speed Internet account with static IP addressing. Business customers may subscribe to static IP addressing.

MailScanner FAQs

MailScanner FAQs This list of Frequently Asked Questions is provided to help you understand our Mail Scanning Service. Will spam be deleted before I retrieve my email? No email is deleted from your mailbox, unless you configure it to do so through the cPanel control panel. Any email reported by the system as spam will have the subject line modified and header records added (tagged) to indicate them so that you can automatically filter them from your inbox and place them in a separate folder so that you can check them at a later time. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 You can configure MailScanner to delete email marked as Spam and/or Definitely Spam for you, but beware of the issues in the following answers to spam related questions. Should I tell you about incorrectly tagged spam? Not unless it is an email from someone you regularly receive email from. The simplest thing to do would be to add an extra inbox rule in your email client to keep email from them in your inbox (see the above links for details for your specific email client).

Alternatively, you can add them to your whitelist in the cPanel MailScanner configuration. Will all spam be detected? No.

All the email is scanned and assigned a score based on the likelihood that an email is spam. Thresholds (low scoring and high scoring spam) are used to determine whether an email should be tagged as spam: it is important that this is done to help avoid false-positives and false-negatives.

Is all email tagged as spam, spam? Not necessarily. The system is not foolproof and there will be instances where legitimate email is tagged as spam and where spam is not tagged as such. This is why all email is delivered by default, so you can filter them email in your email client and check through the spam to ensure there is no email that you actually need. I don't need (spam/virus) checking, can I only have email scanned for one? Yes, you can configure the service to either scan for viruses, spam or both. Will viruses be deleted before I retrieve my email? Yes. All emails and file attachments will be scanned for viruses. If one is found, the virus is removed from the email before it is delivered to your mailbox, a text file attachment will be added to the email notifying you of the virus infection. Removed viruses and dangerous file attachments removed from email may be stored in a quarantine area on the server for 30 days. You can request the file from quarantine as described in the text file attachments, or , preferably ask the sender to resend the file in a zip archive. Will all viruses be detected? No system can guarantee 100% detection, though nearly all infected files and dangerous file attachmentsshould be detected using this service. The service scans all email received and sent through the server to help ensure that you do not accidentally start spreading a virus yourself. Do I still need a virus scanner on my computer? Yes! Not only can the service not guarantee that all email viruses will be detected, there are many other ways that your computer can become infected. You should always install an anti-virus solution on every computer and ensure that it is constantly kept up to date. How do I know whether and email has a virus or is a spam? There are two methods used to identify these emails to you. Firstly, the subject line of the affected email will be prefixed with one of the following: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. Secondly, additional headers are added to the email: X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be clean - indicates that the email passed the virus scanning tests. X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be infected - indicates that email email contained a virus which has been removed. X-___________-SpamCheck: spam - indicates that the email is likely to be spam and contains information on how the score was reached. X-___________-SpamScore: ssssss - indicates the spam score for the email. Each s represents 1 point, so sssss indicates a score of 5. The service has a default threshold of 5 for {Spam?} and 20 for {Definitely Spam?} Can the system simply delete all email marked as spam? We advise against this as it is possible that legitimate email will be deleted and the sender will never know that you didn't receive it. We recommend filtering the email in your email client and placing it in a separate folder so that you can check through it in your own time. See the links at the top of this page for configuring email rules for the various email clients. If you're happy that email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} you can then configure MailScanner to delete that email. Another alternative is to have all email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} delivered to a specific email address. For example, How do I configure my email software to filter spam into a separate folder? You should create a separate folder in your email client called Spam. You should then create an inbox rule to place any email containing the strings {Spam?} or {Definitely Spam?} into that folder. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 What can I do to prevent receiving spam? Have a look at the self-help checklist here.

Top Tips for Preventing Spam

Here is a list of things you can do to help prevent receiving spam: Do not use a catchall email account on your domain(s). Only list aliases and POP accounts that you actually use. This stops the frequent spams that fire off emails to a list of names on a domain. Obfuscate or hide your email addresses on your website, i.e. replace them with JavaScript "trick" email addresses, or, switch to web forms for initial contact, rather than displaying an email address. Never, ever, click on any links in any spam - especially not to "unsubscribe". All this does is confirm to the spammer that they have a "live" address. Configure your client to read any incoming emails in plain-text, never html. Html spam emails contain links to graphics and scripts on spammers sites, confirming your email address. If you are using Outlook XP or 2003 you can disable viewing in html, instructions are given here:

Understanding the MailScanner codes in your email subject lines

When Mailscanner scans your email, if it finds a problem, it may (depending upon your MailScanner settings�in cPanel) automatically�prepend the subject line of�an affected email with one of the following strings: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Fraud?}�-�indicates that the email�contained HTML code that was identified as a phishing attack and was disabled by MailScanner. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client.

You have been blacklisted/blocked by an ISP

What to do if you get blacklisted or want to be whitelisting with a certain ISP. If you have been blacklisted, the next step is to contact the ISP in question, and request to be removed from their blacklist (delisted). Each ISP has a process for applying, most starting with an online form. Here are links to some of the more popular ISP’s whitelisting/delisting applications AOL Go to webpage below, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form AT&T Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Adelphia Contact Adelphia customer service desk at 800-683-1000 or 888-683-1000. BellSouth Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Comcast Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Helpful Link CompuServe Go to this webpage, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form Cox Send us a copy of the bounced email notification to unblock. EarthLink Please send an email with the complete header to Allow 12-24 hours, our server engineers will fix the issue once the email is received.

Excite Send email to Excite asking to be removed from email blacklist Gmail A Helpful Website Go here for messages being blocked or marked as spam Hotmail Hotmail is very strict with spam complaints and they DO NOT bounce emails. They only filter to trash or junk mail. If they get only a few they will filter all email from your account. They will also filter if they detect you are sending to many non-existent accounts, since this is a characteristic of spammers. If you use your own domain name as your FROM EMAIL ADDRESS, you can set up SPF records under your domain that will improve delivery to Hotmail. Hotmail uses senderID to accept mail and require that you set up spf records on the domain you use for your FROM email address. You will need to contact your host and ask them if they publish SPF records and are compatible with Microsoft's Sender ID initiative. Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure delivery to Hotmail due to Hotmail's policies. Once you have set up spf records, let Hotmail know by sending them an email at with your domain name in the body. We will then configure your StreamSend account accordingly. If you are not sending from your own domain, our only recommendation is that you wait 48 hours or more between sends. Hotmail may remove your account from their filtering if they do not receive complaints within a certain span of time. Useful articles: Juno Getting onto whitelist: Email being blocked: Netzero Get on whitelist Email being blocked: Roadrunner Follow instructions for removal. SBCGlogal Include your private IP address in the body of the email. USA.NET All blacklisting/IP block issues can be reported to Additionally, you may want to consider registering for our feedback loop at which exempts registered IP addresses from most spam controls and allows contact if we see any delivery issues. Verizon (whitelist application) Yahoo Or try - Commonly used blacklist used by Yahoo *** If you have received an error message regarding 88.blacklist.zap, they are quick to help with delisting issues-- you should send an email to the email address below and include the IP address:

Transferring Your Domain Articles [Questions 17]

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username or domain name and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link in the tabs at the top of the page. Scroll down to Step 1. Select the domain you would like to manage by checking the box in front of the name. In Step 2, in the drop-down list, select Unlock these Domains. Click on the Go button. You will now see a Domain Locking Results page. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Control Panel Login link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the pop-up boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. From the Pull-down menu in the middle of the page, select the domain you wish to transfer, then click on the Manage button. This will bring up the Control panel for this domain, and you need to scroll down. Click on the Manage Domain Locking. This will take you to the Manage Domain Locking page, and you will scroll down again. It will tell you if your domain is locked or unlocked. If it is locked, click on the Unlock domain link. You will now get a confirmation screen showing that the lock has been removed and it is ready to be transferred.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Auth Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to begin transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can initiate the transfer of your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Customer Login button at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domains on the left hand side. This takes you to the Domain Overview page. Go to Transfers from the menu in the middle of the page. On the next page,

Click Show next to "Lock/Unlock Domains". Select the domain you wish to manage from the list, and click Next. On the next page, Domain Locks, select the radio button in front of Unlock, and click OK. The next screen will let you know the action was successful.

The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the right hand corner. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, as that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Select button on the left hand side for Manage Registered Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Manage Domain Name screen. Click on the Unlock Domain link. The next screen will verify that the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, at the top of the left hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must be completed before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer process at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This opens a screen with all your domains, called Manage Domain Names. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the lock off by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Edit Domain Name screen. Scroll down, to the Transfer Lock section. In the drop-down box, select unlocked, and click on Submit. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Signout link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link in the left hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now click on the domain name you wish to manage. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the Manage link next to "Locked". A pop-up will open and give you the option to uncheck the Locked domains. Uncheck the box, and click OK. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are completed, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Transfer Shield link in the Services section. This take you to the Transfer Shield page, where you need to scroll down. Answer the security question you have setup for your account, and click on Continue. On the new screen, you will click the Edit Transfer Shield link. Scroll down, and select the domain name you wish to unlock by checking the box in front of the domain name. The next screen is to change the status of your Transfer Shield. Make sure this setting is "Not Armed" by clicking NO. Then click on Continue. You will now see a screen that will let you know the change has been a success. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. Click on continue again.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the lower right hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are some things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on My Account. Now click on Log In. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domain Names in the list on the left hand side. This opens a new screen, with your domain names listed.

Select the domain name for which you want to remove the registry lock, by clicking in the box in front of the domain name. Now Click on Lock/Unlock from the list above the domains. Now click Go. On the new screen, click the Unlock Domain button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, go up to My Account. Click Log Out. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in button in the left hand menu. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the link in the first statement that tells you how many domain names you have in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to turn the registry lock off by clicking on the domain name.

This opens the Domain Control Panel screen. Scroll down, and click on the "Registrar-Lock Options for Domain Names and Services" Link. Un-check the box that says "Do not allow this name to be transferred to another registrar", then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the word view after "Number of domains in your account" to see a list of domain names in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Click the domain name you want to remove the registry lock on. This takes you to a Modify page for this domain name. On the left hand side, click on the Registar Lock link.

The next page will show you if the domain is locked or not. If the name is locked, click in the radio button in front of the sentence "Release the registrar lock so that the domain can be transferred to some other registrar." Then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain name out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on Control Panel at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains, and then click on Domain Manager from the drop-down, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Manager page.

Expand the options for the domain you want to edit by clicking on the plus sign in front of the domain name. Now go to the Security tab.

Click Unlock. That's it. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the upper right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by clicking on the Account Manager link in the upper right corner. Now on the log-in page, enter your account username and password in the boxes. Click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the nsWebAddress link in the left hand menu list. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains and details. In the box for the domain you wish to transfer.

find the Domain Protected text. Across from that, click on the link on the right hand side that reads "Turn Off or Request Authorization Code". This opens a new screen called Edit Domain Protect. Select the radio button for Leave Domain Protect Off. You will also need to check the box requesting an Authorization Code. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the Authorization Code. This is a very important step.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. Click on the Save button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. When finished, click the log out button in the right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from OpenSRS

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from OpenSRS to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with OpenSRS, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Enter your domain name, OpenSRS account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Manage Domain button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account.

Click on the Domain Locking link in the menu at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Locking screen. Scroll down, and check the status of the locking. You are unable to change the locking status for a domain from here. You would need to contact your domain supplier for assistance it you need to change the status.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is OpenSRS, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the login link in the right hand corner. Scroll down, and enter your account username and password in the boxes.

Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock. This takes you to the domain page. Scroll down. Now click the Disable Domain Lock link. This takes you to a confirmation page, and you need to click on the Continue button to confirm the change.

You now see the confirm page, that the domain lock changes have been made. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can initiate the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Login link in the menu at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on List Last 10. This will open a page with your domain list. Select the domain you wish to manage. Click the "Domain Name - Click to Manage" link in the box with the domain name.

This will open a management console, and in the second section, click on the Lock/Unlock Button. Now you need to Un-check the box in front of the "Customer Lock". Then click Update.

The next screen will show you that the order has been modified successfully, and the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Sign out link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to begin on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which prevents it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account.

Click on the My Domains tab at the top of the page. This opens your Account Management Control Panel. Select the domain you wish to manage, by checking the box in front of the domain name. In the Step 2 box, there is a pull-down menu. Click on the arrow, and select Unlock These Domains from the list.

Then click Go. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered domains link in the right hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains.

By the text "Manage Domain" there is a pull-down list. Select General Settings from the menu. This opens an Edit General Settings screen. Click on Disable next to Registrar-Lock. Scroll down and click on Save. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name.

This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Files Articles [Questions 5]

How To Backup Your Web site

This tutorial will teach you how to backup your web site in cPanel. Regular backups of your web site are the best way to assure you are protected from loss. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the Backup icon. This will take you to the main backup screen, where you can backup and/or restore the files in your hosting account.

There is a header called Systems Backups, and it will show you how often your account is being backed up by the server it is on. These are automatic backups, and could be daily, weekly, or monthly, or any combination of these - check with us to see how often we do backups. By clicking on any of these buttons, you can download a copy of these backups to your local computer.

If you scroll down on the main page, you will find the manual backup section. There are several ways to backup your files, depending on which files you want to backup. You can perform a backup of the home directory, or the backup of a MySQL Database, or you can backup only files in specific subdomains or filters.

You can also perform a Download/Generate Full Backup in this section. Click the button with this command on it. This will take you to a Full Backup Screen, that lists available backups for download. From the drop down box, set your back up destination. You may choose from Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (Passive mode transfer) or Secure Copy. In the next box, enter the email address where you want a complete report of this backup to be sent.

Fill in the other boxes as requested, and click the Generate Backup button. This will send you to a verification screen, to confirm that the backup is in progress, and that you will receive an email upon completion.

To Backup a Home Directory to your computer, Click on Home Directory in the Manual Downloads section. A File Download box will appear. Click OK. That will successfully backup the home directory to your local computer.

To Restore the Home Directory Backup, Click on the Browse button next to the box marked Restore a Home Directory Backup in the Manual Download Section. This will open a File Upload box. Locate and select the backup file you wish to restore. Click the Open button. This will take you back to the backup main page. Click the Upload button. A screen will then open showing files are being restored.

This works the same for the other options in the manual section. You can now click the HOME link in the upper left corner and return to your cPanel main page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the Backup utility, and can manually backup your files as often as you desire.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Create Additional FTP Accounts

Let's learn how to create additional FTP accounts. FTP Accounts allow you to access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP. You will need a third party FTP program to access your files. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon named FTP Accounts. This will take you to the FTP Accounts main page, where you manage your FTP accounts.

If you scroll down on the page you will see a list of the FTP accounts you already have. Most were created when your hosting account was setup.

Scroll up to the section called Add FTP Account. In the first box enter a Login name. Then enter a password twice, in the next two boxes.

In the next box, marked Directory, click on the icon and it will give you the Directory you are creating the FTP account for. NOTE: If it should say "public_html/example" in this box.

The user of this account will only have access to the "/example" directory, and all folders under it. To give them full access, remove everything up to the slash... so that it reads "public_html/" This will allow them full access.

In the next box you can give a quota limit or not on this FTP account. If you choose not to limit the account, enter Unlimited in the box. Then click the Create button.

This will take you to the confirmation screen, with all the account information listed. Click the Go Back button.

Your new FTP Account will now be listed on the main page, under account management. Here you can edit the account properties, such as changing the quota, password, and deleting the account. You can also create new accounts at any time.

This ends this tutorial on FTP Accounts. You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Use Web Disk In CPanel

This tutorial is going to teach you how to Use Web Disk in cPanel. The Web Disk allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Web disk allows you to drag and drop files easily from your computer to your hosting account. It is just as if your account was part of your home computer. You can also navigate through the files in your hosting account, just as you do the files on your local computer.

Scroll down to the Files section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the Web Disk icon. This will take you to the Web Disk Accounts Main Page.

You will find a section called Create Web Disk Account. In the first box enter the username you want to use for login. If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you use the drop-down menu to select the correct domain to create the web disk account on.

Enter a password, then re-enter it to verify it is correct, then click the Create button. This will take you to the confirmation screen to verify that you have successfully setup a new Web Disk account. Click the Go Back link, and you will find your new account listed in the Web Disk Account Manager.

The Manager has a button called Access Web Disk. Click that button for your new account. The page that opens will give you the choice of three operating systems. You need to choose the one that you'll use to view Web Disk.

Main headings are Apple Operating Systems, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Linux/BSD Operating Systems. Each has a drop-down list of different systems. Find your system and follow the directions given in the display box.

There is a link to click to create a Desktop Shortcut, and a pop-up will open to start running the script. Click OK, and you are now able to launch Web Disk using the icon on your desktop.

Return to your main cPanel page by clicking on the HOME icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up Web Disk, for the purpose of dragging and dropping files directly to and from your hosting account to your home computer.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page.

This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload. Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task.

Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager. It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using the Disk Usage Viewer

This tutorial will teach you how to use the disk usage viewer. The disk usage viewer provides a quick way to see the amount of disk space being used by folders. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the icon called Disk Space Usage. This will take you to the main page of the disk space usage page. On this page

you can see how much storage space is being used for each directory and sub-directory in your account. Scroll down to see the entire list of directories.

In the upper right corner of the list is a pull-down box called Actions. It can do many things, to show you different types of information. Some of the items in the Action box include Show Parent Directories, Show Top Level, Hide Small Files, and Show Files Sizes as Bytes.

Above the Left hand side are two buttons, Decrease Depth and Increase Depth. Increasing Depth will take you one more level down the path, for example:
from "mail/" to "mail/". Decreasing the depth will do the opposite.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to view the amount of storage space being used by your directories. This is useful in determining which directories are using the most storage space.

Return HOME by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. Once you know where most of your storage needs are, and where the most space is being used, you can determine whether you need to delete some files, or upgrade to a larger hosting package.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

FTP Programs Articles [Questions 18]

Configuring your web site in CuteFTP

To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in CuteFTP. Open the CuteFTP program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

To configure your web site in CuteFTP, you begin by clicking on the Site Manager button. This can be found in the icon menu of the second row, and is the first icon. It looks like an open book. This will open the Site Manager window. In the left hand panel, right-click the General FTP Sites folder. This will present you with a drop-down menu. Click on New Folder. You will now see a new folder in the left panel of the Site Manager, and you will need to enter a name for the new folder.

Now we need to configure a new site inside this folder. Click on the New button at the bottom. Then from the drop-down, click on FTP Site.

In the right hand window, there will be a general form. In the first blank, enter a name or Label for this new site. (This is for your reference only). In the next blank, enter the Host address. NOTE: The host address can be in the form of (where "" is substituted with your actual domain) or it can be just the IP address. If your domain name has not yet propagated,

you will need to use the IP address method. In the next two boxes, enter the username and password for the hosting account. Then click Exit when finished. We have successfully configured a new site in CuteFTP.

To connect to the site that we just configured, click on the Site Manager icon(the one that looks like a book). This will open the Site Manager window. In the left panel, the site we just created should be listed with the name that you gave it. Select this site. Then click on Connect in the bottom right corner. A small prompt will open. Click OK. You have now successfully connected to your web site via CuteFTP.

To disconnect, in the icon list click on the Disconnect Icon. (The one that looks like a plug being pulled out) This will close the connection. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in CuteFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FTP Voyager

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager. To begin, we will assume that you have the program FTP Voyager already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. Open the FTP Voyager program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

To configure your web site in FTP Voyager, you begin by clicking on the File button, located in the menu at the top of the program. This will open a drop-down menu, where you will click on the Site Profile Manager link. This will open the FTP Site Profile Manager window. Click on New Folder at the bottom of the window. You will see a new folder appear in the window, and a highlighted name in the Name bar on the right side.

Enter a name for this new folder in the name box on the right. With the new folder highlighted, click New Site below the left hand window. Now enter a name for the new site in the name bar on the right hand side.

Now you need to configure the Properties of the new site you are setting up. On the right hand side, there are several blank boxes to fill in. The first one you need is FTP Site. Type the FTP address of your web site in this box. It will be, with being your actual domain. You may also use your IP address in this space for the address.

NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use the IP address instead of the domain name. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous Login box. Now, in the next two boxes enter your FTP Username and Password. Check the save Password box. Then click on Connect.

You have now successfully configured your web site in FTP Voyager. You have set it up in the Site Profile Manager, and can now establish a connection. To close the connection, click on the Disconnect icon, located in the second menu bar at the top of the program. To Reconnect, click on Connect, the icon located in the second menu bar. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to configure a web site in the FTP program, FileZilla. You should have FileZilla running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. Start by opening the program. In the menu bar, select File. In the drop-down menu, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window, and you need to click on the New Folder button.

This will show a new folder in the window on the left hand window, under My Sites. Enter a name for the new folder in the box. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Click on New Site, below the left hand window.

This will create a new site below the folder we just created. Enter a name for the new site in the box. On the right hand side, there is a box called Host:. In this box, enter the name of the Host. Scroll down a little, and select Normal for logon type. Enter the Username in the box below the Logon type. The next box is for your Password.

Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. That is it! You are now connected to the remote server. The login details have been saved for quicker connections in the future.

To disconnect from the server, click on Server in the top menu bar. Then click on Disconnect from the drop-down menu. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to configure a web site in the FTP program FileZilla, in order to establish an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in this program. We will assume that you already have the program FlashFXP on your computer. It should be running, but not connected at this time to any remote servers. The main screen is two large windows. The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right window is the remote server, or your web site, in this case. Currently, the right screen is blank since you are not connected to any remote servers.

Let's begin to configure your web site. To start, in the menu bar at the top of the FlashFXP window, click on the Sites link. From the drop-down, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window.

Click on the New Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button. Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the New Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new web site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is IP Address. Type the ftp address of your web site in this box. This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field.

Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box.

Next, enter the remote path where your web site files should be uploaded within your hosting account. (This is usually public_html) The next blank box is the Local Path, where you need to select the location on your computer that you want displayed in the left side window of FlashFXP.

Check to make sure everything has been entered properly and click on the Apply button at the bottom. Then click on Close. This will take you back to the main window of FlashFXP.

To connect, click the Connect icon, which is located over the remote server window, and looks like a lightning bolt. From the drop-down, select the group you created earlier. Then select the link to your web site. Click on it to start the connection.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program FlashFXP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in LeapFTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP. This is the first step to using LeapFTP to upload and download files/folders and then manage those files/folders. We will assume that you have LeapFTP running on your computer, but you are not currently connected to any remote servers. The main screen consists of two large windows.

Let's begin to configure our web site in LeapFTP. Start by clicking the Sites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window. Click on the Add Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button.

Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the Add Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is Address.

This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field. Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box. Click on Apply when finished, and then click on Connect. You have now successfully configured your web site in LeapFTP, and established a connection.

The left hand box is showing your local computer, and the right hand box is now showing the remote server (your web site). To disconnect, click on the Disconnect Icon, at the top of the page in the row of icons. It is the plugs being taken apart.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in SmartFTP

SmartFTP is a desktop program that allows you to make a connection between a local host (your computer) and a remote server (your web site). This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in SmartFTP. For the purposes of this tutorial, you should have the SmartFTP program running, but not connect to a remote server at this time. The main screen is a large blank window at this time, with a panel below it. The panel is your Transfer Queue, where you can see all the actions as they are taking place and what their status is.

Let's start by Clicking on the Favorites in the menu in the top of the window. From the drop-down, click on Edit Favorites. The Favorites window will open, and you will now click the New Folder icon. It is in the Icon menu bar at the top. This will create a new folder in the list on the right hand side, and you should now enter a name for the new folder. The folder will now show up in the list on the left hand side, and you should select it.

Now click the New Favorite Icon, from the Icon menu bar. It is located next to the new folder icon. This will show up in a list on the right hand side of the window. You now need to enter a new name for the new favorite, by clicking on it and typing in the name. Now we need to configure the properties of the new favorite we have just created.

With the new favorite selected, Click on the Properties Icon. It is located in the Icon menu bar, and looks like several pages stacked. After you click on this icon, it will open up the Properties window. You now need to fill in the details of your web site so that SmartFTP can connect to it via FTP. On the line marked HOST, type the FTP address of the web site. This could be, with the being your actual domain name, or your IP address.

However, if your domain name has not propagated yet, you will have to enter the web site IP address instead of the domain name. Now go to the Login section. Enter your FTP Username and Password in the correct boxes. Then click OK. You have now successfully configured your web site in SmartFTP by setting it up in Favorites. Close the Favorites box by clicking the x in the upper right corner

To connect to your web site, Click on Favorites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the Drop-down, click on the folder name it's located in, and then click on the web site name itself. You are now connected to your web site via FTP. To disconnect , find and click the disconnect icon. It is located above the scroll down for the folders, and it looks like a computer with a red x at the end of its power cord. This is the end of this tutorial.

You know how to configure your web site in SmartFTP, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in WS_FTP

You should have the program WS_FTP running on your computer, but you should not be connected to a remote server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in the program WS_FTP. The main screen of WS_FTP has two large windows. The one on the left is your local host, or your computer, and the window on the right is the remote server. The right window says Blank Connection Pane.

Let's Configure your web site. The first thing to do is to Click on the "Open a Remote Connection" link in the Remote server window. This opens the Site Manager window. Click on Create Folder. This opens a new window, New Site Folder. You need to enter a name for the new folder in the box, then click on OK. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Highlight the folder, and click on Create Site. This opens the Connection Wizard. On the first page, enter a name for the new site.

This should be a name to help you identify the site you are connecting with. When you are done, click Next. The usual connection type will be FTP, so click Next again. Now you need to enter the server address. The server address can be either in the form of "" where "" is your actual domain, or just the IP address.

Once you have entered the address, Click on the Next button. (If your domain hasn't propagated yet, you will have to use the IP Address method) The next screen asks for your User Name and Password for your hosting account. After you enter those, click on Next. Now comes the Finish screen.

If all the information is correct, click Finish to create the site. That takes us back to Site Manager, and the site is successfully configured to connect. To connect, just click on the Connect button. To disconnect, click the Disconnect icon at the top of the page to close the connection.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the ftp program, WS_FTP. You can establish a connection with a remote server, and disconnect when you are done.

Configuring your web site in WinSCP

Configuring your web site in WinSCP is the first step to using this FTP program to upload and manage your files and folders on the remote server. This tutorial will assume that you have WinSCP already on your computer and have it running, but not connected to another server.

When opened, you will see a login screen. In the Session section, where it says Host Name, enter the server address in the box. In the next box, enter the User name. In the box across for the User Name, enter your password. Now click on Save. In the next pop-up window, click on OK.

Now the next box will ask you to name this session, so that you can find the connection again easily. Enter a name in the box that will enable you to remember what this connection was. Then click OK. This takes us back to the Login screen.

In the right hand window, you will see your session, with its new name listed. Make sure it is highlighted, and click on the Login button at the bottom. That's have now successfully connected with your web site via FTP, using WinSCP. The session is also saved for later use, making it easy to Login again. To Disconnect, go to the menu bar at the top. Click on Session. From the drop-down, click on Disconnect. You are now disconnected from the remote server. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site to connect with a remote server in the FTP program WinSCP.

Setting your preferences in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to set your preferences in this program. You should have already configured your web site in this program, and if you have not, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFXP". FlashFXP should be running on your computer, and not connected to a remote server at this time for the purposes of this tutorial.

Let's learn how to set your preferences. To Start, click on the Options link at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, click on Preferences. This will open a window called Configure FlashFXP. This is the main preferences window, and there are several options there to choose from. However, most options are pre-set, and won't need to be changed. Only change the options that you know are safe to change.

One thing you can change if you wish is the Timeout Retry Delay and Retry Count settings on the General page. On the Connections Page, you should not make any changes unless you really know what you are doing.

The Options page has settings that are in place to help you avoid deleting files by accident, and they should be left in the default setting. The transfer page should be left as Auto. On the Advanced page, you will probably want to have "show hidden files" selected, so that you can see all files, including .htaccess files.

On the Sounds page, you can assign sounds to specific events. To do this, simply select the event you want to assign a sound to, then locate a sound file on your computer. On the Display page, there are several display options you can choose from that will customize the look of FlashFXP to your personal taste.

There is a whole list of options to select from, such as flat toolbar buttons, display site names in caption, use high color toolbar buttons, and much more. You can choose how to display your file sizes as well, either Auto, KB or Bytes. When you are finished with any changes in the preferences window, click OK. This will return you to the main screen.

Now click on View from the main toolbar at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, select Options. This opens a window called View Options. You can change the entire look of FlashFXP by changing the colors. Click OK, and return to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to set your preferences in FlashFXP and how to customize the look of the program to suit you.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using CuteFTP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload files and folders using the program CuteFTP. We will also teach you how to manage those files and folders once they are uploaded. To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. The main screen should be open. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to. There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

Now, let's start by learning how to upload files and folders, to a remote server from your computer. You need to find the Site Manager icon. It is in the menu bar of icons, the one that looks like an open book. Click on it. This will open the Site Manager window, and in the left hand window, you will see your site listed. If your site is not already configured, please see the tutorial "How to configure your web site in CuteFTP". Select this site by clicking on it. Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. This will open a small prompt window, you need to click OK again, and now you are connected and ready to upload.

You should now have both windows open. The left window should be displaying your local computer files, and the right hand window is displaying the remote server files.

To upload files, select the correct place for them to go in the remote server window. This is the first thing you need to do. Once you have determined where you are going to upload the files to, go to your local computer (left hand window) window, and select the files you want to upload.

To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. When you are ready to upload, go to the icon menu and locate the upload icon. It is the Green arrow. Click on this icon to start transferring files to the remote server. To download a file from the remote server to your local computer, first select the file or files. Then go to the icon menu, and click the Green Down arrow. The file(s) will now download to your local computer. To close the connection with the remote server, from the icon menu, click on the icon that looks like a plug being unplugged.

This ends this part of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders in CuteFTP.

The next part of the tutorial deals with managing those files and folders. You should have CuteFTP running, and be connected to a remote server at this time. let's begin by creating a new folder in the remote server. There are two ways to create a new folder.

In the icon menu at the top, click on the New Folder icon, that looks simply like a folder. This will give you a window called New Folder, with a box for you to type a name for the new folder. When you are done, click OK. The other way is to right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will bring up a menu, and you will select New Folder.

Again, it will bring up the window for you to name the folder. To rename the folder, Right Click the folder, then from the menu, click on Rename. Type the new name in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. Files can be renamed the same way as folders.

To delete a file or folder, first make sure it is highlighted. Then go to the icon menu and locate the big red X, over the remote server window. Click on this to delete. CuteFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete, so click on the Yes button.

That file or folder is now deleted. The next step is to learn how to change permissions. In the remote server window, you need to select the file for which you want to change permissions. Then from the Icon menu, find the Properties icon, which is a sheet of paper with a red check mark. Click on the Properties Icon. This opens the Properties window for the file you selected.

To change permissions, simply enter the new permissions value in the box provided, or check off the appropriate permission boxes. When you are done, click Apply, then click OK. Your permission have now been changed.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to manage files and folders. You can create folders (directories), delete files and folders, change permissions and rename files and folders in CuteFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FTP Voyager

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using FTP Voyager, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have FTP Voyager on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site. If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in FTP Voyager".

The main screen of FTP Voyager is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's begin by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Connect icon, located in the upper left corner. This opens the Site Profile Manager, where you will select your web site from the window on the left by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection,

you are ready to upload. Click the Upload icon, which is above the local computer window, to start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Download Icon, which is located above the remote server window. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on New Folder. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, right click on the name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete. Click Yes. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select Properties/CHMOD.

This will open a window called File Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission. (Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box. When you are finished, click Apply.

You will get a pop-up saying you have changed permissions, and asking if you would like them applied. Click the Yes button. Then click OK. Permissions have now been changed. That will take you back to the main screen.

To close the connection to the remote server, Click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the FTP Voyager screen. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders. You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in FTP Voyager.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to upload files using the FTP program FileZilla, and then how to manage those files and folders. You should have already configured your web site in FileZilla, if you are having problems doing this, please view the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FileZilla".

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume you already have FileZilla running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server. The FileZilla main screen is divided into three panels. The top panel is a running record of every command and the response of the server. It allows you to verify that any action you are performing has been completed successfully. Below that are two screens. The left screen is your local site. The right screen is your remote host, or your web site.

Let's look at how to upload, or transfer, a file to a remote server. In the left hand window ( which is your local site), under the list called Filename, select a file you would like to upload. To select multiple files, press the CTRL (Control) key on your keyboard while making your selections. Right click the selected file(s).

This will open a menu. Click on Upload. That is all there is to it. If you look in the right hand window (the remote server) you can see the files have successfully been uploaded.

To download a file(s) from the remote server to your local site, right click on the file you wish to download. When the menu opens, select Download. The file has now been downloaded, and can be seen in the list of files on the left hand side, in your local site. You now know how to transfer, or upload and download files from a remote server using the FTP program FileZilla.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Create Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name where it is highlighted. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. To delete a folder, right click on the folder name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select File Attributes. This will open a window called Change the attributes. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen.

This ends the tutorial. You can now also manage files and folders in FileZilla, including creating and renaming new folders, deleting folders, and changing file permissions.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FlashFXP

This tutorial will teach you how to upload (or transfer) files and folders to your web site using the program FlashFXP. We will assume that you have the program loaded on your computer, and configured to connect with your web site. If you don't have it configured yet, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFPX" to learn how. For the purpose of this tutorial, you should have FlashFXP running, but not connected with to a remote server at this time.

Let's begin by learning how to transfer files and folders from your local computer to the remoter server. The first thing you will need to do is make a connection with your web site. Click the Sites link in the tool bar at the top of the FlashFXP window. Click on Site Manager in the drop-down. This will open the Site Manager window. Before you connect to a remote server, you should double check the settings to make sure they are correct. If everything in the Site Manager is correct, click on the Close button. Now you can establish your connection by clicking on the Reconnect Icon, which looks like a lightening bolt.

From the drop-down, click on the folder your web site is located in, and then click on your web site name. This will connect you with the remote server. You are now connected and ready to upload and download folders and files.

The right window lists the files and folders on the remote server, or your web site. The left window shows the files and folders on your computer. To upload a file to your web site, find the file you are going to transfer in your computer window. Right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Transfer.

Your file has now been uploaded, and is visible in the remote server window. You can select several files to upload at once by clicking the first file, holding down the SHIFT key, and then selecting the last file to be uploaded. This will highlight all the files in between the two selected files.

You will transfer these using a different method, by clicking on the Transfer Icon. This icon is located above the local computer window, with a brown arrow pointing down. All the files are now showing on the remote server.

You can also download files to your computer from the remote server. Select a file by highlighting it. Then click the Transfer Icon above the remote server window, and the download is complete. If the file already exists on your computer, a window will open to confirm that you do really want to transfer the file and overwrite the existing file. If you do, click on the Overwrite button. If you are downloading several pages, and wish to overwrite all of them, there is a button for that, called Overwrite All. The file has been successfully transferred back to your computer.

To create a new folder on the remote server, right click anywhere in the right window. When the menu opens, click on Make Folder. This will open a pop-up box, where you will be asked to name the new folder. When you have typed the name, click OK. Your new folder is now showing in the remote server window.

To rename a folder or file, right click on it. From the drop-down menu, click on Rename. Enter the new name in the highlighted box by after the folder or file. It has now been renamed.

Now let's learn how to change permissions of a file on the remote server. Start by selecting the file you want to change the permissions of, and right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Attributes (CHMOD). This will open a window called Change Attributes. You may change the permissions by clicking on the individual boxes by the new permissions, or by simply changing the numeric value in the permissions box. When you are done, click OK. The changed file permissions will be displayed in the remote server window, in the information about the file.

To disconnect from the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon. It is located above the remote server window, and looks like two blue plugs being pulled apart. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download file and folders using FlashFXP. You also know how to manage those files and folders. You have learned how to create folders, rename them, delete them, change permissions of files, and disconnect from your remote server.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using LeapFTP

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using LeapFTP, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have LeapFTP on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site.

If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in LeapFTP". The main screen of LeapFTP is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's start by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Sites link, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Site Manager, which opens the Site Manager window. In the left window, select your web site by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection, you are ready to upload. Click the Commands link, which is in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down list.

click on Upload. This will start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Command link from the menu bar, and from the drop-down list click on Download. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Make Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder(Directory). Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. A pop-up will open, asking you to enter the new name of the folder. Enter the new name, and click OK. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, make sure that it is highlighted. Then click on the Delete icon, which is located in the icon menu at the top of the page. It is a page, with a big red x across it. You will now get a confirmation pop-up. Click on the Yes button. At the second confirm message, click Yes. The folder/file is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and highlight the file name. From the Icon menu, select the Properties Icon, that looks like a page with a hand pointing at it. This will open a window called Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box.

When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen. Permissions have now been changed.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the LeapFTP screen. It looks like two plugs being pulled apart. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders.

You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in LeapFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using SmartFTP

This tutorial is presented to teach you to upload and then manage your files and folders to your web site using the desktop program, SmartFTP. We will assume that you already have SmartFTP on your computer, and that you have it running, but not connected yet to any remote server. If you don't have your web site configured in SmartFTP yet, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in SmartFTP". The program opens with a large blank window.

Let's learn how to upload your files and folders from your local host, or your computer to the remote server. First you need to open a browser window. Click on File, in the upper left corner. From the drop-down menu, click on New Local Browser. This will open a browser window, and you will see folders and files located on your computer.

The next step is to establish a connection with the remote server. There are two methods. The first method: Under the menu bar at the top of the window, you will see a series of boxes. The first box is called Address. The second box is Login, and the third box is Password. Into the first box, you would enter the remote server name, into the second box enter your FTP username and into the third you enter your FTP password. You then click the Green Arrow button at the end of the Address box.

This will connect you with the remote server. The second method is to select Favorites from the menu bar at the top of the window. Select the folder you created for your web site, and click on it. Then click on the address of the web site. You are now connected using this method.

You now have two open windows. The one the right is the local host, or your local computer. The window on the left is the remote server. The first step to uploading is to establish where on the remote server you are going to upload the files to. You should start by finding public/html, and begin navigating from there, until you find the location for the upload. Now you need to select the files in your local computer (the right window) screen for upload. To select the file, simply highlight name.

To upload multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files you want to upload. When you are done, click the Upload Icon between the screens to begin the upload. It is a Blue arrow. When the upload is complete, you will see the files listed in the remote server window.

To download a file(s), simply select the file(s) by highlighting them, the same as you did to upload files. Then when you are ready, click on the Download Icon, which is the Blue circle with an arrow between the windows, pointing at the right window. When the download is complete, you will see the files in the right hand window, where they have been successfully downloaded.

You will now learn how to manage files and folders in SmartFTP. The first thing you are going to do is create a new folder on the remote server. Begin by clicking on the New Folder icon, which is located above the left hand window, and looks like an open folder. This will create a new folder in the remote server screen, and you will now need to give it a name. Type a name in the box. To rename a folder, highlight the name. Click on the Rename Icon, which is above the remote server window, to the left of the big red x.

Type the new name in the box by the folder, and it is now renamed. Files can also be renamed this way.

To delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Now click on the Delete Icon. This is above the remote server window, and is a big red x. SmartFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the item, so click on the Yes. The folder or file is now deleted.

Now you are going to learn how to change the permissions of a file. First, select the file you wish to change the permissions on in the remote server window by highlighting it. Then click the Properties Icon, above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a pencil in front of it. This will open the Properties window for the file you selected. To change the permissions, you can simply enter the new permissions value in the box, or you can check off the appropriate permission boxes from the list. When you are done changing permissions, click on OK. The permissions for the selected file have now been changed.

You can also view the contents of a file on the remote server without having to first download it to your computer. Select a file by highlighting it. Now click the View Icon, which is located above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a green arrow pointing down. This will open your file for viewing, in a separate window. Close by clicking the x in the upper right corner.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is above the remote server window. It looks like a computer with a red x on the cord. The SmartFTP program will ask you to confirm you want to close the Remote Browser. Click on the Yes. You are now disconnected.

This completes this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files in the program SmartFTP. You also know how to manage files and folders, by creating new folders, deleting folders, renaming files and folders, changing permissions, viewing files without downloading them, and closing your connection.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WS_FTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to upload your files and folders using the program WS_FTP in the first part. The second part of the tutorial will address how to manage those files once you have them uploaded. For our purposes, you should have your web site configured in WS_FTP. If you do not, please view the tutorial, "Configuring your web site in WS_FTP". You should now have the WS_FTP program running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server at this time.

The main screen consists of two window. The left side window is the local host, or your computer. The right side window is the remote server.

Let's start by uploading, or transferring, files to the remote server from your local computer. In the remote server window, which is blank at this time, click on the Open a Remote Connection link. This will open the Site Manager window, and you will see the connection for your web site that we created listed in the left-side window. Select this, and click on Connect. You now have an open FTP connection between your remote server and your local computer. You now have two windows open.

The left window still displays your local computer files, and the right window displays the remote server files of your web site.

The first step to uploading is to select where in the remote server the files are going to go. By clicking through the folders and files, you should find where you wish to upload to. Usually, you can start at /public/html and work your way out from there until you reach the upload destination. Next, you need to select the file(s) you want to upload from your local computer window. To select, click on the file name. To select more than one file, hold the CTRL (Control) key while selecting files.

When you are ready to upload, Click on the Arrow key between the windows, pointing in the direction of the remote server window. The files are now uploaded, and displayed in the remote server window.To download a file, select the file or files. When ready, click on the Green arrow between the windows pointing toward your local computer window, and the file(s) are now downloaded. They are now listed in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files in WS_FTP. First we are going to create a new folder (Directory) on the remote server. In the Remote server window, locate the New Folder icon. Click on it. This will open a window called Make Directory. There is a box for you to enter a name for this new folder. Once you have done that, Click OK. The new folder is now visible in the Remote server window. To rename the folder, click on the name. Then Click File in the upper left corner of the main page.

From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. That opens another menu, where you will click on Rename. This opens a window, with a box for the new name. Enter the name and click OK. The Folder has now been renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

To Delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Click File in the upper left corner of the main page. From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. From the next drop-down click on Delete. WS_FTP will ask you to confirm the delete. Click Yes. The file or folder has now been deleted. To change permissions of a file, right click the file you wish to change. From the menu, click on Properties. This brings up the properties window for that file.

To change permissions, either enter the new permissions value in the box, or check the appropriate boxes for Owner, Group and World. When you are finished, click OK.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the disconnect icon at the top of the page. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using WS_FTP. You can manage those files, by creating new folders, renaming files and folders, deleting them, and changing permissions of files.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WinSCP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload and download files, and manage those files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP. We will assume that you have WinSCP running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server at this time. The main screen consists of two windows.

The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right hand window is the remote server, which is your web site, or wherever you connect to.

First let's upload or transfer files from our computer to a remote server. In the left hand window, the local host, select the file(s) you want to upload to the remote server. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL (Control) key, while selecting your files. Below the windows, locate a list of actions, one of which is F5 Copy. Click Copy.

The Copy window will open, and you will click on Copy again. The files have now been uploaded to the remote server, as you can see in the window.

To download a file from the remote server to the local host, or your local computer, select the file in the right hand window. Then click F5 Copy, which will open the Copy window. Click Copy again. That's all there is to it...the file is now downloaded to the local host, and is able to be viewed in the left hand window. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP.

The next step to using WinSCP is to learn how to manage files with the program. To Delete a file, first click on the file name and highlight it. In the list of actions at the bottom, Click on F8 Delete. The file is now deleted.

Now let's create a new folder (or directory) on the remote server. In the list of actions below the windows, click on F7 Create Directory. This opens a small Create folder window. In the box, type the name of the new folder, and then click OK. Your folder is now created, and you can see it in the list of folders in the remote server window on the right hand side. To rename a folder, select the folder to be renamed and highlight it. In the menu at the bottom of the windows, click on F2 Rename. Type the new name in place of the old name. The folder is now renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

The next thing to manage is permissions. To change permissions, select a file, and make sure it is highlighted. From the menu at the bottom, find and click on F9 Properties. This opens a window that shows the current permissions assigned to that file.

To change permissions, simply enter a check mark in the appropriate box. The Groups are Owner, Group, and Others(World), and the permissions allowed are read, write and execute. You need to decide how much freedom others should have to act upon your file.

After you have checked the boxes you wish to mark, click on OK, and the permissions have been successfully changed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the WinSCP program. You also know how to manage those files and folders, including creating new folders, renaming them, deleting them, and changing permissions.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page. This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload.

Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully.

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task. Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager.

It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

GSuite Articles [Questions 1]

How do I generate a transfer token?

If you have access to the G Suite Admin Console, you can generate the transfer token yourself. Follow the steps below to generate the transfer token:

Go to
Sign in with your G Suite Administrator username and password.
The page automatically generates a token.
Copy the token’s alphanumeric code.
Note: The transfer token is valid for a period of 14 days. After expiry, a new transfer token can be generated from G Suite Admin Console.

Introduction To Web Hosting [Questions 5]

How to do a TELNET on a PC (Windows) OS

From time to time you may need to perform an operation called "TELNET".
You can use TELNET to check connections to certain ports on a server.

To begin you press the "START" button on your browser taskbar, (found in the lower left corner of your browsers screen).
This should bring up your Start Menu.
Find "Run" and enter the letters "CMD" (without the quotes).
Press the button marked "OK".

This will open a black command prompt screen.
on it you will find a small flashing cursor. Leave it where it is.
To run a TELNET on your email to check for connection to sending (SMTP),
Type the following (without the quotes):
(you can change the port to which ever port you need to check, commonly 25 or 26), then press "ENTER"

You should receive in return a screen something to the effect of: ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:38:20 -0400
220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

A return with 220 codes for an smtp TELNET means you have connected to the server.
The exact verbiage you get back will be determined by your host.
Being able to connect to the server means the server is not an issue if you are having a problem sending, areas to look at would be your ISP, your Mail Program, and your Program Settings

You can TELNET to any port you choose, some ports may be blocked your host will direct you.

Installing TELNET Client in Windows Vista

By default, Vista doesn�t install the Telnet client.
The client is for text-based communication with remote systems.
You can install it by following these steps:

1. Click Start then select Control Panel.
2. Select Programs and Features.
3. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Select the Telnet Client option.
5. Click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available

What do you mean when you say gigabyte, megabyte, or GB and MB

This tutorial will explain the different units of measurement that you might find on a computer.

The bit is the smallest unit of measurement on a computer. There is almost always eight bits in one byte. Very often these two terms are confused with each other. To make it even more confusing, the abbreviation for bit is a lowercase b, while byte is abbreviated with an uppercase B.

Most of the time, a kilobyte refers to 1024 bytes. A megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, and a gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. The next level would be terabytes, or 1024 gigabytes, but hard drives really haven't gotten past that at this point in time.

However, when you are talking about the speed of an internet connection, it is almost always going to be referred to in bits, whether it is kilobits (Kb), megabits (Mb), or gigabits (Gb). So, if the speed of a connection is referred to in megabits, for example, it would be megabits per second, or Mbps.

That means a 100 Mbps connection can transfer 100 megabits every second, which equals about 12.5 megabytes per second.

What is Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting? It is a very important part of the way the Internet works today. To most people, the Internet seems to just work all by itself, but many website owners have come to learn that is not the case at all.

A web hosting service is a type of service provided by thousands of companies that allows individuals and organizations to make their own websites accessible on the World Wide Web, by way of computer servers that are connected to the Internet 24/7.

Web hosts are companies that provide space on a computer system called a server they own or lease for use by their clients, and which are maintained in entire buildings called datacenters.

These datacenters are climate controlled, as well quality and security controlled.

Web hosting give you access to the servers, via the Internet. With that access, you can upload your website to the server. Once it is configured properly, computers around the world will quickly know exactly where to find your website.

There are many different types of web hosting providers, but you have chosen our hosting company based on your own particular needs. Most clients are just starting out, and are enjoying our popular shared hosting plan.

This means you are sharing a server with many other clients� websites, but you are still getting the quality and reliability for the cheapest cost.

This ends this tutorial. We have touched briefly on the subject of what is web hosting.

What is an IP Address...Do I need a Dedicated IP

This tutorial will look at the definition of IP addresses and help you decide if you need a Dedicated IP. An IP Address is an Internet Protocol Address.

It is a unique number address that every server that has access to the Internet is required to have in order for other computers on the WWW to identify the server. To a computer, it is like a phone number.

When you signed up for services from our hosting company, you were given an IP address to use until your domain name propagated.

That IP address is how computers from all around the world will find your website, identifying it by the numbers. Every server is running a domain name server (DNS) at all times, which works like a switchboard for all the incoming requests for websites.

The server can identify your site based on the IP numbers, and will then fetch it for the browser requesting it. The DNS server is responsible for informing all the other computers on the Internet about your website address and domain name. It keeps track of which domain names correspond to which IP addresses.

The IP address you were given is probably a shared one. You will usually share one with many other domain names.

The important thing is that you have an IP address assigned to your domain, and that all the right nameservers know what it is. You can also purchase a dedicated IP Address from us, and that will be your address alone. But do you need a dedicated IP? Most websites don't.

The most common reason that a website would need a dedicated IP is if it requires an SSL certificate for operating secure connections. Usually these are necessary if you are operating a business that processes transactions over the Internet. Any eCommerce site should have an SSL Certificate, and therefore would require a dedicated IP.

This concludes the tutorial about IP's. You now know a little more about IP's and dedicated IP's and who should have one.

Logs Articles [Questions 1]

How To Manage The Raw Access Logs

This tutorial is going to teach how to manage the raw access logs. Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has accessed your site without the use of graphs, charts or other graphics. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Logs, and click on the icon named Raw Access Logs.
This takes you to the Raw Access Logs Main page, which is where you tell the system how to manage the raw access log files that are generated daily for your account.

The first check box will tell your system to archive the logs every month, and the second asks to have the previous months logs deleted at the end of each month. If you mark either check box, click on the Save button. This will take you to a confirmation screen.

If you check both boxes, now the raw access logs will be archived at the end of every month in the home directory, and the previous months will be deleted. Click on Go Back.

Scroll Down on the page. You will find a list of all available Raw Access Logs that you can download and use in a statistics program for analysis. Click on the log you wish to download, and a pop- up will open. Click OK to download these logs. That downloads the logs, and you can now open them in a statistical program for analysis.

You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to archive, delete and download your raw access logs.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

phpMyAdmin Articles [Questions 13]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them. A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely.

There is a list of action links at the top of the window.

You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure. The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search.

The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries. The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer. The Import link will import previously exported databases.

The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases.

If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties. If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field.

It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already. We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts.

The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it. The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place.

Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table.

If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data.

This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options.

Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying. So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go.

A new screen will open in the right hand window. It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial. You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time.

Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table.

There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go.

Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column.

In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button.

The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place.

Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it.

That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box.

Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name.

Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side.

There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field.

You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table.

If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen)

Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel.

This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database. One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later.

This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this.

Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates.

When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box. Then click the Go button.

You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer.

If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side.

That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file.

Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer.

Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections.

The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database. You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it.

It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it.

let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt.

The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted.

Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table. Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button.

This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button.

The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example.

Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it. This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side.

Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it.

At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table.

You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button.

This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field.

When you are done, click on the Save button. That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields.

Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab.

This will give you several new windows. One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it,

click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found.

In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer,

click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file.

Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close.

Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages.

Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example.

To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides.

The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them. The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried.

Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify. Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row.

Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done.

The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change.

You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example.

Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name. The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place.

To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected.

Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options". The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box.

When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections.

The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table). In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands.

Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database.

You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' . Then when you are done, you click on Go.

A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table.

For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here. Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example.

Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place.

Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database.

You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search.

The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

SSL Certificates Articles [Questions 1]

How to install an SSL Certificate in cPanel

Installing an SSL Certificate in cPanel requires that the domain be assigned a dedicated IP to begin with, so check your cPanel or with your hosting company as to your IP status. Secondly in order to use the "SSL Manager" Feature in cPanel a Dedicated IP is required, So check with your hosting company to provide you with a Dedicated IP, the cost of the IP and the activation of the "SSL Manager" in cPanel if it is not already in place.

Taking the next step now that everything is place we will click on the "SSL/TLS Manager" icon located on the cPanel "Security" panel. This first step needs to be completed BEFORE you can purchase the SSL certificate from your Hosting Company or SSL Provider.

Click on the link below "Private Keys (KEY)", on the next page go down the page until you find "Generate a New Key". In the empty "Host" field enter your domain as you would like it for the SSL Certificate. NOTE: You have a choice of selecting your SSL with or without the "WWW" preceding the domain name. This selection is important as an SSL will ONLY work correctly under the format that you select here.

If you choose to use, your ssl will error if you use it as (without the "www") or the other way around. Most web owners and users select to use the SSL with the "WWW" in the cert name. Change the KEY SIZE to 2048 and Click The Generate Button. You will then go to a page displaying your Private Keys, While this will be passed on to the next step "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" it is a good idea to copy the generated key in the top box and paste in notepad until you have completed the ssl set-up.

Copy EVERYTHING in the box including the "Begin and End Comment Lines". Click "Home" at the top of page.

Now Re-Click the "SSL/TLS Manager" icon. On the Manager Page Click on the link below "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", you must generate a CSR to take to the SSL provider that will issue the certificate. To Generate a new CSR make sure your domain name as you created it in the Private Key is visible in the HOST field dropdown. Continue by filling out the information requested.

NOTE: You have a choice of selecting your SSL with or without the "WWW" preceding the domain name. This selection is important as an SSL will ONLY work correctly under the format that you select here. If you choose to use, your ssl will error if you use it as (without the "www") or the other way around.

Most web owners and users select to use the SSL with the "WWW" in the cert name. Continue to fill in the information as requested and Click the "Generate Button". On the next page you will be presented with your "SSL Certificate Signing Request". COPY ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE TOP BOX and paste it into that Notepad you saved the KEY in before.

You will need to take this CSR to the issuing Authority of your SSL or to your hosting company for their assistance.

Once you receive your approved and completed SSL certificate from your SSL provider login or return to the SSL Manager and Click on the manager icon and on the next page find the link below the "Certificate (CRT)" heading . Paste the new SSL certificate you just received form your SSL provider in the space provided and upload. Click the return to SSL Manager at the bottom of the page.

Next we come to the last link on the Manager Page. Activate SSL on Your Web Site (HTTPS). Click and follow to the next page. Find your domain in the dropdown box and cPanel will (or should) fetch your SSL certificate and all other supporting documents and fill in the large boxes. once it has completed, go down the page to the "Install Certificate" button and install.

Your SSL Certificate should now be set up and functional in a short period of time (some propagation maybe required). If you had any issues during set -up or have any questions please contact us for assistance.

Where do I go ? Articles [Questions 1]

cPanel or Client Area?

Where do I go to do ?
Do I need to go to my Client Area or my cPanel?
Sometimes it is hard to figure out where you really need to go to do things. Most people get confused at one time or another, so here is a little refresher that may help you remember the right direction to take when you are trying to pay your hosting bill, or edit your web site, or read your email, or well, to do just about anything associated with your web site.

THE CLIENT AREA - The Client Area is for the most part INFORMATIONAL.

It requires a username (email address) and password to login.

This is where you update your contact information, credit card information, and any additional contact information.

Your Order(s) information is listed here, and you place new order(s) from here. You can order domain names, services, and products. You can View details of invoices past and present.

This is the area you come to View, Print and Pay invoices as well.

Your SHOULD send your support Tickets from here rather than from outside of the login so they will all be saved in your client area email account for you.

You can also see all emails that have been sent to you from your hosting company back for a period of time by the hosting company, along with all orders, invoices and receipts.

THE cPanel - The Hosting cPanel is FUNCTIONAL. This area deals with everything that controls with your web site.

The address of your cPanel is "" with "" being the actual domain name of your web site. The cPanel requires a username and password (a mixed string of letters and numbers - upper and lower case suggested).

This is where you set up your email accounts, read your webmail, turn on spam-assassin, and create a forward, auto responders, and mx records.

You can edit, backup, change and upload files. You can also edit pages and control FTP. You can create additional FTP accounts.

View your Web site Stats, visitor logs, error logs, and create custom error pages.

cPanel is the place to go to set your site security, such as password protected directories, HotLink Protection and the IP Deny Manger.

Here is where you will find the place to create parked domains, sub-domains and URL redirects.

Your cPanel is the place to set up databases.

This is the place to find the pre-installed software, Fantastico, etc. Find blogs, e-commerce, photo galleries, and much, much more.

This ends this tutorial. Hopefully, it will help you see a little more clearly the difference between the functions of the client area and the cPanel. The client area is INFORMATIONAL, and the cPanel gives your web site its FUNCTIONALITY.

Then from the Icon menu, find the Properties icon, which is a sheet of paper with a red check mark. Click on the Properties Icon. This opens the Properties window for the file you selected.

To change permissions, simply enter the new permissions value in the box provided, or check off the appropriate permission boxes. When you are done, click Apply, then click OK. Your permission have now been changed.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to manage files and folders.
cPanel Articles [Questions 5]

Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel

Let's learn about cPanel, and how to navigate it"s many pages and functions. Making sure that your cPanel works at its best and set up just as you want it. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". One of the first things you should do is go to Preferences, and click on Update Contact Info. It is very important that you keep that information up-to-date so that you can receive any important email from your hosting company. You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works.

The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here. Stats. Scroll down, and on the left you can see important information about the account.

For example, it will show you how many email account you have, and how many you are allowed with your hosting account. It will give your bandwidth usage, show your home directory, and so much more. Scrolling down further, you will find information about the operating system, php version, the MySQL version and more.

The last stat is Server Status. Click on this link and it will take you to a page that will show you how the server you are on is performing. Green lights mean the server is performing properly.

Click the Go Back link to exit. Now let's look at the right side of the cPanel screen. The right side includes icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons allow you to do specific tasks within cPanel like checking your webmail, setting up databases, setting up email addresses and auto-responders. At the very bottom of the page is a link called Documentation. Documentation is the link to a comprehensive cPanel Manual where you can learn all there is to know about cPanel. This manual contains information about all the features of cPanel, and has sections on everything from common questions to something from every section in cPanel. It is always available from the home page of your cPanel. Something new in this version of cPanel is that you can rearrange the windows to suit your needs. For example, if you would like to have the window titled Mail on the top, you can move it by simply dragging and dropping the window where you want it. This ends the tutorial. You should now be more familiar with cPanel and some of its features.

To learn more, you can return to the cPanel Documentation link at the bottom of the cPanel main page. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Change Your cPanel Style

This tutorial will teach how to change your cPanel style. cPanel comes in a variety of styles and designs with different layouts and colors in all. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, go to the Preferences section. Click on the icon named Change Styles. NOTE: Changing the style of the cPanel does not change the way it works.

It only changes the way it looks. This takes you to a page of your choices of looks for your cPanel. Included are the current default version, and about 10 other choices. Select the one you like, and click the radio button. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the button marked Change Style.

That will take you to a verification screen, which will confirm your change. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to your newly styled cPanel home page.

You can change it at any time, and as many times as you wish. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to change the style of your cPanel to your own personal style. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Change Your cPanel Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your cPanel password. Please remember to make your password Strong and Secure. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your Client Area. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to The Client Area". Once logged in, at the top of the page you will find a link to "MY Services", Click it to go to the next page. On the next page you will find a listing of the hosting account(s) you have with us.

Find the account you want to change the cPanel password to. At the far right of that account listing you will find a small icon under "View Details". Click the icon and go to the next page. Scroll down the page and you will find your current username and password combination, and the fields where you can change your password to cPanel. Keep in mind you will also be changing your password for FTP access to your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Keep Your cPanel Contact Information Up To Date

This tutorial will teach you how to keep your contact information up to date in cPanel. It is important to keep your contact information up to date since our server uses this information to send critical email messages. Warnings about email accounts being "Close to Full" are sent here, giving you time to take action before the mail does bounce. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down the main page of your cPanel to the Preferences section. Click on the Update Contact Info. This will take you to a screen where you can enter your new contact email address. You may also set other preferences here. When you are done, click Save, and all your new information is on record. Click HOME and return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You should make sure to always keep your contact details up to date, and can do so by returning here at any time. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Login to cPanel

Before you can log into cPanel, you must open your Internet browser. This will work in whatever browser you are using. Click on your browser's address bar and enter the http address of your cPanel. The address of your cPanel would have been given to you in your welcome email from your hosting company.

There are two ways to login to cPanel: 1)Using an IP Address: The only way to access cPanel if your domain hasn't propagated yet It would look something like this- http://xx.xx.xx.123/cpanel 2) Using your Domain Name: Can only do this once your domain name is working This would be http://yourdomain.(com or net or whatever it is)/cpanel Enter either cPanel address in the address bar of your browser (either the IP Address, or the Domain Name).

The next pop-up screen will be a login, calling for your user name and password. They should have been given to you in your welcome email also. Fill in those two fields, and click ok.

That's all there is to it! You are now logged it to your cPanel and can begin to set up email accounts, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and many, many more feature! To exit cPanel, simply click on the Logout icon in the right hand corner, or simply close your browser window.

However, if you are using a public computer, always remember to logout instead of just closing the browser because of security concerns.

Databases Articles [Questions 15]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them.

A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely. There is a list of action links at the top of the window. You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure.

The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search. The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries.

The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer.

The Import link will import previously exported databases. The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases. If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties.

If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field. It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already.

We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts. The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it.

The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place. Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table. If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data. This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options. Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying.

So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go. A new screen will open in the right hand window.

It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time. Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table. There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go. Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column. In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button. The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place. Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it. That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box. Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name. Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side. There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field. You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table. If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen) Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel. This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database.

One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later. This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this. Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates. When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box.

Then click the Go button. You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer. If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side. That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file. Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK.

That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer. Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

How To Create A MySQL Database

Let's learn how to create a MySQL Database. MySQL Databases allow you to store lots of information in an easy to access manner.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Database section, and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

This will take you to the main MySQL Databases page. There is a box below the heading Create New Database. Type the name of your new database into this box. For example, something like myinfo, or mydata. Then click on Create Database button. This will take you to the verification screen, showing that the database has been created. Now you need to create and add a user to this database. Click the Go Back link. Under the heading of Add New User, enter a new user to be added to your database in the Username box. You then need to enter and re- enter a password for the user. Click on the Create User button. This takes you to a screen to confirm that the user has been successfully created. Now you need to link the user to the database. Click on the Go Back link. In the section where it says Add User to Database, check to make sure that the correct user and the correct database are selected here.

NOTE: You will see that the username of the hosting account has been added to the beginning of both the user and the database with an "_" underscore between them. If the user and database are both correct, click on Submit to add the user to the database. This will take you to a screen called Manage User Privileges. You can assign All Privileges to the user by checking the top box, then click Make Changes. This will take you to the final verification screen, that will confirm all the information. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to setup more databases,(as allowed by your hosting plan) add or remove users or delete databases at any time. Return to the main cPanel page by clicking HOME in the upper left corner. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create a Default Email Account

Now let's set our Default (or catchall) email address. The default email address will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel" Scroll to the section on Mail, and click on the Default Address link. This will take you to a screen where you set your default email address. All emails sent to an address you have not defined will go to the email address you enter here. Initally, your default POP address is set as your catch-all account. For example, would give you an initial default address of

In this tutorial we are going to change this, as most people don't use their default POP accounts.

In the line with the radio button marked "Forward to email address" enter into the box the email address you want to use as the default address. Then click the change button. Your default email address has now been set. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your default email account (catch-all) so that all unrouted email that is received by your domain is sent to a specific email address. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database.

You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it. It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it. let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt. The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted. Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table.

Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button. This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button. The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example. Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it.

This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side. Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it. At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table. You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button. This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field. When you are done, click on the Save button.

That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields. Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab. This will give you several new windows.

One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it, click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found. In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer, click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file. Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close. Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages. Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example. To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides. The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them.

The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried. Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify.

Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row. Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done. The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change. You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name.

The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place. To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected. Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options".

The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box. When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table).

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands. Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database. You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' .

Then when you are done, you click on Go. A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table. For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here.

Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place. Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database. You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search. The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

DNS Articles [Questions 17]

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed. When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue.

You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided. Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered.

Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted. Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button. The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes.

Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

You that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue. Click OK.

You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Billing Articles [Questions 1]

How do I update the credit card associated with billing for my account?

You can add/edit the card associated with your account using the info below: Login at In the top left "Your Info" section, click Update. Verify that the address info in the "My Details" form matches your billing address and update as needed. In the My Account sidebar, click on the "Billing Information" link. From this screen, you can delete the existing card on record, or add a new card.

Client Area Articles [Questions 10]

Creating and Managing Support Tickets in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to create and manage support tickets in the client area. Support tickets are a great way of communicating with us when you are looking for support, such as having questions answered, reporting problems, or asking for assistance. The ticket system leaves a paper trail for both you and us to follow so that we both know that the issues were resolved. It also gives you a record of the answer, in case the problem arises again. Then all you need to do is look at the tickets, and you have your answer already! This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the Client Area page, in the client area menu, click on My Support Tickets. This takes you to the Support Ticket Page, where you will click on Submit Ticket. You are now in the Submit Ticket area, where you can create and send tickets to the department of your choice. Select the department you would like to send the ticket to. The ticket will open with your information filled in. Enter a subject in the subject line. Then enter your ticket details in the big box. When you are ready, click Submit. You have now successfully submitted a support ticket, and a copy of it has been emailed to you. To manage an already submitted ticket, click on the My Support Tickets link. You will see any tickets listed that you have submitted, along with their status.

If the ticket is open, and you wish to add more to it, click on the Subject to open it. You can scroll down and add more details. You may also mark the ticket closed from the client area. Click the Client Area in the You are here list. This returns you to the Client Area, and ends this tutorial. You now know how to submit and manage a support ticket in your client Area.

How to Change Your Client Area Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed. Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.

How to Login to The Client Area

We begin to login at the Portal Home. This is the Login Page for the Client Area of Hostveda. It contains a line for the email address and a password. They are different than the login details for your cPanel. Enter your email address. Then enter your Hostveda Password. Now click on Login. That's all. You are now logged in to Hostveda and can begin to manage your hosting services, invoices, billing information, and more. When you are done, click on the Logout Link in the upper right corner. You are now logged out of the account. There is a Click here to Continue link. Click that link. This will take you to the Portal Home. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to login to hostveda.

How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area

This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of WHMCS. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar. Your hosting company may have one or may have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item. This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company. When you are done, click Update Cart. The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button.

This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method. Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button. You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in WHMCS.

How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in WHMCS. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services your hosting company charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice. For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. Note that some payment methods will require the invoice to be manually marked as paid. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in WHMCS.

How to Register a Domain Name in the Client Area

You will learn how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area in this tutorial. It is a simple process, with only a few steps. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". You are in the Client Area. At the "You are here" line at the top of the page, you need to click on the Portal Home link, which will take you to that page. About half-way down, on the right hand side is a link called Order. Click on this Link. This takes you to a page where you can Browse Products & Services. On the Menu Bar, click on the Register Domain link. You will be taken to a new page called Register a Domain Name. In the blank box, enter the domain name you would like to register. Choose the top level domain (TLD) you would like from the drop-down box at the end of the line, whether it is .com, .net, .org, or something else. Then click on the Check Availability button below the box. If the name is available, it will be listed in a box below, called Choose Domains. Sometimes, more than one (TLD) is available, and you may have a choice. Choose the one you want, and click on the Add To Cart button. The next screen will allow you to make any add-ons to your domain that you wish, such as adding a hosting package. Click Update Cart to move to the next screen.

You are now at your shopping cart. After you verify all the information is correct, click on the Checkout Button. On the next screen, you need to scroll down and choose your payment method. Add any notes, or additional information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button at the bottom of the page. WHMCS will now generate an Invoice with all the information for the domain you just registered. Click on the Back to The Client Area at the bottom of the page. Now click on the Client Area in the You are Here menu. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to register a domain name in WHMCS Client Area.

How to Update Your Billing Information in the Client Area

Your billing information is located in the Client Area, and this tutorial will teach you how to update all your necessary billing details. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the client area menu bar, click on the My Details link. In the My Details screen, you will see your details, including name, address and phone number. In order for payments to be properly processed, this information must be correct. Please confirm all the details. The next step is to click on the Change Credit Card Details link in the menu bar. You can update your card information, such as expiration date. You can also add a new card. After making any needed changes, click on the Save Changes button. Click the Client Area link. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to update your billing information in the Client Area of WHMCS.

How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area

This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current, so that your hosting company can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button. You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.

Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

CMS Articles [Questions 30]

An Overview of the Different User Types of Joomla

This tutorial will help you understand the four different user types of Joomla and what each can do. A Joomla site is just an empty shell without an active user base. The first user group is the Registered group. This group does not have any kind of access to write, edit, or publish articles on a Joomla site. Second, we have the Author group. Authors are allowed to submit content to a Joomla site. They can edit their own articles, but no one else's. They cannot publish content. Typically, when logged in as an author, you will see links appear, that say things such as Submit an article, Submit a Web Link, etc.The third group is called Editor. Editors can edit other people's content as well as their own. They still can't publish anything however. You will now see an edit icon (paper and pencil) next to each article. The last group is Publisher. There is now an option visible that indicates published, yes or no. Except for that, publisher is no different from an Editor. Every Joomla content item must be published before it is visile to everyone, so Publishers get the final say for content posted to a site. This completes this tutorial. You now know the four user groups of Joomla.

How to Add Custom HTML to Your Joomla Site

This tutorial is going to show you how to add custom HTML to your site in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. In the menu bar in the upper menu, click on Extensions, then on Module Manager. This will open a window that will show you all your modules. If some are missing, go to the bottom of the page, and make sure the Show ___to a page is set to show All. This will bring them all up for you to view. Manager page, scroll right and click on New. From the list of available new modules, select Custom HTML. Scroll right, and click on Next. On the Module edit form, start by entering a title for your new Module. The next option is Show Title. If this is set to Yes, the module name will be displayed on the front-end. Scroll down to the text box. In the icons for the editor, you will see a small HTML icon. Click on this icon. This gives you an HTML Source Editor box. Enter your HTML code here. When you are done, click update in the lower left corner. Scroll up, and in the right hand column you will see a section called Parameters. Where it says Module Class Suffix, enter the suffix for the CSS class of this module, such as -html. For example, the CSS class name of this module could be .example-html. Click the save button in the upper right corner, and the custom HTML module will now appear on the front-end. That is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to add custom HTML to your Joomla site.

How to Change Your Front Page Content in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to change your front page content in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The front page manager allows you to choose what content will show up on the home page of your Joomla site. On the upper menu bar, click on content. In the drop-down menu, select Front Page Manager. This will open a window that lists all your front page articles. To publish an article, simply click the red x next to the item. In the next column, use the up and down arrows to set the order in which the articles will appear. To add previously created articles to the front page, Click on Content in the upper menu bar, then select Article Manager. You will open a window that lists all your articles. Any article with a check in the Front Page column will show up in the front page manager. If you wish to add an article to the front page, simply click the red x in the Front Page column, and as always make sure you save your work. Return to the front page manager, where the new article will now be listed. You can now view your front page and see that the new article has been added. That is it. You now know how to change your front page content in Joomla.

How to Change Your Header in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to change your header in WordPress. You will need to be logged in to your WordPress, and on your Dashboard page. On the left hand side, about half way down, click on the Appearance Menu Item. This will bring out a drop down menu, which contains the items Themes, Widgets, Menus, Background, Header and Editor. Click on Header. This will open a page called Custom Header, with a preview of the current header. You can click on Browse to upload your own header, or select one from the list to use. Below the sample headers are buttons to remove the header, or restore the original header image. When you are satisfied, click the Save Changes button. The new header has now been saved. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to change the header in WordPress.

How to Change the Default Admin's Username in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to change the default Admin's Username in Joomla. You need to be logged in to your Joomla account, and at your admin panel. From the menu at the top left, select and click on Site. Now from the drop-down, click on User Manager. This will open the User Manager screen. Check the box next to the administrator. Scroll right, and click on Edit in the upper right corner. This will open a User Edit window. The left hand box is User Details. Simply enter a new name in the Username field. You can also change the password. When you are done, click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will now verify that the changes were successfully saved. On the User Manager screen, you will be able to see the changed name in the Username column. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to change the admin username in Joomla.

How to Configure Your Settings in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your settings in WordPress. You should log in, and go to your dashboard. On the left hand side, click on Settings on the menu. This will open the General Settings page. Here is where you can change the blog title, tagline, and URL. You can change membership, and allow anyone to register. Scroll down the page. There is a section for you to choose the format for the date and the time. Select the day to begin your week on. When you are done, click the save changes button. The screen will now show that your settings have been saved. Scroll down. In the menu column, on the left hand side, under the settings header you will find the following sub-headings: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Privacy and Permalinks. Select the Writing settings. On the Writing Settings page, you can edit the settings relateed to writing posts. You can select a size for the post box, and enter it on the first line. Scroll down, and you can set up email posting. When you are done, click the Save Settings, and the next page will verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down, on on the menu click on the Reading settings. When the Reading Settings opens, you can set things like how many blog pages to show. You can select whether to show the full text or a summary of each article in a feed. When you are satisfied, scroll down and click on Save Changes. The page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and click on Discussion in the main menu in the left hand column. This will open the Discussion Settings page, where you can change things that relate to comments and avatars. You can select a box to force users to log in to comment. This is where you would disallow unapproved comments, or make sure that an administrator must always approve comments. You can determine the rating you wish to give your blog, and set the default avatar. When you are done, click Save Changes, and the new page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and select Media from the menu on the left hand side. This is where you can change settings like the maximum allowed image dimensions and image alignment. Scroll down and go to Privacy Settings from the left hand menu. This is where you will decide whether or not to allow bots and search engines to access your blog. Click the save changes button. Finally, go to the Permalinks settings on the menu. Here, you can decide what type of URL structure is used for your blog. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to configure your settings in WordPress.

How to Edit Your Profile in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to edit your profile in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the left hand column, expand the Users option by clicking on it. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Your Profile. This will open the Profile screen. On the screen you can edit options relating to the visual editor and color scheme. Scroll down. Under the section called Name, enter your first and last name. You can scroll down, and will find a box called Biographical Info. Here you can enter some bio info about yourself if you wish. When you are done, Click the Update Profile button. The next page will verify that your profile has been updated. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to edit your profile in WordPress.

How to Install WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial it to teach you how to install WordPress directly from You will need to go there - to Scroll to the right. You will see a download button for the latest and most stable release of WordPress. Click this button. On the next page, choose your version, and save the file. Now go to where it was downloaded. Unzip the folder and extract the files.Now open the folder. You will now need to upload the entire WordPress folder to your server using an FTP manager of your choosing. Once the files have been uploaded, go to your site in your web browser. You will now see the message that you need to create a configuration file. This is simple to do, just click on the Create Configuration File Button. The next screen will give you a short list if information that you will need for your configuration file. You will need 1. Database name, 2. Database username, 3. Database password, 4. Database host, and 5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database.). If you have this information, click the Let's Go button and continue. Enter the information in the correct boxes on the following pages. You will need your MySQL username and password. When the boxes are filled in to your satisfaction, scroll down and click on Submit. On the next page, it will indicate you are ready to run the install now.

Click on the button, and Run Install. You are now at the famous five minute WordPress Installation Process. Fill in the information asked for, and if you wish to change it later it is simple to do. Under Site Title, give your blog a title. Enter a password twice, or one will generated for you. Add and double check your email. Click the button at the bottom to install WordPress. The following screen will show Success! Click to Log in. Enter your username and the password you chose. You can check the Remember Me box to automatically log you in from now on. Click Log In. This is your admin panel where you can manage your blog and its settings. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to install WordPress directly from

How to Log in to Your New Joomla Account

This tutorial will teach you how to log into your new Joomla Account. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Once you have registered and activated your account if necessary, you will then be able to log in. Scroll down, and on the right hand side, enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes. Check the Remember Me box if you are not on a public computer, and you wish to be logged in automatically next time. Click the Login button. That's it. You are now logged in to your Joomla account. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to log in to your new Joomla account.

How to Manage Articles in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage articles in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to Joomla and on you admin panel. Joomla organizes articles into sections and categories. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. You will need to begin by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left side. From the drop-down menu select Article Manager. An this page, you can perform many operations. Here you can archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish, copy, move, edit or delete articles. You can also create new articles. To unarchive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article you wish to unarchive. Now click on the Unarchive Icon in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that the operation was successful. To Archive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article. Click on the Archive icon in the upper right corner. Again, you will get a message that the operation was successful. Archived articles are retained on the site as unpublished and cannot be published to other pages until they are unarchived. To publish an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Publish icon in the upper right corner. To unpublish, select the the article, and click the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Any articles that appear on the front page are marked with a green check mark.

To make an article show up on the front page, click the red X in the front page column. Articles can be moved or copied to different categories. To move an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a Move Articles page. In the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to move the article to, by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save button in the upper right corner. You will now see a message that the move was a success. To copy an article, select the article you wish to copy, and click the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open the Copy Articles page, and from the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to copy the article to by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save Icon in the upper right corner. To delete an article, click in the checkbox of the selected article, and scroll over. Click on the Trash icon, and the screen will verify that the article has been sent to the trash. Editing an article begins by selecting the article to edit by marking the checkbox in front of the article. Scroll over and click on the Edit icon. This opens the article in an edit screen format. Make any changes, and click the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new article, begin by scrolling right, and clicking on New in the upper right corner. This will open a new article screen. Begin by entering a Title. Next is an alias. This is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering this alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically covering the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. You may manually enter an alias, if you want. Next, choose the section this article should belong to. If there is more than one category under the section you chose, you will need to select that too. By default, Published is set to yes, so if you don't want to publish this article just yet you will need to change it to no. Select whether this article should appear on the front page. In the large box, type your article, using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. Click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that your article has been saved, and you will see it in the list of articles. Looking across, you can see if it is published, on the front page, what section, and other information. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to manage article in Joomla.

How to Manage Categories in WordPress

This tutorial will help you learn how to manage your categories in the WordPress program. You should begin by logging in to WordPress, and going to your Dashboard. In the left hand column you will find your menu items. Click to expand the Posts option. This will give you the options of Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Categories. This takes you to a Categories screen. To Add a New Category, type the name as you would like it to appear on your site in the name box. Below that box, is a box to type in the "slug", which is the URL-friendly version of the name. Scroll down, and if you wish you can choose to select a category parent. Enter a brief description in the box. When you are ready, click on the Add New Category button. On the Categories Page, you can quickly edit a category's information. Select the category you wish to edit, and in the right hand column click on the quick edit link below the appropriate category. Make any changes, or click cancel. Delete a category by clicking on the delete link in the same area. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the category. Click OK to confirm. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage categories in WordPress.

How to Manage Global Settings in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage the Global Setting in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. Make sure that your configuration.php file, which is located in your Joomla root directory is writable. Otherwise some changes will not be saved. Begin by clicking on Site, in the upper left corner of the main panel. From the drop-down menu, select Global Configuration. The first set of options you will see are your site options. These will allow you to set the site to offline mode, change the offline message, or change the site name. When you set the site to offline, it allows only administrators to access it. This is useful for editing the site when you don't want other people to see it. To change it to offline, change the radio button to yes, and scroll right. Click on the green check, or the Apply button. You may preview the site by clicking on the preview icon in the upper right corner. The SEO settings allow you to optimize URLs for search engines, rewrite URLs, or add suffixes to them. Scroll down and to the left and you will see Metadata Settings. Here you can edit your meta descriptions and keywords. The more descriptive your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site through the search engines. Scroll up. The next set of options is System. Here you can change settings related to the system, such as cache, session, andd debugging.

The User Settings here allow you to turn user registration off, set the group users are added to by default, and require new users to activate their account through email before they can log in. Scroll down and you will see Media Settings. This lets you choose what file extensions are able to be uploaded by users, set the maximum file size, change the folder paths, restrict uploads, etc. For a short description about what each option does, hover the mouse over the name. Scroll up. The last section is Server. This is where you can change your Server, Locale and FTP settings. Scroll right, and you will see where you can change your Database and Mail settings. This concludes this tutorial. You now know all about what to find in the Global Setting in Joomla and how to Manage it.

How to Manage Modules in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to manage modules in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The Module Manager is where you can add and edit modules, which are used to display content and media around the main content. Begin by clicking on Extensions in the upper main menu. In the drop-down, select module manager. This will open a new page, from which you can enable, disable, copy, delete, edit, or create modules. Disabled modules are indicated by a red X. To enable a module, select the checkbox next to the item, and then click on Enable in the upper right hand menu The red X will become a green check mark. To disable a module, select it by clicking on the checkbox in front of the chosen module. Then click on the Disable icon in the upper right corner, and the green check will turn into a red circle with a white X inside it. To copy an existing module, select the box. Now click on Copy in the upper right corner. The new copy will appear in your list as Copy of....... To edit the copy, or any module, select the module with a check in the box in front of the chosen module. Scroll right and click on edit in the upper right menu. This will open a window that will allow you to make any necessary changes to the module. When you are done, click on Save, and your module is up to date.

If this is a copied module you are editing, remember that copies are always disabled. You will need to enable them to make them work. To create a new module, click on new in the upper right corner. This will present a page that will allow you to choose the type of module you would like to create. There are many choices, ranging from navigation items, to articles, to photos, and everything in between. Select the module type you would like to create, and then scroll right and click on next. Each module has different options that you can set. Fill in the necessary information. Click Save. You can now see your new module in the module manager list. The last thing is to learn how to reorder the list. Scroll down, and click the green arrows to move items up and down the list. That completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage modules in Joomla, and can add, edit, copy, delete, create and much more.

How to Manage Pages in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to manage pages in WordPress. You will need to log in to WordPress, and open your Dashboard. In the left hand column, you will see the item Pages. Click on this Link. It will drop down and display two items, Pages and Add New. Click on Add New. On the new screen, you will see a block to enter the Title for the new page. Enter the title. In the big block below, enter the page content. In the right hand column is a section called Page Attributes. You can select the parent page there, using the drop down menu. When you are all done, click on the Publish button in the right hand column. To view all of your pages, go to pages in the menu in the left hand column. Click on pages in the drop down menu. That will open the Pages section. You will see link such as Edit, Quick Edit, Trash and View. If you click on View, you can see the page you just created. By clicking on Trash, you can Delete the page.This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage pages in WordPress.

How to Manage Users in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage users in your WordPress program. You will need to open WordPress, and go to your Dashboard. In the left hand menu column, click on the Users option. This will expand the list to include Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Add New. This opens the Add New User screen. On the first line, enter a username. The second line requires you to add an email address. Now add the users First and Last Names, Web site if they have one, and enter a password twice. Scroll down and click the Add User button. To delete a User, select Users under the users menu on the left hand side of the dashboard. Place a checkmark in the box in front of the name of the user you wish to delete, and click on the delete link below the appropriate name. This will take you to a confirmation page, where you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click the button to confirm. The user has now been deleted. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add and delete users in WordPress.

How to Manage Your Plugins in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage your plugins in WordPress. First you need to log in and go to your Dashboard. On the left hand side you will see a column of items. Near the bottom is Plugins. Click on this link and expand the menu. You will see Plugins, Add New and Editor. Click on Plugins. The page that comes up will show you a list of all your installed plugins. At the bottom of each individual plugin are three links - Activate, Edit and Delete. To Activate any plugin, click on its Activate link. At the top of the page, is a link to Add New plugins. Click on the Add New, and it will take you to a Install Plugins page. To find more plugins, you may browse the WordPress Plugin Directory simply by clicking on the link in the top paragraph. To Edit plugins, click on the Editor in the menu on the left hand side. This will allow you to select and edit your plugins. However, this is only for the advanced user, as editing can break the plugin rather easily. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage your plugins in WordPress.

How to Register a New User Account in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to register a new user account in Joomla. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Scroll down, and click on Create an account. In the registration section, type your name. Next type a username. Now put down your email address. Next select a password, and enter it twice to verify it. Scroll down, and click on Register. If the Joomla site you are visiting has email activation on, you will need to go to your email and click the link in the email that's sent automatically before you will be ale to login. That's it! You now know how to register a new user account in Joomla.

How to Specify What Media Can be Uploaded in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to specify what media can be uploaded in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and and at your admin panel. In order to specify wha types of media can be uploaded to your site, you will need to set the allowed file extensions. Begin by clicking on Site on the top menu. Select and click on Global Configuration from the drop-down menu. When the Global Configuration window opens, go to the System settings tab. Scroll down. You will see a box called Media Settings. The first item in the box is Legal Extensions (File Types). Next to Legal Extensions, enter the file types you want to allow and separate each with a comma. You can also change the maximum file size, and the paths to the media and image folders here. If you would like to allow any users to be able to upload files, click the No radio button next to Restrict Uploads. Scroll up and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. The window will show a verification that your changes have been updated and saved. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to set the specifications for what media file extensions can be uploaded in Joomla.

How to Use the Category Manager in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to use the Category Manager in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. Click on Content in the upper Menu Bar. Now select Category Manager. This will open a page that lists your categories. Here you can publish, unpublish, move, copy, or delete categories or even create new ones. To publish a category, select the checkbox in front of the category you wish to publish. Then click on Publish in the upper right menu. To unpublish, select a box, and click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right menu. That will make the green check mark turn into a red x. To move a category, simply mark the checkbox of the selected category. Click on the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen, where you can select a new section for this category. Scroll right, and click save in the upper right corner. To copy a category, select it, and click on the copy icon in the upper right corner. Then on the new screen, choose the section the category will be copied to. Click on the Save. < To delete a category, select the box. Click on Delete in the upper right corner and the section is deleted. To edit, select the category. Scroll right and select the icon in the upper right that is for Edit. This will open the Category edit window, where you can make any necessary changes. Click Save. To create a new category, click on New in the upper right menu. A new window will open, with blanks to fill in. The first is a title for your category. The next line is for the "alias", which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if you choose to enable the Search Engine Friendly selection in Global Configurations. Entering an alias is optional, and if you leave it blank, Joomla will create one based on the title. By default, Published is set to yes. If you are not ready to have the category published yet, you will need to change it to no. The next choice you will make is what Section this category will belong to. Select the section from the drop-down menu. The next part is the Access Level, where you will determine what users can access the content in this section. Again, make your choice from the drop-down menu. If you wish to select an image for this section, you do that in the next part. Choose an image, and then select its position. Use the text box to enter a description for this section. Scroll to the top, and click on save. Your new category is now listed in the category manager. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Mass Mail System in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your admin panel. The Mass Mail system allows you to email all registered users or those in a particular group. Click on Tools in the top menu. Select Mass Mail from the drop-down menu. This opens the Mass Mail window. In the box on the left hand side, it says Mail to Child Groups. Check that box if you would like to send the email to all groups under the selected group. Below that, Select the group this email should be sent to. On the right hand side, you will compose your email. Start with the subject line. Then type in your message. Now go to the upper right, and click on Send Mail. You will now see a message that your email was sent to ___number of Users. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla.

How to Use the Media Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Media Manager in Joomla. You will need to start by logging in to your Joomla admin panel. Now click on Site in the top menu. Select Media Manager from the drop-down menu. This opens the Media Manager window. It is just like a file manager except is shows only media files in your image directory. To create a new folder and upload an image, begin by finding the path for your media file.. Below the word files, you will see a box with the line /home/kj/public_html/joomla/images, or something similiar, depending on what your media file path is. At the end of this line you will find a / and a new box. In this empty box, type a new name for your folder. Now click the Create Folder button directly below the line. Now click on the folder you just created to open it. Scroll down. Click on the Browse button. Select your media file and click open. This will take you back to the media screen. Now click Start Upload button. You can now see the path for the uploaded file in the box below files. Note that larger files may take several minutes to finish uploading. To delete a file, find the red x under the file. Click on the x, and the file is deleted. To change the way items are viewed, go to the main directory, on the left, and click on Media. Now select Detail View. Scroll down. Instead of thumbnails, files are now shown with their dimensions and size. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to use the Media Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Menu Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Menu Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. The Menu Manager allows you to create custom menus for your Joomla site. Click on Menus on the menu in the upper left corner. Select Menu Manager from the drop-down menu. To create a new menu. Scroll right, and click on New in the upper right corner. This open a new menu screen. In the first box enter a Unique Name. This is what Joomla uses to identify this module within the code. Now enter a Title. In the next box, enter a description. The last box is the Module Title, and that is what will display on the front-end. If this field is left blank, the module will not be created. Scroll right and click on the Save icon in the right hand corner. This new menu will now be showing in the menu manager. To edit the menu, click on the icon in the menu row that looks like a piece of paper. This open a page called Menu Item Manager (content). Scroll right, and click on new. This will bring up a list for you to choose a Menu Item Type from. Highlight the correct selection, and it will open a Menu Item Detail page. Here in the box, you need to enter a title, and below that an Alias, which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an Alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen.

You can also manually enter an alias if you wish. Click the Save in the upper right corner,and the screen will verify that your item was saved. The last thing to do after creating a new menu is to enable it in the module list. Go to the menu at the top of the page, and click on Extensions. From the drop-down menu select Module Manager. Find your menu item, and click the red x next to the menu item. The new menu item can now be viewed on the front-end. This ends this tutorial. Now you know how to use the menu manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Section Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Section Manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your Joomla admin panel. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization. Start by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left. From the drop-down, select Section Manager. On this page, you can publish, unpublish, copy or delete sections or create new ones. To publish a section, select the checkbox in front of the section. Now click on Publish in the upper right corner. To unpublish a sectioon, select the box. Click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Copying a section will allow you to create a duplicate of the object to a different location. To copy, select the section by marking the checkbox. Now click on the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen for the new section. In the box, enter a name for the new(copied) section. Scroll right, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To edit a section, click the checkbox in front of the section you wish to edit. Scroll right, and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner. Make any necessary changes, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new section, scroll right, and click on the New icon in the upper right corner. This opens a new section screen. In the details box, you will see that the Scope is content.

This cannot be changed. Enter a title. The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. However, you may manually enter aan alias, if desired. By default, Published is set to yes, if you don't want to publish this section just yet you will need to change it to no. The Access Level lets you set what users can access content in this section. Public allows anyone who visits your site to view the content. Registered allows only registered users access, and Special allows only authors and higher. Scroll down, and you will find a box that will allow you to select an image that will be used for this section. You can upload your own images into the images/stories directory. Use the Image Position to place the image at the left or right of the page. Next you will find a section called Description. Here is where you will enter a description for this section. Scroll up and click Save in the upper right corner. That is how you create a new section. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to Use the Section Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Trash Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the trash manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel to begin. Deleted articles are sent to the trash manager where you can either delete them completely or restore them. To delete an article, go to Content in the top menu. Select Article Manager from the drop down menu. This will open the Article Manager screen. Click the checkboxes next to the article or articles you want to delete. Then go to the upper right hand corner, and click on the Trash Can icon. Now go to the Trash Manager. Click Content from the top menu. Then select Article Trash from the drop-down menu. This will display the articles that are in the Trash Manager, or the trash can. To restore an article, select the checkbox. Scroll right, and click on the Restore icon in the upper right hand corner. The restore screen will ask you to verify that you want to restore the item. Click Restore again, and OK, and the item will have been returned to is original place, but is unpublished. To republish a restored item, go to Content in the top menu. Click on Article Manager from the drop-down menu. Select the restored item, by marking the checkbox. Click Publish in the upper right corner. To permanently delete an item from the Trash Manager, click on the checkbox in front of the item and scroll right. Click Delete in the upper right corner. This brings up the Permanently Delete Items screen.

You will click on Delete again, and the item has now been permanently deleted from the database and cannot be recovered. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Trash Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the User Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the User Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in, and be at your Joomla admin panel. In the top left hand menu, click on Site. From the drop-down menu, select User Manager. The User Manager screen will have a list of all the users that have registered for your site. One thing you can do here is Add a new User. Scroll to the right. In the upper right corner, click on New. This will open a new screen. In the left hand box, called User Details, you will type in the name of the new user. Choose a username, and add the users email. Enter a password and verify it. In the Parameters box on the right hand side, set the back-end and front-end default languages. Now click Save in the upper right corner. Once a user has been created, you can edit it if needed. Click on the Users name. Make the change on the User page, and click Save. To delete a User, click the box in front of the users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Delete Icon. To force a User to Logout, click on the box in front of the Users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Logout icon. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the User Manager in Joomla.

How to Write a Comment in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to write a comment in WordPress. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. In the upper left corner, click on the My Blog link to go to your blog. Click on the leave a Comment link. This will open a new page, with a comment box. Enter your comment in the box. When you are done, click the Post Comment button. Your new comment will show up under the admin says: . This completes this tutorial. Now you know how to write a comment in WordPress.

How to Write a New Post in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to write a new post in WordPress. You need to begin by logging in, and going to your WordPress Dashboard. In the left hand column, the first menu item is Posts. Click on it to expand the menu. You will see Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Add New. This will open a Add New Post screen. In the first block, enter the title of your new post. In the large block below, enter the post content. After you have written your post, on the right hand side, you will find a section that will allow you to assign this post to one or more categories if you wish. When you are all finished, click on the Publish button. This will open the Edit Post screen. At the top is a link to View Post. Click on this link to see your new post. You can now see how your post will look on your site. Return to the admin area. Now, in the left hand column select the posts from the menu items. Your new post will now show up in the list here. You can now edit or delete it if you wish using the links below the title of the post. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write a new post in WordPress.

How to change your Password in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to change your password in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the menu in the left hand column, click on Users to expand the options. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Go to Your Profile. Scroll all the way down. Where it says New Password, enter your new password in the box. Re-enter the password in the box below. The strength indicator will tell you how strong your password is. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom left corner. Your profile page now says User updated. Your password has been changed. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to changer your password in WordPress.

How to login to Joomla as the Default Administrator

This tutorial will teach you how to login to Joomla as the default administrator. You should have your Joomla administration login page open in your browser. If this is your first time logging in as the root administrator, the default username is admin. Enter the password you created during installation. Click Login. You are now logged in to Joomla as admin, on the admin panel. You may wish to change your password after installation or on accasion to increase security. On the right hand side, in the list of logged in users, select admin from the list. This will open a new User detail screen where you can change you password and verify it if you choose. Click Save when finished. Once you are done in the admin control panel you will need to logout. Scroll right. Click on Logout in the very upper right hand corner. That's it. You now know how to login to Joomla as admin, change your password and logout.

WordPress won't save no parent assignment or null/blank custom field entries

If you are running WordPress on Apache and on a version of PHP later than 5.3.x, and experience any of the following issues: You cannot save the parent of a page from from an existing page .... to "no parent" You cannot save a custom field value, changing it from a populated value to a blank/null value In either of the case above, these are typically caused by the SUHOSIN module for PHP. The following should resolve this Edit you php.ini file, adding the following entries after the existing entries for SUHOSIN. suhosin.cookie.disallow_nul = Off suhosin.get.disallow_nul = Off = Off suhosin.request.disallow_nul = Off Then restart Apache Web Server Viola, you should now be able to save null values.

Advanced Articles [Questions 4]

How To Install and Uninstall FrontPage Extensions

This tutorial will show you how to install and uninstall FrontPage extensions. Please note that FrontPage Extensions should only be installed if you are using Microsoft's FrontPage to build you web site!! This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section named Advanced. Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This will take you to a screen that will list your domain or domains, (if there are parked or add-ons in your hosting account), and the status of FrontPage Extensions on that domain. It will say Installed or not Installed. Next to the domain in the list is a button that says Install Extensions. Click that button. That is all there is to it. You will be taken to a verification page, showing that the FrontPage Extensions are now installed, and ready for you to publish your web site to your hosting account. Click the Go Back button. The domain that has Front Page Extensions installed is now listed with the correct status of installed. Remember, extensions have to be installed separately for any Subdomain or add-on domain. To uninstall the Extensions, click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This takes you to the main screen, where you will find a list of domains, with FrontPage status listed. Find the one you wish to remove, and go across the list to Uninstall Extensions.

Click on the button. This will take you to a verification screen. You can now Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to the cPanel main page. This is the end of this tutorial. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Set Up A Cron Job

This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can set a command or script to run at a specific time every day, week, etc. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Advanced Section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the icon named Cron Jobs. This will take you to the main Cron Job page, where it lists two different experience levels to choose from: Standard and Advanced (Unix Style). This tutorial is going to teach the Standard approach. Click on the Standard Button. This will take you to a screen showing a Standard Cron Manager. Every time a cron job runs, the results are sent to an email address. The top line asks for the email address where you would like the cron job results sent. Enter that address into the box. Below is a box marked Entry 1. The first line is Command to Run: with a box after. In the box you need to enter the command of the script you want to run, including the path (all the way from root) For example, a command might look like this: "home/abc123/public_html/cgi-bin/clients.cgi" This command includes the entire path, all the way from the root directory. Next, we need to specify the timing of the cron. We need to determine when and how often we want the script to run.

There are boxes with different listings above them - Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), Month(s), Weekday(s). Using the information within each box, set the time, day, month, and day of the week you want your cron to run. When it is all set click the Save Crontab button. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that your cron job has been set. Click on the Go Back link. To return to the Standard Cron Manager at any time, click on the Standard button on the main Cron Job page. You can edit your cron, or delete it entirely by simply clicking on the delete button in the Entry box. You can also set up additional cron jobs. Return to your main cPanel page by clicking the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup Cron Jobs the easy way, and then edit them, delete them, or add additional ones. You can add as many as you wish, but REMEMBER, Cron Jobs have the potential to take up a lot of server resources. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create Custom Error Pages

This tutorial will teach how to create custom Error Pages. Create error pages for 404 Not Found errors and 500 Internal Server Errors, along with 28 other errors. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section, and Click on the Error Pages link. This will take you to the main error pages page. This page lists many kinds of error pages that you can customize. Let's select one, and click on the link. This will take you o an editing page. This is where you create your custom error page. You can include one or more of the listed tags to further customize the page. You can also use HTML tags in your page, making it easy to match the look of your error page to the rest of your web site. Create your page by entering your text into the big block. For example: The page (then click on the "Requested URL" button) is unavailable. Scroll down and click the Save button. You are now taken to a verification page, showing that your error page is created. Click on the Go Back button. You can customize any of the listed error pages, but you do not have to if you do not want to. All accounts come with preset standard error pages. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page.You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner.

Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using Index Manager

This tutorial will teach about using the Index Manager. The Index Manager allows you to customize the way a directory will be viewed on the web. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your web site are displayed. If there is not a file named "index.html" in a given directory, then the contents of that directory will be displayed in a browser. This is very undesirable, and can cause security issues. With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown. On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section. There you will click on the Index Manager icon. This will take you to the main Index Manager page. You will see your folders listed there. You can navigate through them by clicking on the icons. When you find the directory you want to address, click on the name. That will open another screen, where you will see the path for your chosen directory. There are four choices here. Default System Setting-allows the directory contents to be shown No Indexing-does not allow directory contents to be shown Standard Indexing (text only)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do not contain image files Fancy Indexing (graphics)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do contain image files Click on one radio button and click the Save button.

This will take you to the verification screen, where you can see that the settings have been updated. Click on Go Back. You can now exit by clicking on HOME and returning to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of this tutorial. You can return and change the settings at any time, for any of your directories. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Domains Articles [Questions 23]

How Do I Choose a Domain Name

This tutorial will look at some of the things you should look at when you are trying to choose your Domain Name. As you know, a domain name is a quick and easy way for someone to find your website on the Internet. Without a domain name, people would have to remember a series of numbers, or your IP address, and enter that to locate your site. One of the first things to think about when choosing a domain name is even though they can be hundred of characters in length, the shorter the better. Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. You should avoid using hyphens if possible, because sometimes they make it hard to communicate your address to other people, and an easy understanding is very important. One drawback to shorter is that a lot of the shorter names are already taken, so your first choice may already be in use. You may have to add to it, or make some small changes to find a short name that is available. You will also need to decide what top-level domain (TLD) or domain extension to use for your domain. There are many choices, such as .com, .net, .org, and so on. Recently, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) who oversees all of this added several new TLD's, like .biz, and .museum. The TLD doesn't matter much anymore, so you can use whichever sounds best and is available. If the .com of your choice is taken, maybe the .net version is available.

When selecting your domain, if you are operating a business website, you want it to reflect something about your products or type of business. For example, if your business is Joes Online Store, but your main product is blue widgets, your domain should be something to show that, like, or People shopping for blue widgets will find you that way when they do a search. (It does take a long time and some effort to make yourself visible in a search unless your product is very unique and/or one-of-a-kind. That is called "search engine optimization") If you just use as your domain, unless people know your name already you will be hard to find. So, the key points of domain name selection are to keep it short, keep it simple and make it mean something relating to the purpose of your business. You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website, in fact this may help improve your search engine rankings. This concludes the tutorial about how to choose a domain name.

How to Create a Subdomain

This tutorial will teach you how to create a Subdomain. Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your web site. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Domains. Find the Icon named Subdomains, and click on it. This will take you to the Subdomain main page. You will find a box titled Subdomains, with your domain name after it. If you have more than one domain name, such as parked domains, or add-ons, you will find them here in a pull down menu. Select the correct domain for which you wish to make a Subdomain and in the box enter the prefix name of the new Subdomain. The result should look like this: whatever your TLD is) For example, Below the Subdomain line is the Document Root line, and by clicking on the Icon, it will bring up the default directory for the Subdomain. Now click the Create Button. This will take you to a page showing that your Subdomain has been created successfully. Click on the Go Back link to return to the Subdomain page. Your new Subdomain is now listed here on the Subdomain page. You can make changes or remove it completely right here. A folder called 123abc (or whatever you named your Subdomain) has been created into which you will upload your files for this Subdomain.

This folder is located in the public_html directory, and can be accessed through file manager, or any FTP program. You can also access it by entering "" You can grant virtual FTP access to your new Subdomain from the FTP Manager in cPanel, although it is not necessary to make it work. It is already working. You can now return to your cPanel main page by clicking on the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to this section at any time to create additional subdomains, or delete existing ones. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create an Add-On Domain

This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to use and set up an Add-on domain. An Add-on domain is a separate domain from the main account using space available. Giving you multiple accounts in the same space. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Domains section and click on the Addon Domains link. This takes you to the Add-on screen. In the first box enter the new domain name. In the next box, the one named Subdomain/FTP Username enter the directory name in your main account where this new domain will be pointing. Enter a password, and then re-enter it. Click the Add Domain button. This takes you to the verifies screen which will confirm that your new add-on domain has been created. For example: your domain is, and you make an add-on called The web site files should be uploaded to the directory. An FTP Account has been created for this add-on domain. Click the Go Back link. Click the Home Icon in the upper left hand corner. Scroll down. Click the FTP Accounts Icon in the Files section. Scroll down the page, and in the Account Management section you will find your new add-on domain listed. To remove an add-on domain, in the modify Addon Domain section find the Remove button. Click the button, and it will take you to a confirmation screen.

Click Yes, and the domain has been removed, as well as the FTP account created for it. Click HOME and return to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup and remove add-on domains in your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Park a Domain

This tutorial will teach how to park a domain. A "Parked" domain shows the same content as the domain it is parked on, but uses the Parked domains name. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Domain parking is useful when you have additional domain names that you want people to be able to use to get into your web site. For example, let's say your domain name is "". But you also own the domain "". If you park one of the domains on the other, then both will result in visitors getting to your web site. NOTE: Domain parking will NOT work if you have not updated the new domain's name servers to point to your account's name be sure to do that with your registrar first. Begin by scrolling down your cPanel main page to the section called Domains and click on the icon called Parked Domains. This takes you to a parked domain screen with a box labeled Create a New Parked Domain. Enter the domain you want to park in the box, then click the Add Domain button. You will now go to a verification screen, which will confirm that the domain has been successfully parked. Click on the Go Back link. The domain will now be listed in the Parked Domain list. This is where you can remove parked domains. Simply click on the Remove link, and then click on the Yes to confirm that you wish to remove the parked domain.

This takes you to the verification screen, confirming that you have successfully removed the parked domain. Click the Go Back link. Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You may return and create as many parked domains as your hosting plan allows. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up URL Redirects

This tutorial will teach you how to set up URL redirects. Redirects allow you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page. This way you can make a page with a long URL accessible by a page which has a shorter and easier to remember URL. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Domains section, and click on the Redirects Icon. This will take you to the redirects screen. The first thing you need to do is decide whether this redirect will be temporary or permanent. Use the pull-down to select one or the other. Next, type in the URL that you want to redirect. For example, the "" is already listed. In the box you list the page for redirection, such as "anypage.html". In the next box, you need to enter the destination URL. This is the place you want your web site visitors sent to. Next click the Add button. That's all there is to it! It will now take you to the confirmation screen, showing which URL is being automatically redirected to what new URL. Click the Go Back Link. You can now see your new redirect listed in the Directory. You can also remove redirects from this same page. Simply click on the remove icon in the Directory list. It will take you to a screen that will verify that you have removed the redirect. You can now Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner, and return to the main cPanel page. This now ends the tutorial on URL redirects. You can set up as many URL redirects as you wish, including redirects to other pages within your own web site or redirects to pages within other web sites. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed.

When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue. You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided.

Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered. Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted.

Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button.

The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes. Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

Showing you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue.

Click OK. You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

What Are Domain Names and How Do They Work

This tutorial will look at what the concept of Domain Names, and how they work. Every website on the Internet can be located by its IP address. The IP address is a unique set of numbers, assigned to every computer that has access to the Internet. Our hosting servers all have IP addresses, which you will be included in your welcome email. Anyone looking for your website can enter those numbers in the address bar of their browser, and they will find your website. So, are you going to tell people to look for you on the Internet by just entering (Just an example.) Will anyone remember that? This is where the idea of Domain Names came about. Instead of having to enter a bunch of numbers, we can now assign a name to those numbers. Domain names can contain letters, numbers and hyphens. They can be hundreds of characters in length, but the shorter the domain name, the better. You can also have more than one domain name pointing at the same website. A domain name is an easy to remember address that can be translated by domain name servers into server IP addresses. In order for your computer to figure out what IP address to use for a domain name, it has to connect with a name server, which is also called a DNS server. That server connects with another, which connects with another, and so on, until a server is found that knows the correct IP address for the domain name.

When you purchase a domain name, you make sure the settings show that all requests for an IP address for that domain name are directed to our hosting name servers. The settings will be in the welcome email you receive when you purchase a hosting account with us. This concludes the tutorial on domain names, and how they work.

Email(Mail) Articles [Questions 14]

Configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system. Log in to your control panel Click on the "Forwarders" icon in your cPanel Click on the "Add Forwarder" button Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the "Address to Forward" field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list Next, make sure the "Forward to email address:" radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field Click on the "Add Forwarder" button to add this forwarder This will enable forwarding for the email address you entered. Note: If you setup a forwarder for an email address that is already added in your cPanel as an email account, the emails will still be delivered to that mailbox, plus any forwarder addresses you've added.

File Attachments Blocked by MailScanner

The following is a list of most file attachments that may be blocked by the MailScanner service (the attachments are removed from emails before delivery to you and placed in a quarantine area for 30 days should you wish to receive them): These are known to be dangerous in almost all cases. .reg Possible Windows registry attack .chm Possible compiled Help file-based virus .cnf Possible SpeedDial attack .hta Possible Microsoft HTML archive attack .ins Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings attack .jse_ Possible Microsoft JScript attack .lnk Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole attack .ma_ Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut attack .pif Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack .scf Possible Windows Explorer Command attack .sct Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component attack .shb Possible document shortcut attack .shs Possible Shell Scrap Object attack .vbe or .vbs Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script attack .wsc .wsf .wsh Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host attack .xnk Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut attack These are often used by viruses .com Windows/DOS Executable .exe Windows/DOS Executable These are very dangerous and have been used to hide viruses .scr Possible virus hidden in a screensaver .bat Possible malicious batch file script .cmd Possible malicious batch file script .cpl Possible malicious control panel item .mhtml Possible Eudora meta-refresh attack Filenames ending with CLSID's {[a-hA-H0-9-]{25,}\} Filename trying to hide its real extension Examples: A977FF0C-8757-4E76-8533-482F91946233 000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 Filenames with lots of contiguous white space in them. Filename contains lots of white space Deny all other double file extensions. This catches any hidden filenames. Examples: .txt.pif .doc.pif .txt.exe

How To Use Webmail From Within CPanel

There are two ways to access webmail. You can actually login to webmail without first logging into cPanel by simply typing the following into your browser: " " (replace your domain with your actual domain name.) This tutorial will teach you how to use webmail from within cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the section named Mail, and click on the Webmail icon. This will take you to the main Web Mail page. Click on the icon called Go To Webmail Login. You will find three webmail programs to choose from. You can select from Neomail, Horde or SquirrelMail. This tutorial will look at SquirrelMail. All three programs are very similar in how they process mail. Click the SquirrelMail icon. This will take you to the main screen of your account, and shows you the contents of the main Inbox. In the top menu, you will find a button called Options. Click on the button, and it will take you to a screen where you are given several options for configuring the way your webmail displays for you. Some of the options include Folder Preferences, Display Preferences, Personal Information, and others.

Next to Options, you will find Folders. Clicking that tab takes you to a screen where you can create folders and subfolders to organize and store email messages. You can also rename and delete folders in this area.

You can create as many folders and subfolders as you wish, whatever meets your needs. They will display in the left hand column. The next item in the menu is Addresses. Click on the link, and it will take you to the SquirrelMail Personal Address Book which you can use to store commonly used email addresses. After filling in the blanks, click on the Add address button, and the contact will be added to your address book. Next up is Compose. This is the Link to select to send an email. After clicking the link, you will get a blank email form. To send it to someone whose address is in your Personal Address Book, click on the Addresses button, and select the person, or people you wish to send the email to. There are check boxes to indicate whether they should be put in the To line, or the Cc (Carbon copy) line, or Bcc (Blind carbon copy) field. Once you choose a name, and select a field, click the Use Addresses button. This takes you back to the email blank, where your recipient is automatically inserted into the field you selected. Now fill in the rest of the details, such as Subject and Enter the email message in the large box. Scroll down and click the send button. That completes the composing and sending of an email message. To view your messages, look at the left hand column. If the Inbox is highlighted, it will have a number after it. That is the number of messages you have in your box. Click on Inbox, and open it up. Your messages will be listed by who sent them, date sent, and subject. If the message is junk, and you wish to delete it, click in the small check box in front of the message. Then Click the Delete button. To move a message to a different folder, mark the check box in front of the message. Go up the pull-down menu and select the folder you wish to move the message into. Then click on the Move button. When you are finished with Webmail you should always exit by signing out. The link to Sign Out is in the upper right corner. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that you have signed out of Webmail. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use Webmail, specifically SquirrelMail. You can now return to your main cPanel page. Remember, you do not have to login to cPanel to access your webmail, you can access it by using "" (replace "your domain" with your actual domain name) in your browser. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Configure MailScanner in cPanel

This article describes how to configure MailScanner in cPanel. MailScanner is an anti-spam/anti-virus suite consisting of several open source utilities including: MailScanner, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, DCC and Vipuls Razor. Together, these utilities can dramatically reduce the amount of spam and viruses that make it to your email inbox. To configure Mailscanner for your domain(s), please follow the tutorial below. Login to cPanel for your hosting account In the "Mail" section, click on the MailScanner link/icon

How to Create A POP Email Account

This tutorial will teach you how to create POP email accounts. These accounts will be based off of your domain name(s). This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down your main cPanel page to the section called Mail, and click on the icon that says Email Accounts. This will open the main Email Accounts page. If you scroll down, you will see that there is already a POP email account, listed as the Default Email Account. This is the main account that every hosting account comes with, and is the "catch-all" for all un-routed email that comes to your domain. This default account has no quota, and cannot be deleted. We are now going to create a new account. Find the first box in the section Add a New Email Account. If you should have more than one domain in your account- (for example, a parked domain, or add-on domain) be sure to choose the correct domain from the pull-down menu for which you want to create your POP email account.

Once you have selected the correct domain, in the box that says email, you will write the name of the first account you wish to establish. This account can be whatever you choose.

Your name, or an employee name can go here, such as Bob or Fred, or Nancy or you may put in a department name, such as sales, accounting, or customerservice. It should be written as one word, with no spaces. Give the account a password that you can remember, and enter it again to verify it.

If it is too weak, it will not be accepted, and you will be prompted to try again. A strong password is very important to protect your email from hackers. So now you have your email account - something@yourdomain.whatever (.com, .net, .org, etc). Now you need to decide how much space of your hosting package you are going to dedicate to your mail. You have the option to set a quota limit of space. If you give it a set limit of a certain number of MB, and the box is full, you will get warnings to clean it out. You may also leave it as unlimited, but if you don't remember to check and empty it off the server, you run the risk of using all your server space. After setting the quota, click on create account and you a have completed your first email account. Click on the Go Back button, and you will see your new address listed, along with a list of actions that you may perform on that account. You can change your password, change the mail quota, Delete the account entirely or even access webmail here. You can also configure an email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.). After creating your first account, repeat for as many accounts as your plan allows. Remember to record the passwords somewhere safe so that you will be able to access the email for reading later. When you are done, click on the home icon in the upper left corner to return to your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. As always, if using a public computer, remember to close your cPanel by clicking on Logout rather than just closing the browser window.

How to Create an Auto Responder

This tutorial will teach you how to create an auto responder. You can use auto responders to send a message back automatically to anyone who sends an email to a certain account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section named Mail. Click on the icon marked Auto Responders. This will take you to the main auto responder page. Click on the Add auto responder link. In the blank box marked email, enter the name of the account to which you are adding the AutoResponder. CAUTION: If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain, make sure you are setting up the auto responder in the correct domain. On the from line, enter the name you would like to have appear on the auto message email. The subject line is the subject of the auto response email. You may enter a subject, or just leave the default setting. The next option is character set, which should be left at default, or possibly choose ASCII for most normal purposes.

By default, the message will be in plain text. You have the option of sending it in HTML by checking the box marked "This message contains HTML".

Enter the text of your auto response in the body box, and when you are done click on the create/modify button. This will take you to a screen that shows you that your auto responder has been successfully created. Click on the Go Back Link, and you will see your new auto responder listed.

Here you can edit it, or delete it completely. You can create additional auto responders. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to create an auto responder in cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up Email Forwarding

This tutorial will teach how to set up email forwarding, which is sometimes called an email redirect. Forwarders allow you to send a copy of all mail from one email address to another. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail Section, and click on the icon called Forwarders. This will take you to the Forwarders screen, where you will click the button called Add Forwarders. This will take you to a screen that begins with Address. Enter the prefix of the address you wish to forward. If you have more than one domain on this account, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you are creating the forward on the correct domain. In the next box enter the email address where you want these emails forwarded to. Click the Add Forwarder button, and that is all there is to it! It will take you to the confirmation screen where you can verify that the correct address is being forwarded to the place you wish it to go.

Now, email sent to the original email address will automatically be redirected (or forwarded) to the new address of your choice.

Click the Go Back button. You will see your forwarder listed. If you need to delete the forwarder, just click on the Delete button under the Functions heading. If you wish to create new or additional forwarders, click on the Add Forwarders button.

In addition to setting up email forwarders, you can also set up domain forwarders. This means that all the email sent to any address within a domain would be forwarded to a specific email address. You would do it basically the same way, just start by clicking on the Add Domain Forwarder button. You may now click on the HOME link, and return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on email forwarders (redirects). You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Trace an Email Address

This tutorial will teach how to trace an email address. This feature allows you to view how the mail server will treat a message when sending to or delivering to a specific address. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail section, and click on the icon named Email Delivery Route. This will take you to a screen where you can test any email address by tracing it's route from this server. This tool is especially handy if you are having trouble sending an email to a specific address. You can check to see where the problem might be. Enter an email address in the box, and click on Show Route. That's it...the route of the address is now shown. From your cPanel, you can look for problems. You can see if a problem is with your server, or on the other end where the destination email address is located. Click the Go Back, and then the HOME in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to check an email address by performing a trace from within your cPanel.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

I can send email from my account when I'm at work, but not when I'm at home.

This issue is typically caused by your ISP blocking port "25" on their network for residential accounts. Our servers are configured to also accept SMTP (outgoing) mail connections on port "587". Try editing your email account settings for the SMTP (outgoing) mail connection to use port "587" first. If this does not work, you'll typically need to configure your ISP's mail server for your SMTP (outgoing) mail server in your email account settings.

I cannot send email. I am using Verizon as my internet service provider.

If you cannot send email and are using Verizon FIOS or High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses, please see the following details provided from the verizon website: If you want immediate step-by-step instructions, visit change my port settings to 587 now. What is outbound port 25 blocking? Outbound port 25 blocking is a network configuration change that will prevent computers on the Verizon network from connecting to servers outside of our network. Servers outside the Verizon network use a method commonly employed to send unauthenticated, unsolicited e-mail or “spam”. Why is Verizon blocking outbound port 25? The majority of spam (unsolicited email) on the Internet is caused by malicious software viruses that take control of infected computers. These viruses direct the infected machines to send email through port 25. Verizon takes spam very seriously. Verizon blocks outgoing connections on port 25 to prevent infected computers from being used by spammers to send unsolicited email. Outbound port 25 blocking is a standard industry method to control spam.

When will outbound port 25 blocking be implemented? We will begin implementing outbound port 25 blocking in the first quarter of 2009. Will outbound port 25 blocking apply to all Verizon broadband customers? Outbound port 25 blocking will be applied to FIOS and High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses.

If you subscribe to a static IP address service, you will not be affected.

Do I have a dynamic IP address? If you have standard residential or business FIOS / High Speed Internet service, you have a dynamic IP address. Static IP packages are sold as an upgraded service. Will I be impacted by port 25 blocking? If you have a dynamic IP address and you use a third party email account to send email from a desktop client such as Outlook®, Outlook Express® or similar programs, you may be affected and should continue to read this notice. If you are using email provided as part of your VErizon service or a web-based email account from another provider, you will not be affected. How do I determine if I am using a third party email account? If your email address is not part of your Verizon FiOS or High Speed Internet Service, and it does NOT end with, you are using a third party account. Do I have to change my email account settings? No. Subscribers using Verizon email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account that I access using my web browser. Will I be affected? No. Web-based email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account. I also use a desktop client to manage my email. What must I do to continue using my third party service? You have three options: Change your email client to send email using port 587. Click step-by-step instructions to change your port settings now. Use web based email services. Web based e-mail is unaffected by port 25 blocking. Check with your e-mail provider to see if web based access is available. Upgrade to a FIOS or High Speed Internet account with static IP addressing. Business customers may subscribe to static IP addressing.

MailScanner FAQs

MailScanner FAQs This list of Frequently Asked Questions is provided to help you understand our Mail Scanning Service. Will spam be deleted before I retrieve my email? No email is deleted from your mailbox, unless you configure it to do so through the cPanel control panel. Any email reported by the system as spam will have the subject line modified and header records added (tagged) to indicate them so that you can automatically filter them from your inbox and place them in a separate folder so that you can check them at a later time. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 You can configure MailScanner to delete email marked as Spam and/or Definitely Spam for you, but beware of the issues in the following answers to spam related questions. Should I tell you about incorrectly tagged spam? Not unless it is an email from someone you regularly receive email from. The simplest thing to do would be to add an extra inbox rule in your email client to keep email from them in your inbox (see the above links for details for your specific email client).

Alternatively, you can add them to your whitelist in the cPanel MailScanner configuration. Will all spam be detected? No.

All the email is scanned and assigned a score based on the likelihood that an email is spam. Thresholds (low scoring and high scoring spam) are used to determine whether an email should be tagged as spam: it is important that this is done to help avoid false-positives and false-negatives.

Is all email tagged as spam, spam? Not necessarily. The system is not foolproof and there will be instances where legitimate email is tagged as spam and where spam is not tagged as such. This is why all email is delivered by default, so you can filter them email in your email client and check through the spam to ensure there is no email that you actually need. I don't need (spam/virus) checking, can I only have email scanned for one? Yes, you can configure the service to either scan for viruses, spam or both. Will viruses be deleted before I retrieve my email? Yes. All emails and file attachments will be scanned for viruses. If one is found, the virus is removed from the email before it is delivered to your mailbox, a text file attachment will be added to the email notifying you of the virus infection. Removed viruses and dangerous file attachments removed from email may be stored in a quarantine area on the server for 30 days. You can request the file from quarantine as described in the text file attachments, or , preferably ask the sender to resend the file in a zip archive. Will all viruses be detected? No system can guarantee 100% detection, though nearly all infected files and dangerous file attachmentsshould be detected using this service. The service scans all email received and sent through the server to help ensure that you do not accidentally start spreading a virus yourself. Do I still need a virus scanner on my computer? Yes! Not only can the service not guarantee that all email viruses will be detected, there are many other ways that your computer can become infected. You should always install an anti-virus solution on every computer and ensure that it is constantly kept up to date. How do I know whether and email has a virus or is a spam? There are two methods used to identify these emails to you. Firstly, the subject line of the affected email will be prefixed with one of the following: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. Secondly, additional headers are added to the email: X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be clean - indicates that the email passed the virus scanning tests. X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be infected - indicates that email email contained a virus which has been removed. X-___________-SpamCheck: spam - indicates that the email is likely to be spam and contains information on how the score was reached. X-___________-SpamScore: ssssss - indicates the spam score for the email. Each s represents 1 point, so sssss indicates a score of 5. The service has a default threshold of 5 for {Spam?} and 20 for {Definitely Spam?} Can the system simply delete all email marked as spam? We advise against this as it is possible that legitimate email will be deleted and the sender will never know that you didn't receive it. We recommend filtering the email in your email client and placing it in a separate folder so that you can check through it in your own time. See the links at the top of this page for configuring email rules for the various email clients. If you're happy that email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} you can then configure MailScanner to delete that email. Another alternative is to have all email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} delivered to a specific email address. For example, How do I configure my email software to filter spam into a separate folder? You should create a separate folder in your email client called Spam. You should then create an inbox rule to place any email containing the strings {Spam?} or {Definitely Spam?} into that folder. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 What can I do to prevent receiving spam? Have a look at the self-help checklist here.

Top Tips for Preventing Spam

Here is a list of things you can do to help prevent receiving spam: Do not use a catchall email account on your domain(s). Only list aliases and POP accounts that you actually use. This stops the frequent spams that fire off emails to a list of names on a domain. Obfuscate or hide your email addresses on your website, i.e. replace them with JavaScript "trick" email addresses, or, switch to web forms for initial contact, rather than displaying an email address. Never, ever, click on any links in any spam - especially not to "unsubscribe". All this does is confirm to the spammer that they have a "live" address. Configure your client to read any incoming emails in plain-text, never html. Html spam emails contain links to graphics and scripts on spammers sites, confirming your email address. If you are using Outlook XP or 2003 you can disable viewing in html, instructions are given here:

Understanding the MailScanner codes in your email subject lines

When Mailscanner scans your email, if it finds a problem, it may (depending upon your MailScanner settings�in cPanel) automatically�prepend the subject line of�an affected email with one of the following strings: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Fraud?}�-�indicates that the email�contained HTML code that was identified as a phishing attack and was disabled by MailScanner. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client.

You have been blacklisted/blocked by an ISP

What to do if you get blacklisted or want to be whitelisting with a certain ISP. If you have been blacklisted, the next step is to contact the ISP in question, and request to be removed from their blacklist (delisted). Each ISP has a process for applying, most starting with an online form. Here are links to some of the more popular ISP’s whitelisting/delisting applications AOL Go to webpage below, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form AT&T Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Adelphia Contact Adelphia customer service desk at 800-683-1000 or 888-683-1000. BellSouth Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Comcast Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Helpful Link CompuServe Go to this webpage, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form Cox Send us a copy of the bounced email notification to unblock. EarthLink Please send an email with the complete header to Allow 12-24 hours, our server engineers will fix the issue once the email is received.

Excite Send email to Excite asking to be removed from email blacklist Gmail A Helpful Website Go here for messages being blocked or marked as spam Hotmail Hotmail is very strict with spam complaints and they DO NOT bounce emails. They only filter to trash or junk mail. If they get only a few they will filter all email from your account. They will also filter if they detect you are sending to many non-existent accounts, since this is a characteristic of spammers. If you use your own domain name as your FROM EMAIL ADDRESS, you can set up SPF records under your domain that will improve delivery to Hotmail. Hotmail uses senderID to accept mail and require that you set up spf records on the domain you use for your FROM email address. You will need to contact your host and ask them if they publish SPF records and are compatible with Microsoft's Sender ID initiative. Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure delivery to Hotmail due to Hotmail's policies. Once you have set up spf records, let Hotmail know by sending them an email at with your domain name in the body. We will then configure your StreamSend account accordingly. If you are not sending from your own domain, our only recommendation is that you wait 48 hours or more between sends. Hotmail may remove your account from their filtering if they do not receive complaints within a certain span of time. Useful articles: Juno Getting onto whitelist: Email being blocked: Netzero Get on whitelist Email being blocked: Roadrunner Follow instructions for removal. SBCGlogal Include your private IP address in the body of the email. USA.NET All blacklisting/IP block issues can be reported to Additionally, you may want to consider registering for our feedback loop at which exempts registered IP addresses from most spam controls and allows contact if we see any delivery issues. Verizon (whitelist application) Yahoo Or try - Commonly used blacklist used by Yahoo *** If you have received an error message regarding 88.blacklist.zap, they are quick to help with delisting issues-- you should send an email to the email address below and include the IP address:

Transferring Your Domain Articles [Questions 17]

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username or domain name and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link in the tabs at the top of the page. Scroll down to Step 1. Select the domain you would like to manage by checking the box in front of the name. In Step 2, in the drop-down list, select Unlock these Domains. Click on the Go button. You will now see a Domain Locking Results page. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Control Panel Login link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the pop-up boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. From the Pull-down menu in the middle of the page, select the domain you wish to transfer, then click on the Manage button. This will bring up the Control panel for this domain, and you need to scroll down. Click on the Manage Domain Locking. This will take you to the Manage Domain Locking page, and you will scroll down again. It will tell you if your domain is locked or unlocked. If it is locked, click on the Unlock domain link. You will now get a confirmation screen showing that the lock has been removed and it is ready to be transferred.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Auth Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to begin transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can initiate the transfer of your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Customer Login button at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domains on the left hand side. This takes you to the Domain Overview page. Go to Transfers from the menu in the middle of the page. On the next page,

Click Show next to "Lock/Unlock Domains". Select the domain you wish to manage from the list, and click Next. On the next page, Domain Locks, select the radio button in front of Unlock, and click OK. The next screen will let you know the action was successful.

The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the right hand corner. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, as that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Select button on the left hand side for Manage Registered Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Manage Domain Name screen. Click on the Unlock Domain link. The next screen will verify that the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, at the top of the left hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must be completed before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer process at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This opens a screen with all your domains, called Manage Domain Names. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the lock off by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Edit Domain Name screen. Scroll down, to the Transfer Lock section. In the drop-down box, select unlocked, and click on Submit. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Signout link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link in the left hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now click on the domain name you wish to manage. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the Manage link next to "Locked". A pop-up will open and give you the option to uncheck the Locked domains. Uncheck the box, and click OK. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are completed, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Transfer Shield link in the Services section. This take you to the Transfer Shield page, where you need to scroll down. Answer the security question you have setup for your account, and click on Continue. On the new screen, you will click the Edit Transfer Shield link. Scroll down, and select the domain name you wish to unlock by checking the box in front of the domain name. The next screen is to change the status of your Transfer Shield. Make sure this setting is "Not Armed" by clicking NO. Then click on Continue. You will now see a screen that will let you know the change has been a success. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. Click on continue again.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the lower right hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are some things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on My Account. Now click on Log In. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domain Names in the list on the left hand side. This opens a new screen, with your domain names listed.

Select the domain name for which you want to remove the registry lock, by clicking in the box in front of the domain name. Now Click on Lock/Unlock from the list above the domains.

Now click Go. On the new screen, click the Unlock Domain button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, go up to My Account. Click Log Out. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in button in the left hand menu. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the link in the first statement that tells you how many domain names you have in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to turn the registry lock off by clicking on the domain name.

This opens the Domain Control Panel screen. Scroll down, and click on the "Registrar-Lock Options for Domain Names and Services" Link. Un-check the box that says "Do not allow this name to be transferred to another registrar", then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the word view after "Number of domains in your account" to see a list of domain names in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Click the domain name you want to remove the registry lock on. This takes you to a Modify page for this domain name. On the left hand side, click on the Registar Lock link.

The next page will show you if the domain is locked or not. If the name is locked, click in the radio button in front of the sentence "Release the registrar lock so that the domain can be transferred to some other registrar." Then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain name out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on Control Panel at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains, and then click on Domain Manager from the drop-down, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Manager page.

Expand the options for the domain you want to edit by clicking on the plus sign in front of the domain name. Now go to the Security tab.

Click Unlock. That's it. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the upper right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by clicking on the Account Manager link in the upper right corner. Now on the log-in page, enter your account username and password in the boxes. Click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the nsWebAddress link in the left hand menu list. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains and details. In the box for the domain you wish to transfer.

find the Domain Protected text. Across from that, click on the link on the right hand side that reads "Turn Off or Request Authorization Code". This opens a new screen called Edit Domain Protect. Select the radio button for Leave Domain Protect Off. You will also need to check the box requesting an Authorization Code. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the Authorization Code. This is a very important step.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process.

Click on the Save button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. When finished, click the log out button in the right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from OpenSRS

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from OpenSRS to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with OpenSRS, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Enter your domain name, OpenSRS account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Manage Domain button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account.

Click on the Domain Locking link in the menu at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Locking screen. Scroll down, and check the status of the locking. You are unable to change the locking status for a domain from here. You would need to contact your domain supplier for assistance it you need to change the status.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is OpenSRS, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the login link in the right hand corner. Scroll down, and enter your account username and password in the boxes.

Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock. This takes you to the domain page. Scroll down. Now click the Disable Domain Lock link. This takes you to a confirmation page, and you need to click on the Continue button to confirm the change.

You now see the confirm page, that the domain lock changes have been made. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can initiate the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Login link in the menu at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on List Last 10. This will open a page with your domain list. Select the domain you wish to manage. Click the "Domain Name - Click to Manage" link in the box with the domain name.

This will open a management console, and in the second section, click on the Lock/Unlock Button. Now you need to Un-check the box in front of the "Customer Lock". Then click Update.

The next screen will show you that the order has been modified successfully, and the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Sign out link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to begin on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which prevents it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account.

Click on the My Domains tab at the top of the page. This opens your Account Management Control Panel. Select the domain you wish to manage, by checking the box in front of the domain name. In the Step 2 box, there is a pull-down menu. Click on the arrow, and select Unlock These Domains from the list.

Then click Go. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered domains link in the right hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains.

By the text "Manage Domain" there is a pull-down list. Select General Settings from the menu. This opens an Edit General Settings screen. Click on Disable next to Registrar-Lock. Scroll down and click on Save. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name.

This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Files Articles [Questions 5]

How To Backup Your Web site

This tutorial will teach you how to backup your web site in cPanel. Regular backups of your web site are the best way to assure you are protected from loss. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the Backup icon. This will take you to the main backup screen, where you can backup and/or restore the files in your hosting account.

There is a header called Systems Backups, and it will show you how often your account is being backed up by the server it is on. These are automatic backups, and could be daily, weekly, or monthly, or any combination of these - check with us to see how often we do backups. By clicking on any of these buttons, you can download a copy of these backups to your local computer.

If you scroll down on the main page, you will find the manual backup section. There are several ways to backup your files, depending on which files you want to backup. You can perform a backup of the home directory, or the backup of a MySQL Database, or you can backup only files in specific subdomains or filters.

You can also perform a Download/Generate Full Backup in this section. Click the button with this command on it. This will take you to a Full Backup Screen, that lists available backups for download. From the drop down box, set your back up destination. You may choose from Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (Passive mode transfer) or Secure Copy. In the next box, enter the email address where you want a complete report of this backup to be sent.

Fill in the other boxes as requested, and click the Generate Backup button. This will send you to a verification screen, to confirm that the backup is in progress, and that you will receive an email upon completion.

To Backup a Home Directory to your computer, Click on Home Directory in the Manual Downloads section. A File Download box will appear. Click OK. That will successfully backup the home directory to your local computer.

To Restore the Home Directory Backup, Click on the Browse button next to the box marked Restore a Home Directory Backup in the Manual Download Section. This will open a File Upload box. Locate and select the backup file you wish to restore. Click the Open button. This will take you back to the backup main page. Click the Upload button. A screen will then open showing files are being restored.

This works the same for the other options in the manual section. You can now click the HOME link in the upper left corner and return to your cPanel main page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the Backup utility, and can manually backup your files as often as you desire.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Create Additional FTP Accounts

Let's learn how to create additional FTP accounts. FTP Accounts allow you to access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP. You will need a third party FTP program to access your files. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon named FTP Accounts. This will take you to the FTP Accounts main page, where you manage your FTP accounts.

If you scroll down on the page you will see a list of the FTP accounts you already have. Most were created when your hosting account was setup.

Scroll up to the section called Add FTP Account. In the first box enter a Login name. Then enter a password twice, in the next two boxes.

In the next box, marked Directory, click on the icon and it will give you the Directory you are creating the FTP account for. NOTE: If it should say "public_html/example" in this box.

The user of this account will only have access to the "/example" directory, and all folders under it. To give them full access, remove everything up to the slash... so that it reads "public_html/" This will allow them full access.

In the next box you can give a quota limit or not on this FTP account. If you choose not to limit the account, enter Unlimited in the box. Then click the Create button.

This will take you to the confirmation screen, with all the account information listed. Click the Go Back button.

Your new FTP Account will now be listed on the main page, under account management. Here you can edit the account properties, such as changing the quota, password, and deleting the account. You can also create new accounts at any time.

This ends this tutorial on FTP Accounts. You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Use Web Disk In CPanel

This tutorial is going to teach you how to Use Web Disk in cPanel. The Web Disk allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Web disk allows you to drag and drop files easily from your computer to your hosting account. It is just as if your account was part of your home computer. You can also navigate through the files in your hosting account, just as you do the files on your local computer.

Scroll down to the Files section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the Web Disk icon. This will take you to the Web Disk Accounts Main Page.

You will find a section called Create Web Disk Account. In the first box enter the username you want to use for login. If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you use the drop-down menu to select the correct domain to create the web disk account on.

Enter a password, then re-enter it to verify it is correct, then click the Create button. This will take you to the confirmation screen to verify that you have successfully setup a new Web Disk account. Click the Go Back link, and you will find your new account listed in the Web Disk Account Manager.

The Manager has a button called Access Web Disk. Click that button for your new account. The page that opens will give you the choice of three operating systems. You need to choose the one that you'll use to view Web Disk.

Main headings are Apple Operating Systems, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Linux/BSD Operating Systems. Each has a drop-down list of different systems. Find your system and follow the directions given in the display box.

There is a link to click to create a Desktop Shortcut, and a pop-up will open to start running the script. Click OK, and you are now able to launch Web Disk using the icon on your desktop.

Return to your main cPanel page by clicking on the HOME icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up Web Disk, for the purpose of dragging and dropping files directly to and from your hosting account to your home computer.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page.

This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload. Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task.

Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager. It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using the Disk Usage Viewer

This tutorial will teach you how to use the disk usage viewer. The disk usage viewer provides a quick way to see the amount of disk space being used by folders. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the icon called Disk Space Usage. This will take you to the main page of the disk space usage page. On this page

you can see how much storage space is being used for each directory and sub-directory in your account. Scroll down to see the entire list of directories.

In the upper right corner of the list is a pull-down box called Actions. It can do many things, to show you different types of information. Some of the items in the Action box include Show Parent Directories, Show Top Level, Hide Small Files, and Show Files Sizes as Bytes.

Above the Left hand side are two buttons, Decrease Depth and Increase Depth. Increasing Depth will take you one more level down the path, for example:
from "mail/" to "mail/". Decreasing the depth will do the opposite.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to view the amount of storage space being used by your directories. This is useful in determining which directories are using the most storage space.

Return HOME by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. Once you know where most of your storage needs are, and where the most space is being used, you can determine whether you need to delete some files, or upgrade to a larger hosting package.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

FTP Programs Articles [Questions 18]

Configuring your web site in CuteFTP

To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in CuteFTP. Open the CuteFTP program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

To configure your web site in CuteFTP, you begin by clicking on the Site Manager button. This can be found in the icon menu of the second row, and is the first icon. It looks like an open book. This will open the Site Manager window. In the left hand panel, right-click the General FTP Sites folder. This will present you with a drop-down menu. Click on New Folder. You will now see a new folder in the left panel of the Site Manager, and you will need to enter a name for the new folder.

Now we need to configure a new site inside this folder. Click on the New button at the bottom. Then from the drop-down, click on FTP Site.

In the right hand window, there will be a general form. In the first blank, enter a name or Label for this new site. (This is for your reference only). In the next blank, enter the Host address. NOTE: The host address can be in the form of (where "" is substituted with your actual domain) or it can be just the IP address. If your domain name has not yet propagated,

you will need to use the IP address method. In the next two boxes, enter the username and password for the hosting account. Then click Exit when finished. We have successfully configured a new site in CuteFTP.

To connect to the site that we just configured, click on the Site Manager icon(the one that looks like a book). This will open the Site Manager window. In the left panel, the site we just created should be listed with the name that you gave it. Select this site. Then click on Connect in the bottom right corner. A small prompt will open. Click OK. You have now successfully connected to your web site via CuteFTP.

To disconnect, in the icon list click on the Disconnect Icon. (The one that looks like a plug being pulled out) This will close the connection. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in CuteFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FTP Voyager

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager. To begin, we will assume that you have the program FTP Voyager already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. Open the FTP Voyager program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

To configure your web site in FTP Voyager, you begin by clicking on the File button, located in the menu at the top of the program. This will open a drop-down menu, where you will click on the Site Profile Manager link. This will open the FTP Site Profile Manager window. Click on New Folder at the bottom of the window. You will see a new folder appear in the window, and a highlighted name in the Name bar on the right side.

Enter a name for this new folder in the name box on the right. With the new folder highlighted, click New Site below the left hand window. Now enter a name for the new site in the name bar on the right hand side.

Now you need to configure the Properties of the new site you are setting up. On the right hand side, there are several blank boxes to fill in. The first one you need is FTP Site. Type the FTP address of your web site in this box. It will be, with being your actual domain. You may also use your IP address in this space for the address.

NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use the IP address instead of the domain name. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous Login box. Now, in the next two boxes enter your FTP Username and Password. Check the save Password box. Then click on Connect.

You have now successfully configured your web site in FTP Voyager. You have set it up in the Site Profile Manager, and can now establish a connection. To close the connection, click on the Disconnect icon, located in the second menu bar at the top of the program. To Reconnect, click on Connect, the icon located in the second menu bar. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to configure a web site in the FTP program, FileZilla. You should have FileZilla running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. Start by opening the program. In the menu bar, select File. In the drop-down menu, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window, and you need to click on the New Folder button.

This will show a new folder in the window on the left hand window, under My Sites. Enter a name for the new folder in the box. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Click on New Site, below the left hand window.

This will create a new site below the folder we just created. Enter a name for the new site in the box. On the right hand side, there is a box called Host:. In this box, enter the name of the Host. Scroll down a little, and select Normal for logon type. Enter the Username in the box below the Logon type. The next box is for your Password.

Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. That is it! You are now connected to the remote server. The login details have been saved for quicker connections in the future.

To disconnect from the server, click on Server in the top menu bar. Then click on Disconnect from the drop-down menu. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to configure a web site in the FTP program FileZilla, in order to establish an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in this program. We will assume that you already have the program FlashFXP on your computer. It should be running, but not connected at this time to any remote servers. The main screen is two large windows. The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right window is the remote server, or your web site, in this case. Currently, the right screen is blank since you are not connected to any remote servers.

Let's begin to configure your web site. To start, in the menu bar at the top of the FlashFXP window, click on the Sites link. From the drop-down, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window.

Click on the New Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button. Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the New Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new web site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is IP Address. Type the ftp address of your web site in this box. This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field.

Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box.

Next, enter the remote path where your web site files should be uploaded within your hosting account. (This is usually public_html) The next blank box is the Local Path, where you need to select the location on your computer that you want displayed in the left side window of FlashFXP.

Check to make sure everything has been entered properly and click on the Apply button at the bottom. Then click on Close. This will take you back to the main window of FlashFXP.

To connect, click the Connect icon, which is located over the remote server window, and looks like a lightning bolt. From the drop-down, select the group you created earlier. Then select the link to your web site. Click on it to start the connection.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program FlashFXP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in LeapFTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP. This is the first step to using LeapFTP to upload and download files/folders and then manage those files/folders. We will assume that you have LeapFTP running on your computer, but you are not currently connected to any remote servers. The main screen consists of two large windows.

Let's begin to configure our web site in LeapFTP. Start by clicking the Sites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window. Click on the Add Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button.

Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the Add Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is Address.

This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field. Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box. Click on Apply when finished, and then click on Connect. You have now successfully configured your web site in LeapFTP, and established a connection.

The left hand box is showing your local computer, and the right hand box is now showing the remote server (your web site). To disconnect, click on the Disconnect Icon, at the top of the page in the row of icons. It is the plugs being taken apart.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in SmartFTP

SmartFTP is a desktop program that allows you to make a connection between a local host (your computer) and a remote server (your web site). This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in SmartFTP. For the purposes of this tutorial, you should have the SmartFTP program running, but not connect to a remote server at this time. The main screen is a large blank window at this time, with a panel below it. The panel is your Transfer Queue, where you can see all the actions as they are taking place and what their status is.

Let's start by Clicking on the Favorites in the menu in the top of the window. From the drop-down, click on Edit Favorites. The Favorites window will open, and you will now click the New Folder icon. It is in the Icon menu bar at the top. This will create a new folder in the list on the right hand side, and you should now enter a name for the new folder. The folder will now show up in the list on the left hand side, and you should select it.

Now click the New Favorite Icon, from the Icon menu bar. It is located next to the new folder icon. This will show up in a list on the right hand side of the window. You now need to enter a new name for the new favorite, by clicking on it and typing in the name. Now we need to configure the properties of the new favorite we have just created.

With the new favorite selected, Click on the Properties Icon. It is located in the Icon menu bar, and looks like several pages stacked. After you click on this icon, it will open up the Properties window. You now need to fill in the details of your web site so that SmartFTP can connect to it via FTP. On the line marked HOST, type the FTP address of the web site. This could be, with the being your actual domain name, or your IP address.

However, if your domain name has not propagated yet, you will have to enter the web site IP address instead of the domain name. Now go to the Login section. Enter your FTP Username and Password in the correct boxes. Then click OK. You have now successfully configured your web site in SmartFTP by setting it up in Favorites. Close the Favorites box by clicking the x in the upper right corner

To connect to your web site, Click on Favorites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the Drop-down, click on the folder name it's located in, and then click on the web site name itself. You are now connected to your web site via FTP. To disconnect , find and click the disconnect icon. It is located above the scroll down for the folders, and it looks like a computer with a red x at the end of its power cord. This is the end of this tutorial.

You know how to configure your web site in SmartFTP, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in WS_FTP

You should have the program WS_FTP running on your computer, but you should not be connected to a remote server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in the program WS_FTP. The main screen of WS_FTP has two large windows. The one on the left is your local host, or your computer, and the window on the right is the remote server. The right window says Blank Connection Pane.

Let's Configure your web site. The first thing to do is to Click on the "Open a Remote Connection" link in the Remote server window. This opens the Site Manager window. Click on Create Folder. This opens a new window, New Site Folder. You need to enter a name for the new folder in the box, then click on OK. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Highlight the folder, and click on Create Site. This opens the Connection Wizard. On the first page, enter a name for the new site.

This should be a name to help you identify the site you are connecting with. When you are done, click Next. The usual connection type will be FTP, so click Next again. Now you need to enter the server address. The server address can be either in the form of "" where "" is your actual domain, or just the IP address.

Once you have entered the address, Click on the Next button. (If your domain hasn't propagated yet, you will have to use the IP Address method) The next screen asks for your User Name and Password for your hosting account. After you enter those, click on Next. Now comes the Finish screen.

If all the information is correct, click Finish to create the site.

That takes us back to Site Manager, and the site is successfully configured to connect. To connect, just click on the Connect button. To disconnect, click the Disconnect icon at the top of the page to close the connection.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the ftp program, WS_FTP. You can establish a connection with a remote server, and disconnect when you are done.

Configuring your web site in WinSCP

Configuring your web site in WinSCP is the first step to using this FTP program to upload and manage your files and folders on the remote server. This tutorial will assume that you have WinSCP already on your computer and have it running, but not connected to another server.

When opened, you will see a login screen. In the Session section, where it says Host Name, enter the server address in the box. In the next box, enter the User name. In the box across for the User Name, enter your password. Now click on Save. In the next pop-up window, click on OK.

Now the next box will ask you to name this session, so that you can find the connection again easily. Enter a name in the box that will enable you to remember what this connection was. Then click OK. This takes us back to the Login screen.

In the right hand window, you will see your session, with its new name listed. Make sure it is highlighted, and click on the Login button at the bottom. That's have now successfully connected with your web site via FTP, using WinSCP. The session is also saved for later use, making it easy to Login again. To Disconnect, go to the menu bar at the top. Click on Session. From the drop-down, click on Disconnect. You are now disconnected from the remote server. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site to connect with a remote server in the FTP program WinSCP.

Setting your preferences in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to set your preferences in this program. You should have already configured your web site in this program, and if you have not, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFXP". FlashFXP should be running on your computer, and not connected to a remote server at this time for the purposes of this tutorial.

Let's learn how to set your preferences. To Start, click on the Options link at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, click on Preferences. This will open a window called Configure FlashFXP. This is the main preferences window, and there are several options there to choose from. However, most options are pre-set, and won't need to be changed. Only change the options that you know are safe to change.

One thing you can change if you wish is the Timeout Retry Delay and Retry Count settings on the General page. On the Connections Page, you should not make any changes unless you really know what you are doing.

The Options page has settings that are in place to help you avoid deleting files by accident, and they should be left in the default setting. The transfer page should be left as Auto. On the Advanced page, you will probably want to have "show hidden files" selected, so that you can see all files, including .htaccess files.

On the Sounds page, you can assign sounds to specific events. To do this, simply select the event you want to assign a sound to, then locate a sound file on your computer. On the Display page, there are several display options you can choose from that will customize the look of FlashFXP to your personal taste.

There is a whole list of options to select from, such as flat toolbar buttons, display site names in caption, use high color toolbar buttons, and much more. You can choose how to display your file sizes as well, either Auto, KB or Bytes. When you are finished with any changes in the preferences window, click OK. This will return you to the main screen.

Now click on View from the main toolbar at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, select Options. This opens a window called View Options. You can change the entire look of FlashFXP by changing the colors. Click OK, and return to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to set your preferences in FlashFXP and how to customize the look of the program to suit you.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using CuteFTP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload files and folders using the program CuteFTP. We will also teach you how to manage those files and folders once they are uploaded. To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. The main screen should be open. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to. There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

Now, let's start by learning how to upload files and folders, to a remote server from your computer. You need to find the Site Manager icon. It is in the menu bar of icons, the one that looks like an open book. Click on it. This will open the Site Manager window, and in the left hand window, you will see your site listed. If your site is not already configured, please see the tutorial "How to configure your web site in CuteFTP". Select this site by clicking on it. Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. This will open a small prompt window, you need to click OK again, and now you are connected and ready to upload.

You should now have both windows open. The left window should be displaying your local computer files, and the right hand window is displaying the remote server files.

To upload files, select the correct place for them to go in the remote server window. This is the first thing you need to do. Once you have determined where you are going to upload the files to, go to your local computer (left hand window) window, and select the files you want to upload.

To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. When you are ready to upload, go to the icon menu and locate the upload icon. It is the Green arrow. Click on this icon to start transferring files to the remote server. To download a file from the remote server to your local computer, first select the file or files. Then go to the icon menu, and click the Green Down arrow. The file(s) will now download to your local computer. To close the connection with the remote server, from the icon menu, click on the icon that looks like a plug being unplugged.

This ends this part of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders in CuteFTP.

The next part of the tutorial deals with managing those files and folders. You should have CuteFTP running, and be connected to a remote server at this time. let's begin by creating a new folder in the remote server. There are two ways to create a new folder.

In the icon menu at the top, click on the New Folder icon, that looks simply like a folder. This will give you a window called New Folder, with a box for you to type a name for the new folder. When you are done, click OK. The other way is to right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will bring up a menu, and you will select New Folder.

Again, it will bring up the window for you to name the folder. To rename the folder, Right Click the folder, then from the menu, click on Rename. Type the new name in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. Files can be renamed the same way as folders.

To delete a file or folder, first make sure it is highlighted. Then go to the icon menu and locate the big red X, over the remote server window. Click on this to delete. CuteFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete, so click on the Yes button.

That file or folder is now deleted. The next step is to learn how to change permissions. In the remote server window, you need to select the file for which you want to change permissions. Then from the Icon menu, find the Properties icon, which is a sheet of paper with a red check mark. Click on the Properties Icon. This opens the Properties window for the file you selected.

To change permissions, simply enter the new permissions value in the box provided, or check off the appropriate permission boxes. When you are done, click Apply, then click OK. Your permission have now been changed.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to manage files and folders. You can create folders (directories), delete files and folders, change permissions and rename files and folders in CuteFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FTP Voyager

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using FTP Voyager, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have FTP Voyager on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site. If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in FTP Voyager".

The main screen of FTP Voyager is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's begin by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Connect icon, located in the upper left corner. This opens the Site Profile Manager, where you will select your web site from the window on the left by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection,

you are ready to upload. Click the Upload icon, which is above the local computer window, to start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Download Icon, which is located above the remote server window. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on New Folder. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, right click on the name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete. Click Yes. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select Properties/CHMOD.

This will open a window called File Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission. (Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box. When you are finished, click Apply.

You will get a pop-up saying you have changed permissions, and asking if you would like them applied. Click the Yes button. Then click OK. Permissions have now been changed. That will take you back to the main screen.

To close the connection to the remote server, Click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the FTP Voyager screen. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders. You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in FTP Voyager.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to upload files using the FTP program FileZilla, and then how to manage those files and folders. You should have already configured your web site in FileZilla, if you are having problems doing this, please view the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FileZilla".

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume you already have FileZilla running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server. The FileZilla main screen is divided into three panels. The top panel is a running record of every command and the response of the server. It allows you to verify that any action you are performing has been completed successfully. Below that are two screens. The left screen is your local site. The right screen is your remote host, or your web site.

Let's look at how to upload, or transfer, a file to a remote server. In the left hand window ( which is your local site), under the list called Filename, select a file you would like to upload. To select multiple files, press the CTRL (Control) key on your keyboard while making your selections. Right click the selected file(s).

This will open a menu. Click on Upload. That is all there is to it. If you look in the right hand window (the remote server) you can see the files have successfully been uploaded.

To download a file(s) from the remote server to your local site, right click on the file you wish to download. When the menu opens, select Download. The file has now been downloaded, and can be seen in the list of files on the left hand side, in your local site. You now know how to transfer, or upload and download files from a remote server using the FTP program FileZilla.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Create Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name where it is highlighted. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. To delete a folder, right click on the folder name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select File Attributes. This will open a window called Change the attributes. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen.

This ends the tutorial. You can now also manage files and folders in FileZilla, including creating and renaming new folders, deleting folders, and changing file permissions.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FlashFXP

This tutorial will teach you how to upload (or transfer) files and folders to your web site using the program FlashFXP. We will assume that you have the program loaded on your computer, and configured to connect with your web site. If you don't have it configured yet, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFPX" to learn how. For the purpose of this tutorial, you should have FlashFXP running, but not connected with to a remote server at this time.

Let's begin by learning how to transfer files and folders from your local computer to the remoter server. The first thing you will need to do is make a connection with your web site. Click the Sites link in the tool bar at the top of the FlashFXP window. Click on Site Manager in the drop-down. This will open the Site Manager window. Before you connect to a remote server, you should double check the settings to make sure they are correct. If everything in the Site Manager is correct, click on the Close button. Now you can establish your connection by clicking on the Reconnect Icon, which looks like a lightening bolt.

From the drop-down, click on the folder your web site is located in, and then click on your web site name. This will connect you with the remote server. You are now connected and ready to upload and download folders and files.

The right window lists the files and folders on the remote server, or your web site. The left window shows the files and folders on your computer. To upload a file to your web site, find the file you are going to transfer in your computer window. Right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Transfer.

Your file has now been uploaded, and is visible in the remote server window. You can select several files to upload at once by clicking the first file, holding down the SHIFT key, and then selecting the last file to be uploaded. This will highlight all the files in between the two selected files.

You will transfer these using a different method, by clicking on the Transfer Icon. This icon is located above the local computer window, with a brown arrow pointing down. All the files are now showing on the remote server.

You can also download files to your computer from the remote server. Select a file by highlighting it. Then click the Transfer Icon above the remote server window, and the download is complete. If the file already exists on your computer, a window will open to confirm that you do really want to transfer the file and overwrite the existing file. If you do, click on the Overwrite button. If you are downloading several pages, and wish to overwrite all of them, there is a button for that, called Overwrite All. The file has been successfully transferred back to your computer.

To create a new folder on the remote server, right click anywhere in the right window. When the menu opens, click on Make Folder. This will open a pop-up box, where you will be asked to name the new folder. When you have typed the name, click OK. Your new folder is now showing in the remote server window.

To rename a folder or file, right click on it. From the drop-down menu, click on Rename. Enter the new name in the highlighted box by after the folder or file. It has now been renamed.

Now let's learn how to change permissions of a file on the remote server. Start by selecting the file you want to change the permissions of, and right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Attributes (CHMOD). This will open a window called Change Attributes. You may change the permissions by clicking on the individual boxes by the new permissions, or by simply changing the numeric value in the permissions box. When you are done, click OK. The changed file permissions will be displayed in the remote server window, in the information about the file.

To disconnect from the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon. It is located above the remote server window, and looks like two blue plugs being pulled apart. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download file and folders using FlashFXP. You also know how to manage those files and folders. You have learned how to create folders, rename them, delete them, change permissions of files, and disconnect from your remote server.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using LeapFTP

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using LeapFTP, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have LeapFTP on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site.

If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in LeapFTP". The main screen of LeapFTP is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's start by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Sites link, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Site Manager, which opens the Site Manager window. In the left window, select your web site by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection, you are ready to upload. Click the Commands link, which is in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down list.

click on Upload. This will start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Command link from the menu bar, and from the drop-down list click on Download. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Make Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder(Directory). Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. A pop-up will open, asking you to enter the new name of the folder. Enter the new name, and click OK. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, make sure that it is highlighted. Then click on the Delete icon, which is located in the icon menu at the top of the page. It is a page, with a big red x across it. You will now get a confirmation pop-up. Click on the Yes button. At the second confirm message, click Yes. The folder/file is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and highlight the file name. From the Icon menu, select the Properties Icon, that looks like a page with a hand pointing at it. This will open a window called Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box.

When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen. Permissions have now been changed.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the LeapFTP screen. It looks like two plugs being pulled apart. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders.

You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in LeapFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using SmartFTP

This tutorial is presented to teach you to upload and then manage your files and folders to your web site using the desktop program, SmartFTP. We will assume that you already have SmartFTP on your computer, and that you have it running, but not connected yet to any remote server. If you don't have your web site configured in SmartFTP yet, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in SmartFTP". The program opens with a large blank window.

Let's learn how to upload your files and folders from your local host, or your computer to the remote server. First you need to open a browser window. Click on File, in the upper left corner. From the drop-down menu, click on New Local Browser. This will open a browser window, and you will see folders and files located on your computer.

The next step is to establish a connection with the remote server. There are two methods. The first method: Under the menu bar at the top of the window, you will see a series of boxes. The first box is called Address. The second box is Login, and the third box is Password. Into the first box, you would enter the remote server name, into the second box enter your FTP username and into the third you enter your FTP password. You then click the Green Arrow button at the end of the Address box.

This will connect you with the remote server. The second method is to select Favorites from the menu bar at the top of the window. Select the folder you created for your web site, and click on it. Then click on the address of the web site. You are now connected using this method.

You now have two open windows. The one the right is the local host, or your local computer. The window on the left is the remote server. The first step to uploading is to establish where on the remote server you are going to upload the files to. You should start by finding public/html, and begin navigating from there, until you find the location for the upload. Now you need to select the files in your local computer (the right window) screen for upload. To select the file, simply highlight name.

To upload multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files you want to upload. When you are done, click the Upload Icon between the screens to begin the upload. It is a Blue arrow. When the upload is complete, you will see the files listed in the remote server window.

To download a file(s), simply select the file(s) by highlighting them, the same as you did to upload files. Then when you are ready, click on the Download Icon, which is the Blue circle with an arrow between the windows, pointing at the right window. When the download is complete, you will see the files in the right hand window, where they have been successfully downloaded.

You will now learn how to manage files and folders in SmartFTP. The first thing you are going to do is create a new folder on the remote server. Begin by clicking on the New Folder icon, which is located above the left hand window, and looks like an open folder. This will create a new folder in the remote server screen, and you will now need to give it a name. Type a name in the box. To rename a folder, highlight the name. Click on the Rename Icon, which is above the remote server window, to the left of the big red x.

Type the new name in the box by the folder, and it is now renamed. Files can also be renamed this way.

To delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Now click on the Delete Icon. This is above the remote server window, and is a big red x. SmartFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the item, so click on the Yes. The folder or file is now deleted.

Now you are going to learn how to change the permissions of a file. First, select the file you wish to change the permissions on in the remote server window by highlighting it. Then click the Properties Icon, above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a pencil in front of it. This will open the Properties window for the file you selected. To change the permissions, you can simply enter the new permissions value in the box, or you can check off the appropriate permission boxes from the list. When you are done changing permissions, click on OK. The permissions for the selected file have now been changed.

You can also view the contents of a file on the remote server without having to first download it to your computer. Select a file by highlighting it. Now click the View Icon, which is located above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a green arrow pointing down. This will open your file for viewing, in a separate window. Close by clicking the x in the upper right corner.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is above the remote server window. It looks like a computer with a red x on the cord. The SmartFTP program will ask you to confirm you want to close the Remote Browser. Click on the Yes. You are now disconnected.

This completes this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files in the program SmartFTP. You also know how to manage files and folders, by creating new folders, deleting folders, renaming files and folders, changing permissions, viewing files without downloading them, and closing your connection.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WS_FTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to upload your files and folders using the program WS_FTP in the first part. The second part of the tutorial will address how to manage those files once you have them uploaded. For our purposes, you should have your web site configured in WS_FTP. If you do not, please view the tutorial, "Configuring your web site in WS_FTP". You should now have the WS_FTP program running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server at this time.

The main screen consists of two window. The left side window is the local host, or your computer. The right side window is the remote server.

Let's start by uploading, or transferring, files to the remote server from your local computer. In the remote server window, which is blank at this time, click on the Open a Remote Connection link. This will open the Site Manager window, and you will see the connection for your web site that we created listed in the left-side window. Select this, and click on Connect. You now have an open FTP connection between your remote server and your local computer. You now have two windows open.

The left window still displays your local computer files, and the right window displays the remote server files of your web site.

The first step to uploading is to select where in the remote server the files are going to go. By clicking through the folders and files, you should find where you wish to upload to. Usually, you can start at /public/html and work your way out from there until you reach the upload destination. Next, you need to select the file(s) you want to upload from your local computer window. To select, click on the file name. To select more than one file, hold the CTRL (Control) key while selecting files.

When you are ready to upload, Click on the Arrow key between the windows, pointing in the direction of the remote server window. The files are now uploaded, and displayed in the remote server window.To download a file, select the file or files. When ready, click on the Green arrow between the windows pointing toward your local computer window, and the file(s) are now downloaded. They are now listed in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files in WS_FTP. First we are going to create a new folder (Directory) on the remote server. In the Remote server window, locate the New Folder icon. Click on it. This will open a window called Make Directory. There is a box for you to enter a name for this new folder. Once you have done that, Click OK. The new folder is now visible in the Remote server window. To rename the folder, click on the name. Then Click File in the upper left corner of the main page.

From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. That opens another menu, where you will click on Rename. This opens a window, with a box for the new name. Enter the name and click OK. The Folder has now been renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

To Delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Click File in the upper left corner of the main page. From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. From the next drop-down click on Delete. WS_FTP will ask you to confirm the delete. Click Yes. The file or folder has now been deleted. To change permissions of a file, right click the file you wish to change. From the menu, click on Properties. This brings up the properties window for that file.

To change permissions, either enter the new permissions value in the box, or check the appropriate boxes for Owner, Group and World. When you are finished, click OK.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the disconnect icon at the top of the page. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using WS_FTP. You can manage those files, by creating new folders, renaming files and folders, deleting them, and changing permissions of files.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WinSCP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload and download files, and manage those files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP. We will assume that you have WinSCP running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server at this time. The main screen consists of two windows.

The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right hand window is the remote server, which is your web site, or wherever you connect to.

First let's upload or transfer files from our computer to a remote server. In the left hand window, the local host, select the file(s) you want to upload to the remote server. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL (Control) key, while selecting your files. Below the windows, locate a list of actions, one of which is F5 Copy. Click Copy.

The Copy window will open, and you will click on Copy again. The files have now been uploaded to the remote server, as you can see in the window.

To download a file from the remote server to the local host, or your local computer, select the file in the right hand window. Then click F5 Copy, which will open the Copy window. Click Copy again. That's all there is to it...the file is now downloaded to the local host, and is able to be viewed in the left hand window. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP.

The next step to using WinSCP is to learn how to manage files with the program. To Delete a file, first click on the file name and highlight it. In the list of actions at the bottom, Click on F8 Delete. The file is now deleted.

Now let's create a new folder (or directory) on the remote server. In the list of actions below the windows, click on F7 Create Directory. This opens a small Create folder window. In the box, type the name of the new folder, and then click OK. Your folder is now created, and you can see it in the list of folders in the remote server window on the right hand side. To rename a folder, select the folder to be renamed and highlight it. In the menu at the bottom of the windows, click on F2 Rename. Type the new name in place of the old name. The folder is now renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

The next thing to manage is permissions. To change permissions, select a file, and make sure it is highlighted. From the menu at the bottom, find and click on F9 Properties. This opens a window that shows the current permissions assigned to that file.

To change permissions, simply enter a check mark in the appropriate box. The Groups are Owner, Group, and Others(World), and the permissions allowed are read, write and execute. You need to decide how much freedom others should have to act upon your file.

After you have checked the boxes you wish to mark, click on OK, and the permissions have been successfully changed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the WinSCP program. You also know how to manage those files and folders, including creating new folders, renaming them, deleting them, and changing permissions.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page. This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload.

Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully.

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task. Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager.

It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

GSuite Articles [Questions 1]

How do I generate a transfer token?

If you have access to the G Suite Admin Console, you can generate the transfer token yourself. Follow the steps below to generate the transfer token:

Go to
Sign in with your G Suite Administrator username and password.
The page automatically generates a token.
Copy the token’s alphanumeric code.
Note: The transfer token is valid for a period of 14 days. After expiry, a new transfer token can be generated from G Suite Admin Console.

Introduction To Web Hosting [Questions 5]

How to do a TELNET on a PC (Windows) OS

From time to time you may need to perform an operation called "TELNET".
You can use TELNET to check connections to certain ports on a server.

To begin you press the "START" button on your browser taskbar, (found in the lower left corner of your browsers screen).
This should bring up your Start Menu.
Find "Run" and enter the letters "CMD" (without the quotes).
Press the button marked "OK".

This will open a black command prompt screen.
on it you will find a small flashing cursor. Leave it where it is.
To run a TELNET on your email to check for connection to sending (SMTP),
Type the following (without the quotes):
(you can change the port to which ever port you need to check, commonly 25 or 26), then press "ENTER"

You should receive in return a screen something to the effect of: ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:38:20 -0400
220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

A return with 220 codes for an smtp TELNET means you have connected to the server.
The exact verbiage you get back will be determined by your host.
Being able to connect to the server means the server is not an issue if you are having a problem sending, areas to look at would be your ISP, your Mail Program, and your Program Settings

You can TELNET to any port you choose, some ports may be blocked your host will direct you.

Installing TELNET Client in Windows Vista

By default, Vista doesn�t install the Telnet client.
The client is for text-based communication with remote systems.
You can install it by following these steps:

1. Click Start then select Control Panel.
2. Select Programs and Features.
3. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Select the Telnet Client option.
5. Click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available

What do you mean when you say gigabyte, megabyte, or GB and MB

This tutorial will explain the different units of measurement that you might find on a computer.

The bit is the smallest unit of measurement on a computer. There is almost always eight bits in one byte. Very often these two terms are confused with each other. To make it even more confusing, the abbreviation for bit is a lowercase b, while byte is abbreviated with an uppercase B.

Most of the time, a kilobyte refers to 1024 bytes. A megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, and a gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. The next level would be terabytes, or 1024 gigabytes, but hard drives really haven't gotten past that at this point in time.

However, when you are talking about the speed of an internet connection, it is almost always going to be referred to in bits, whether it is kilobits (Kb), megabits (Mb), or gigabits (Gb). So, if the speed of a connection is referred to in megabits, for example, it would be megabits per second, or Mbps.

That means a 100 Mbps connection can transfer 100 megabits every second, which equals about 12.5 megabytes per second.

What is Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting? It is a very important part of the way the Internet works today. To most people, the Internet seems to just work all by itself, but many website owners have come to learn that is not the case at all.

A web hosting service is a type of service provided by thousands of companies that allows individuals and organizations to make their own websites accessible on the World Wide Web, by way of computer servers that are connected to the Internet 24/7.

Web hosts are companies that provide space on a computer system called a server they own or lease for use by their clients, and which are maintained in entire buildings called datacenters.

These datacenters are climate controlled, as well quality and security controlled.

Web hosting give you access to the servers, via the Internet. With that access, you can upload your website to the server. Once it is configured properly, computers around the world will quickly know exactly where to find your website.

There are many different types of web hosting providers, but you have chosen our hosting company based on your own particular needs. Most clients are just starting out, and are enjoying our popular shared hosting plan.

This means you are sharing a server with many other clients� websites, but you are still getting the quality and reliability for the cheapest cost.

This ends this tutorial. We have touched briefly on the subject of what is web hosting.

What is an IP Address...Do I need a Dedicated IP

This tutorial will look at the definition of IP addresses and help you decide if you need a Dedicated IP. An IP Address is an Internet Protocol Address.

It is a unique number address that every server that has access to the Internet is required to have in order for other computers on the WWW to identify the server. To a computer, it is like a phone number.

When you signed up for services from our hosting company, you were given an IP address to use until your domain name propagated.

That IP address is how computers from all around the world will find your website, identifying it by the numbers. Every server is running a domain name server (DNS) at all times, which works like a switchboard for all the incoming requests for websites.

The server can identify your site based on the IP numbers, and will then fetch it for the browser requesting it. The DNS server is responsible for informing all the other computers on the Internet about your website address and domain name. It keeps track of which domain names correspond to which IP addresses.

The IP address you were given is probably a shared one. You will usually share one with many other domain names.

The important thing is that you have an IP address assigned to your domain, and that all the right nameservers know what it is. You can also purchase a dedicated IP Address from us, and that will be your address alone. But do you need a dedicated IP? Most websites don't.

The most common reason that a website would need a dedicated IP is if it requires an SSL certificate for operating secure connections. Usually these are necessary if you are operating a business that processes transactions over the Internet. Any eCommerce site should have an SSL Certificate, and therefore would require a dedicated IP.

This concludes the tutorial about IP's. You now know a little more about IP's and dedicated IP's and who should have one.

Logs Articles [Questions 1]

How To Manage The Raw Access Logs

This tutorial is going to teach how to manage the raw access logs. Raw Access Logs allow you to see who has accessed your site without the use of graphs, charts or other graphics. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Logs, and click on the icon named Raw Access Logs.
This takes you to the Raw Access Logs Main page, which is where you tell the system how to manage the raw access log files that are generated daily for your account.

The first check box will tell your system to archive the logs every month, and the second asks to have the previous months logs deleted at the end of each month. If you mark either check box, click on the Save button. This will take you to a confirmation screen.

If you check both boxes, now the raw access logs will be archived at the end of every month in the home directory, and the previous months will be deleted. Click on Go Back.

Scroll Down on the page. You will find a list of all available Raw Access Logs that you can download and use in a statistics program for analysis. Click on the log you wish to download, and a pop- up will open. Click OK to download these logs. That downloads the logs, and you can now open them in a statistical program for analysis.

You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to archive, delete and download your raw access logs.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

phpMyAdmin Articles [Questions 13]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them. A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely.

There is a list of action links at the top of the window.

You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure. The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search.

The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries. The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer. The Import link will import previously exported databases.

The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases.

If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties. If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field.

It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already. We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts.

The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it. The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place.

Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table.

If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data.

This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options.

Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying. So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go.

A new screen will open in the right hand window. It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial. You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time.

Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table.

There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go.

Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column.

In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button.

The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place.

Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it.

That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box.

Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name.

Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side.

There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field.

You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table.

If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables. (This list is in the blue screen)

Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel.

This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database. One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later.

This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this.

Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates.

When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box. Then click the Go button.

You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer.

If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side.

That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file.

Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer.

Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections.

The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database. You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it.

It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it.

let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt.

The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted.

Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table. Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button.

This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button.

The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example.

Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it. This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side.

Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it.

At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table.

You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button.

This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field.

When you are done, click on the Save button. That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields.

Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab.

This will give you several new windows. One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it,

click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found.

In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer,

click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file.

Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close.

Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages.

Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example.

To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides.

The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them. The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried.

Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify. Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row.

Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done.

The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change.

You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example.

Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name. The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place.

To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected.

Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options". The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box.

When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections.

The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place.

To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table). In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands.

Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database.

You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' . Then when you are done, you click on Go.

A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table.

For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here. Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example.

Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place.

Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database.

You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search.

The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match. You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

SSL Certificates Articles [Questions 1]

How to install an SSL Certificate in cPanel

Installing an SSL Certificate in cPanel requires that the domain be assigned a dedicated IP to begin with, so check your cPanel or with your hosting company as to your IP status. Secondly in order to use the "SSL Manager" Feature in cPanel a Dedicated IP is required, So check with your hosting company to provide you with a Dedicated IP, the cost of the IP and the activation of the "SSL Manager" in cPanel if it is not already in place.

Taking the next step now that everything is place we will click on the "SSL/TLS Manager" icon located on the cPanel "Security" panel. This first step needs to be completed BEFORE you can purchase the SSL certificate from your Hosting Company or SSL Provider.

Click on the link below "Private Keys (KEY)", on the next page go down the page until you find "Generate a New Key". In the empty "Host" field enter your domain as you would like it for the SSL Certificate. NOTE: You have a choice of selecting your SSL with or without the "WWW" preceding the domain name. This selection is important as an SSL will ONLY work correctly under the format that you select here.

If you choose to use, your ssl will error if you use it as (without the "www") or the other way around. Most web owners and users select to use the SSL with the "WWW" in the cert name. Change the KEY SIZE to 2048 and Click The Generate Button. You will then go to a page displaying your Private Keys, While this will be passed on to the next step "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)" it is a good idea to copy the generated key in the top box and paste in notepad until you have completed the ssl set-up.

Copy EVERYTHING in the box including the "Begin and End Comment Lines". Click "Home" at the top of page.

Now Re-Click the "SSL/TLS Manager" icon. On the Manager Page Click on the link below "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", you must generate a CSR to take to the SSL provider that will issue the certificate. To Generate a new CSR make sure your domain name as you created it in the Private Key is visible in the HOST field dropdown. Continue by filling out the information requested.

NOTE: You have a choice of selecting your SSL with or without the "WWW" preceding the domain name. This selection is important as an SSL will ONLY work correctly under the format that you select here. If you choose to use, your ssl will error if you use it as (without the "www") or the other way around.

Most web owners and users select to use the SSL with the "WWW" in the cert name. Continue to fill in the information as requested and Click the "Generate Button". On the next page you will be presented with your "SSL Certificate Signing Request". COPY ALL THE INFORMATION IN THE TOP BOX and paste it into that Notepad you saved the KEY in before.

You will need to take this CSR to the issuing Authority of your SSL or to your hosting company for their assistance.

Once you receive your approved and completed SSL certificate from your SSL provider login or return to the SSL Manager and Click on the manager icon and on the next page find the link below the "Certificate (CRT)" heading . Paste the new SSL certificate you just received form your SSL provider in the space provided and upload. Click the return to SSL Manager at the bottom of the page.

Next we come to the last link on the Manager Page. Activate SSL on Your Web Site (HTTPS). Click and follow to the next page. Find your domain in the dropdown box and cPanel will (or should) fetch your SSL certificate and all other supporting documents and fill in the large boxes. once it has completed, go down the page to the "Install Certificate" button and install.

Your SSL Certificate should now be set up and functional in a short period of time (some propagation maybe required). If you had any issues during set -up or have any questions please contact us for assistance.

Where do I go ? Articles [Questions 1]

cPanel or Client Area?

Where do I go to do ?
Do I need to go to my Client Area or my cPanel?
Sometimes it is hard to figure out where you really need to go to do things. Most people get confused at one time or another, so here is a little refresher that may help you remember the right direction to take when you are trying to pay your hosting bill, or edit your web site, or read your email, or well, to do just about anything associated with your web site.

THE CLIENT AREA - The Client Area is for the most part INFORMATIONAL.

It requires a username (email address) and password to login.

This is where you update your contact information, credit card information, and any additional contact information.

Your Order(s) information is listed here, and you place new order(s) from here. You can order domain names, services, and products. You can View details of invoices past and present.

This is the area you come to View, Print and Pay invoices as well.

Your SHOULD send your support Tickets from here rather than from outside of the login so they will all be saved in your client area email account for you.

You can also see all emails that have been sent to you from your hosting company back for a period of time by the hosting company, along with all orders, invoices and receipts.

THE cPanel - The Hosting cPanel is FUNCTIONAL. This area deals with everything that controls with your web site.

The address of your cPanel is "" with "" being the actual domain name of your web site. The cPanel requires a username and password (a mixed string of letters and numbers - upper and lower case suggested).

This is where you set up your email accounts, read your webmail, turn on spam-assassin, and create a forward, auto responders, and mx records.

You can edit, backup, change and upload files. You can also edit pages and control FTP. You can create additional FTP accounts.

View your Web site Stats, visitor logs, error logs, and create custom error pages.

cPanel is the place to go to set your site security, such as password protected directories, HotLink Protection and the IP Deny Manger.

Here is where you will find the place to create parked domains, sub-domains and URL redirects.

Your cPanel is the place to set up databases.

This is the place to find the pre-installed software, Fantastico, etc. Find blogs, e-commerce, photo galleries, and much, much more.

This ends this tutorial. Hopefully, it will help you see a little more clearly the difference between the functions of the client area and the cPanel. The client area is INFORMATIONAL, and the cPanel gives your web site its FUNCTIONALITY.

cPanel Articles [Questions 5]

Becoming Familiar And Navigating Around in CPanel

Let's learn about cPanel, and how to navigate it"s many pages and functions. Making sure that your cPanel works at its best and set up just as you want it. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". One of the first things you should do is go to Preferences, and click on Update Contact Info. It is very important that you keep that information up-to-date so that you can receive any important email from your hosting company. You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works.

The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here. Stats. Scroll down, and on the left you can see important information about the account.

For example, it will show you how many email account you have, and how many you are allowed with your hosting account. It will give your bandwidth usage, show your home directory, and so much more. Scrolling down further, you will find information about the operating system, php version, the MySQL version and more.

The last stat is Server Status. Click on this link and it will take you to a page that will show you how the server you are on is performing. Green lights mean the server is performing properly.

Click the Go Back link to exit. Now let's look at the right side of the cPanel screen. The right side includes icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons allow you to do specific tasks within cPanel like checking your webmail, setting up databases, setting up email addresses and auto-responders. At the very bottom of the page is a link called Documentation. Documentation is the link to a comprehensive cPanel Manual where you can learn all there is to know about cPanel. This manual contains information about all the features of cPanel, and has sections on everything from common questions to something from every section in cPanel. It is always available from the home page of your cPanel. Something new in this version of cPanel is that you can rearrange the windows to suit your needs. For example, if you would like to have the window titled Mail on the top, you can move it by simply dragging and dropping the window where you want it. This ends the tutorial. You should now be more familiar with cPanel and some of its features.

To learn more, you can return to the cPanel Documentation link at the bottom of the cPanel main page. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Change Your cPanel Style

This tutorial will teach how to change your cPanel style. cPanel comes in a variety of styles and designs with different layouts and colors in all. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, go to the Preferences section. Click on the icon named Change Styles. NOTE: Changing the style of the cPanel does not change the way it works.

It only changes the way it looks. This takes you to a page of your choices of looks for your cPanel. Included are the current default version, and about 10 other choices. Select the one you like, and click the radio button. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the button marked Change Style.

That will take you to a verification screen, which will confirm your change. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to your newly styled cPanel home page.

You can change it at any time, and as many times as you wish. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to change the style of your cPanel to your own personal style. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Change Your cPanel Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your cPanel password. Please remember to make your password Strong and Secure. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your Client Area. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to The Client Area". Once logged in, at the top of the page you will find a link to "MY Services", Click it to go to the next page. On the next page you will find a listing of the hosting account(s) you have with us.

Find the account you want to change the cPanel password to. At the far right of that account listing you will find a small icon under "View Details". Click the icon and go to the next page. Scroll down the page and you will find your current username and password combination, and the fields where you can change your password to cPanel. Keep in mind you will also be changing your password for FTP access to your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Keep Your cPanel Contact Information Up To Date

This tutorial will teach you how to keep your contact information up to date in cPanel. It is important to keep your contact information up to date since our server uses this information to send critical email messages. Warnings about email accounts being "Close to Full" are sent here, giving you time to take action before the mail does bounce. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down the main page of your cPanel to the Preferences section. Click on the Update Contact Info. This will take you to a screen where you can enter your new contact email address. You may also set other preferences here. When you are done, click Save, and all your new information is on record. Click HOME and return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You should make sure to always keep your contact details up to date, and can do so by returning here at any time. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Login to cPanel

Before you can log into cPanel, you must open your Internet browser. This will work in whatever browser you are using. Click on your browser's address bar and enter the http address of your cPanel. The address of your cPanel would have been given to you in your welcome email from your hosting company.

There are two ways to login to cPanel: 1)Using an IP Address: The only way to access cPanel if your domain hasn't propagated yet It would look something like this- http://xx.xx.xx.123/cpanel 2) Using your Domain Name: Can only do this once your domain name is working This would be http://yourdomain.(com or net or whatever it is)/cpanel Enter either cPanel address in the address bar of your browser (either the IP Address, or the Domain Name).

The next pop-up screen will be a login, calling for your user name and password. They should have been given to you in your welcome email also. Fill in those two fields, and click ok.

That's all there is to it! You are now logged it to your cPanel and can begin to set up email accounts, parked domains, databases, shopping carts, and many, many more feature! To exit cPanel, simply click on the Logout icon in the right hand corner, or simply close your browser window.

However, if you are using a public computer, always remember to logout instead of just closing the browser because of security concerns.

Databases Articles [Questions 15]

Becoming familiar with databases in phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to help you become more familiar with databases and phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

The main screen is divided into two screens. In the blue section on the left, you can see any databases you already have listed, and you have direct access to them.

A database consists of one or more tables, and it is in the tables that database information is recorded. In the blue screen, below any databases you have, it will list any tables in those databases.

If you click on a database name on the left hand side, the right hand screen opens up with information about that the tables contained in that database, as well as giving you the option of performing several actions. In the Action section, it allows you the following actions you can perform on each individual table.

You can Browse a table to see the individual records. You can see the Structure of a table, and perform certain actions. You can Search for specific keywords in a table. You can Insert new rows (or fields) in the table. You can Delete the contents of a table, or with the big red X you can Delete an entire table completely. There is a list of action links at the top of the window. You can Click on the link Structure in the upper left corner to view the database structure.

The next link is SQL, and it will open a SQL Query window for entering direct queries to the database. The next link is Search, which you can click to perform a search. The following link is Query, which also opens a SQL Query window, but provides an easier step-by-step way to make queries.

The next link is Export, which you can use to export databases to your local computer.

The Import link will import previously exported databases. The Operations link can do a number of other operations, like creating new tables, and copying or renaming databases. If you return to the blue section, and click on a table name, the white screen will now show you the structure of the database table. It will list all the tables fields, along with the type of field, attributes, and other properties.

If you scroll down, it will tell you which field is the Primary Key field. It provides lots of other information about the table, and has the same action links at the top of the screen that the database did.

In the blue screen, right below the phpMyAdmin name, there is a row of icons. If your want further help with SQL you can click the icon that is for Documentation. It is a box, with SQL inside it. The box with the question mark will get you assistance with phpMyAdmin by clicking on it. The middle box, with the red SQL is another way of opening the SQL Query window. The icon with the Exit and arrow will log you out of phpMyAdmin. Clicking on the house returns you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You should be more familiar with phpMyAdmin, and what you can use it to do. Be sure to check out the other tutorials in the series for more detailed instructions on specific actions.

Copying a database table with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of the tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into phpMyAdmin already.

We are going to use a database with one table for an example in this tutorial. The phpMyAdmin page is divided into two main parts. The left blue screen is where you will find your database listed, with any tables of that database listed below it.

The right hand side is a large white screen, where the actions take place. Let's learn how to copy a database table with phpMyAdmin. Select the database table you wish to copy by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table details in the right hand screen. From the menu at the top of the screen, select and click on the Operations button. This will bring up a page of different operations you can perform on a table. If you scroll down the page, you will see a box called "Copy table to (database.table)." When you are copying a table, you can choose to copy one of three ways. You can copy the table structure only, copy the data only, or you can copy both the table structure and data. This is where you will find your three copy options. Select one of the options. Copying a table actually creates a new table altogether that is identical to the one that we are copying.

So now we need to give a name to the new table. Enter the name for the new table in the box, in the blank field. When you are done, click Go. A new screen will open in the right hand window.

It will confirm that the copy was successful, and what the name of the copy is. The copied table will now be showing in the left hand window, below the database, as a second table with the new name. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to create a copy of a database table using phpMyAdmin.

Creating tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to create a table in a database with phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin, and are on the main screen. For the purpose of this tutorial, we are going to create a table in a database that has no tables at this time. Let's start by selecting the database in the blue section that needs a table. Click on it. In the right hand window, a panel will open. It is to Create a new table. There is a blank box, and you need to enter a Name for the new table. Then in the next box, enter the number of fields this new table is going to have. When you are ready, click Go. Now a new set of boxes will open. These are the blank fields for your new table. You need to enter the details of each field within the new table in the first column. In the second column, you select the type of entry, such as interger, or decimal, or text, etc.. The third column is for the length of the entry, or how many characters long. You may also want to select a certain field to be Primary key.

That is one that will be automatically filled in (auto_increment) when new entries are added to the table. This is often times an id field, which auto-populates with an id number. To make it Primary key, select the first icon after the Extra box, and mark the radio button. The icon is a page with a key in front of it. Finish entering names and information for the rest of your fields. For example, if you were going to make one field Name, that would be a Char for type (character). And you would want to make sure you left enough length for any name that might be entered, so length might be something like 100. Telephone in the field would again be a Char type, and you would want to make the length about 50. When you are done, click on the Save Button. The screen will now show you the table you have created, and the SQL Query. In the blue window, the table will now be listed under the database. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create a table within a database using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach you how to delete fields from database tables using phpMyAdmin. We are going to assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. The database will be listed in the left hand window, which is blue, with the table listed below it. The right hand window is where all the activity will take place. Let's get started on deleting fields from database tables. Begin by selecting the table(from the left hand window) that you wish to delete fields from, and clicking on it. That will bring up all the details about the table in the right hand window. You will see a list, in chart form, of the fields contained in the table. Find the field you wish to delete. In front of the field name, there is a check box. Mark this box. Then below the list you will find the Delete Icon. It is a big red X. Click on it. A screen will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete (or Drop) the Field? Click Yes to confirm. Now the window will show the list of table fields, and the deleted field is gone. A message also confirms that your action was successful. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete a field from database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Deleting tables in a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you about specific operations in phpMyAdmin. We are going to learn how to delete a table in a database with phpMyAdmin.

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for the example. In the left hand window, the blue screen, you will see the name of the database, with the names of the tables listed below that name. Now let's learn how to delete one of the tables. Start by selecting the table you wish to delete in the blue window, by clicking on it. This will bring up all the table data in the big window on the right hand side. There is a list of fields that are in the table. You can delete individual fields from the table by selecting them in this list, using the check box at the beginning of each field. You would then click on the Delete icon, which is located below the fields table, a large red X. That would delete the selected field. You are now going to learn how to delete the entire table and everything in it. In the menu at the top of the white screen, click on the Drop button. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you really want to drop the table. If you are sure, click on the OK button to confirm. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been dropped, and the table will no longer be listed in the databases list of tables.

(This list is in the blue screen) Click on the Home icon on the left hand side, and this will take you to the main screen. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to delete tables from a database using phpMyAdmin.

Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to export databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database.

The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's start learning how to export tables and databases. To export a database, the first step is to click on it in the left hand panel. This will open the right hand panel to a screen showing the details of the database. Now, from the menu at the top of the right hand side, click on the Export button. This will open up a new screen, called View dump (schema) of database. There are many options listed for exporting the database.

One option is to export the entire database in SQL format, so that it can easily be imported later. This is an excellent way to back-up your database. To use this option, scroll down almost to the bottom of the box. On the left hand side, you will see a radio button and the letters SQL. Click on this. Make sure you go back to the top of the box and check any options you want before you move on with the export. For example, you might wish to uncheck or check things like : Add Auto_Increment Value, or Add Into Comments, Creation/Update/Check Dates. When you are ready, scroll down, and check the Save as file box.

Then click the Go button. You will get a pop-up asking you what to do with the file that you have chosen to open. Save to disk should be checked. Click on OK. That completes the export. The database has now been exported to your local computer. If you only want to export a table, begin by clicking on the table name in the left hand side. That will open a window showing the table details on the right hand side. Again, click on the Export button from the menu at the top of the window. That will open the View dump (schema) of table screen. You are going to check the SQL again, and make sure all the options you wish to mark are checked. Scroll to the bottom, and click on the Save as file. Then click on Go. The pop-up will ask what you want to do with the file. Save to Disk should be checked. Click on OK.

That completes the export of the table. It has now been exported to your local computer. Remember that exporting a database will export all the tables, providing they are all selected, but exporting tables only exports the selected table from within a database. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to export databases and tables to your local computer using phpMyAdmin.

How To Create A MySQL Database

Let's learn how to create a MySQL Database. MySQL Databases allow you to store lots of information in an easy to access manner.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Database section, and click on the MySQL Databases icon.

This will take you to the main MySQL Databases page. There is a box below the heading Create New Database. Type the name of your new database into this box. For example, something like myinfo, or mydata. Then click on Create Database button. This will take you to the verification screen, showing that the database has been created. Now you need to create and add a user to this database. Click the Go Back link. Under the heading of Add New User, enter a new user to be added to your database in the Username box. You then need to enter and re- enter a password for the user. Click on the Create User button. This takes you to a screen to confirm that the user has been successfully created. Now you need to link the user to the database. Click on the Go Back link. In the section where it says Add User to Database, check to make sure that the correct user and the correct database are selected here.

NOTE: You will see that the username of the hosting account has been added to the beginning of both the user and the database with an "_" underscore between them. If the user and database are both correct, click on Submit to add the user to the database. This will take you to a screen called Manage User Privileges. You can assign All Privileges to the user by checking the top box, then click Make Changes. This will take you to the final verification screen, that will confirm all the information. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to setup more databases,(as allowed by your hosting plan) add or remove users or delete databases at any time. Return to the main cPanel page by clicking HOME in the upper left corner. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create a Default Email Account

Now let's set our Default (or catchall) email address. The default email address will "catch" any mail that is sent to an invalid email address for your domain. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel" Scroll to the section on Mail, and click on the Default Address link. This will take you to a screen where you set your default email address. All emails sent to an address you have not defined will go to the email address you enter here. Initally, your default POP address is set as your catch-all account. For example, would give you an initial default address of

In this tutorial we are going to change this, as most people don't use their default POP accounts.

In the line with the radio button marked "Forward to email address" enter into the box the email address you want to use as the default address. Then click the change button. Your default email address has now been set. Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set your default email account (catch-all) so that all unrouted email that is received by your domain is sent to a specific email address. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Importing databases and tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to import databases and tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. Let's begin by clicking on the database in the panel on the left hand side. This will open a window showing the details of the database.

You are now going to import a saved copy of one of the tables. You learned in another tutorial, "Exporting databases and tables with phpMyAdmin" how to export a copy of your data to your local computer to save it. It is a good idea to do this in case the data should become corrupted in your database, and you need to reload it. let's say for the purpose of this tutorial that one of your tables has become corrupt. The first thing you need to do is delete the table you are replacing from your database. In the right hand window, click on the box at the beginning of the table row, and then click on the delete icon, which is the red X. A pop-up will ask you to confirm the delete. Click OK, and the table has been deleted. The screen will now show a confirmation that the table has been deleted. Now you need to import the saved copy of your database, which includes the deleted table.

Click on the Import button at the top of the page. This will open the Import screen. The first box is File to Import. The first line asks the location of the text file. Click on the Browse button. This will open your local computer file upload screen. Find the database, and click on it. Click Open. This takes you back to the Import screen, where you need to click on the Go button. The database will now import. The right window will confirm the success of the import. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to import a database with phpMyAdmin.

Inserting fields into database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is going to teach about the program phpMyAdmin, and how to Insert fields into database tables using phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are already logged into phpMyAdmin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using a database with two tables for our example. Let's begin by locating the database name in the blue section on the left of the phpMyAdmin screen. Below that is the names of the two tables in our database. Select one of the tables by clicking on it.

This will bring up all the details of the table in the white screen on the right hand side. Below the table with the fields in it, you will see a section that begins with Print view. The next line is Add with a blank box for Fields. Place the number of fields you wish to add in the box. Then you need to choose where to add it. At End of Table, At Beginning of Table, or After with a pull-down menu, showing the fields you already have in your table. You select where you want to place the field by marking the radio button. When you are ready, click on the Go button. This will take you to a screen where you need to give your new field values and types. For example, if you added an address field, the field would simply be address. The type would be CHAR (or character) and you might want to give it a length of at least 100, so that any length address would fit in the field. When you are done, click on the Save button.

That will take you to a screen showing that the table has been altered, and giving the new list of table fields. Click the Home button, below the phpMyAdmin name. This will return you to the main screen. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Managing MySQL Databases With PHPMyAdmin

Let's learn how to Manage MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel.

If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the section called Databases, and click on the icon named phpMyAdmin. This takes you to the phpMYAdmin main screen. On the top menu bar, click on the SQL tab. This will give you several new windows.

One is called Location of the text file. Click on the Browse button to search for a database to upload. Once you find the one you want, click on it, click on Open, and it will take you back to the window you started at. To complete the upload, click Go. When the upload is successfully completed, you will get a screen confirming that, and listing any tables found. In the left hand column, any tables will be listed under the name of the database you have downloaded.

If you click on the table in the left hand column, the right hand window opens with all the details of the table. To save this to your personal computer, click the Export in the upper menu bar. Scroll down the new window until you come to the section that says Save as File. Select the check box. Then click Go. A file download screen will open asking you if you want to save this file. Click Save. In the next window (Save as), you will decide which file folder you wish to save it in. Select the correct one, and click Save. When it is done, a window will open confirming your download is complete. Click Close. Any time you need help using phpMyAdmin or MySQL, you will find some links you can click. They are located in the left hand column, of the phpMyAdmin pages. Click the Exit button (located next to the help links on the left hand column) to sign out of phpMyAdmin and return to the main cPanel page. This is the end of the tutorial.

You know how to use phpMyAdmin to manually manage a MySQL Database. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Modifying fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to modify fields in database tables with phpMyAdmin.

We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin. The purpose of the tutorial, we will use a database with one table for the example. To begin, when you open the phpMyAdmin window, there are two sides. The left side is blue, and has the listing of database(s) and the tables they contain listed under them.

The other window is a white screen, and this is where all your working information will come up, along with details about your databases and tables when queried. Let's learn how to modify fields in a database table, using phpMyAdmin. Select on the table to modify by clicking on it. The right window will open up with the details of the table, including a list of all the fields in the table. Find the field you wish to modify.

Start by placing a check mark in the box at the beginning of the field row. Then click on the Change icon, which is below the list, and looks like a pencil writing. This will open the selected field line by itself, and you can now make the changes you need to make. Click on Save when you are done. The right hand screen will now show that the table has been successfully altered, and will show the change. You can click on the HOME button, which is in the left panel, below the phpMyAdmin name, and return to the main screen. This will end this tutorial. You now know how to modify the fields in a table using phpMyAdmin.

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to rename database tables with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are already logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's learn how to rename database tables. The left side of the main screen of phpMyAdmin is where you will find your database listed, with the table listed below the database name.

The right side, a big white screen is where the actions take place. To start, select the database table you wish to rename in the list on the left hand side window. Select the table by clicking on it. The window on the right hand side will open up with the details about the table you have selected.

Now, at the top of the right hand screen, click on the Operations button. This will open a list of actions you can perform on the table you have selected. Scroll down to the box titled "Table Options".

The first line is Rename table to with an empty box. Enter the new name for your table in this box. When you are done, click on the Go Button in the lower right corner. This will open the confirmation window, which shows that the table has been renamed.

If you look in the panel on the left hand side, the table you selected is now showing the new name. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin.

Running SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is to teach you how to run SQL queries on a database with phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are currently logged into phpMyAdmin, and for the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with two tables as our example. The phpMyAdmin main screen is broken into two sections. The left hand side is blue, and this is where you will find your database listed. Below the database, you will see the names of the tables that are in the database. The right hand side is a large white window, and this is where the activity takes place. To run SQL queries on a database, the first thing you need to do is click the on the name of the database table that you want to run a SQL query on. This opens the table details in the right hand window. As you learned in another tutorial, "Deleting fields from database tables with phpMyAdmin", you can delete a field from a table by checking the box in the field row, and clicking on the Delete icon (the big red X below the table).

In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to delete a field using pure SQL commands. Go to the right hand side and click on the database name. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand window. Click the SQL button at the top of the window. This opens a box, titled "Run SQL query/queries on database. You will then need to type the SQL command to delete the field from the table into the box. It would look something like this: ALTER TABLE 'this is where the name of the table goes' DROP 'this is where the name of the field goes' .

Then when you are done, you click on Go. A pop-up will ask if really want to perform the action. Click OK. The command screen will then confirm that your SQL query has been successful. You have just deleted a field from a table. For more information about SQL syntax, visit the MySQL documentation available here.

Just click on the icon under the phpMyAdmin name, that has the red SQL on it. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to run a SQL query on a database using phpMyAdmin.

Searching through a database with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial is about searching through a database using phpMyAdmin. We will assume that you are logged in to phpMyAdmin.

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use a database with one table for an example. Let's start by looking at the main screen of phpMyAdmin. The left hand panel is where you will find your database listed, and below the database will be any tables in that database. On the right hand side, in a large white screen, is where the actions take place. Now let's learn how to use Search. Start by clicking the on the database you wish to search in the left hand panel. This will bring up the details for the database in the right hand screen. At the top of that screen, click on the Search button. This opens a search window. In the blank, you need to enter the words or values you want to search for in the database. You can refine the search several ways. One method you can use is to select a radio button that limits the search scope, such as all words, or the exact phrase, etc.. If you had more than one table, you could limit the search to specific tables, by using the scrolling list. When you are ready, click Go to start the search. The next screen will show you if there are any matches to your search, and if there are, where they are located. You can now click on the Browse button at the end of the results, and it will show you the match.

You can now make changes to that record if you wish. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Search feature in phpMyAdmin.

DNS Articles [Questions 17]

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided.

Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed. When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue.

You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company. Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings.

You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes.

Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed. Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account.

Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided. Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered.

Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully. Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button.

This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes.
For Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted. Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue.

You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company.

Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button.

A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes.

A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company.

When you are done, click on the Modify button. The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes.

Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS.

You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

You that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company.

Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email.

When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished.

You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue. Click OK.

You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Billing Articles [Questions 1]

How do I update the credit card associated with billing for my account?

You can add/edit the card associated with your account using the info below: Login at In the top left "Your Info" section, click Update. Verify that the address info in the "My Details" form matches your billing address and update as needed. In the My Account sidebar, click on the "Billing Information" link. From this screen, you can delete the existing card on record, or add a new card.

Client Area Articles [Questions 10]

Creating and Managing Support Tickets in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to create and manage support tickets in the client area. Support tickets are a great way of communicating with us when you are looking for support, such as having questions answered, reporting problems, or asking for assistance. The ticket system leaves a paper trail for both you and us to follow so that we both know that the issues were resolved. It also gives you a record of the answer, in case the problem arises again. Then all you need to do is look at the tickets, and you have your answer already! This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the Client Area page, in the client area menu, click on My Support Tickets. This takes you to the Support Ticket Page, where you will click on Submit Ticket. You are now in the Submit Ticket area, where you can create and send tickets to the department of your choice. Select the department you would like to send the ticket to. The ticket will open with your information filled in. Enter a subject in the subject line. Then enter your ticket details in the big box. When you are ready, click Submit.

You have now successfully submitted a support ticket, and a copy of it has been emailed to you. To manage an already submitted ticket, click on the My Support Tickets link. You will see any tickets listed that you have submitted, along with their status.

If the ticket is open, and you wish to add more to it, click on the Subject to open it. You can scroll down and add more details. You may also mark the ticket closed from the client area. Click the Client Area in the You are here list. This returns you to the Client Area, and ends this tutorial. You now know how to submit and manage a support ticket in your client Area.

How to Change Your Client Area Password

This tutorial will teach you how to change your password for your client area. Remember, this password is different than the password for your cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into your client area. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the menu bar, click on the My Details link. Once you are at the My Details page, Click on the Change Password link in the My Details Menu Bar. At the Change Password screen, type your current password in the first box. Then enter your new password into the second box, and confirm it by typing it again in the third box. Then click the Save Changes button. Your password has now been changed. Remember, you should change your password often for security reasons. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list, and that will take you back to the Client Area. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to change your Client Area password.

How to Login to The Client Area

We begin to login at the Portal Home. This is the Login Page for the Client Area of Hostveda. It contains a line for the email address and a password. They are different than the login details for your cPanel. Enter your email address. Then enter your Hostveda Password. Now click on Login. That's all. You are now logged in to Hostveda and can begin to manage your hosting services, invoices, billing information, and more. When you are done, click on the Logout Link in the upper right corner. You are now logged out of the account. There is a Click here to Continue link. Click that link. This will take you to the Portal Home. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to login to hostveda.

How to Order Additional Items in the Client Area

This will teach you how to order additional items in the client area of WHMCS. It is a very easy process, and you can easily find the products you are looking for. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the You are Here line, click on the Portal Home link. This takes you to the Support Portal page. On the right hand side, click on the Order link. This takes you to a Browse Products & Services Page, and you will need to click on the Services link in the Menu bar. Your hosting company may have one or may have many services listed as add-ons on this page. You can look and choose if there are any you need, and if you want to order one or more, click on the Order Now button by the item. This will take you to a page called Product Configuration. If the product or service that you have chosen has any options, this is where you will make your choices, such as you may be offered billing cycles (i.e., monthly, yearly, etc) or you may need to choose which of several domains you own you wish to install this product on. Options will vary from hosting company to hosting company.

When you are done, click Update Cart. The following screen is your shopping cart, and if you are done, and everything seems to be in order, click the Checkout button.

This takes you to the detail screen, and if you scroll down you will find that under your details, you need to enter your payment method. Add any additional notes or information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button. You will now be shown an invoice for your new order, with all the information you just entered. Click Back to Client Area at the bottom of the page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to order additional items in WHMCS.

How to Pay Invoices in the Client Area

This tutorial will teach how to pay an invoice in WHMCS. The Client Area is where you come to pay for your hosting account, domain services, and any other services your hosting company charges to you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the client area menu bar, click on the link called My Invoices. This opens a page of all your invoices. Each invoice has a line. Columns include invoice date, invoice due date, invoice total, invoice status (paid, unpaid, overdue) and the last column is View Invoice. For an unpaid invoice, click on the View Invoice link. You can see the invoice is unpaid. In the upper right corner is a drop-down list of payment methods. Choose your payment method from this menu. Then click the Pay Now button directly below it. After you have completed the payment process, your invoice will be marked as paid. Note that some payment methods will require the invoice to be manually marked as paid. Click the Client Area link in the You are Here list. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to pay an invoice in WHMCS.

How to Register a Domain Name in the Client Area

You will learn how to register a domain name in the WHMCS Client Area in this tutorial. It is a simple process, with only a few steps. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". You are in the Client Area. At the "You are here" line at the top of the page, you need to click on the Portal Home link, which will take you to that page. About half-way down, on the right hand side is a link called Order. Click on this Link. This takes you to a page where you can Browse Products & Services. On the Menu Bar, click on the Register Domain link. You will be taken to a new page called Register a Domain Name. In the blank box, enter the domain name you would like to register. Choose the top level domain (TLD) you would like from the drop-down box at the end of the line, whether it is .com, .net, .org, or something else. Then click on the Check Availability button below the box. If the name is available, it will be listed in a box below, called Choose Domains. Sometimes, more than one (TLD) is available, and you may have a choice. Choose the one you want, and click on the Add To Cart button.

The next screen will allow you to make any add-ons to your domain that you wish, such as adding a hosting package. Click Update Cart to move to the next screen.

You are now at your shopping cart. After you verify all the information is correct, click on the Checkout Button. On the next screen, you need to scroll down and choose your payment method. Add any notes, or additional information you want to include with your order, and click the Complete Order button at the bottom of the page. WHMCS will now generate an Invoice with all the information for the domain you just registered. Click on the Back to The Client Area at the bottom of the page. Now click on the Client Area in the You are Here menu. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to register a domain name in WHMCS Client Area.

How to Update Your Billing Information in the Client Area

Your billing information is located in the Client Area, and this tutorial will teach you how to update all your necessary billing details. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". In the client area menu bar, click on the My Details link. In the My Details screen, you will see your details, including name, address and phone number. In order for payments to be properly processed, this information must be correct. Please confirm all the details. The next step is to click on the Change Credit Card Details link in the menu bar. You can update your card information, such as expiration date. You can also add a new card. After making any needed changes, click on the Save Changes button. Click the Client Area link. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to update your billing information in the Client Area of WHMCS.

How to Update Your Personal Details in the Client Area

This tutorial will now teach you how to update your personal details in the client area. It is very important to keep this information current, so that your hosting company can stay in contact with you. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". Along the top is the client area menu. Click on the link called My Details. This will take you to the personal details page, where you can modify your name, address, and more. If you make any changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the Save Changes button. You can then click on the Client Area link, and it will take you to where you can see your updated personal details. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your personal information in the client area.

Reviewing Emails Sent to You in The Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

Reviewing Your Hosting Packages in the Client Area

This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into WHMCS. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area". On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through WHMCS. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email. Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the WHMCS system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in WHMCS.

CMS Articles [Questions 30]

An Overview of the Different User Types of Joomla

This tutorial will help you understand the four different user types of Joomla and what each can do. A Joomla site is just an empty shell without an active user base. The first user group is the Registered group. This group does not have any kind of access to write, edit, or publish articles on a Joomla site. Second, we have the Author group. Authors are allowed to submit content to a Joomla site. They can edit their own articles, but no one else's. They cannot publish content. Typically, when logged in as an author, you will see links appear, that say things such as Submit an article, Submit a Web Link, etc.The third group is called Editor. Editors can edit other people's content as well as their own. They still can't publish anything however. You will now see an edit icon (paper and pencil) next to each article. The last group is Publisher. There is now an option visible that indicates published, yes or no. Except for that, publisher is no different from an Editor. Every Joomla content item must be published before it is visile to everyone, so Publishers get the final say for content posted to a site. This completes this tutorial. You now know the four user groups of Joomla.

How to Add Custom HTML to Your Joomla Site

This tutorial is going to show you how to add custom HTML to your site in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. In the menu bar in the upper menu, click on Extensions, then on Module Manager. This will open a window that will show you all your modules. If some are missing, go to the bottom of the page, and make sure the Show ___to a page is set to show All. This will bring them all up for you to view. Manager page, scroll right and click on New. From the list of available new modules, select Custom HTML. Scroll right, and click on Next. On the Module edit form, start by entering a title for your new Module. The next option is Show Title. If this is set to Yes, the module name will be displayed on the front-end. Scroll down to the text box. In the icons for the editor, you will see a small HTML icon. Click on this icon. This gives you an HTML Source Editor box. Enter your HTML code here. When you are done, click update in the lower left corner. Scroll up, and in the right hand column you will see a section called Parameters. Where it says Module Class Suffix, enter the suffix for the CSS class of this module, such as -html.

For example, the CSS class name of this module could be .example-html. Click the save button in the upper right corner, and the custom HTML module will now appear on the front-end. That is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to add custom HTML to your Joomla site.

How to Change Your Front Page Content in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to change your front page content in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The front page manager allows you to choose what content will show up on the home page of your Joomla site. On the upper menu bar, click on content. In the drop-down menu, select Front Page Manager. This will open a window that lists all your front page articles. To publish an article, simply click the red x next to the item. In the next column, use the up and down arrows to set the order in which the articles will appear. To add previously created articles to the front page, Click on Content in the upper menu bar, then select Article Manager. You will open a window that lists all your articles. Any article with a check in the Front Page column will show up in the front page manager. If you wish to add an article to the front page, simply click the red x in the Front Page column, and as always make sure you save your work. Return to the front page manager, where the new article will now be listed. You can now view your front page and see that the new article has been added. That is it. You now know how to change your front page content in Joomla.

How to Change Your Header in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to change your header in WordPress. You will need to be logged in to your WordPress, and on your Dashboard page. On the left hand side, about half way down, click on the Appearance Menu Item. This will bring out a drop down menu, which contains the items Themes, Widgets, Menus, Background, Header and Editor. Click on Header. This will open a page called Custom Header, with a preview of the current header. You can click on Browse to upload your own header, or select one from the list to use. Below the sample headers are buttons to remove the header, or restore the original header image. When you are satisfied, click the Save Changes button. The new header has now been saved. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to change the header in WordPress.

How to Change the Default Admin's Username in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to change the default Admin's Username in Joomla. You need to be logged in to your Joomla account, and at your admin panel. From the menu at the top left, select and click on Site. Now from the drop-down, click on User Manager. This will open the User Manager screen. Check the box next to the administrator. Scroll right, and click on Edit in the upper right corner. This will open a User Edit window. The left hand box is User Details. Simply enter a new name in the Username field. You can also change the password. When you are done, click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will now verify that the changes were successfully saved. On the User Manager screen, you will be able to see the changed name in the Username column. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to change the admin username in Joomla.

How to Configure Your Settings in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your settings in WordPress. You should log in, and go to your dashboard. On the left hand side, click on Settings on the menu. This will open the General Settings page. Here is where you can change the blog title, tagline, and URL. You can change membership, and allow anyone to register. Scroll down the page. There is a section for you to choose the format for the date and the time. Select the day to begin your week on. When you are done, click the save changes button. The screen will now show that your settings have been saved. Scroll down. In the menu column, on the left hand side, under the settings header you will find the following sub-headings: General, Writing, Reading, Discussion, Media, Privacy and Permalinks. Select the Writing settings. On the Writing Settings page, you can edit the settings relateed to writing posts. You can select a size for the post box, and enter it on the first line. Scroll down, and you can set up email posting. When you are done, click the Save Settings, and the next page will verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down, on on the menu click on the Reading settings.

When the Reading Settings opens, you can set things like how many blog pages to show. You can select whether to show the full text or a summary of each article in a feed. When you are satisfied, scroll down and click on Save Changes. The page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and click on Discussion in the main menu in the left hand column. This will open the Discussion Settings page, where you can change things that relate to comments and avatars. You can select a box to force users to log in to comment. This is where you would disallow unapproved comments, or make sure that an administrator must always approve comments. You can determine the rating you wish to give your blog, and set the default avatar. When you are done, click Save Changes, and the new page will open to verify that your settings were saved. Scroll down and select Media from the menu on the left hand side. This is where you can change settings like the maximum allowed image dimensions and image alignment. Scroll down and go to Privacy Settings from the left hand menu. This is where you will decide whether or not to allow bots and search engines to access your blog. Click the save changes button. Finally, go to the Permalinks settings on the menu. Here, you can decide what type of URL structure is used for your blog. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to configure your settings in WordPress.

How to Edit Your Profile in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to edit your profile in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the left hand column, expand the Users option by clicking on it. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Your Profile. This will open the Profile screen. On the screen you can edit options relating to the visual editor and color scheme. Scroll down. Under the section called Name, enter your first and last name. You can scroll down, and will find a box called Biographical Info. Here you can enter some bio info about yourself if you wish. When you are done, Click the Update Profile button. The next page will verify that your profile has been updated. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to edit your profile in WordPress.

How to Install WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial it to teach you how to install WordPress directly from You will need to go there - to Scroll to the right. You will see a download button for the latest and most stable release of WordPress. Click this button. On the next page, choose your version, and save the file. Now go to where it was downloaded. Unzip the folder and extract the files.Now open the folder. You will now need to upload the entire WordPress folder to your server using an FTP manager of your choosing. Once the files have been uploaded, go to your site in your web browser. You will now see the message that you need to create a configuration file. This is simple to do, just click on the Create Configuration File Button. The next screen will give you a short list if information that you will need for your configuration file. You will need 1. Database name, 2. Database username, 3. Database password, 4. Database host, and 5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database.). If you have this information, click the Let's Go button and continue. Enter the information in the correct boxes on the following pages.

You will need your MySQL username and password. When the boxes are filled in to your satisfaction, scroll down and click on Submit. On the next page, it will indicate you are ready to run the install now.

Click on the button, and Run Install. You are now at the famous five minute WordPress Installation Process. Fill in the information asked for, and if you wish to change it later it is simple to do. Under Site Title, give your blog a title. Enter a password twice, or one will generated for you. Add and double check your email. Click the button at the bottom to install WordPress. The following screen will show Success! Click to Log in. Enter your username and the password you chose. You can check the Remember Me box to automatically log you in from now on. Click Log In. This is your admin panel where you can manage your blog and its settings. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to install WordPress directly from

How to Log in to Your New Joomla Account

This tutorial will teach you how to log into your new Joomla Account. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Once you have registered and activated your account if necessary, you will then be able to log in. Scroll down, and on the right hand side, enter your username and password into the appropriate boxes. Check the Remember Me box if you are not on a public computer, and you wish to be logged in automatically next time. Click the Login button. That's it. You are now logged in to your Joomla account. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to log in to your new Joomla account.

How to Manage Articles in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage articles in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to Joomla and on you admin panel. Joomla organizes articles into sections and categories. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. You will need to begin by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left side. From the drop-down menu select Article Manager. An this page, you can perform many operations. Here you can archive, unarchive, publish, unpublish, copy, move, edit or delete articles. You can also create new articles. To unarchive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article you wish to unarchive. Now click on the Unarchive Icon in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that the operation was successful. To Archive an article, select the checkbox in front of the article. Click on the Archive icon in the upper right corner. Again, you will get a message that the operation was successful. Archived articles are retained on the site as unpublished and cannot be published to other pages until they are unarchived. To publish an article, select the article using the checkbox.

Now click the Publish icon in the upper right corner. To unpublish, select the the article, and click the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Any articles that appear on the front page are marked with a green check mark.

To make an article show up on the front page, click the red X in the front page column. Articles can be moved or copied to different categories. To move an article, select the article using the checkbox. Now click the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a Move Articles page. In the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to move the article to, by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save button in the upper right corner. You will now see a message that the move was a success. To copy an article, select the article you wish to copy, and click the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open the Copy Articles page, and from the scrolling menu, select the Section/Category that you wish to copy the article to by highlighting it. Scroll right, and click on the Save Icon in the upper right corner. To delete an article, click in the checkbox of the selected article, and scroll over. Click on the Trash icon, and the screen will verify that the article has been sent to the trash. Editing an article begins by selecting the article to edit by marking the checkbox in front of the article. Scroll over and click on the Edit icon. This opens the article in an edit screen format. Make any changes, and click the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new article, begin by scrolling right, and clicking on New in the upper right corner. This will open a new article screen. Begin by entering a Title. Next is an alias. This is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering this alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically covering the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. You may manually enter an alias, if you want. Next, choose the section this article should belong to. If there is more than one category under the section you chose, you will need to select that too. By default, Published is set to yes, so if you don't want to publish this article just yet you will need to change it to no. Select whether this article should appear on the front page. In the large box, type your article, using the what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. Click Save in the upper right corner. The screen will verify that your article has been saved, and you will see it in the list of articles. Looking across, you can see if it is published, on the front page, what section, and other information. This concludes this tutorial. You now know how to manage article in Joomla.

How to Manage Categories in WordPress

This tutorial will help you learn how to manage your categories in the WordPress program. You should begin by logging in to WordPress, and going to your Dashboard. In the left hand column you will find your menu items. Click to expand the Posts option. This will give you the options of Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Categories. This takes you to a Categories screen. To Add a New Category, type the name as you would like it to appear on your site in the name box. Below that box, is a box to type in the "slug", which is the URL-friendly version of the name. Scroll down, and if you wish you can choose to select a category parent. Enter a brief description in the box. When you are ready, click on the Add New Category button. On the Categories Page, you can quickly edit a category's information. Select the category you wish to edit, and in the right hand column click on the quick edit link below the appropriate category. Make any changes, or click cancel. Delete a category by clicking on the delete link in the same area. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the category. Click OK to confirm. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage categories in WordPress.

How to Manage Global Settings in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage the Global Setting in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. Make sure that your configuration.php file, which is located in your Joomla root directory is writable. Otherwise some changes will not be saved. Begin by clicking on Site, in the upper left corner of the main panel. From the drop-down menu, select Global Configuration. The first set of options you will see are your site options. These will allow you to set the site to offline mode, change the offline message, or change the site name. When you set the site to offline, it allows only administrators to access it. This is useful for editing the site when you don't want other people to see it. To change it to offline, change the radio button to yes, and scroll right. Click on the green check, or the Apply button. You may preview the site by clicking on the preview icon in the upper right corner. The SEO settings allow you to optimize URLs for search engines, rewrite URLs, or add suffixes to them. Scroll down and to the left and you will see Metadata Settings. Here you can edit your meta descriptions and keywords. The more descriptive your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site through the search engines. Scroll up. The next set of options is System. Here you can change settings related to the system, such as cache, session, andd debugging.

The User Settings here allow you to turn user registration off, set the group users are added to by default, and require new users to activate their account through email before they can log in.

Scroll down and you will see Media Settings. This lets you choose what file extensions are able to be uploaded by users, set the maximum file size, change the folder paths, restrict uploads, etc. For a short description about what each option does, hover the mouse over the name. Scroll up. The last section is Server. This is where you can change your Server, Locale and FTP settings. Scroll right, and you will see where you can change your Database and Mail settings. This concludes this tutorial. You now know all about what to find in the Global Setting in Joomla and how to Manage it.

How to Manage Modules in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to manage modules in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. The Module Manager is where you can add and edit modules, which are used to display content and media around the main content. Begin by clicking on Extensions in the upper main menu. In the drop-down, select module manager. This will open a new page, from which you can enable, disable, copy, delete, edit, or create modules. Disabled modules are indicated by a red X. To enable a module, select the checkbox next to the item, and then click on Enable in the upper right hand menu The red X will become a green check mark. To disable a module, select it by clicking on the checkbox in front of the chosen module. Then click on the Disable icon in the upper right corner, and the green check will turn into a red circle with a white X inside it. To copy an existing module, select the box. Now click on Copy in the upper right corner. The new copy will appear in your list as Copy of....... To edit the copy, or any module, select the module with a check in the box in front of the chosen module. Scroll right and click on edit in the upper right menu. This will open a window that will allow you to make any necessary changes to the module. When you are done, click on Save, and your module is up to date.

If this is a copied module you are editing, remember that copies are always disabled. You will need to enable them to make them work. To create a new module, click on new in the upper right corner.

This will present a page that will allow you to choose the type of module you would like to create. There are many choices, ranging from navigation items, to articles, to photos, and everything in between. Select the module type you would like to create, and then scroll right and click on next. Each module has different options that you can set. Fill in the necessary information. Click Save. You can now see your new module in the module manager list. The last thing is to learn how to reorder the list. Scroll down, and click the green arrows to move items up and down the list. That completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage modules in Joomla, and can add, edit, copy, delete, create and much more.

How to Manage Pages in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to manage pages in WordPress. You will need to log in to WordPress, and open your Dashboard. In the left hand column, you will see the item Pages. Click on this Link. It will drop down and display two items, Pages and Add New. Click on Add New. On the new screen, you will see a block to enter the Title for the new page. Enter the title. In the big block below, enter the page content. In the right hand column is a section called Page Attributes. You can select the parent page there, using the drop down menu. When you are all done, click on the Publish button in the right hand column. To view all of your pages, go to pages in the menu in the left hand column. Click on pages in the drop down menu. That will open the Pages section. You will see link such as Edit, Quick Edit, Trash and View. If you click on View, you can see the page you just created. By clicking on Trash, you can Delete the page.This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to manage pages in WordPress.

How to Manage Users in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage users in your WordPress program. You will need to open WordPress, and go to your Dashboard. In the left hand menu column, click on the Users option. This will expand the list to include Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Click on Add New. This opens the Add New User screen. On the first line, enter a username. The second line requires you to add an email address. Now add the users First and Last Names, Web site if they have one, and enter a password twice. Scroll down and click the Add User button. To delete a User, select Users under the users menu on the left hand side of the dashboard. Place a checkmark in the box in front of the name of the user you wish to delete, and click on the delete link below the appropriate name. This will take you to a confirmation page, where you will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click the button to confirm. The user has now been deleted. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to add and delete users in WordPress.

How to Manage Your Plugins in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to manage your plugins in WordPress. First you need to log in and go to your Dashboard. On the left hand side you will see a column of items. Near the bottom is Plugins. Click on this link and expand the menu. You will see Plugins, Add New and Editor. Click on Plugins. The page that comes up will show you a list of all your installed plugins. At the bottom of each individual plugin are three links - Activate, Edit and Delete. To Activate any plugin, click on its Activate link. At the top of the page, is a link to Add New plugins. Click on the Add New, and it will take you to a Install Plugins page. To find more plugins, you may browse the WordPress Plugin Directory simply by clicking on the link in the top paragraph. To Edit plugins, click on the Editor in the menu on the left hand side. This will allow you to select and edit your plugins. However, this is only for the advanced user, as editing can break the plugin rather easily. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to manage your plugins in WordPress.

How to Register a New User Account in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to register a new user account in Joomla. Registering on a Joomla site will give you varying levels of increased access, depending on your user group. Scroll down, and click on Create an account. In the registration section, type your name. Next type a username. Now put down your email address. Next select a password, and enter it twice to verify it. Scroll down, and click on Register. If the Joomla site you are visiting has email activation on, you will need to go to your email and click the link in the email that's sent automatically before you will be ale to login. That's it! You now know how to register a new user account in Joomla.

How to Specify What Media Can be Uploaded in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to specify what media can be uploaded in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and and at your admin panel. In order to specify wha types of media can be uploaded to your site, you will need to set the allowed file extensions. Begin by clicking on Site on the top menu. Select and click on Global Configuration from the drop-down menu. When the Global Configuration window opens, go to the System settings tab. Scroll down. You will see a box called Media Settings. The first item in the box is Legal Extensions (File Types). Next to Legal Extensions, enter the file types you want to allow and separate each with a comma. You can also change the maximum file size, and the paths to the media and image folders here. If you would like to allow any users to be able to upload files, click the No radio button next to Restrict Uploads. Scroll up and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. The window will show a verification that your changes have been updated and saved. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to set the specifications for what media file extensions can be uploaded in Joomla.

How to Use the Category Manager in Joomla

This tutorial is going to show you how to use the Category Manager in Joomla. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume that you are logged into your administrative panel of your Joomla site. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization followed by categories, which are ordered by the section they belong to. Click on Content in the upper Menu Bar. Now select Category Manager. This will open a page that lists your categories. Here you can publish, unpublish, move, copy, or delete categories or even create new ones. To publish a category, select the checkbox in front of the category you wish to publish. Then click on Publish in the upper right menu. To unpublish, select a box, and click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right menu. That will make the green check mark turn into a red x. To move a category, simply mark the checkbox of the selected category. Click on the Move icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen, where you can select a new section for this category. Scroll right, and click save in the upper right corner. To copy a category, select it, and click on the copy icon in the upper right corner. Then on the new screen, choose the section the category will be copied to. Click on the Save. < To delete a category, select the box. Click on Delete in the upper right corner and the section is deleted. To edit, select the category. Scroll right and select the icon in the upper right that is for Edit. This will open the Category edit window, where you can make any necessary changes. Click Save. To create a new category, click on New in the upper right menu. A new window will open, with blanks to fill in. The first is a title for your category. The next line is for the "alias", which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if you choose to enable the Search Engine Friendly selection in Global Configurations. Entering an alias is optional, and if you leave it blank, Joomla will create one based on the title. By default, Published is set to yes. If you are not ready to have the category published yet, you will need to change it to no. The next choice you will make is what Section this category will belong to. Select the section from the drop-down menu. The next part is the Access Level, where you will determine what users can access the content in this section. Again, make your choice from the drop-down menu. If you wish to select an image for this section, you do that in the next part. Choose an image, and then select its position. Use the text box to enter a description for this section. Scroll to the top, and click on save. Your new category is now listed in the category manager. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Category Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Mass Mail System in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your admin panel. The Mass Mail system allows you to email all registered users or those in a particular group. Click on Tools in the top menu. Select Mass Mail from the drop-down menu. This opens the Mass Mail window. In the box on the left hand side, it says Mail to Child Groups. Check that box if you would like to send the email to all groups under the selected group. Below that, Select the group this email should be sent to. On the right hand side, you will compose your email. Start with the subject line. Then type in your message. Now go to the upper right, and click on Send Mail. You will now see a message that your email was sent to ___number of Users. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Mass Mail System in Joomla.

How to Use the Media Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Media Manager in Joomla. You will need to start by logging in to your Joomla admin panel. Now click on Site in the top menu. Select Media Manager from the drop-down menu. This opens the Media Manager window. It is just like a file manager except is shows only media files in your image directory. To create a new folder and upload an image, begin by finding the path for your media file.. Below the word files, you will see a box with the line /home/kj/public_html/joomla/images, or something similiar, depending on what your media file path is. At the end of this line you will find a / and a new box. In this empty box, type a new name for your folder. Now click the Create Folder button directly below the line. Now click on the folder you just created to open it. Scroll down. Click on the Browse button. Select your media file and click open. This will take you back to the media screen. Now click Start Upload button. You can now see the path for the uploaded file in the box below files. Note that larger files may take several minutes to finish uploading. To delete a file, find the red x under the file. Click on the x, and the file is deleted. To change the way items are viewed, go to the main directory, on the left, and click on Media. Now select Detail View. Scroll down. Instead of thumbnails, files are now shown with their dimensions and size. This completes this tutorial. You now know how to use the Media Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Menu Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the Menu Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. The Menu Manager allows you to create custom menus for your Joomla site. Click on Menus on the menu in the upper left corner. Select Menu Manager from the drop-down menu. To create a new menu. Scroll right, and click on New in the upper right corner. This open a new menu screen. In the first box enter a Unique Name. This is what Joomla uses to identify this module within the code. Now enter a Title. In the next box, enter a description. The last box is the Module Title, and that is what will display on the front-end. If this field is left blank, the module will not be created. Scroll right and click on the Save icon in the right hand corner. This new menu will now be showing in the menu manager. To edit the menu, click on the icon in the menu row that looks like a piece of paper. This open a page called Menu Item Manager (content). Scroll right, and click on new. This will bring up a list for you to choose a Menu Item Type from. Highlight the correct selection, and it will open a Menu Item Detail page. Here in the box, you need to enter a title, and below that an Alias, which is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an Alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen.

You can also manually enter an alias if you wish. Click the Save in the upper right corner,and the screen will verify that your item was saved. The last thing to do after creating a new menu is to enable it in the module list.

Go to the menu at the top of the page, and click on Extensions. From the drop-down menu select Module Manager. Find your menu item, and click the red x next to the menu item. The new menu item can now be viewed on the front-end. This ends this tutorial. Now you know how to use the menu manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Section Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the Section Manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in, and at your Joomla admin panel. Articles are organized into sections and categories in Joomla. Sections are the top level of organization. Start by clicking on Content in the menu along the top left. From the drop-down, select Section Manager. On this page, you can publish, unpublish, copy or delete sections or create new ones. To publish a section, select the checkbox in front of the section. Now click on Publish in the upper right corner. To unpublish a sectioon, select the box. Click on the Unpublish icon in the upper right corner. Copying a section will allow you to create a duplicate of the object to a different location. To copy, select the section by marking the checkbox. Now click on the Copy icon in the upper right corner. This will open a new screen for the new section. In the box, enter a name for the new(copied) section. Scroll right, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To edit a section, click the checkbox in front of the section you wish to edit. Scroll right, and click on the edit icon in the upper right corner. Make any necessary changes, and click on the Save icon in the upper right corner. To create a new section, scroll right, and click on the New icon in the upper right corner. This opens a new section screen. In the details box, you will see that the Scope is content.

This cannot be changed. Enter a title. The Alias is an internal name that Joomla uses in the URL if SEF is enabled. Entering an alias is optional, and if left blank, Joomla will create a default one by automatically converting the title to lowercase and replacing any spaces with a hyphen. However, you may manually enter aan alias, if desired. By default, Published is set to yes, if you don't want to publish this section just yet you will need to change it to no. The Access Level lets you set what users can access content in this section. Public allows anyone who visits your site to view the content. Registered allows only registered users access, and Special allows only authors and higher. Scroll down, and you will find a box that will allow you to select an image that will be used for this section. You can upload your own images into the images/stories directory. Use the Image Position to place the image at the left or right of the page. Next you will find a section called Description. Here is where you will enter a description for this section. Scroll up and click Save in the upper right corner. That is how you create a new section. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to Use the Section Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the Trash Manager in Joomla

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the trash manager in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel to begin. Deleted articles are sent to the trash manager where you can either delete them completely or restore them. To delete an article, go to Content in the top menu. Select Article Manager from the drop down menu. This will open the Article Manager screen. Click the checkboxes next to the article or articles you want to delete. Then go to the upper right hand corner, and click on the Trash Can icon. Now go to the Trash Manager. Click Content from the top menu. Then select Article Trash from the drop-down menu. This will display the articles that are in the Trash Manager, or the trash can. To restore an article, select the checkbox. Scroll right, and click on the Restore icon in the upper right hand corner. The restore screen will ask you to verify that you want to restore the item. Click Restore again, and OK, and the item will have been returned to is original place, but is unpublished. To republish a restored item, go to Content in the top menu. Click on Article Manager from the drop-down menu. Select the restored item, by marking the checkbox. Click Publish in the upper right corner. To permanently delete an item from the Trash Manager, click on the checkbox in front of the item and scroll right. Click Delete in the upper right corner. This brings up the Permanently Delete Items screen.

You will click on Delete again, and the item has now been permanently deleted from the database and cannot be recovered. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to use the Trash Manager in Joomla.

How to Use the User Manager in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to use the User Manager in Joomla. You should be logged in, and be at your Joomla admin panel. In the top left hand menu, click on Site. From the drop-down menu, select User Manager. The User Manager screen will have a list of all the users that have registered for your site. One thing you can do here is Add a new User. Scroll to the right. In the upper right corner, click on New. This will open a new screen. In the left hand box, called User Details, you will type in the name of the new user. Choose a username, and add the users email. Enter a password and verify it. In the Parameters box on the right hand side, set the back-end and front-end default languages. Now click Save in the upper right corner. Once a user has been created, you can edit it if needed. Click on the Users name. Make the change on the User page, and click Save. To delete a User, click the box in front of the users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Delete Icon. To force a User to Logout, click on the box in front of the Users name. Then in the upper right hand corner, click on the Logout icon. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the User Manager in Joomla.

How to Write a Comment in WordPress

This tutorial will teach you how to write a comment in WordPress. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. In the upper left corner, click on the My Blog link to go to your blog. Click on the leave a Comment link. This will open a new page, with a comment box. Enter your comment in the box. When you are done, click the Post Comment button. Your new comment will show up under the admin says: . This completes this tutorial. Now you know how to write a comment in WordPress.

How to Write a New Post in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to write a new post in WordPress. You need to begin by logging in, and going to your WordPress Dashboard. In the left hand column, the first menu item is Posts. Click on it to expand the menu. You will see Posts, Add New, Categories, and Post Tags. Click on Add New. This will open a Add New Post screen. In the first block, enter the title of your new post. In the large block below, enter the post content. After you have written your post, on the right hand side, you will find a section that will allow you to assign this post to one or more categories if you wish. When you are all finished, click on the Publish button. This will open the Edit Post screen. At the top is a link to View Post. Click on this link to see your new post. You can now see how your post will look on your site. Return to the admin area. Now, in the left hand column select the posts from the menu items. Your new post will now show up in the list here. You can now edit or delete it if you wish using the links below the title of the post. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to write a new post in WordPress.

How to change your Password in WordPress

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to change your password in WordPress. You should be logged in, and at your dashboard. In the menu in the left hand column, click on Users to expand the options. You will see Users, Add New, and Your Profile. Go to Your Profile. Scroll all the way down. Where it says New Password, enter your new password in the box. Re-enter the password in the box below. The strength indicator will tell you how strong your password is. Click the Update Profile button at the bottom left corner. Your profile page now says User updated. Your password has been changed. This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to changer your password in WordPress.

How to login to Joomla as the Default Administrator

This tutorial will teach you how to login to Joomla as the default administrator. You should have your Joomla administration login page open in your browser. If this is your first time logging in as the root administrator, the default username is admin. Enter the password you created during installation. Click Login. You are now logged in to Joomla as admin, on the admin panel. You may wish to change your password after installation or on accasion to increase security. On the right hand side, in the list of logged in users, select admin from the list. This will open a new User detail screen where you can change you password and verify it if you choose. Click Save when finished. Once you are done in the admin control panel you will need to logout. Scroll right. Click on Logout in the very upper right hand corner. That's it. You now know how to login to Joomla as admin, change your password and logout.

WordPress won't save no parent assignment or null/blank custom field entries

If you are running WordPress on Apache and on a version of PHP later than 5.3.x, and experience any of the following issues: You cannot save the parent of a page from from an existing page .... to "no parent" You cannot save a custom field value, changing it from a populated value to a blank/null value In either of the case above, these are typically caused by the SUHOSIN module for PHP. The following should resolve this Edit you php.ini file, adding the following entries after the existing entries for SUHOSIN. suhosin.cookie.disallow_nul = Off suhosin.get.disallow_nul = Off = Off suhosin.request.disallow_nul = Off Then restart Apache Web Server Viola, you should now be able to save null values.

Advanced Articles [Questions 4]

How To Install and Uninstall FrontPage Extensions

This tutorial will show you how to install and uninstall FrontPage extensions. Please note that FrontPage Extensions should only be installed if you are using Microsoft's FrontPage to build you web site!! This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section named Advanced. Click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This will take you to a screen that will list your domain or domains, (if there are parked or add-ons in your hosting account), and the status of FrontPage Extensions on that domain. It will say Installed or not Installed. Next to the domain in the list is a button that says Install Extensions. Click that button. That is all there is to it. You will be taken to a verification page, showing that the FrontPage Extensions are now installed, and ready for you to publish your web site to your hosting account. Click the Go Back button. The domain that has Front Page Extensions installed is now listed with the correct status of installed. Remember, extensions have to be installed separately for any Subdomain or add-on domain. To uninstall the Extensions, click on the FrontPage Extensions icon. This takes you to the main screen, where you will find a list of domains, with FrontPage status listed. Find the one you wish to remove, and go across the list to Uninstall Extensions.

Click on the button. This will take you to a verification screen. You can now Click the HOME button in the upper left corner, and return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of this tutorial. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Set Up A Cron Job

This tutorial is going to show you how to setup a cron job in cPanel the easy way. You can set a command or script to run at a specific time every day, week, etc. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Advanced Section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the icon named Cron Jobs. This will take you to the main Cron Job page, where it lists two different experience levels to choose from: Standard and Advanced (Unix Style). This tutorial is going to teach the Standard approach. Click on the Standard Button. This will take you to a screen showing a Standard Cron Manager. Every time a cron job runs, the results are sent to an email address. The top line asks for the email address where you would like the cron job results sent. Enter that address into the box. Below is a box marked Entry 1. The first line is Command to Run: with a box after. In the box you need to enter the command of the script you want to run, including the path (all the way from root) For example, a command might look like this: "home/abc123/public_html/cgi-bin/clients.cgi" This command includes the entire path, all the way from the root directory. Next, we need to specify the timing of the cron. We need to determine when and how often we want the script to run.

There are boxes with different listings above them - Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), Month(s), Weekday(s). Using the information within each box, set the time, day, month, and day of the week you want your cron to run.

When it is all set click the Save Crontab button. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that your cron job has been set. Click on the Go Back link. To return to the Standard Cron Manager at any time, click on the Standard button on the main Cron Job page. You can edit your cron, or delete it entirely by simply clicking on the delete button in the Entry box. You can also set up additional cron jobs. Return to your main cPanel page by clicking the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup Cron Jobs the easy way, and then edit them, delete them, or add additional ones. You can add as many as you wish, but REMEMBER, Cron Jobs have the potential to take up a lot of server resources. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create Custom Error Pages

This tutorial will teach how to create custom Error Pages. Create error pages for 404 Not Found errors and 500 Internal Server Errors, along with 28 other errors. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section, and Click on the Error Pages link. This will take you to the main error pages page. This page lists many kinds of error pages that you can customize. Let's select one, and click on the link. This will take you o an editing page. This is where you create your custom error page. You can include one or more of the listed tags to further customize the page. You can also use HTML tags in your page, making it easy to match the look of your error page to the rest of your web site. Create your page by entering your text into the big block. For example: The page (then click on the "Requested URL" button) is unavailable. Scroll down and click the Save button. You are now taken to a verification page, showing that your error page is created. Click on the Go Back button. You can customize any of the listed error pages, but you do not have to if you do not want to. All accounts come with preset standard error pages. Click the HOME button in the upper left corner to return to the main cPanel page.You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner.

Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using Index Manager

This tutorial will teach about using the Index Manager. The Index Manager allows you to customize the way a directory will be viewed on the web. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". The Index Manager enables you to control how directories on your web site are displayed. If there is not a file named "index.html" in a given directory, then the contents of that directory will be displayed in a browser. This is very undesirable, and can cause security issues. With Index Manager, you can set your account up to not allow your directory contents to be shown. On the main cPanel page, scroll down to the Advanced section. There you will click on the Index Manager icon. This will take you to the main Index Manager page. You will see your folders listed there. You can navigate through them by clicking on the icons. When you find the directory you want to address, click on the name. That will open another screen, where you will see the path for your chosen directory. There are four choices here. Default System Setting-allows the directory contents to be shown No Indexing-does not allow directory contents to be shown Standard Indexing (text only)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do not contain image files Fancy Indexing (graphics)-prevents browsers from viewing the contents of directories that do contain image files Click on one radio button and click the Save button.

This will take you to the verification screen, where you can see that the settings have been updated. Click on Go Back.

You can now exit by clicking on HOME and returning to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of this tutorial. You can return and change the settings at any time, for any of your directories. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Domains Articles [Questions 23]

How Do I Choose a Domain Name

This tutorial will look at some of the things you should look at when you are trying to choose your Domain Name. As you know, a domain name is a quick and easy way for someone to find your website on the Internet. Without a domain name, people would have to remember a series of numbers, or your IP address, and enter that to locate your site. One of the first things to think about when choosing a domain name is even though they can be hundred of characters in length, the shorter the better. Domain names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens. You should avoid using hyphens if possible, because sometimes they make it hard to communicate your address to other people, and an easy understanding is very important. One drawback to shorter is that a lot of the shorter names are already taken, so your first choice may already be in use. You may have to add to it, or make some small changes to find a short name that is available. You will also need to decide what top-level domain (TLD) or domain extension to use for your domain. There are many choices, such as .com, .net, .org, and so on. Recently, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) who oversees all of this added several new TLD's, like .biz, and .museum. The TLD doesn't matter much anymore, so you can use whichever sounds best and is available. If the .com of your choice is taken, maybe the .net version is available.

When selecting your domain, if you are operating a business website, you want it to reflect something about your products or type of business. For example, if your business is Joes Online Store.

but your main product is blue widgets, your domain should be something to show that, like, or People shopping for blue widgets will find you that way when they do a search. (It does take a long time and some effort to make yourself visible in a search unless your product is very unique and/or one-of-a-kind. That is called "search engine optimization") If you just use as your domain, unless people know your name already you will be hard to find. So, the key points of domain name selection are to keep it short, keep it simple and make it mean something relating to the purpose of your business. You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website, in fact this may help improve your search engine rankings. This concludes the tutorial about how to choose a domain name.

How to Create a Subdomain

This tutorial will teach you how to create a Subdomain. Subdomains are URLs for different sections of your web site. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Domains. Find the Icon named Subdomains, and click on it. This will take you to the Subdomain main page. You will find a box titled Subdomains, with your domain name after it. If you have more than one domain name, such as parked domains, or add-ons, you will find them here in a pull down menu. Select the correct domain for which you wish to make a Subdomain and in the box enter the prefix name of the new Subdomain. The result should look like this: whatever your TLD is) For example, Below the Subdomain line is the Document Root line, and by clicking on the Icon, it will bring up the default directory for the Subdomain. Now click the Create Button. This will take you to a page showing that your Subdomain has been created successfully. Click on the Go Back link to return to the Subdomain page. Your new Subdomain is now listed here on the Subdomain page. You can make changes or remove it completely right here. A folder called 123abc (or whatever you named your Subdomain) has been created into which you will upload your files for this Subdomain.

This folder is located in the public_html directory, and can be accessed through file manager, or any FTP program. You can also access it by entering ""

You can grant virtual FTP access to your new Subdomain from the FTP Manager in cPanel, although it is not necessary to make it work. It is already working. You can now return to your cPanel main page by clicking on the HOME link in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You can return to this section at any time to create additional subdomains, or delete existing ones. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Create an Add-On Domain

This tutorial will guide you step by step on how to use and set up an Add-on domain. An Add-on domain is a separate domain from the main account using space available. Giving you multiple accounts in the same space. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down to the Domains section and click on the Addon Domains link. This takes you to the Add-on screen. In the first box enter the new domain name. In the next box, the one named Subdomain/FTP Username enter the directory name in your main account where this new domain will be pointing. Enter a password, and then re-enter it. Click the Add Domain button. This takes you to the verifies screen which will confirm that your new add-on domain has been created. For example: your domain is, and you make an add-on called The web site files should be uploaded to the directory. An FTP Account has been created for this add-on domain. Click the Go Back link. Click the Home Icon in the upper left hand corner. Scroll down. Click the FTP Accounts Icon in the Files section. Scroll down the page, and in the Account Management section you will find your new add-on domain listed. To remove an add-on domain, in the modify Addon Domain section find the Remove button. Click the button, and it will take you to a confirmation screen.

Click Yes, and the domain has been removed, as well as the FTP account created for it. Click HOME and return to the main page of your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial.

You now know how to setup and remove add-on domains in your account. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Park a Domain

This tutorial will teach how to park a domain. A "Parked" domain shows the same content as the domain it is parked on, but uses the Parked domains name. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Domain parking is useful when you have additional domain names that you want people to be able to use to get into your web site. For example, let's say your domain name is "". But you also own the domain "". If you park one of the domains on the other, then both will result in visitors getting to your web site. NOTE: Domain parking will NOT work if you have not updated the new domain's name servers to point to your account's name be sure to do that with your registrar first. Begin by scrolling down your cPanel main page to the section called Domains and click on the icon called Parked Domains. This takes you to a parked domain screen with a box labeled Create a New Parked Domain. Enter the domain you want to park in the box, then click the Add Domain button. You will now go to a verification screen, which will confirm that the domain has been successfully parked. Click on the Go Back link. The domain will now be listed in the Parked Domain list. This is where you can remove parked domains. Simply click on the Remove link, and then click on the Yes to confirm that you wish to remove the parked domain.

This takes you to the verification screen, confirming that you have successfully removed the parked domain. Click the Go Back link. Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page.

This ends the tutorial. You may return and create as many parked domains as your hosting plan allows. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up URL Redirects

This tutorial will teach you how to set up URL redirects. Redirects allow you to make a specific web page redirect to another page and display the contents of that page. This way you can make a page with a long URL accessible by a page which has a shorter and easier to remember URL. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the Domains section, and click on the Redirects Icon. This will take you to the redirects screen. The first thing you need to do is decide whether this redirect will be temporary or permanent. Use the pull-down to select one or the other. Next, type in the URL that you want to redirect. For example, the "" is already listed. In the box you list the page for redirection, such as "anypage.html". In the next box, you need to enter the destination URL. This is the place you want your web site visitors sent to. Next click the Add button. That's all there is to it! It will now take you to the confirmation screen, showing which URL is being automatically redirected to what new URL. Click the Go Back Link. You can now see your new redirect listed in the Directory. You can also remove redirects from this same page. Simply click on the remove icon in the Directory list. It will take you to a screen that will verify that you have removed the redirect. You can now Click on the HOME link in the upper left corner, and return to the main cPanel page. This now ends the tutorial on URL redirects.

You can set up as many URL redirects as you wish, including redirects to other pages within your own web site or redirects to pages within other web sites. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Domain name or Account Name and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are on the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the My Domains link on the upper menu bar. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings. These are the ones you are going to change. Below the Nameserver Settings, Click the Update Name Servers link. This takes you to the Name Server Update page. Scroll down, and enter the first new nameserver you were given in your email into the box provided. Click on ADD. Scroll down again. Continue listing your new name servers, and clicking on the ADD button after each one until they are all listed.

When you are done, scroll down and enter your email address to confirm the changes. Then click on Continue. You are now at the Name Server Update Results page, and it shows that the name servers where successfully updated to the name servers of our hosting company.

Your domain is now pointing at our servers. You can click on the Back to Domain Information Link just to be sure. You will see the new DNS settings listed. You may now click the Logout link in the upper right corner. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary to your DNS settings for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must edit all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Log in to your Control Panel link. Enter your account Username and Password in the boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage link. Now click on the Change name servers link. This takes you to the Change name servers page, where you need to scroll down to the Nameserver boxes. Enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, click on the Change name servers button. That completes the changing of the DNS settings. You may now click on the Logout link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the Customer Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domains link on the left hand side. This will open the Domain Overview page. Click on the DNS link. Select the domain you wish to manage from the pull-down list, and click on the Next button. This opens the DNS Settings page for this domain. Go down the page to Name Server Settings, and click on Edit. Now go to the box called Basic DNS Settings, and select My Name Server. This will open the Advanced DNS Settings box, and you can now enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to a screen that will confirm that the process is completed, and the DNS settings have been saved, and your domain will be updated accordingly.

To be sure the change was successful, click the Go To Overview button. Then click DNS. Then click Next. You can now see the new settings are listed.

Scroll back up to the top of the page, and click on the Logout button in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Select button for the Manage Registered Domain Names link on the left hand side. This will open the Edit Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Edit Name Servers link. This will open a Change Name Server page for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you in the email our hosting company sent when you opened your account. Scroll down, and enter the first DNS setting in the box provided.

Now click on Add. Continue adding the DNS settings, and clicking on Add after each until you have them all entered. Now, you need to remove the old Name Servers that you no longer want by clicking on the remove link after the name. The DNS settings are now updated successfully.

Scroll to the top of the page, and click on the Log Out link. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is going to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings when your domain is registered at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the My Account link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account, and are on the Account Summary page. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This will open the My Domain Names page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Now Click the Set Name Servers button. This opens the Set Name Servers for Selected Domains page. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes that are in the section called Name Servers. Click on the Enter Name Servers button. This will take you to a page that will confirm that your changes were successful. When finished, click the Signout link at the top of the page.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username/Customer# and Password, and then click the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link on the left hand side. This will open the Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the name servers Icon. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Manage. This will open the Set name servers page. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the OK button when you are finished. You will get a screen informing you that the changes have been submitted.

Click OK. When finished, click the Logout link in the upper right corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If your domain has already been purchased through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed for your web site to be seen by the world. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. You are at the Domain Management Control Panel. Click on the Change DNS/Hosting Info link in the left hand column. This will open the Change DNS/Hosting Information page. Scroll down, and click the check box next to the Domain you wish to manage. Now click on Continue. This opens the page for this domain. Scroll down, and enter your new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are finished, click on Continue. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen, that lets you know the update was successful. Click on Continue. Back at the Management Control Panel, you can scroll down and click the Log Out Link.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on My Account. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Manage Domain Names on the left hand side. This will open the Manage Domain Names page. Scroll down and click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Under the DNS section, click on the Redelegate Domain Name link. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Now enter the new DNS settings as provided by us in our welcome email to you when you purchased your hosting account. Then click on Continue. This will return you to the Manage page, and if you scroll down you can see that the name servers have been updated to point to our servers.

Scroll back up, and when finished go to My Account. Now you can click on Log Out.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible, by pointing your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the log-in button from the menu on the side bar. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name link at the top of the page. This will open the My Domains page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company DNS settings. Click on the Configure Button. This will open the Domain Name Maintenance page. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click on the Save Changes button. A new screen will now show you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must all be updated (or changed). Let's start by going to the home page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login Now link. You are now logged in to your account, and you are on your home page. Click on the view link at the end of Number of domains in your account. This will show you a list of domains names in your account. This opens Your Domains page, and you should click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens a new window, and you will click on the Domain Name Server Setup link at the side of the page. You can now see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the settings for our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes, and when you are done, scroll down. Click on Save Changes. A message will confirm that the servers were successfully updated. You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings when your domain name is registered with by changing them to our name servers.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click Control Panel in the upper right corner. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Domains at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Domain Manager. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the DNS tab. This will open the Name Servers panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the DNS settings that you were provided with in the welcome email that you received when you opened your hosting account with our company. When you are done, click on the Modify button.

The panel will now show that the name servers were successfully updated. The new DNS settings are listed in the Name Server Information boxes. Scroll back up, and click on the Logout link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

This purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Manage Accounts. This will open the Log into Account Manager screen. Enter your Login ID and Password in the boxes, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on ns WebAddress, which is located on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This will open the Domain Details screen. Select Designated DNS, then click on Apply Changes. On the next screen, you will click on the Move DNS button. This will open the Edit Domain Name Servers page. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When you are done, click Move DNS. You will now be taken to a confirmation screen. You will need to click on the Edit DNS button. You will see your new settings listed on the next page.

Showing you that the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Scroll back up and click on the Log Out button.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at OpenSRS

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at OpenSRS. If you have already purchased your domain name through OpenSRS, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's begin by going to the OpenSRS login page. Enter your Domain Name, Username and Password in the boxes, and then click the Manage Domains button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account. Click on the Name Servers link at the top of the page. This will open the Manage Name Servers page. Scroll down, and you can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings you were provided in your welcome email in the boxes. Scroll down, and when finished, click on the Save Configuration button. You will now see a confirmation that the modifications were successful. You can now click on the Logout link at the top of the page. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers.

Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with OpenSRS.

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and point your domain name to our servers. You do this by updating the nameserver settings at You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on Your Account on the right hand side. Enter your Username and Password in the boxes on the log in screen, and then click the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. Scroll down, and enter the new DNS settings in the boxes provided. When you are done, click on the Continue Button. This takes you to a confirmation screen. Click on the Continue button again to confirm the changes. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. You can scroll down the page to be sure. The new listings showing the DNS settings pointing to our servers will be listed in your account now. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. Scroll back up, and you may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the DNS setting changes necessary for your web site to be visible. As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent to you when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and they must each be changed. Let's get started by going to the home page. Click on the Login link at the top of the page. Enter your Username and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link on the left hand side. From the drop-down, click on the List Last 10. This will open the Domain list page. Select the domain name you wish to manage, and click the Domain Name-Click to Manage link. This opens the page for this domain. Click on the Modify Name Servers button. This will open the Nameserver panel for this domain name. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to the ones provided to you by our hosting company. Enter the new DNS settings in the boxes. When finished, click on the Submit button.

This takes you to a confirmation page, that says the modification has been completed successfully. If you scroll down, you can see the new DNS settings are listed in the boxes. When finished, click the Sign Out link in the upper right corner.

The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, if you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You will need to point your domain name to our servers. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change them all. Let's begin by going to the home page. Enter your Username or domain name and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link at the top of the page. This will open the Account Management Control Panel page. Click on the domain name you wish to manage. This opens the page for this domain. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Click on the link called Update Name Servers. This will open the Name Server Update page. Enter the first (Primary) DNS settings in the box, and click ADD. Continue until you have added all your name servers as given to you in your welcome email. When you have entered all the name servers, enter your email address in the box marked Confirmation Email Address.

Then click on Continue. This will take you to a screen that will show the results, and confirm that the changes were updated successfully. Click on the Back to Domain Information link to be sure of the changes. Your new DNS settings will be listed on the page now.

You may now click on the Log-out link in the right hand corner. The settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

Updating Your DNS at

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to update your DNS (Domain Name Servers) settings at As our new hosting client, you will need to point your domain name to our servers. If you have already purchased your domain name through, you will need to go to their site, and make the changes necessary for your web site to be visible. You received our nameserver settings in the welcome email that was sent when you purchased your hosting package with us. There are two or more nameserver (NS) settings, and you must change all of them. Let's begin by going to the home page. Click on the LogIn in the upper right corner. This takes you to the Login screen, where you will enter your Login ID and Password, and then click the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered Domains link. Scroll down to where it says DNS Server Settings, and click on this link. This takes you to the Edit DNS servers screen. You can see the current DNS settings, and these are the ones that need to be changed to our hosting company. Erase and enter the correct DNS settings in the boxes, for Name Server 1, Name Server 2, and more if required. Click the Save button when you are finished. You will get a pop-up informing you that any change in DNS will take approximately 24 hours to propagate. It asks if you wish to continue.

Click OK. You can see the settings have been successfully updated, and your domain is now pointing to your new hosting account on our servers. Please remember that it can take 24 to 48 hours for your domain name to fully propagate after you make these changes. When finished, click on the log-out button.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to update your DNS settings by changing them to our name servers, when your domain name is registered with

What Are Domain Names and How Do They Work

This tutorial will look at what the concept of Domain Names, and how they work. Every website on the Internet can be located by its IP address. The IP address is a unique set of numbers, assigned to every computer that has access to the Internet. Our hosting servers all have IP addresses, which you will be included in your welcome email. Anyone looking for your website can enter those numbers in the address bar of their browser, and they will find your website. So, are you going to tell people to look for you on the Internet by just entering (Just an example.) Will anyone remember that? This is where the idea of Domain Names came about. Instead of having to enter a bunch of numbers, we can now assign a name to those numbers. Domain names can contain letters, numbers and hyphens. They can be hundreds of characters in length, but the shorter the domain name, the better. You can also have more than one domain name pointing at the same website. A domain name is an easy to remember address that can be translated by domain name servers into server IP addresses. In order for your computer to figure out what IP address to use for a domain name, it has to connect with a name server, which is also called a DNS server. That server connects with another, which connects with another, and so on, until a server is found that knows the correct IP address for the domain name.

When you purchase a domain name, you make sure the settings show that all requests for an IP address for that domain name are directed to our hosting name servers. The settings will be in the welcome email you receive when you purchase a hosting account with us. This concludes the tutorial on domain names, and how they work.

Email(Mail) Articles [Questions 14]

Configure email forwarding in cPanel

This procedure is necessary when you need to forward your emails to other email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo, etc or to another account you might have on your system. Log in to your control panel Click on the "Forwarders" icon in your cPanel Click on the "Add Forwarder" button Type in the first part of your email (everything before the @ symbol) in the "Address to Forward" field. You should see your domain name to the right of it. If you have more than one domain in your account you can select the one you need from the drop-down list Next, make sure the "Forward to email address:" radio button is checked and type in the email address you are forwarding to in that field Click on the "Add Forwarder" button to add this forwarder This will enable forwarding for the email address you entered. Note: If you setup a forwarder for an email address that is already added in your cPanel as an email account, the emails will still be delivered to that mailbox, plus any forwarder addresses you've added.

File Attachments Blocked by MailScanner

The following is a list of most file attachments that may be blocked by the MailScanner service (the attachments are removed from emails before delivery to you and placed in a quarantine area for 30 days should you wish to receive them): These are known to be dangerous in almost all cases. .reg Possible Windows registry attack .chm Possible compiled Help file-based virus .cnf Possible SpeedDial attack .hta Possible Microsoft HTML archive attack .ins Possible Microsoft Internet Comm. Settings attack .jse_ Possible Microsoft JScript attack .lnk Possible Eudora *.lnk security hole attack .ma_ Possible Microsoft Access Shortcut attack .pif Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack .scf Possible Windows Explorer Command attack .sct Possible Microsoft Windows Script Component attack .shb Possible document shortcut attack .shs Possible Shell Scrap Object attack .vbe or .vbs Possible Microsoft Visual Basic script attack .wsc .wsf .wsh Possible Microsoft Windows Script Host attack .xnk Possible Microsoft Exchange Shortcut attack These are often used by viruses .com Windows/DOS Executable .exe Windows/DOS Executable These are very dangerous and have been used to hide viruses .scr Possible virus hidden in a screensaver .bat Possible malicious batch file script .cmd Possible malicious batch file script .cpl Possible malicious control panel item .mhtml Possible Eudora meta-refresh attack Filenames ending with CLSID's {[a-hA-H0-9-]{25,}\} Filename trying to hide its real extension Examples: A977FF0C-8757-4E76-8533-482F91946233 000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 Filenames with lots of contiguous white space in them.

Filename contains lots of white space Deny all other double file extensions. This catches any hidden filenames. Examples: .txt.pif .doc.pif .txt.exe

How To Use Webmail From Within CPanel

There are two ways to access webmail. You can actually login to webmail without first logging into cPanel by simply typing the following into your browser: " " (replace your domain with your actual domain name.) This tutorial will teach you how to use webmail from within cPanel. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your main cPanel page, scroll down to the section named Mail, and click on the Webmail icon. This will take you to the main Web Mail page. Click on the icon called Go To Webmail Login. You will find three webmail programs to choose from. You can select from Neomail, Horde or SquirrelMail. This tutorial will look at SquirrelMail. All three programs are very similar in how they process mail. Click the SquirrelMail icon. This will take you to the main screen of your account, and shows you the contents of the main Inbox. In the top menu, you will find a button called Options. Click on the button, and it will take you to a screen where you are given several options for configuring the way your webmail displays for you. Some of the options include Folder Preferences, Display Preferences, Personal Information, and others. Next to Options, you will find Folders. Clicking that tab takes you to a screen where you can create folders and subfolders to organize and store email messages. You can also rename and delete folders in this area.

You can create as many folders and subfolders as you wish, whatever meets your needs.

They will display in the left hand column. The next item in the menu is Addresses. Click on the link, and it will take you to the SquirrelMail Personal Address Book which you can use to store commonly used email addresses. After filling in the blanks, click on the Add address button, and the contact will be added to your address book. Next up is Compose. This is the Link to select to send an email. After clicking the link, you will get a blank email form. To send it to someone whose address is in your Personal Address Book, click on the Addresses button, and select the person, or people you wish to send the email to. There are check boxes to indicate whether they should be put in the To line, or the Cc (Carbon copy) line, or Bcc (Blind carbon copy) field. Once you choose a name, and select a field, click the Use Addresses button. This takes you back to the email blank, where your recipient is automatically inserted into the field you selected. Now fill in the rest of the details, such as Subject and Enter the email message in the large box. Scroll down and click the send button. That completes the composing and sending of an email message. To view your messages, look at the left hand column. If the Inbox is highlighted, it will have a number after it. That is the number of messages you have in your box. Click on Inbox, and open it up. Your messages will be listed by who sent them, date sent, and subject. If the message is junk, and you wish to delete it, click in the small check box in front of the message. Then Click the Delete button. To move a message to a different folder, mark the check box in front of the message. Go up the pull-down menu and select the folder you wish to move the message into. Then click on the Move button. When you are finished with Webmail you should always exit by signing out. The link to Sign Out is in the upper right corner. This will take you to a confirmation screen that will verify that you have signed out of Webmail. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use Webmail, specifically SquirrelMail. You can now return to your main cPanel page. Remember, you do not have to login to cPanel to access your webmail, you can access it by using "" (replace "your domain" with your actual domain name) in your browser. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Configure MailScanner in cPanel

This article describes how to configure MailScanner in cPanel. MailScanner is an anti-spam/anti-virus suite consisting of several open source utilities including: MailScanner, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, DCC and Vipuls Razor. Together, these utilities can dramatically reduce the amount of spam and viruses that make it to your email inbox. To configure Mailscanner for your domain(s), please follow the tutorial below. Login to cPanel for your hosting account In the "Mail" section, click on the MailScanner link/icon

How to Create A POP Email Account

This tutorial will teach you how to create POP email accounts. These accounts will be based off of your domain name(s). This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". Scroll down your main cPanel page to the section called Mail, and click on the icon that says Email Accounts. This will open the main Email Accounts page. If you scroll down, you will see that there is already a POP email account, listed as the Default Email Account. This is the main account that every hosting account comes with, and is the "catch-all" for all un-routed email that comes to your domain. This default account has no quota, and cannot be deleted. We are now going to create a new account. Find the first box in the section Add a New Email Account. If you should have more than one domain in your account- (for example, a parked domain, or add-on domain) be sure to choose the correct domain from the pull-down menu for which you want to create your POP email account.

Once you have selected the correct domain, in the box that says email, you will write the name of the first account you wish to establish. This account can be whatever you choose. Your name, or an employee name can go here, such as Bob or Fred, or Nancy or you may put in a department name, such as sales, accounting, or customerservice. It should be written as one word, with no spaces. Give the account a password that you can remember, and enter it again to verify it.

If it is too weak, it will not be accepted, and you will be prompted to try again.

A strong password is very important to protect your email from hackers. So now you have your email account - something@yourdomain.whatever (.com, .net, .org, etc). Now you need to decide how much space of your hosting package you are going to dedicate to your mail. You have the option to set a quota limit of space. If you give it a set limit of a certain number of MB, and the box is full, you will get warnings to clean it out. You may also leave it as unlimited, but if you don't remember to check and empty it off the server, you run the risk of using all your server space. After setting the quota, click on create account and you a have completed your first email account. Click on the Go Back button, and you will see your new address listed, along with a list of actions that you may perform on that account. You can change your password, change the mail quota, Delete the account entirely or even access webmail here. You can also configure an email client (Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc.). After creating your first account, repeat for as many accounts as your plan allows. Remember to record the passwords somewhere safe so that you will be able to access the email for reading later. When you are done, click on the home icon in the upper left corner to return to your cPanel. This is the end of the tutorial. As always, if using a public computer, remember to close your cPanel by clicking on Logout rather than just closing the browser window.

How to Create an Auto Responder

This tutorial will teach you how to create an auto responder. You can use auto responders to send a message back automatically to anyone who sends an email to a certain account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On your cPanel main page, scroll down to the section named Mail. Click on the icon marked Auto Responders. This will take you to the main auto responder page. Click on the Add auto responder link. In the blank box marked email, enter the name of the account to which you are adding the AutoResponder. CAUTION: If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain, make sure you are setting up the auto responder in the correct domain. On the from line, enter the name you would like to have appear on the auto message email. The subject line is the subject of the auto response email. You may enter a subject, or just leave the default setting. The next option is character set, which should be left at default, or possibly choose ASCII for most normal purposes.

By default, the message will be in plain text. You have the option of sending it in HTML by checking the box marked "This message contains HTML". Enter the text of your auto response in the body box, and when you are done click on the create/modify button. This will take you to a screen that shows you that your auto responder has been successfully created. Click on the Go Back Link, and you will see your new auto responder listed.

Here you can edit it, or delete it completely. You can create additional auto responders.

Click the HOME link in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page. This ends the tutorial. You now know how to create an auto responder in cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Set Up Email Forwarding

This tutorial will teach how to set up email forwarding, which is sometimes called an email redirect. Forwarders allow you to send a copy of all mail from one email address to another. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail Section, and click on the icon called Forwarders. This will take you to the Forwarders screen, where you will click the button called Add Forwarders. This will take you to a screen that begins with Address. Enter the prefix of the address you wish to forward. If you have more than one domain on this account, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you are creating the forward on the correct domain. In the next box enter the email address where you want these emails forwarded to. Click the Add Forwarder button, and that is all there is to it! It will take you to the confirmation screen where you can verify that the correct address is being forwarded to the place you wish it to go.

Now, email sent to the original email address will automatically be redirected (or forwarded) to the new address of your choice. Click the Go Back button. You will see your forwarder listed. If you need to delete the forwarder, just click on the Delete button under the Functions heading. If you wish to create new or additional forwarders, click on the Add Forwarders button.

In addition to setting up email forwarders, you can also set up domain forwarders. This means that all the email sent to any address within a domain would be forwarded to a specific email address. You would do it basically the same way, just start by clicking on the Add Domain Forwarder button. You may now click on the HOME link, and return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on email forwarders (redirects). You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How to Trace an Email Address

This tutorial will teach how to trace an email address. This feature allows you to view how the mail server will treat a message when sending to or delivering to a specific address. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the Mail section, and click on the icon named Email Delivery Route. This will take you to a screen where you can test any email address by tracing it's route from this server. This tool is especially handy if you are having trouble sending an email to a specific address. You can check to see where the problem might be. Enter an email address in the box, and click on Show Route. That's it...the route of the address is now shown. From your cPanel, you can look for problems. You can see if a problem is with your server, or on the other end where the destination email address is located. Click the Go Back, and then the HOME in the upper left corner to return to the cPanel main page.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to check an email address by performing a trace from within your cPanel. You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

I can send email from my account when I'm at work, but not when I'm at home.

This issue is typically caused by your ISP blocking port "25" on their network for residential accounts. Our servers are configured to also accept SMTP (outgoing) mail connections on port "587". Try editing your email account settings for the SMTP (outgoing) mail connection to use port "587" first. If this does not work, you'll typically need to configure your ISP's mail server for your SMTP (outgoing) mail server in your email account settings.

I cannot send email. I am using Verizon as my internet service provider.

If you cannot send email and are using Verizon FIOS or High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses, please see the following details provided from the verizon website: If you want immediate step-by-step instructions, visit change my port settings to 587 now. What is outbound port 25 blocking? Outbound port 25 blocking is a network configuration change that will prevent computers on the Verizon network from connecting to servers outside of our network. Servers outside the Verizon network use a method commonly employed to send unauthenticated, unsolicited e-mail or “spam”. Why is Verizon blocking outbound port 25? The majority of spam (unsolicited email) on the Internet is caused by malicious software viruses that take control of infected computers. These viruses direct the infected machines to send email through port 25. Verizon takes spam very seriously. Verizon blocks outgoing connections on port 25 to prevent infected computers from being used by spammers to send unsolicited email. Outbound port 25 blocking is a standard industry method to control spam.

When will outbound port 25 blocking be implemented? We will begin implementing outbound port 25 blocking in the first quarter of 2009. Will outbound port 25 blocking apply to all Verizon broadband customers? Outbound port 25 blocking will be applied to FIOS and High Speed Internet services that use dynamic IP addresses.

If you subscribe to a static IP address service, you will not be affected.

Do I have a dynamic IP address? If you have standard residential or business FIOS / High Speed Internet service, you have a dynamic IP address. Static IP packages are sold as an upgraded service.

Will I be impacted by port 25 blocking? If you have a dynamic IP address and you use a third party email account to send email from a desktop client such as Outlook®, Outlook Express® or similar programs, you may be affected and should continue to read this notice. If you are using email provided as part of your VErizon service or a web-based email account from another provider, you will not be affected. How do I determine if I am using a third party email account? If your email address is not part of your Verizon FiOS or High Speed Internet Service, and it does NOT end with, you are using a third party account. Do I have to change my email account settings? No. Subscribers using Verizon email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account that I access using my web browser. Will I be affected? No. Web-based email services will not be impacted. I am using a third party email account. I also use a desktop client to manage my email. What must I do to continue using my third party service? You have three options: Change your email client to send email using port 587. Click step-by-step instructions to change your port settings now. Use web based email services. Web based e-mail is unaffected by port 25 blocking. Check with your e-mail provider to see if web based access is available. Upgrade to a FIOS or High Speed Internet account with static IP addressing. Business customers may subscribe to static IP addressing.

MailScanner FAQs

MailScanner FAQs This list of Frequently Asked Questions is provided to help you understand our Mail Scanning Service. Will spam be deleted before I retrieve my email? No email is deleted from your mailbox, unless you configure it to do so through the cPanel control panel. Any email reported by the system as spam will have the subject line modified and header records added (tagged) to indicate them so that you can automatically filter them from your inbox and place them in a separate folder so that you can check them at a later time. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 You can configure MailScanner to delete email marked as Spam and/or Definitely Spam for you, but beware of the issues in the following answers to spam related questions. Should I tell you about incorrectly tagged spam? Not unless it is an email from someone you regularly receive email from. The simplest thing to do would be to add an extra inbox rule in your email client to keep email from them in your inbox (see the above links for details for your specific email client).

Alternatively, you can add them to your whitelist in the cPanel MailScanner configuration. Will all spam be detected? No.

All the email is scanned and assigned a score based on the likelihood that an email is spam. Thresholds (low scoring and high scoring spam) are used to determine whether an email should be tagged as spam: it is important that this is done to help avoid false-positives and false-negatives.

Is all email tagged as spam, spam? Not necessarily. The system is not foolproof and there will be instances where legitimate email is tagged as spam and where spam is not tagged as such. This is why all email is delivered by default, so you can filter them email in your email client and check through the spam to ensure there is no email that you actually need. I don't need (spam/virus) checking, can I only have email scanned for one? Yes, you can configure the service to either scan for viruses, spam or both. Will viruses be deleted before I retrieve my email? Yes. All emails and file attachments will be scanned for viruses. If one is found, the virus is removed from the email before it is delivered to your mailbox, a text file attachment will be added to the email notifying you of the virus infection. Removed viruses and dangerous file attachments removed from email may be stored in a quarantine area on the server for 30 days. You can request the file from quarantine as described in the text file attachments, or , preferably ask the sender to resend the file in a zip archive. Will all viruses be detected? No system can guarantee 100% detection, though nearly all infected files and dangerous file attachmentsshould be detected using this service. The service scans all email received and sent through the server to help ensure that you do not accidentally start spreading a virus yourself. Do I still need a virus scanner on my computer? Yes! Not only can the service not guarantee that all email viruses will be detected, there are many other ways that your computer can become infected. You should always install an anti-virus solution on every computer and ensure that it is constantly kept up to date. How do I know whether and email has a virus or is a spam? There are two methods used to identify these emails to you. Firstly, the subject line of the affected email will be prefixed with one of the following: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. Secondly, additional headers are added to the email: X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be clean - indicates that the email passed the virus scanning tests. X-___________-VirusCheck: Found to be infected - indicates that email email contained a virus which has been removed. X-___________-SpamCheck: spam - indicates that the email is likely to be spam and contains information on how the score was reached. X-___________-SpamScore: ssssss - indicates the spam score for the email. Each s represents 1 point, so sssss indicates a score of 5. The service has a default threshold of 5 for {Spam?} and 20 for {Definitely Spam?} Can the system simply delete all email marked as spam? We advise against this as it is possible that legitimate email will be deleted and the sender will never know that you didn't receive it. We recommend filtering the email in your email client and placing it in a separate folder so that you can check through it in your own time. See the links at the top of this page for configuring email rules for the various email clients. If you're happy that email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} you can then configure MailScanner to delete that email. Another alternative is to have all email marked as {Spam?}, and/or more suitably {Definitely Spam?} delivered to a specific email address. For example, How do I configure my email software to filter spam into a separate folder? You should create a separate folder in your email client called Spam. You should then create an inbox rule to place any email containing the strings {Spam?} or {Definitely Spam?} into that folder. instructions for Outlook Express instructions for Outlook 2002/XP instructions for Outlook 2003 instructions for Outlook 2007 instructions for Outlook 2010 What can I do to prevent receiving spam? Have a look at the self-help checklist here.

Top Tips for Preventing Spam

Here is a list of things you can do to help prevent receiving spam: Do not use a catchall email account on your domain(s). Only list aliases and POP accounts that you actually use. This stops the frequent spams that fire off emails to a list of names on a domain. Obfuscate or hide your email addresses on your website, i.e. replace them with JavaScript "trick" email addresses, or, switch to web forms for initial contact, rather than displaying an email address. Never, ever, click on any links in any spam - especially not to "unsubscribe". All this does is confirm to the spammer that they have a "live" address. Configure your client to read any incoming emails in plain-text, never html. Html spam emails contain links to graphics and scripts on spammers sites, confirming your email address.

If you are using Outlook XP or 2003 you can disable viewing in html, instructions are given here:

Understanding the MailScanner codes in your email subject lines

When Mailscanner scans your email, if it finds a problem, it may (depending upon your MailScanner settings�in cPanel) automatically�prepend the subject line of�an affected email with one of the following strings: {Disarmed} - indicates that the email contained html tags that are considered dangerous, e.g. iframe and form tags {Virus?} - indicates that the email contained a virus and has had the attachment removed. {Filename?} - indicates that the email contained a dangerous file attachment which has been removed. {Fraud?}�-�indicates that the email�contained HTML code that was identified as a phishing attack and was disabled by MailScanner. {Spam?} - indicates that the email is likely to be spam - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client. {Definitely Spam?} - indicates that the email is almost definitely spam because it got a very high detection score - you should filter these emails into a separate folder in your email client.

You have been blacklisted/blocked by an ISP

What to do if you get blacklisted or want to be whitelisting with a certain ISP. If you have been blacklisted, the next step is to contact the ISP in question, and request to be removed from their blacklist (delisted). Each ISP has a process for applying, most starting with an online form. Here are links to some of the more popular ISP’s whitelisting/delisting applications AOL Go to webpage below, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form AT&T Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Adelphia Contact Adelphia customer service desk at 800-683-1000 or 888-683-1000. BellSouth Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Comcast Include your private IP address in the body of the email. Helpful Link CompuServe Go to this webpage, agree to terms, click accept and fill out form Cox Send us a copy of the bounced email notification to unblock. EarthLink Please send an email with the complete header to Allow 12-24 hours, our server engineers will fix the issue once the email is received.

Excite Send email to Excite asking to be removed from email blacklist Gmail A Helpful Website Go here for messages being blocked or marked as spam Hotmail Hotmail is very strict with spam complaints and they DO NOT bounce emails. They only filter to trash or junk mail. If they get only a few they will filter all email from your account. They will also filter if they detect you are sending to many non-existent accounts, since this is a characteristic of spammers. If you use your own domain name as your FROM EMAIL ADDRESS, you can set up SPF records under your domain that will improve delivery to Hotmail. Hotmail uses senderID to accept mail and require that you set up spf records on the domain you use for your FROM email address. You will need to contact your host and ask them if they publish SPF records and are compatible with Microsoft's Sender ID initiative. Unfortunately, this is the only way to ensure delivery to Hotmail due to Hotmail's policies. Once you have set up spf records, let Hotmail know by sending them an email at with your domain name in the body. We will then configure your StreamSend account accordingly. If you are not sending from your own domain, our only recommendation is that you wait 48 hours or more between sends. Hotmail may remove your account from their filtering if they do not receive complaints within a certain span of time. Useful articles: Juno Getting onto whitelist: Email being blocked: Netzero Get on whitelist Email being blocked: Roadrunner Follow instructions for removal. SBCGlogal Include your private IP address in the body of the email. USA.NET All blacklisting/IP block issues can be reported to Additionally, you may want to consider registering for our feedback loop at which exempts registered IP addresses from most spam controls and allows contact if we see any delivery issues. Verizon (whitelist application) Yahoo Or try - Commonly used blacklist used by Yahoo *** If you have received an error message regarding 88.blacklist.zap, they are quick to help with delisting issues-- you should send an email to the email address below and include the IP address:

Transferring Your Domain Articles [Questions 17]

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username or domain name and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the My Domains link in the tabs at the top of the page. Scroll down to Step 1. Select the domain you would like to manage by checking the box in front of the name. In Step 2, in the drop-down list, select Unlock these Domains. Click on the Go button. You will now see a Domain Locking Results page. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Control Panel Login link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the pop-up boxes, and click OK. You are now logged in to your account. From the Pull-down menu in the middle of the page, select the domain you wish to transfer, then click on the Manage button. This will bring up the Control panel for this domain, and you need to scroll down. Click on the Manage Domain Locking. This will take you to the Manage Domain Locking page, and you will scroll down again. It will tell you if your domain is locked or unlocked. If it is locked, click on the Unlock domain link. You will now get a confirmation screen showing that the lock has been removed and it is ready to be transferred.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Auth Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to begin transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can initiate the transfer of your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Customer Login button at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen.

Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domains on the left hand side. This takes you to the Domain Overview page. Go to Transfers from the menu in the middle of the page. On the next page,

Click Show next to "Lock/Unlock Domains". Select the domain you wish to manage from the list, and click Next. On the next page, Domain Locks, select the radio button in front of Unlock, and click OK. The next screen will let you know the action was successful.

The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the right hand corner. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, as that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Submit button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Select button on the left hand side for Manage Registered Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Manage Domain Name screen. Click on the Unlock Domain link. The next screen will verify that the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, at the top of the left hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must be completed before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer process at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Sign In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Names link on the right hand side. This opens a screen with all your domains, called Manage Domain Names. Now select the domain for which you want to remove the lock off by clicking on the domain name. This opens the Edit Domain Name screen. Scroll down, to the Transfer Lock section. In the drop-down box, select unlocked, and click on Submit. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Signout link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the GO button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domain Manager link in the left hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now click on the domain name you wish to manage. This will open the Domain Manager page. Click on the Manage link next to "Locked". A pop-up will open and give you the option to uncheck the Locked domains. Uncheck the box, and click OK. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are completed, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by entering your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Scroll down, and click on the Transfer Shield link in the Services section. This take you to the Transfer Shield page, where you need to scroll down. Answer the security question you have setup for your account, and click on Continue. On the new screen, you will click the Edit Transfer Shield link. Scroll down, and select the domain name you wish to unlock by checking the box in front of the domain name. The next screen is to change the status of your Transfer Shield.

Make sure this setting is "Not Armed" by clicking NO. Then click on Continue. You will now see a screen that will let you know the change has been a success. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. Click on continue again.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the lower right hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are some things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page. The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on My Account. Now click on Log In. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Log In button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on Manage Domain Names in the list on the left hand side. This opens a new screen, with your domain names listed.

Select the domain name for which you want to remove the registry lock, by clicking in the box in front of the domain name. Now Click on Lock/Unlock from the list above the domains. Now click Go. On the new screen, click the Unlock Domain button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry. There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, go up to My Account. Click Log Out. You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in button in the left hand menu. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the link in the first statement that tells you how many domain names you have in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Now select the domain for which you want to turn the registry lock off by clicking on the domain name.

This opens the Domain Control Panel screen. Scroll down, and click on the "Registrar-Lock Options for Domain Names and Services" Link.

Un-check the box that says "Do not allow this name to be transferred to another registrar", then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by entering your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the word view after "Number of domains in your account" to see a list of domain names in your account. This opens a screen with all your domains. Click the domain name you want to remove the registry lock on. This takes you to a Modify page for this domain name. On the left hand side, click on the Registar Lock link.

The next page will show you if the domain is locked or not. If the name is locked, click in the radio button in front of the sentence "Release the registrar lock so that the domain can be transferred to some other registrar."

Then click on the Save Changes button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, the Authorization Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or you will be prevented from transferring the domain name out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on Control Panel at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains, and then click on Domain Manager from the drop-down, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Manager page.

Expand the options for the domain you want to edit by clicking on the plus sign in front of the domain name. Now go to the Security tab.

Click Unlock. That's it. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Logout link, in the upper right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Let's start by clicking on the Account Manager link in the upper right corner. Now on the log-in page, enter your account username and password in the boxes. Click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the nsWebAddress link in the left hand menu list. From the drop-down, click on Manage Domain Names. This opens a screen with all your domains and details. In the box for the domain you wish to transfer.

find the Domain Protected text. Across from that, click on the link on the right hand side that reads "Turn Off or Request Authorization Code". This opens a new screen called Edit Domain Protect. Select the radio button for Leave Domain Protect Off. You will also need to check the box requesting an Authorization Code. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the Authorization Code. This is a very important step.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. Click on the Save button. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. When finished, click the log out button in the right hand corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from OpenSRS

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from OpenSRS to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with OpenSRS, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Enter your domain name, OpenSRS account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the Manage Domain button. You are now logged in to your OpenSRS account.

Click on the Domain Locking link in the menu at the top of the page. This opens the Domain Locking screen. Scroll down, and check the status of the locking. You are unable to change the locking status for a domain from here. You would need to contact your domain supplier for assistance it you need to change the status.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out link, in the left hand side menu.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is OpenSRS, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which would prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the login link in the right hand corner. Scroll down, and enter your account username and password in the boxes.

Now click on the Login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the domain for which you want to remove the registry lock. This takes you to the domain page. Scroll down. Now click the Disable Domain Lock link. This takes you to a confirmation page, and you need to click on the Continue button to confirm the change.

You now see the confirm page, that the domain lock changes have been made. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are ready to start transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name.

Once they are done, you can initiate the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will assume that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or that will prevent it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the Login link in the menu at the top of the page. Enter your account username and password in the boxes on the log-in screen. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Domains link at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on List Last 10. This will open a page with your domain list. Select the domain you wish to manage. Click the "Domain Name - Click to Manage" link in the box with the domain name.

This will open a management console, and in the second section, click on the Lock/Unlock Button. Now you need to Un-check the box in front of the "Customer Lock". Then click Update.

The next screen will show you that the order has been modified successfully, and the lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, the Authorization Code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the Sign out link, on the right hand side of the page.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

This tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to begin on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, which prevents it from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the My Account link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the login button. You are now logged in to your account.

Click on the My Domains tab at the top of the page. This opens your Account Management Control Panel. Select the domain you wish to manage, by checking the box in front of the domain name. In the Step 2 box, there is a pull-down menu. Click on the arrow, and select Unlock These Domains from the list.

Then click Go. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name.

It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name. This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button in the upper right corner.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Transferring Your Domain from

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you get started when you are transferring your domain from to another domain registrar. There are several things that must take place before you can begin to transfer your domain name. Once they are done, you can begin the domain name transfer at the home web site for the new domain name registrar where you want your domain name transferred to.

This tutorial assumes that you have a domain already registered with, and we are going to start on their home page.

The first thing you must do is make sure the domain name is not locked, or being prevented from being transferred out of the current registry. Begin by clicking on the log-in link in the right hand corner. Enter your account username and password in the boxes. Now click on the log-in button. You are now logged in to your account. Click on the Registered domains link in the right hand list. This opens a screen with all your domains.

By the text "Manage Domain" there is a pull-down list. Select General Settings from the menu. This opens an Edit General Settings screen. Click on Disable next to Registrar-Lock. Scroll down and click on Save. The lock has now been removed from the domain name, so it can now be transferred to another domain registry.

There are several other things that need to be done while you are logged in to your account. You should verify that your Contact Info is correct and up-to-date both at the current registry and the Who-Is. You also should obtain, most likely by email, what is called the EPP code, or the KEY Code, or it may be called a different name. It is the authorization code that allows the registries to permit the transfer of your domain name.

This code needs to be given to your new domain registrar to begin the transfer process. When finished, click the log out button.

You are now ready to visit our web site or contact us to initiate the domain transfer request. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to unlock your domain at its current registrar, if the registrar is, so that it can be transferred to another domain registry.

Files Articles [Questions 5]

How To Backup Your Web site

This tutorial will teach you how to backup your web site in cPanel. Regular backups of your web site are the best way to assure you are protected from loss. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the Backup icon. This will take you to the main backup screen, where you can backup and/or restore the files in your hosting account.

There is a header called Systems Backups, and it will show you how often your account is being backed up by the server it is on. These are automatic backups, and could be daily, weekly, or monthly, or any combination of these - check with us to see how often we do backups. By clicking on any of these buttons, you can download a copy of these backups to your local computer.

If you scroll down on the main page, you will find the manual backup section. There are several ways to backup your files, depending on which files you want to backup. You can perform a backup of the home directory, or the backup of a MySQL Database, or you can backup only files in specific subdomains or filters.

You can also perform a Download/Generate Full Backup in this section. Click the button with this command on it. This will take you to a Full Backup Screen, that lists available backups for download. From the drop down box, set your back up destination. You may choose from Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (Passive mode transfer) or Secure Copy. In the next box, enter the email address where you want a complete report of this backup to be sent.

Fill in the other boxes as requested, and click the Generate Backup button. This will send you to a verification screen, to confirm that the backup is in progress, and that you will receive an email upon completion.

To Backup a Home Directory to your computer, Click on Home Directory in the Manual Downloads section. A File Download box will appear. Click OK. That will successfully backup the home directory to your local computer.

To Restore the Home Directory Backup, Click on the Browse button next to the box marked Restore a Home Directory Backup in the Manual Download Section. This will open a File Upload box. Locate and select the backup file you wish to restore. Click the Open button. This will take you back to the backup main page. Click the Upload button. A screen will then open showing files are being restored.

This works the same for the other options in the manual section. You can now click the HOME link in the upper left corner and return to your cPanel main page. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the Backup utility, and can manually backup your files as often as you desire.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Create Additional FTP Accounts

Let's learn how to create additional FTP accounts. FTP Accounts allow you to access your web site's files through a protocol called FTP. You will need a third party FTP program to access your files. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel". On the cPanel main page, scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon named FTP Accounts. This will take you to the FTP Accounts main page, where you manage your FTP accounts.

If you scroll down on the page you will see a list of the FTP accounts you already have. Most were created when your hosting account was setup.

Scroll up to the section called Add FTP Account. In the first box enter a Login name. Then enter a password twice, in the next two boxes.

In the next box, marked Directory, click on the icon and it will give you the Directory you are creating the FTP account for. NOTE: If it should say "public_html/example" in this box.

The user of this account will only have access to the "/example" directory, and all folders under it. To give them full access, remove everything up to the slash... so that it reads "public_html/" This will allow them full access.

In the next box you can give a quota limit or not on this FTP account. If you choose not to limit the account, enter Unlimited in the box. Then click the Create button.

This will take you to the confirmation screen, with all the account information listed. Click the Go Back button.

Your new FTP Account will now be listed on the main page, under account management. Here you can edit the account properties, such as changing the quota, password, and deleting the account. You can also create new accounts at any time.

This ends this tutorial on FTP Accounts. You can now return to the main cPanel page by clicking on HOME in the upper left corner.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

How To Use Web Disk In CPanel

This tutorial is going to teach you how to Use Web Disk in cPanel. The Web Disk allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting account. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Web disk allows you to drag and drop files easily from your computer to your hosting account. It is just as if your account was part of your home computer. You can also navigate through the files in your hosting account, just as you do the files on your local computer.

Scroll down to the Files section on the main page of your cPanel, and click on the Web Disk icon. This will take you to the Web Disk Accounts Main Page.

You will find a section called Create Web Disk Account. In the first box enter the username you want to use for login. If you have more than one domain, such as a parked domain or an add-on domain, make sure you use the drop-down menu to select the correct domain to create the web disk account on.

Enter a password, then re-enter it to verify it is correct, then click the Create button. This will take you to the confirmation screen to verify that you have successfully setup a new Web Disk account. Click the Go Back link, and you will find your new account listed in the Web Disk Account Manager.

The Manager has a button called Access Web Disk. Click that button for your new account. The page that opens will give you the choice of three operating systems. You need to choose the one that you'll use to view Web Disk.

Main headings are Apple Operating Systems, Microsoft Operating Systems, and Linux/BSD Operating Systems. Each has a drop-down list of different systems. Find your system and follow the directions given in the display box.

There is a link to click to create a Desktop Shortcut, and a pop-up will open to start running the script. Click OK, and you are now able to launch Web Disk using the icon on your desktop.

Return to your main cPanel page by clicking on the HOME icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to set up Web Disk, for the purpose of dragging and dropping files directly to and from your hosting account to your home computer.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software.

This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page.

This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload. Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task.

Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager. It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

Using the Disk Usage Viewer

This tutorial will teach you how to use the disk usage viewer. The disk usage viewer provides a quick way to see the amount of disk space being used by folders. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the icon called Disk Space Usage. This will take you to the main page of the disk space usage page. On this page

you can see how much storage space is being used for each directory and sub-directory in your account. Scroll down to see the entire list of directories.

In the upper right corner of the list is a pull-down box called Actions. It can do many things, to show you different types of information. Some of the items in the Action box include Show Parent Directories, Show Top Level, Hide Small Files, and Show Files Sizes as Bytes.

Above the Left hand side are two buttons, Decrease Depth and Increase Depth. Increasing Depth will take you one more level down the path, for example:
from "mail/" to "mail/". Decreasing the depth will do the opposite.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to view the amount of storage space being used by your directories. This is useful in determining which directories are using the most storage space.

Return HOME by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. Once you know where most of your storage needs are, and where the most space is being used, you can determine whether you need to delete some files, or upgrade to a larger hosting package.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

FTP Programs Articles [Questions 18]

Configuring your web site in CuteFTP

To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in CuteFTP. Open the CuteFTP program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

To configure your web site in CuteFTP, you begin by clicking on the Site Manager button. This can be found in the icon menu of the second row, and is the first icon. It looks like an open book. This will open the Site Manager window. In the left hand panel, right-click the General FTP Sites folder. This will present you with a drop-down menu. Click on New Folder. You will now see a new folder in the left panel of the Site Manager, and you will need to enter a name for the new folder.

Now we need to configure a new site inside this folder. Click on the New button at the bottom. Then from the drop-down, click on FTP Site.

In the right hand window, there will be a general form. In the first blank, enter a name or Label for this new site. (This is for your reference only). In the next blank, enter the Host address. NOTE: The host address can be in the form of (where "" is substituted with your actual domain) or it can be just the IP address. If your domain name has not yet propagated,

you will need to use the IP address method. In the next two boxes, enter the username and password for the hosting account. Then click Exit when finished. We have successfully configured a new site in CuteFTP.

To connect to the site that we just configured, click on the Site Manager icon(the one that looks like a book). This will open the Site Manager window. In the left panel, the site we just created should be listed with the name that you gave it. Select this site. Then click on Connect in the bottom right corner. A small prompt will open. Click OK. You have now successfully connected to your web site via CuteFTP.

To disconnect, in the icon list click on the Disconnect Icon. (The one that looks like a plug being pulled out) This will close the connection. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in CuteFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FTP Voyager

This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager. To begin, we will assume that you have the program FTP Voyager already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to another server. Open the FTP Voyager program on your desktop. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to.

To configure your web site in FTP Voyager, you begin by clicking on the File button, located in the menu at the top of the program. This will open a drop-down menu, where you will click on the Site Profile Manager link. This will open the FTP Site Profile Manager window. Click on New Folder at the bottom of the window. You will see a new folder appear in the window, and a highlighted name in the Name bar on the right side.

Enter a name for this new folder in the name box on the right. With the new folder highlighted, click New Site below the left hand window. Now enter a name for the new site in the name bar on the right hand side.

Now you need to configure the Properties of the new site you are setting up. On the right hand side, there are several blank boxes to fill in. The first one you need is FTP Site. Type the FTP address of your web site in this box. It will be, with being your actual domain. You may also use your IP address in this space for the address.

NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use the IP address instead of the domain name. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous Login box. Now, in the next two boxes enter your FTP Username and Password. Check the save Password box. Then click on Connect.

You have now successfully configured your web site in FTP Voyager. You have set it up in the Site Profile Manager, and can now establish a connection. To close the connection, click on the Disconnect icon, located in the second menu bar at the top of the program. To Reconnect, click on Connect, the icon located in the second menu bar. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site in FTP Voyager for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection. You know how to connect, and how to disconnect.

Configuring your web site in FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to configure a web site in the FTP program, FileZilla. You should have FileZilla running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. Start by opening the program. In the menu bar, select File. In the drop-down menu, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window, and you need to click on the New Folder button.

This will show a new folder in the window on the left hand window, under My Sites. Enter a name for the new folder in the box. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Click on New Site, below the left hand window.

This will create a new site below the folder we just created. Enter a name for the new site in the box. On the right hand side, there is a box called Host:. In this box, enter the name of the Host. Scroll down a little, and select Normal for logon type. Enter the Username in the box below the Logon type. The next box is for your Password.

Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. That is it! You are now connected to the remote server. The login details have been saved for quicker connections in the future.

To disconnect from the server, click on Server in the top menu bar. Then click on Disconnect from the drop-down menu. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to configure a web site in the FTP program FileZilla, in order to establish an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in this program. We will assume that you already have the program FlashFXP on your computer. It should be running, but not connected at this time to any remote servers. The main screen is two large windows. The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right window is the remote server, or your web site, in this case. Currently, the right screen is blank since you are not connected to any remote servers.

Let's begin to configure your web site. To start, in the menu bar at the top of the FlashFXP window, click on the Sites link. From the drop-down, select Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window.

Click on the New Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button. Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the New Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new web site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is IP Address. Type the ftp address of your web site in this box. This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field.

Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box.

Next, enter the remote path where your web site files should be uploaded within your hosting account. (This is usually public_html) The next blank box is the Local Path, where you need to select the location on your computer that you want displayed in the left side window of FlashFXP.

Check to make sure everything has been entered properly and click on the Apply button at the bottom. Then click on Close. This will take you back to the main window of FlashFXP.

To connect, click the Connect icon, which is located over the remote server window, and looks like a lightning bolt. From the drop-down, select the group you created earlier. Then select the link to your web site. Click on it to start the connection.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program FlashFXP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in LeapFTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP. This is the first step to using LeapFTP to upload and download files/folders and then manage those files/folders. We will assume that you have LeapFTP running on your computer, but you are not currently connected to any remote servers. The main screen consists of two large windows.

Let's begin to configure our web site in LeapFTP. Start by clicking the Sites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down, click on Site Manager. This will open the Site Manager window. Click on the Add Group button in the bottom left corner. In the pop-up box, enter a name for the new group, then click on the OK button.

Now you need to configure a new site inside this new group that you just added. Click on the Add Site button at the bottom at the window. In the pop-up, enter a name for this new site, and then click the OK button.

Your new site will now show in the Site Manager window. Highlight it, and begin to fill in the blanks on the right hand side, which are the site properties. The first blank line is Address.

This is usually, with the being your actual domain name. It can also be your IP Address. NOTE: If your domain has not yet propagated, you will have to use you IP Address in this field. Your domain name will not work. The next two blanks are Username and Password. This is your Username and Password for this hosting account. Make sure you UN-check the Anonymous box. Click on Apply when finished, and then click on Connect. You have now successfully configured your web site in LeapFTP, and established a connection.

The left hand box is showing your local computer, and the right hand box is now showing the remote server (your web site).

To disconnect, click on the Disconnect Icon, at the top of the page in the row of icons. It is the plugs being taken apart.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the program LeapFTP for the purpose of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in SmartFTP

SmartFTP is a desktop program that allows you to make a connection between a local host (your computer) and a remote server (your web site). This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in SmartFTP. For the purposes of this tutorial, you should have the SmartFTP program running, but not connect to a remote server at this time. The main screen is a large blank window at this time, with a panel below it. The panel is your Transfer Queue, where you can see all the actions as they are taking place and what their status is.

Let's start by Clicking on the Favorites in the menu in the top of the window. From the drop-down, click on Edit Favorites. The Favorites window will open, and you will now click the New Folder icon. It is in the Icon menu bar at the top. This will create a new folder in the list on the right hand side, and you should now enter a name for the new folder. The folder will now show up in the list on the left hand side, and you should select it.

Now click the New Favorite Icon, from the Icon menu bar. It is located next to the new folder icon. This will show up in a list on the right hand side of the window. You now need to enter a new name for the new favorite, by clicking on it and typing in the name. Now we need to configure the properties of the new favorite we have just created.

With the new favorite selected, Click on the Properties Icon. It is located in the Icon menu bar, and looks like several pages stacked. After you click on this icon, it will open up the Properties window. You now need to fill in the details of your web site so that SmartFTP can connect to it via FTP. On the line marked HOST, type the FTP address of the web site. This could be, with the being your actual domain name, or your IP address.

However, if your domain name has not propagated yet, you will have to enter the web site IP address instead of the domain name. Now go to the Login section. Enter your FTP Username and Password in the correct boxes. Then click OK. You have now successfully configured your web site in SmartFTP by setting it up in Favorites. Close the Favorites box by clicking the x in the upper right corner

To connect to your web site, Click on Favorites in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the Drop-down, click on the folder name it's located in, and then click on the web site name itself. You are now connected to your web site via FTP. To disconnect , find and click the disconnect icon. It is located above the scroll down for the folders, and it looks like a computer with a red x at the end of its power cord. This is the end of this tutorial.

You know how to configure your web site in SmartFTP, for the purposes of establishing an FTP connection.

Configuring your web site in WS_FTP

You should have the program WS_FTP running on your computer, but you should not be connected to a remote server. This tutorial will teach you how to configure your web site in the program WS_FTP. The main screen of WS_FTP has two large windows. The one on the left is your local host, or your computer, and the window on the right is the remote server. The right window says Blank Connection Pane.

Let's Configure your web site. The first thing to do is to Click on the "Open a Remote Connection" link in the Remote server window. This opens the Site Manager window. Click on Create Folder. This opens a new window, New Site Folder. You need to enter a name for the new folder in the box, then click on OK. Now we need to configure a new site inside this new folder. Highlight the folder, and click on Create Site. This opens the Connection Wizard. On the first page, enter a name for the new site.

This should be a name to help you identify the site you are connecting with. When you are done, click Next. The usual connection type will be FTP, so click Next again. Now you need to enter the server address. The server address can be either in the form of "" where "" is your actual domain, or just the IP address.

Once you have entered the address, Click on the Next button. (If your domain hasn't propagated yet, you will have to use the IP Address method) The next screen asks for your User Name and Password for your hosting account. After you enter those, click on Next. Now comes the Finish screen.

If all the information is correct, click Finish to create the site. That takes us back to Site Manager, and the site is successfully configured to connect. To connect, just click on the Connect button. To disconnect, click the Disconnect icon at the top of the page to close the connection.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to configure your web site in the ftp program, WS_FTP. You can establish a connection with a remote server, and disconnect when you are done.

Configuring your web site in WinSCP

Configuring your web site in WinSCP is the first step to using this FTP program to upload and manage your files and folders on the remote server. This tutorial will assume that you have WinSCP already on your computer and have it running, but not connected to another server.

When opened, you will see a login screen. In the Session section, where it says Host Name, enter the server address in the box. In the next box, enter the User name. In the box across for the User Name, enter your password. Now click on Save. In the next pop-up window, click on OK.

Now the next box will ask you to name this session, so that you can find the connection again easily. Enter a name in the box that will enable you to remember what this connection was. Then click OK. This takes us back to the Login screen.

In the right hand window, you will see your session, with its new name listed. Make sure it is highlighted, and click on the Login button at the bottom. That's have now successfully connected with your web site via FTP, using WinSCP. The session is also saved for later use, making it easy to Login again. To Disconnect, go to the menu bar at the top. Click on Session. From the drop-down, click on Disconnect. You are now disconnected from the remote server. This ends this tutorial.

You now know how to configure your web site to connect with a remote server in the FTP program WinSCP.

Setting your preferences in FlashFXP

FlashFXP is a FTP program, and this tutorial is going to teach you how to set your preferences in this program. You should have already configured your web site in this program, and if you have not, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFXP". FlashFXP should be running on your computer, and not connected to a remote server at this time for the purposes of this tutorial.

Let's learn how to set your preferences. To Start, click on the Options link at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, click on Preferences. This will open a window called Configure FlashFXP. This is the main preferences window, and there are several options there to choose from. However, most options are pre-set, and won't need to be changed. Only change the options that you know are safe to change.

One thing you can change if you wish is the Timeout Retry Delay and Retry Count settings on the General page. On the Connections Page, you should not make any changes unless you really know what you are doing.

The Options page has settings that are in place to help you avoid deleting files by accident, and they should be left in the default setting. The transfer page should be left as Auto. On the Advanced page, you will probably want to have "show hidden files" selected, so that you can see all files, including .htaccess files.

On the Sounds page, you can assign sounds to specific events. To do this, simply select the event you want to assign a sound to, then locate a sound file on your computer. On the Display page, there are several display options you can choose from that will customize the look of FlashFXP to your personal taste.

There is a whole list of options to select from, such as flat toolbar buttons, display site names in caption, use high color toolbar buttons, and much more. You can choose how to display your file sizes as well, either Auto, KB or Bytes. When you are finished with any changes in the preferences window, click OK. This will return you to the main screen.

Now click on View from the main toolbar at the top of the FlashFXP window. From the drop-down, select Options. This opens a window called View Options. You can change the entire look of FlashFXP by changing the colors. Click OK, and return to the main screen.

This is the end of this tutorial. You now know how to set your preferences in FlashFXP and how to customize the look of the program to suit you.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using CuteFTP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload files and folders using the program CuteFTP. We will also teach you how to manage those files and folders once they are uploaded. To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. The main screen should be open. You will see two windows.

The one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to. There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

Now, let's start by learning how to upload files and folders, to a remote server from your computer. You need to find the Site Manager icon. It is in the menu bar of icons, the one that looks like an open book. Click on it. This will open the Site Manager window, and in the left hand window, you will see your site listed. If your site is not already configured, please see the tutorial "How to configure your web site in CuteFTP". Select this site by clicking on it. Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. This will open a small prompt window, you need to click OK again, and now you are connected and ready to upload.

You should now have both windows open. The left window should be displaying your local computer files, and the right hand window is displaying the remote server files.

To upload files, select the correct place for them to go in the remote server window. This is the first thing you need to do. Once you have determined where you are going to upload the files to, go to your local computer (left hand window) window, and select the files you want to upload.

To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. When you are ready to upload, go to the icon menu and locate the upload icon. It is the Green arrow.

Click on this icon to start transferring files to the remote server. To download a file from the remote server to your local computer, first select the file or files. Then go to the icon menu, and click the Green Down arrow. The file(s) will now download to your local computer. To close the connection with the remote server, from the icon menu, click on the icon that looks like a plug being unplugged.

This ends this part of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders in CuteFTP.

The next part of the tutorial deals with managing those files and folders. You should have CuteFTP running, and be connected to a remote server at this time. let's begin by creating a new folder in the remote server. There are two ways to create a new folder.

In the icon menu at the top, click on the New Folder icon, that looks simply like a folder. This will give you a window called New Folder, with a box for you to type a name for the new folder. When you are done, click OK. The other way is to right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will bring up a menu, and you will select New Folder.

Again, it will bring up the window for you to name the folder. To rename the folder, Right Click the folder, then from the menu, click on Rename. Type the new name in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. Files can be renamed the same way as folders.

To delete a file or folder, first make sure it is highlighted. Then go to the icon menu and locate the big red X, over the remote server window. Click on this to delete. CuteFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete, so click on the Yes button.

That file or folder is now deleted. The next step is to learn how to change permissions. In the remote server window, you need to select the file for which you want to change permissions. Then from the Icon menu, find the Properties icon, which is a sheet of paper with a red check mark. Click on the Properties Icon. This opens the Properties window for the file you selected.

To change permissions, simply enter the new permissions value in the box provided, or check off the appropriate permission boxes. When you are done, click Apply, then click OK. Your permission have now been changed.

This ends this tutorial. You now know how to manage files and folders. You can create folders (directories), delete files and folders, change permissions and rename files and folders in CuteFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FTP Voyager

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using FTP Voyager, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have FTP Voyager on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site. If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in FTP Voyager".

The main screen of FTP Voyager is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's begin by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Connect icon, located in the upper left corner. This opens the Site Profile Manager, where you will select your web site from the window on the left by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows. The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files. When you are done with your selection,

you are ready to upload. Click the Upload icon, which is above the local computer window, to start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Download Icon, which is located above the remote server window. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on New Folder. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, right click on the name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. A pop-up will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete. Click Yes. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select Properties/CHMOD.

This will open a window called File Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission. (Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box. When you are finished, click Apply.

You will get a pop-up saying you have changed permissions, and asking if you would like them applied. Click the Yes button. Then click OK. Permissions have now been changed. That will take you back to the main screen.

To close the connection to the remote server, Click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the FTP Voyager screen. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders. You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in FTP Voyager.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FileZilla

This tutorial will teach you how to upload files using the FTP program FileZilla, and then how to manage those files and folders. You should have already configured your web site in FileZilla, if you are having problems doing this, please view the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FileZilla".

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume you already have FileZilla running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server. The FileZilla main screen is divided into three panels. The top panel is a running record of every command and the response of the server. It allows you to verify that any action you are performing has been completed successfully. Below that are two screens. The left screen is your local site. The right screen is your remote host, or your web site.

Let's look at how to upload, or transfer, a file to a remote server. In the left hand window ( which is your local site), under the list called Filename, select a file you would like to upload. To select multiple files, press the CTRL (Control) key on your keyboard while making your selections. Right click the selected file(s).

This will open a menu. Click on Upload. That is all there is to it. If you look in the right hand window (the remote server) you can see the files have successfully been uploaded.

To download a file(s) from the remote server to your local site, right click on the file you wish to download. When the menu opens, select Download. The file has now been downloaded, and can be seen in the list of files on the left hand side, in your local site. You now know how to transfer, or upload and download files from a remote server using the FTP program FileZilla.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Create Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder. Enter the name where it is highlighted. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. Enter the new name of the folder in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. To delete a folder, right click on the folder name. From the drop-down menu, select Delete. The folder is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and right click on the file name in the remote server window. From the drop-down menu, select File Attributes. This will open a window called Change the attributes. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen.

This ends the tutorial. You can now also manage files and folders in FileZilla, including creating and renaming new folders, deleting folders, and changing file permissions.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using FlashFXP

This tutorial will teach you how to upload (or transfer) files and folders to your web site using the program FlashFXP. We will assume that you have the program loaded on your computer, and configured to connect with your web site. If you don't have it configured yet, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in FlashFPX" to learn how. For the purpose of this tutorial, you should have FlashFXP running, but not connected with to a remote server at this time.

Let's begin by learning how to transfer files and folders from your local computer to the remoter server. The first thing you will need to do is make a connection with your web site. Click the Sites link in the tool bar at the top of the FlashFXP window. Click on Site Manager in the drop-down. This will open the Site Manager window. Before you connect to a remote server, you should double check the settings to make sure they are correct.

If everything in the Site Manager is correct, click on the Close button. Now you can establish your connection by clicking on the Reconnect Icon, which looks like a lightening bolt.

From the drop-down, click on the folder your web site is located in, and then click on your web site name. This will connect you with the remote server. You are now connected and ready to upload and download folders and files.

The right window lists the files and folders on the remote server, or your web site. The left window shows the files and folders on your computer. To upload a file to your web site, find the file you are going to transfer in your computer window. Right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Transfer.

Your file has now been uploaded, and is visible in the remote server window.

You can select several files to upload at once by clicking the first file, holding down the SHIFT key, and then selecting the last file to be uploaded. This will highlight all the files in between the two selected files.

You will transfer these using a different method, by clicking on the Transfer Icon. This icon is located above the local computer window, with a brown arrow pointing down. All the files are now showing on the remote server.

You can also download files to your computer from the remote server. Select a file by highlighting it. Then click the Transfer Icon above the remote server window, and the download is complete. If the file already exists on your computer, a window will open to confirm that you do really want to transfer the file and overwrite the existing file. If you do, click on the Overwrite button.

If you are downloading several pages, and wish to overwrite all of them, there is a button for that, called Overwrite All. The file has been successfully transferred back to your computer.

To create a new folder on the remote server, right click anywhere in the right window. When the menu opens, click on Make Folder. This will open a pop-up box, where you will be asked to name the new folder. When you have typed the name, click OK. Your new folder is now showing in the remote server window.

To rename a folder or file, right click on it. From the drop-down menu, click on Rename. Enter the new name in the highlighted box by after the folder or file. It has now been renamed.

Now let's learn how to change permissions of a file on the remote server. Start by selecting the file you want to change the permissions of, and right click on the file name. From the drop-down menu, click on Attributes (CHMOD). This will open a window called Change Attributes. You may change the permissions by clicking on the individual boxes by the new permissions, or by simply changing the numeric value in the permissions box. When you are done, click OK. The changed file permissions will be displayed in the remote server window, in the information about the file.

To disconnect from the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon. It is located above the remote server window, and looks like two blue plugs being pulled apart. This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download file and folders using FlashFXP. You also know how to manage those files and folders. You have learned how to create folders, rename them, delete them, change permissions of files, and disconnect from your remote server.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using LeapFTP

With this tutorial, you are going to learn how to upload and download files and folder using LeapFTP, and then you will learn how to manage those files using the FTP program. We will assume that you already have LeapFTP on your computer, and it is running, but not yet connected to a remote server. You should already have configured it to connect with your web site.

If you have not done this, and you need assistance, please see the tutorial: "Configure your web site in LeapFTP".

The main screen of LeapFTP is two windows. The one on the left is the local host, or your computer. The one on the right is the remote server, or your web site.

Let's start by connecting to the remote server. Click on the Sites link, located in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down menu, click on Site Manager, which opens the Site Manager window. In the left window, select your web site by highlighting it. Then click Connect. You have now successfully established an FTP connection between your computer and your web site, and have two open windows.

The files on your local computer are displayed in the left window, and the remote server (your web site) files are in the right window.

The first step in uploading a file or folder is to decide where it should go. You should start at public_html/ and navigate out from there to decide where to place the folder/file. When you have decided upon placement, you need to go to your local computer window and select the file(s) you want to upload. Select files by highlighting their names. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files.

When you are done with your selection, you are ready to upload. Click the Commands link, which is in the menu bar at the top of the page. From the drop-down list.

click on Upload. This will start the transfer. When the files are successfully uploaded, you will see them displayed in the remote server window.

To download a file, select a file or files the same way you did to upload. Then click on the Command link from the menu bar, and from the drop-down list click on Download. When the download is completed, the file(s) will display in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files. To create a File in the Remote server, Right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will open a menu. Click on Make Directory. A window with a box will then pop up, asking you to enter a name for the new folder(Directory). Enter the name. Then click OK. You have now created a new folder and it can be seen in the remote server window.

To rename a folder, in the remote server window, right click on the folder name. From the drop down menu, select Rename. A pop-up will open, asking you to enter the new name of the folder. Enter the new name, and click OK. The folder has now been renamed. You can also rename files the same way you rename folders.

To delete a folder or file, make sure that it is highlighted. Then click on the Delete icon, which is located in the icon menu at the top of the page. It is a page, with a big red x across it. You will now get a confirmation pop-up. Click on the Yes button. At the second confirm message, click Yes. The folder/file is now deleted.

Now we will learn how to change file permissions. Find the file you wish to change permissions for, and highlight the file name. From the Icon menu, select the Properties Icon, that looks like a page with a hand pointing at it. This will open a window called Properties. It shows all the available attributes for each level of permission.

(Read, Write, and Execute in Owner Permissions, Group Permissions, and Public or World Permissions) You will change them by clicking in the box of the ones you wish to change. You may also change by simply entering the new permissions value in the numeric value box.

When you are finished, click OK. That will take you back to the main screen. Permissions have now been changed.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is located at the top of the LeapFTP screen. It looks like two plugs being pulled apart. This will terminate your session. This is the end of this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files and folders.

You should also know how to manage those files and folders by creating folders, renaming folders/files, deleting them, and changing permissions in LeapFTP.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using SmartFTP

This tutorial is presented to teach you to upload and then manage your files and folders to your web site using the desktop program, SmartFTP. We will assume that you already have SmartFTP on your computer, and that you have it running, but not connected yet to any remote server. If you don't have your web site configured in SmartFTP yet, and need some assistance, please see the tutorial "Configuring your web site in SmartFTP". The program opens with a large blank window.

Let's learn how to upload your files and folders from your local host, or your computer to the remote server. First you need to open a browser window. Click on File, in the upper left corner. From the drop-down menu, click on New Local Browser. This will open a browser window, and you will see folders and files located on your computer.

The next step is to establish a connection with the remote server. There are two methods. The first method: Under the menu bar at the top of the window, you will see a series of boxes. The first box is called Address. The second box is Login, and the third box is Password. Into the first box, you would enter the remote server name, into the second box enter your FTP username and into the third you enter your FTP password. You then click the Green Arrow button at the end of the Address box.

This will connect you with the remote server. The second method is to select Favorites from the menu bar at the top of the window. Select the folder you created for your web site, and click on it. Then click on the address of the web site. You are now connected using this method.

You now have two open windows. The one the right is the local host, or your local computer. The window on the left is the remote server. The first step to uploading is to establish where on the remote server you are going to upload the files to. You should start by finding public/html, and begin navigating from there, until you find the location for the upload. Now you need to select the files in your local computer (the right window) screen for upload. To select the file, simply highlight name.

To upload multiple files, hold the CTRL key while selecting the files you want to upload. When you are done, click the Upload Icon between the screens to begin the upload. It is a Blue arrow. When the upload is complete, you will see the files listed in the remote server window.

To download a file(s), simply select the file(s) by highlighting them, the same as you did to upload files. Then when you are ready, click on the Download Icon, which is the Blue circle with an arrow between the windows, pointing at the right window. When the download is complete, you will see the files in the right hand window, where they have been successfully downloaded.

You will now learn how to manage files and folders in SmartFTP. The first thing you are going to do is create a new folder on the remote server. Begin by clicking on the New Folder icon, which is located above the left hand window, and looks like an open folder. This will create a new folder in the remote server screen, and you will now need to give it a name. Type a name in the box. To rename a folder, highlight the name. Click on the Rename Icon, which is above the remote server window, to the left of the big red x.

Type the new name in the box by the folder, and it is now renamed. Files can also be renamed this way.

To delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Now click on the Delete Icon. This is above the remote server window, and is a big red x. SmartFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete the item, so click on the Yes. The folder or file is now deleted.

Now you are going to learn how to change the permissions of a file. First, select the file you wish to change the permissions on in the remote server window by highlighting it. Then click the Properties Icon, above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a pencil in front of it. This will open the Properties window for the file you selected. To change the permissions, you can simply enter the new permissions value in the box, or you can check off the appropriate permission boxes from the list. When you are done changing permissions, click on OK. The permissions for the selected file have now been changed.

You can also view the contents of a file on the remote server without having to first download it to your computer. Select a file by highlighting it. Now click the View Icon, which is located above the remote server window. It looks like a page, with a green arrow pointing down. This will open your file for viewing, in a separate window. Close by clicking the x in the upper right corner.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the Disconnect Icon, which is above the remote server window. It looks like a computer with a red x on the cord. The SmartFTP program will ask you to confirm you want to close the Remote Browser. Click on the Yes. You are now disconnected.

This completes this tutorial. You should now know how to upload and download files in the program SmartFTP. You also know how to manage files and folders, by creating new folders, deleting folders, renaming files and folders, changing permissions, viewing files without downloading them, and closing your connection.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WS_FTP

This tutorial is going to teach you how to upload your files and folders using the program WS_FTP in the first part. The second part of the tutorial will address how to manage those files once you have them uploaded. For our purposes, you should have your web site configured in WS_FTP. If you do not, please view the tutorial, "Configuring your web site in WS_FTP". You should now have the WS_FTP program running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server at this time.

The main screen consists of two window. The left side window is the local host, or your computer. The right side window is the remote server.

Let's start by uploading, or transferring, files to the remote server from your local computer. In the remote server window, which is blank at this time, click on the Open a Remote Connection link. This will open the Site Manager window, and you will see the connection for your web site that we created listed in the left-side window. Select this, and click on Connect. You now have an open FTP connection between your remote server and your local computer. You now have two windows open.

The left window still displays your local computer files, and the right window displays the remote server files of your web site.

The first step to uploading is to select where in the remote server the files are going to go. By clicking through the folders and files, you should find where you wish to upload to. Usually, you can start at /public/html and work your way out from there until you reach the upload destination. Next, you need to select the file(s) you want to upload from your local computer window. To select, click on the file name. To select more than one file, hold the CTRL (Control) key while selecting files.

When you are ready to upload, Click on the Arrow key between the windows, pointing in the direction of the remote server window. The files are now uploaded, and displayed in the remote server window.To download a file, select the file or files. When ready, click on the Green arrow between the windows pointing toward your local computer window, and the file(s) are now downloaded. They are now listed in your local computer window.

Now let's learn how to manage files in WS_FTP. First we are going to create a new folder (Directory) on the remote server. In the Remote server window, locate the New Folder icon. Click on it. This will open a window called Make Directory. There is a box for you to enter a name for this new folder. Once you have done that, Click OK. The new folder is now visible in the Remote server window. To rename the folder, click on the name. Then Click File in the upper left corner of the main page.

From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. That opens another menu, where you will click on Rename. This opens a window, with a box for the new name. Enter the name and click OK. The Folder has now been renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

To Delete a file or folder, make sure it is highlighted. Click File in the upper left corner of the main page. From the drop-down menu, click on Operations. From the next drop-down click on Delete. WS_FTP will ask you to confirm the delete. Click Yes. The file or folder has now been deleted. To change permissions of a file, right click the file you wish to change. From the menu, click on Properties. This brings up the properties window for that file.

To change permissions, either enter the new permissions value in the box, or check the appropriate boxes for Owner, Group and World. When you are finished, click OK.

To close the connection to the remote server, click the disconnect icon at the top of the page. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using WS_FTP. You can manage those files, by creating new folders, renaming files and folders, deleting them, and changing permissions of files.

Uploading and managing your files and folders using WinSCP

The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload and download files, and manage those files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP. We will assume that you have WinSCP running on your computer, and are connected to a remote server at this time. The main screen consists of two windows.

The left window is the local host, or your computer. The right hand window is the remote server, which is your web site, or wherever you connect to.

First let's upload or transfer files from our computer to a remote server. In the left hand window, the local host, select the file(s) you want to upload to the remote server. To select multiple files, hold down the CTRL (Control) key, while selecting your files. Below the windows, locate a list of actions, one of which is F5 Copy. Click Copy.

The Copy window will open, and you will click on Copy again. The files have now been uploaded to the remote server, as you can see in the window.

To download a file from the remote server to the local host, or your local computer, select the file in the right hand window. Then click F5 Copy, which will open the Copy window. Click Copy again. That's all there is to it...the file is now downloaded to the local host, and is able to be viewed in the left hand window. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the FTP program WinSCP.

The next step to using WinSCP is to learn how to manage files with the program. To Delete a file, first click on the file name and highlight it. In the list of actions at the bottom, Click on F8 Delete. The file is now deleted.

Now let's create a new folder (or directory) on the remote server. In the list of actions below the windows, click on F7 Create Directory. This opens a small Create folder window. In the box, type the name of the new folder, and then click OK. Your folder is now created, and you can see it in the list of folders in the remote server window on the right hand side. To rename a folder, select the folder to be renamed and highlight it. In the menu at the bottom of the windows, click on F2 Rename. Type the new name in place of the old name. The folder is now renamed. Files can also be renamed the same way.

The next thing to manage is permissions. To change permissions, select a file, and make sure it is highlighted. From the menu at the bottom, find and click on F9 Properties. This opens a window that shows the current permissions assigned to that file.

To change permissions, simply enter a check mark in the appropriate box. The Groups are Owner, Group, and Others(World), and the permissions allowed are read, write and execute. You need to decide how much freedom others should have to act upon your file.

After you have checked the boxes you wish to mark, click on OK, and the permissions have been successfully changed.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders using the WinSCP program. You also know how to manage those files and folders, including creating new folders, renaming them, deleting them, and changing permissions.

Using File Manager

This tutorial will teach you how to use the File Manager feature in cPanel. File Manager will allow you to perform any FTP or Management functions as required without any special software. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial named "How to Login to cPanel".

Scroll down to the section called Files, and click on the icon marked File Manager. This will take you to the File Manager interface. You can use the File Manager to upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and several other functions.

On the left side you will find an expandable list of the folders in your account. On the right is a list of all the files and folders within the folder that you select on the left. The public_html folder is where your web site files (things like html pages, gif images, etc) must be placed.

To upload files, click on the folder icon (in the list on the left hand side) of the folder you want to place the upload into. Then click on the Upload icon in the list at the top of the page. This will take you to a page that will show how much space is available for uploads, and give you space to select files to upload.

Click on the Browse button, and look through the files on your computer for the one you wish to upload. When you find it, click on it, and click open.

If you have more files to upload, repeat this. Otherwise, click on the Back sentence at the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the main File Manager page. It will verify that your page(s) have been uploaded successfully.

There are several things you can do with files in the File Manager. Some of them are Delete, Rename, View, Edit and Change Permissions. Each item will bring up a separate screen, that will give you directions to follow to perform the task. Now click the HOME icon in the upper left corner of the page to return to the main cPanel page. This ends the tutorial on the File Manager.

It is a quick and easy way to access and manage your files without having to use an FTP program.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

GSuite Articles [Questions 1]

How do I generate a transfer token?

If you have access to the G Suite Admin Console, you can generate the transfer token yourself. Follow the steps below to generate the transfer token:

Go to
Sign in with your G Suite Administrator username and password.
The page automatically generates a token.
Copy the token’s alphanumeric code.
Note: The transfer token is valid for a period of 14 days. After expiry, a new transfer token can be generated from G Suite Admin Console.

Introduction To Web Hosting [Questions 5]

How to do a TELNET on a PC (Windows) OS

From time to time you may need to perform an operation called "TELNET".
You can use TELNET to check connections to certain ports on a server.

To begin you press the "START" button on your browser taskbar, (found in the lower left corner of your browsers screen).
This should bring up your Start Menu.
Find "Run" and enter the letters "CMD" (without the quotes).
Press the button marked "OK".

This will open a black command prompt screen.
on it you will find a small flashing cursor. Leave it where it is.
To run a TELNET on your email to check for connection to sending (SMTP),
Type the following (without the quotes):
(you can change the port to which ever port you need to check, commonly 25 or 26), then press "ENTER"

You should receive in return a screen something to the effect of: ESMTP Exim 4.69 #1 Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:38:20 -0400
220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited,
220 and/or bulk e-mail.

A return with 220 codes for an smtp TELNET means you have connected to the server.
The exact verbiage you get back will be determined by your host.
Being able to connect to the server means the server is not an issue if you are having a problem sending, areas to look at would be your ISP, your Mail Program, and your Program Settings

You can TELNET to any port you choose, some ports may be blocked your host will direct you.

Installing TELNET Client in Windows Vista

By default, Vista doesn�t install the Telnet client.
The client is for text-based communication with remote systems.
You can install it by following these steps:

1. Click Start then select Control Panel.
2. Select Programs and Features.
3. Select Turn Windows features on or off.
4. Select the Telnet Client option.
5. Click OK.
6. A dialog box will appear to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available

What do you mean when you say gigabyte, megabyte, or GB and MB

This tutorial will explain the different units of measurement that you might find on a computer.

The bit is the smallest unit of measurement on a computer. There is almost always eight bits in one byte. Very often these two terms are confused with each other. To make it even more confusing, the abbreviation for bit is a lowercase b, while byte is abbreviated with an uppercase B.

Most of the time, a kilobyte refers to 1024 bytes. A megabyte is 1024 kilobytes, and a gigabyte is 1024 megabytes. The next level would be terabytes, or 1024 gigabytes, but hard drives really haven't gotten past that at this point in time.

However, when you are talking about the speed of an internet connection, it is almost always going to be referred to in bits, whether it is kilobits (Kb), megabits (Mb), or gigabits (Gb). So, if the speed of a connection is referred to in megabits, for example, it would be megabits per second, or Mbps.

That means a 100 Mbps connection can transfer 100 megabits every second, which equals about 12.5 megabytes per second.

What is Web Hosting

What is Web Hosting? It is a very important part of the way the Internet works today. To most people, the Internet seems to just work all by itself, but many website owners have come to learn that is not the case at all.

A web hosting service is a type of service provided by thousands of companies that allows individuals and organizations to make their own websites accessible on the World Wide Web, by way of computer servers that are connected to the Internet 24/7.

Web hosts are companies that provide space on a computer system called a server they own or lease for use by their clients, and which are maintained in entire buildings called datacenters.

These datacenters are climate controlled, as well quality and security controlled.

Web hosting give you access to the servers, via the Internet. With that access, you can upload your website to the server. Once it is configured properly, computers around the world will quickly know exactly where to find your website.

There are many different types of web hosting providers, but you have chosen our hosting company based on your own particular needs. Most clients are just starting out, and are enjoying our popular shared hosting plan.

This means you are sharing a server with many other clients� websites, but you are still getting the quality and reliability for the cheapest cost.

This ends this tutorial. We have touched briefly on the subject of what is web hosting.

What is an IP Address...Do I need a Dedicated IP

This tutorial will look at the definition of IP addresses and help you decide if you need a Dedicated IP. An IP Address is an Internet Protocol Address.

It is a unique number address that every server that has access to the Internet is required to have in order for other computers on the WWW to identify the server. To a computer, it is like a phone number.

When you signed up for services from our hosting company, you were given an IP address to use until your domain name propagated.

That IP address is how computers from all around the world will find your website, identifying it by the numbers. Every server is running a domain name server (DNS) at all times, which works like a switchboard for all the incoming requests for websites.

The server can identify your site based on the IP numbers, and will then fetch it for the browser requesting it. The DNS server is responsible for informing all the other computers on the Internet about your website address and domain name. It keeps track of which domain names correspond to which IP addresses.

The IP address you were given is probably a shared one. You will usually share one with many other domain names.

The important thing is that you have an IP address assigned to your domain, and that all the right nameservers know what it is. You can also purchase a dedicated IP Address from us, and that will be your address alone. But do you need a dedicated IP? Most websites don't.

The most common reason that a website would need a dedicated IP is if it requires an SSL certificate for operating secure connections. Usually these are necessary if you are operating a business that processes transactions over the Internet. Any eCommerce site should have an SSL Certificate, and therefore would require a dedicated IP.

This concludes the tutorial about IP's. You now know a little more about IP's and dedicated IP's and who should have one.